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  • Got my vaccine shot yesterday so far no bad side effects, I feel that i can be more relaxed now when it comes to social distancing, but intellectually I know that I still need to be careful.

    You do need to be careful. Wait 6 to 10 days before you start to relax. The vaccine takes that long to begin protecting you. As of today, you are as vulnerable to infection as you were before you got the shot.

    After 10 days, even 1 dose produces considerable protection. You can relax and get back to your life! In my case, that meant getting the car fixed, the computer fixed, and calling in a plumber. That shows how boring my life is.

    I had no side effects from either dose other than a little soreness. Some people are more affected. My wife felt ill for about a day after the second dose.

  • This is utter bullshit. It is contradicted by the Israeli Min. of Health data, and by data from every other public health agency and public and private hospital. mRNA vaccines have been tested for 20 years, on animals and people, and there is no sign of such problems. They have been administered to 600 million people, some over a year ago, without a single one of these problem. The data from the Israel Min. Health shows that cases and deaths fell soon after vaccinations began, and they are approaching zero:

    The effects of the mRNA vaccine are completely gone within days, both RNA and proteins, leaving only antibodies. There is no way it could cause harm weeks or years later.

  • The UK is doing wonderfully well. They have only vaccinated 50% of the population, but it looks as if they are approaching herd immunity. Look at the data:

    In July 2020, cases fell to ~600/day and deaths to ~10/day. But that was only accomplished with tremendous sacrifices by everyone, in lockdowns, with untold economic, social and psychological damage. That's the last ditch, most desperate way to stop a pandemic. It is better than having thousands of people die every day, but there isn't much better to say about it. Look at the data now. I have read that the lockdowns are almost completely over in the UK. People are getting back to their lives. Thanks to the vaccines, cases and deaths are back to the lowest point in July, and they are still falling. They are asymptotically approaching zero. Wonderful!

    Navid, Whyttenbach, Swartz and the other Death Cult fanatics don't want you to believe this. They want you believe their lies, instead of the facts from the UK and Israel. They want to kill millions more people, and sow fear and despair throughout society. Their goal is enhance their own power, and to destroy science and rationality.

  • New Report Sheds Light on Vaccine Doomsday Cult

    “The risk-benefit calculus is therefore clear: the experimental vaccines are needless, ineffective and dangerous. Actors authorizing, coercing or administering experimental COVID-19 vaccination are exposing populations and patients to serious, unnecessary, and unjustified medical risks.” Doctors for Covid Ethics, April 29, 2021"…ine-doomsday-cult/5744267

    Could Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks?

  • without a single one of these problem.

    Maybe there could be one or two..

    here is the English version


    In our analysis, we have found a relatively high rate of cardiac-related injuries. 26% of all
    cardiac events occurred in young people below the age of 40, the most common diagnosis in
    these cases being myocarditis or pericarditis."

    I guess we have to await the full report from Feinstein et al.. to clarify what relatively high means inter alia..


    This is a brief summary of the full report released due to the urgency of its contents.
    The full report will be published and distributed soon.

    soon! אִם יִרְצֶה הַשֵּׁם

  • Just to repeat it for our true death cult free mason member JedRothwell.

    Even the pro-vax report of Tony Blair (linked above) shows that the Pfizer vaccine is dangerous for young people = higher death risk from vaccine than from CoV-19.

    Europe data from today: >100'000 serious events with Pfizer RNA vaccine > 6000 deaths from all CoV- vaccines.

    We all here recommend to vaccinate people age > 65 but that should be all! Only exception people with severe pre-conditions.


    (probably similar for other reporting systems)


    It’s designed so that anyone — parents, patients and health care professionals — can freely report any health effects that occur after a vaccination, according to the CDC, whether or not those effects are believed to be caused by the vaccine. The reports are not verified before they’re entered into the database. But anyone with a computer can search the data, download it, sort through the numbers and interpret them as they wish


    VAERS has proven to be an effective tool for the CDC, FDA and researchers skilled at interpreting the enormous volumes of data that the system generates.

    So how should the rest of us analyze those numbers?

    Offit has a straightforward answer: We shouldn’t.

  • But anyone with a computer can search the data, download it, sort through the numbers and interpret them as they wish

    Oh yeas, its difficult to interpret death - may be it should be replaced by happy hour in paradise... Thanks to Pfizer!

    The real problem with VERS (as a paper shows) even deaths must no be reported. This is different in Europe. VERS contains less than 1/10 of the real adverse events data. Why has Europe about 240'000 cases for Pfizer alone??? and VERS reports some thousand events? Same as Ivermectin it should not happen....

    • Official Post

    This a good reason I distrust these so called "fact checkers"...whatever their political leanings. And all BTW lean one way or the other. The article by Politifact does a good job laying out the history of VAERS. From what I read, it (VAERS) is used as a "bird in the coalmine", or an early warning system for potential problems. If the bird dies, they investigate further.

    Those investigations have historically lead to some notable successes that saved many lives, and some false leads. This Dr. Offit though, claims in this case VAERS reporting (COVID Vaccine deaths/side effects) is misleading.

    He may be right, or wrong, but to be honest, I do not trust him, and especially this Politifact. I think we get better pro/con commentary here on the forum.

  • VAERS has proven to be an effective tool for the CDC, FDA and researchers skilled at interpreting the enormous volumes of data that the system generates.

    So how should the rest of us analyze those numbers?

    Offit has a straightforward answer: We shouldn’t.

    Harsh! Harsh. I would go easier on the rest of us. I say go ahead and analyze those numbers. Poke at them. Graph them. Look for trends. But you have bring the right attitude. If your reach a conclusion very different from the experts, you should assume you are wrong. You probably missed the point somewhere. You used the wrong technique. Do not jump to the conclusion that the experts are wrong, or worse, that they are corrupt and deliberately publishing false assertions.

    Working with data in biology or epidemiology, an amateur is likely to make fallacies such as questionable cause, post hoc, confusing cause and effect, and so on. See:

    The most common amateur error with COVID is looking at how many people die within a week of getting vaccinated. The absolute number of dead people is sure to be high, because hundreds of millions of people were vaccinated, and most of them were elderly. There is no doubt they are dead -- dead as smelts. What is difficult to know is whether the vaccine had anything to do with it. Was it a coincidence? You have to compare them to people who were not vaccinated, and people in previous years before the pandemic. You have to read samples of the medical reports. Of course there is no way to be certain of any given case, but an expert knows how to reach a reliable estimate of the trends.

    I have not poked around in the VAERS database much, but I have explored data at the Energy Information Agency I highly recommend this to anyone interested in energy. On a few occasions I communicated with the authors of the reports there, asking questions, for example about how much power cell phone towers use. On one occasion, with regard a minor issue, I pointed out a weakness in a database. A conversion that I thought missed the mark. The author did not agree, but he saw what I was getting at. So that made me feel like a real insider. For about a half hour.

  • He may be right, or wrong, but to be honest, I do not trust him, and especially this Politifact.

    Did you find anything specifically wrong in this article? Something that looks like a mistake, or a political statement? I don't see anything. This squares with other sources of information, and with common sense. It mentions the problem I just listed: old people often die.

    If -- as you say -- you can't judge whether he is right, or wrong, then you have no basis to say "I do not trust him." This is a technical issue. You can only judge it with reference to facts and science. If you know the science, you can probably spot an author who is introducing too much politics or personal opinion. (As Bacon described in detail 1620, all authors do this to some extent.)

    Obviously Offit (the expert who is quoted) is going to have the views of a mainstream, institutional researcher. He wouldn't have his job if he was a maverick. You know where he is coming from. Fleischmann and Bockris were dismissive of non-experts and people outside of electrochemistry who tried to find errors in their work. What attitude would you expect them to have? Look at the textbook Bockris wrote. He had encyclopedic knowledge, and he was an overbearing, slave-driving, conservative, right-wing person. Not the kind who suffers fools gladly. You can take that into account.

    • Official Post

    Did you find anything specifically wrong in this article? Something that looks like a mistake, or a political statement? I don't see anything. This squares with other sources of information, and with common sense. It mentions the problem I just listed: old people often die.

    Pretty simple. Here is what the CDC website says:

    "Over 245 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through May 3, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 4,178 reports of death (0.0017%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records has not established a causal link to COVID-19 vaccines."

    Here is what Politifact then asks about this data, to which Dr. Offit answers:

    "VAERS has proven to be an effective tool for the CDC, FDA and researchers skilled at interpreting the enormous volumes of data that the system generates.

    So how should the rest of us analyze those numbers?

    Offit has a straightforward answer: We shouldn’t.

    It’s natural for people to seek out information to safeguard their family’s health and to look to government health agencies for guidance and data. But as the VAERS website itself warns, the reports in the system are not nearly enough to determine whether a vaccine causes a particular health event."

    The 4,1678 figure may be a gross under exaggeration according to VAERS historical data collection gathering, or an over exaggeration. Offit feels in this case it should be ignored nonetheless, but admits the data has been a good bell-weather in the past for other diseases.

    It needs to be investigated further IMO. At the least, it could form the basis for a solid risk/benefit analysis to determine if getting vaccinated is worth it for the younger people. For us old folks, and the young and infirm, it seems pretty clear we need to get vaccinated.

    • Official Post…943?mod=opinion_lead_pos5

    Good article saying basically what many here concluded long ago:

    "Some clear thinking based on data that were available last spring would have led to two insights. First, the benefits of protecting the old and vulnerable exceed the costs. Second, the costs of protecting the young and healthy exceed the benefits."

    "We find that the benefits of protection are disproportionately higher for older people. Consider two extremes: the 18-year-old and the 85-year-old. If the 18-year-old dies, he loses 61.2 years of expected life. That’s a lot. But the probability of the 18-year-old dying, if infected, is tiny, about 0.004%. So the expected years of life lost are only 0.004% times 35% times 61.2 years, which is 0.0009 year. That’s only 7.5 hours. Everything this younger person has been through over the past year was to prevent, on average, the loss of 7.5 hours of his life.

    Now consider the 85-year-old. If he dies, he will lose 6.4 years of expected life. The probability of dying, if infected, is much higher for him, about 8%. So the expected years of life lost are 8% times 35% times 6.4 years, which is 0.179 year—65 days. The benefits of protection, measured in life expectancy, are 210 times as high for the older person."

  • This is simple minded. Who in the older group were likely to die - obese, dementia, diabetes - so the risk is not symmetric in the elderly. How do we know the people who die immediately, or die "silently" from the vaccine were not the same group of immune comprimised / inflamed that were in the target market for serious Covid.

    And the stupidest, utterly dispicable, crime against humanity is that close to 100% of those who supposedly are at risk from Covid19 can survive with ivermectin early, aspirin and steroids at the right dose when/if needed.

    This is all a big manufactured event to usher in a vaccine-initiated control grid. This time next year, you will be talking about an entirely more draconian level of control.

  • Expert: Convergent Evolution Occurring Among COVID-19 Variants, With Mutations From Abroad Simultaneously Hitting the US…ltaneously-hitting-the-us

    Expert: Convergent Evolution Occurring Among COVID-19 Variants, With Mutations From Abroad Simultaneously Hitting the US

    May 5, 2021

    Alana Hippensteele, Editor

    When looking at the COVID-19 variants, it is increasingly necessary to assess them in terms of the mutations embedded in the variants themselves.

    When looking at the COVID-19 variants, it is increasingly necessary to assess them in terms of the mutations embedded in the variants themselves, explained Scott Gottlieb, MD, former commissioner of the FDA from 2017 to 2019, during a session at the NACDS 2021 Annual Meeting. Ultimately, it’s the mutations that create the risk depending on the type embedded in the variant.

    Currently, there are certain mutations and variants that are being followed closely by investigators across the world. For example, the mutation E484K present in the South African variant B.1.351 seems to create a greater risk for reinfection and decrease some of the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines. This same E484K mutation has also been found to be present in the Brazilian variant P.1 and the New York variant B.1.526.

    Gottlieb noted that the Los Angeles variant has a different mutation; however, a mutation present in this variant has been found to increase the fitness of the virus and its propensity to spread and, perhaps, reduce the efficacy of prior immunity.

    Additionally, epistasis can occur among multiple variants, which is the combination of variant mutations into new strains that have much different characteristics from the original mutations.

    “A mutation that has a certain characteristic and another mutation that has a certain characteristic, when you combine them together in 1 strain, suddenly you get a much different virus that has very unique characteristics that are very dissimilar to any of the characteristics of the individual mutations,” Gottlieb said during the session. “You can get a mutation that does X and a mutation that does Y, and when you put them together, it doesn’t do X and Y, it does Z.”

    Epistasis may be what is occurring with the B.1.617 variant found in India, Gottlieb explained. In this variant, there are 2 mutations embedded within it that are of the greatest concern. One of these is similar to the E484K mutation but is called the E484Q mutation, whereas the other mutation is similar to the mutation of concern embedded in the Los Angeles variant. In the B.1.617 variant, both of these new mutations are present.

    “That seems to be responsible for the out of control epidemic that is underway in India right now. The incidence of that B.1.617 mutation has gone from about 20% of cases 2 months ago to over 80% of cases at the beginning of this month, which means it must be higher right now because we only have data as of the beginning of April,” Gottlieb said during the session.

    However, in order for the United States to be affected by the variants from India, South Africa, or Brazil, it is not necessary for the variants themselves to be transported into the country from abroad. Instead, convergent evolution is occurring, which is where the variants are growing up simultaneously in multiple parts of the world.

    “They’re happening spontaneously. So, you don’t necessarily need them to be imported—they’re happening right here,” Gottlieb said during the session. “That’s why it’s important to get control of the virus.”

    Some investigators in the field are considering that as the B.1.1.7 variant from the UK becomes the prevalent strain, it’s going to crowd out some of these other mutations. This may happen because the B.1.1.7 variant is similar enough to other mutations that people who were infected with B.1.1.7 will have some cross-immunity to the other strains.

    Additionally, some investigators are considering that the virus may reach a fitness level whereby multiple mutations have evolved at once, leading the virus to not evolve at the same pace as it did initially. This may mean that the rate of change in the virus may start too slow.

    “It has a certain repertoire, it has a certain range of things that it was going to do to try to evade our immunity, and if there are 20 things that it can do, it may have already done 15 of them,” Gottlieb said during the session.

    In this way, COVID-19 may not be like the flu, in which the virus continuously adapts in order to stay ahead of our immunity to it, Gottlieb explained.

    “It did a lot of evolution very quickly because of the intense pressure it was under and its wide spread,” Gottlieb said. “Now, it’s reached a new fitness level, and it’s rate of change is going to start too slow.”

  • Big pharma, bringing you a better life, at any cost!!!…rug-factories-2021-05-05/

    EXCLUSIVE Lilly hit by staff accusations, FDA scrutiny at COVID drug factories

    Eli Lilly & Co (LLY.N) employees have accused a factory executive of altering documents required by government regulators in an effort to downplay serious quality control problems at the U.S. plant producing the drugmaker’s COVID-19 treatment, according to an internal Lilly complaint and a source familiar with the matter.

    The unsigned report, filed April 8 in Lilly’s confidential employee complaint system and reviewed by Reuters, is the latest sign of manufacturing problems at the drug giant. The complaint asserts that the executive, a top quality official at the company’s factory in Branchburg, New Jersey, rewrote findings by Lilly technical experts at the plant, which has been under investigation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, to make the conclusions appear more favorable to the company.

    The source, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the findings involved the production of drugs including Lilly’s COVID-19 therapy, whose use in the United States is funded by the federal government. The coronavirus antibody treatment, bamlanivimab, has been authorized by the FDA for emergency use in combination with a second Lilly drug for mild to moderate infections in people at high risk of severe illness.

    Separately, FDA inspectors in March identified numerous manufacturing lapses at a second Lilly facility in Indianapolis that bottles the COVID-19 therapy and other drugs. The problems included substandard sanitation and quality control procedures, according to a preliminary FDA inspection report released to Reuters under open records laws. The Indianapolis inspection findings have not been previously reported.

    The troubles at the two factories, along with a succession of internal complaints in recent years, deepen the regulatory, production and leadership issues facing Lilly, one of the largest drugmakers in the world. In addition to the FDA investigations, Lilly’s chief financial officer resigned in February over what the company called “inappropriate personal communications” with an employee. He has declined to comment in the past and could not be reached Tuesday.

    As Reuters reported in March, a human resources officer at the Branchburg factory said she was forced out of her job after raising concerns about quality control, record-keeping and staff shortages in the Branchburg factory. The company has denied any retaliation against employees.

    Contacted by Reuters for this story, Lilly confirmed it had received the recent employee complaint about the Branchburg plant. The company said it could not comment further given that an investigation was underway by an independent third party, which it did not identify.

    “Depending on the outcome of that investigation, we will take appropriate action,” said Lilly spokeswoman Kathryn Beiser. “Lilly has long-standing policies and procedures designed to enable - and encourage - individuals to come forward with information about any potential issues or concerns without fear of retribution.”

  • Crazy times in manila

    Solons, doctors behind ivermectin distribution should be held liable— ex-DOH chief

    In the ANC interview, Cabral said she heard "a lot of harm coming from the use of ivermectin."…-liable-ivermectin-cabral

    Lawmakers and doctors who took part in the distribution of ivermectin in Quezon City may face charges for distributing the unregistered anti-parasitic drug as potential treatment for COVID-19, a former health secretary said Thursday.

    "The politicians [and] the doctors who administered ivermectin are liable and should be investigated and charges should be filed against them if found there is probable cause that they have violated the law," Dr. Esperanza Cabral told ANC.

    Last week, 4 doctors prescribed the deworming drug as a COVID-19 treatment at a distribution program organized by Anakalusugan Party-list Rep. Mike Defensor and Sagip Party-list Rep. Rodante Marcoleta despite warnings from several health organizations and medical groups

    Defensor had said ivermectin could be distributed through licensed compounding laboratories or pharmacies with doctor's prescription.

    The Food and Drug Administration has only given 5 hospitals compassionate special permit to use ivermectin as an investigational drug against the respiratory illness.

    Distribution of an unregistered drug violates Republic Act 9711 or the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Act of 2009.

    The FDA is investigating the drug distribution but said looking into possible liability by the lawmakers is outside its mandate.

    Lawmakers who distributed ivermectin not within FDA purview: chief

    "I think the politicians should leave the FDA alone. Let the experts' opinion dominate over the opinions of politicians, in the same way we think of randomized clinical trials as better than anecdotes and testimonials," Cabral said.

    Integrated Bar of the Philippines president Domingo Egon Cayosa, in a Teleradyo interview Thursday, stressed that the distribution of an unregistered health product is prohibited under RA 9711.

    It can be a criminal act to distribute, promote or sell unregistered drug," he said. Violators could face jail term of not more than 10 years or a fine of up to P5 million, he added.

    If the FDA refuses to enforce the law, Cayosa said they could be held liable for nonfeasance or the non-performance, failure or refusal to do an act that one is required to do.

    "They could also be liable for Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act for giving undue advantage or benefit to other sectors for unequal application of the same law," he said in Filipino.

    "Third, they could also be charged administratively because they swore to uphold the law," Cayosa added.

    In the ANC interview, Cabral said she heard "a lot of harm coming from the use of ivermectin."

    If you look at the data, there are now accumulating evidence that the use of ivermectin among humans can be subject to many side effects particularly if the dose being used is higher than it should be," Cabral said.

    "While science accumulates this data, the position is we should not be using it, in the same way we should not be using it because the data are not sufficient to tell us it actually works for COVID in this case."

    Some Pinoys infected with COVID-19 despite ivermectin use: doctors' group

    On Tuesday, a doctors' group said a number of Filipinos contracted COVID-19 despite using ivermectin.

    "We have actually seen a number of Filipinos who got COVID-19 despite using ivermectin, and in fact, not only getting infected with COVID-19 but the COVID-19 they got became really serious that they are coming to the hospital with severe COVID-19," Dr. Maricar Limpin, vice president of the Philippine College of Physicians, had told ANC.

    In an advisory it issued in March, the FDA said registered oral and intravenous preparations of ivermectin in the country were veterinary products.

    They were approved for use in animals for the prevention of heartworm disease and treatment of internal and external parasites in certain animal species.

    Meanwhile, registered ivermectin products for human use were in topical formulations under prescription use only. This is used for the treatment of external parasites, such as head lice, and skin conditions, such as rosacea.

  • "We have actually seen a number of Filipinos who got COVID-19 despite using ivermectin, and in fact, not only getting infected with COVID-19 but the COVID-19 they got became really serious that they are coming to the hospital with severe COVID-19," Dr. Maricar Limpin, vice president of the Philippine College of Physicians, had told ANC.

    This is how the big pharma mafia constructs information with freely invented stories. Nothing about when these people took ivermectin and what dose and whether they got zinc & V-D3 at least.

    I think some members of big pharma have to be prosecuted for mass murder with a follow up infinitely long stand in prison.

    Swiss mafia government just ordered 7 mio moderna booster shots for next. The booster is made for the south Africa version.

    So be happy with your third RNA shot. They + Germany also will pay more teh booster than for the first shots.

    To really understand how bad RNA vaccines are you simply can compare all VERS entries for a flu vaccine with all entries of CoV-19. This ratio will tell that RNA vaccines are at least 1000x worse than common vaccines. This is a complete unbiased comparison.

    The other hard fact is the autopsy confirmed death from RNA vaccines is about 4/million jabs. For astra Zeneca about 1/million jabs. Usually about 1/10 of the cases are investigated at most. In the US as it looks now is around 1/40 or even less.

    Most doctors do not become doctors because they want to help you. They want to make as much money out of you as possible. The world has changed as teh mafia is also ruling how to educate their slaves.

    See --------------> Harvard educates gold value doctors

    Entry cost today: You must get a mandatory Cov-19 vaccination else no doctor.....

    So Harvard is now the leading fascist Eugenic school of medicine.

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