New Battery Can Self-Charge Without Losing Energy

  • New Battery Can Self-Charge Without Losing Energy Researchers use a ferroelectric glass electrolyte within an electrochemical cell to create simple self-charging batteries. The ferroelectric character of the electrolyte, with an impressively high dielectric constant of 106–107, supportes self-oscillation due to negative resistance and negative capacitance. Negative capacitance is due to the formation of an inverted capacitor between the double-layer capacitor formed at the negative electrode/electrolyte interface and the dipoles of the ferroelectric-electrolyte. Negative resistance is triggered by the formation of an interface phase, which leads to a step-change of the chemical potential of the electrode.

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    Illustrations indicate, that this battery uses stochastic resonance of double layer) of ferroelectric glass electrolyte within an electrochemical cell for recharging. . If confirmed, it could be a great thing - not only from practical, but also from ideological reasons, because overunity devices are still ignored and denied by mainstream journals and science.

    Stochastic resonance (SR) is a phenomenon where a signal that is normally too weak to be detected by a sensor, can be boosted by adding white noise to the signal, which contains a wide spectrum of frequencies. An overdamped particle in a periodically oscillating double-well potential is subjected to Gaussian white noise, which induces transitions between the potential wells. We again have cyclic process which has activation barrier assisted by random noise. Further, the added white noise can be filtered out of signal to effectively detect the original, previously undetectable signal. This phenomenon extends to many other systems - whether electromagnetic, physical or biological - and is an area of intense research. See also:

    New Device Harvests Energy in Darkness It doesn’t generate much power, but it works during the one time of day that solar cells can’t: night.

  • If you read the article carefully this is not an overunity device but an example of a radically simplified battery. Seems similar and a more detailed explanation of John Goodenough's glass solid state battery. The key is self organization and materials in contact sharing electro-chemical properties. Capacitor and battery elements in a simple solid state apparatus. I repeat, if you read carefully this is not about overunity or retrieving excess energy from vacuum fluctuations. Clickbaity but a much interesting development in energy storage that earned my eyes!

  • Website provides no explanation of how it "works". They appear to just laminate a graphene "soup" with a polymer and some magnesium (?) to make a capacitor which they show connected in parallel with a battery. Reminds me of Steorn.

    • Official Post

    I suspect that the italian effort is a variation on an aluminium/carbon battery. Graphite and magnesium sounds a lot more sexy however. Problem with Al/C batteries is that they are 'one time' - lots of power, and then you have to build another one.

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