Safire eyes commercialization within 5 years, with launch of new company Aureon Energy!

  • @ianw16

    You are accusing Aureon of setting up an LENR scam. LF has already twice now been threatened with lawsuits for allowing members to libel. We do not want a third.

    Oh, I'll let other people judge whether or not it is a scam. My main intention was to put to bed the laughable claim of independence, and to point out the scientifically impossible nonsense that Childs allegedly bought into. My advice? Keep your money in your pocket. Or put it on a horse. More chance of a return on investment.

    • Official Post

    How can SAFIRE be pure science, when what they were allegedly investigating is scientifically impossible pseudoscience? A

    Which particular part do you consider to be 'scientifically impossible'?

    Also, in replying I think you should consider your choice of language carefully. It is not customary in this place to blackguard people with little reason, it is easy to criticise from the comfort of an armchair, altogether more difficult to put your whites on and work in a lab every day.

  • Oh, I'll let other people judge whether or not it is a scam. My main intention was to put to bed the laughable claim of independence, and to point out the scientifically impossible nonsense that Childs allegedly bought into. My advice? Keep your money in your pocket. Or put it on a horse. More chance of a return on investment.

    I have chosen to cognitively seperate any positive energy results of experimentation from the personal philosophies of the researchers and their funders. It is possible that something interesting is going on even if the explanations and theories they have based the original experiment on are false. I myself particularly want to avoid leaning to heavily on pagan mythology in verifying a scientific model but I see no reason to claim they are a scam without further evidence. Any energetic phenomina that abides by basic thermodynamic principals is potencially viable. E=mc^2 isn't free energy, an outpouring of new chemical/atomic phenomina isn't perpetual motion, mass is converted to energy. Textbooks already written do not nullify emerging knowledge! Have a restful and peaceful weekend.

  • The EU people have not a single astrophysicist, plasma physicist, or plasma astrophysicist. They have nobody remotely capable of understanding the subject, let alone proposing models. And Juergens' electric sun nonsense was never published. It was found in a shoebox under his bed after he died. As he was a Velikovskian (fact), his family sent it to the Kronos journal (iirc). Either way, it only saw the light of day in a Velikovskian rag. And is scientifically impossible. It has no merit whatsoever. And Alfven never believed such idiocy, and always held that the Sun was powered by fusion. And not all of Alfven's work stands to this day. He was wrong about magnetic reconnection, and his matter-antimatter universe was just plain wrong.

    And the SAFIRE people have produced nothing that can be compared to anything in astrophysics. Please point it out if you think otherwise.

    And if that is what Childs stated, then yes, he lied. I doubt he said that though. According to SAFIRE'S own webpage;

    "It was Childs who first proposed SAFIRE, and Scott and Bruce Mainwaring who recognized its potential and supported it."

    So, the project didn't even exist until he suggested it. Based on him already knowing about the electric sun woo, and having attended an EU conference. So, consider the claims backed up by Monty's own words. There was nothing independent about any of this. Funded by Velikovskians, for Velikovskians, to investigate an impossible 'model'. At which stage they accidentally stumbled onto........probably a melted electrode. Or a chemical reaction.

  • Your first and last sentence probably has significant merit. The bulk of it focuses to much on smearing characters and such. I am not a proponent of the EU model but certain wider plasma universe stuff makes sense and is more scientific in foundation.. Transmutation and excess energy that is chemically mediated, but not necessarily what we have clarified in texts already, is a valid perspective.

  • The EU people have not a single astrophysicist, plasma physicist, or plasma astrophysicist.

    Working from home...?

    What is your asttrophysicist expertise?

    As much as mine?

    What are your opinions on the origin of the titanium isotope anomalies in the solar system?

    Is there a possiblty that there is titanium nucleosynthesis in the sun?

    The finding that anomalous Ti is concentrated in CAIs suggests that CAIs formed in a specific region of the solar system

    and were not homogeneously redistributed within the solar system after their formation…1088/0004-637X/702/2/1118

  • Which particular part do you consider to be 'scientifically impossible'?

    Also, in replying I think you should consider your choice of language carefully. It is not customary in this place to blackguard people with little reason, it is easy to criticise from the comfort of an armchair, altogether more difficult to put your whites on and work in a lab every day.

    If you'd read what I wrote, you would not have needed to ask the question.

    If the Sun is an anode, what charge does it attract? And which does it repel? What is seen in reality? Well, the solar wind is a quasi-neutral mix of electrons and ions. All travelling outward, at the same velocity. What does that tell you about any putative charge on the Sun?

    If there is a current incoming, why do we not detect it? Where did it come from? Currents don't just pop into existence for no reason. How is it getting from the heliopause to the Sun, when there are a shed load of electrons and ions (the solar wind) heading out in the opposite direction? Do magnetic fields affect a stream of presumably electrons? Yes they do. So, how is this invisible current getting past the outflowing interplanetary magnetic field, carried by the solar wind?

    If the Sun is electric, why has it got a blackbody spectrum?

    We detect precisely the expected count of neutrinos, at the expected energy levels to explain the Sun's power purely by nuclear fusion. Where has the leading light of this woo got the fusion occurring? In the chromosphere! Do you know what fusion produces, other than neutrinos? Gamma rays. Luckily, it all happens deep within the Sun. If it were happening at the surface or in the chromosphere, the planet would be fried. It isn't.

    Ergo, the whole 'model' is a heap of pseudoscientific rubbish. Hope that answers the question.

  • And of what relevance is that to impossible electric sun nonsense?

  • Your first and last sentence probably has significant merit. The bulk of it focuses to much on smearing characters and such. I am not a proponent of the EU model but certain wider plasma universe stuff makes sense and is more scientific in foundation.. Transmutation and excess energy that is chemically mediated, but not necessarily what we have clarified in texts already, is a valid perspective.

    I have said nothing that isn't true, and which I can back up. Clarify who you think I have smeared. Juergens?

  • And of what relevance is that to impossible electric sun nonsense?

    I guess you have not read much..

    the origin of solar titanium..?

    please tell me what is you view on it

    it is very relevant to Monty Childs and co..

    since you are a science graduate with a little physics

    ..your considered.. and unrhetorical opinion?

  • It is of no relevance whatsoever. If you think it is then link me to Childs' paper where he explains this.

  • The quality of your assertions suggests

    you obviously have not read very much

    I guess you have zero opinion on titanium nucleosynthesis in the sun

    The quality of your assertion shows that you didn't understand the paper. The Sun does not produce anything that high in the periodic table.

  • Another thing that I am interested in is if Molybdenum nucleosynthesis in the sun occurring.

    The conventional wisdom is that nucleosynthesis stops at iron in ordinary stars...

    It does.

  • Another thing that I am interested in is if Molybdenum nucleosynthesis in the sun occurring.

    The conventional wisdom is that nucleosynthesis stops at iron in ordinary stars...

    If any of those interactions happen in the corona of the sun my assumption is something quit interesting is going on. This does not involve splitting or fusing nuclei, but a pico-scale compound of nuclei that spectrographically appears like that particular element.

  • On your say so?

    Been there ,, to the sun recently..

    By the way its a nice morning in Sydney

    Working from home all day..

    No, on the say-so of everybody involved in solar science. We can detect the neutrinos from fusion. Based on the energy spectra, we can tell what is being fused. No Ti, sorry. We can detect the ions in the solar wind. No Ti, sorry.

  • If any of those interactions happen in the corona of the sun my assumption is something quit interesting is going on. This does not involve splitting or fusing nuclei, but a pico-scale compound of nuclei that spectrographically appears like that particular element.

    None of those reactions can occur in the corona. Waaaaay too sparse for any sort of fusion.

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