Just for reference: In Southern California, a professional and licensed caregiver (I think she is a CNA) said to one of my friends:
"I don't think it's bad. It's a mass hysteria created to ruin the economy. We should all go back to normal life. Just because some people die, it doesn't mean that everyone has to stop living!"
-no comment.
There are more than a few people that I golf with you are so convinced of this it is mind boggling to me.
It seems they are simply believing what they have been told to believe by the political party they are aligned with. They do little to no research, fact finding and 0 math to see if what they have been told to believe is true, they say it’s just the flu, it will. E gone in a few weeks.
What is going on globally is a media scam that has been clown way out of proportion.
If there were no controls put on this stateside We could have seen 10’s of millions infected, still might.
Very scary here in the states