CleanHME: new EU-funded LENR research project

  • A video by CleanHME presenting their research

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    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • A video by CleanHME presenting their research

    I would like to give them credit and respect, while working on LENR as a scientific institution. I think for many universities there is still this dogma not to touch LENR. Unfortunatley not much activity at universities in Switzerland, Germany or Austria. At least so far I know...unfortunatley .

  • Words but no datas ?

    As said the old guard had enough connections to secure all money and thus you will never get any info as the old guard has no clue of CF. Of course they understand how to set up experiments, same as my wive that knows to cook a Chinese or Japanese meal.

  • 3rd periodic report from CleanHME:

    What they say they have done - but not an advance on state of the art - such indications have been observed for very many years:

    Indication of nuclear events, typically weak neutron emissions and strong anomalous exothermic reactions have been detected during experiments based on Ni/C, Ni/Cu, Ni/Al, and other catalyzing elements both under hydrogen or deuterium atmosphere. Several potentially active materials have been designed and are being tested in different laboratories of our consortium. During a significant number of successful experiments, strong AHEs have been measured, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the applied reaction activating procedures. Detected AHEs produced commercially promising COPs even if the most powerful exothermic reactions still last for relatively short periods. The power density achieved, however, is extremely promising.

    They hope - no new results reported:

    It is very likely that at the end of the project we will be able to have a demonstration unit capable of producing large amounts of energy with a high Coefficient Of Performance.

    Such a working demonstration unit would open new perspectives for energy production in Europe and worldwide. A new source of green energy at low cost, easily available everywhere would allow for a new industrial applications and the actual development of extremely efficient smart grids. Additionally, the total absence of climate affecting emissions from the HME generators could give a real, effective contribution to the containment of ongoing climate changes.

    The fallback (what we all know they will have data on):
    We could also demonstrate very large screening energies determined in proton and deuteron induced nuclear reactions observed in the accelerator experiments on some metallic alloys. The results will allow to understand the enhancement mechanisms of nuclear reactions at extremely low energies and propose special materials for gas-loading experiments. The corresponding theory of the deuteron-deuteron nuclear reactions predicting the nuclear reaction rates at thermal energies has been developed.

  • What they say they have done - but not an advance on state of the art - such indications have been observed for very many years:

    Indication of nuclear events, typically weak neutron emissions and strong anomalous exothermic reactions have been detected during experiments based on Ni/C, Ni/Cu, Ni/Al, and other catalyzing elements both under hydrogen or deuterium atmosphere. Several potentially active materials have been designed and are being tested in different laboratories of our consortium. During a significant number of successful experiments, strong AHEs have been measured, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of the applied reaction activating procedures.

    It might be an advance on the state of the art. It says "strong AHEs have been measured." How strong? How reliably? How steady is the heat? If they can produce steady heat on demand that would advance the state of the art.

    (Note. You are quoting from:

  • As said the old guard had enough connections to secure all money and thus you will never get any info as the old guard has no clue of CF. Of course they understand how to set up experiments, same as my wive that knows to cook a Chinese or Japanese meal.

    Perhaps you could set an example for CleanHME to follow, and release your data? It has been quite a few years now.

    And here is their team: Team members – CleanHME I see some of the old guard, but many new (some young looking) faces. Judging by their progress report teppo linked to, I would say the combination of old and new is paying off. Those are very strong words they have to say -as THHuxleynew reminds us, and I doubt they would say such things if they didn't have the results to prove it.

  • It might be an advance on the state of the art. It says "strong AHEs have been measured." How strong? How reliably? How steady is the heat? If they can produce steady heat on demand that would advance the state of the art.

    (Note. You are quoting from:

    It might be.

    My comment: the text was too ambiguous to know - and more tellingly they list it in the results so far summary, not the advances on state of the art so far summary. So presumably they do not view it as that.

  • My comment: the text was too ambiguous to know - and more tellingly they list it in the results so far summary, not the advances on state of the art so far summary. So presumably they do not view it as that

    These reports are written for the funders in the EU, not the scientific community.

  • Perhaps you could set an example for CleanHME to follow

    Yes, as we get no money we should give them real results for free. That makes absolutely sense...

    The young people in HME are the Students doing classic non CF -related work e.g. in Poland...

    But this is an EU problem. If there is a cake you have to make 6 pieces at least even if there are only 4 projects that really claim to do CF...

  • CleanHME organizes an open-talk toward high school students in a local Science Festival.

    Open talk about the CleanHME project for high-school students! – CleanHME

    On Friday, 19 April 2024, dr Natalia Targosz-Sleczka will present the CleanHME project to the high-school students during the “Science Festival” event in Stargard, Poland. The title of her open talk is „Clean Energy for the Future – CleanHME”. During this talk the students will learn how fusion-based processes can be used to generate energy.


    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • A written Question to EU Comission.
    It seems positive, but I'm not sure.…t/E-9-2024-000293_EN.html

    Here are the answers:

    1. Clean Energy from Hydrogen-Metal Systems (CleanHME)[1] is a project that was selected for funding under Horizon 2020[2] during the European Innovation Council’s (EIC) pilot phase[3].

    The EIC cannot ensure the automatic renewal of any project given the high level of scientific and technical competition and the strict selection process in place. However, CleanHME is eligible to submit proposals to the EIC Transition scheme[4] as it was funded under the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Proactive scheme in Horizon 2020[5].

    2. CleanHME has currently entered its last year of implementation with most of the very ambitious research objectives yet to be achieved. The already reported scientific results are published in scientific journals and are shared with the scientific community, following the open access practices required by the Commission.

    Within the EIC Work Programme[6], the EIC Transition grant scheme was introduced to bridge the gap between research and the market. It aims at supporting innovation activities that go beyond the experimental proof of principle in laboratory. Moreover, if CleanHME has created a spin-off or a small- and medium-sized enterprise and is in the process to scale up, it can submit a proposal to the EIC accelerator call.

    3. The EIC is supporting technological innovations and their transfer towards the market. All EIC projects reaching technology readiness level (TRL) 3[7] or TRL 4[8] and beyond, are given the possibility to pursue further requests for funding through the transition and acceleration funding schemes.

  • Now the question is: does the Clean HME level of performance sufficient after these 4 years regarding the EU prerequisites ?

    It will depend, i think, on where the EU team targeted the level of results, they expected at least.

  • So far I have followed this story, there have been no really astonishing results or any new discovery what could be important for promoting LENR, or am I wrong?

    There should be a number of promising experiments that could be candidates for replication with that financial support.

  • Thanks go to gio06 for finding:

    Low-Temperature Nuclear Reactions: The Atomic Energy Revolution -

    Tuesday, 4 June 2024

    Low-Temperature Nuclear Reactions: The Atomic Energy Revolution

    The Professor illustrated the development of innovative methodologies for the production of energy with high efficiency and low production costs

    by Ludovica Manusardi Carlesi Low-Temperature Nuclear Reactions: The Atomic Energy Revolution

    Nuclear and cold fusion: speak Francesco Celani, physicist and researcher

    Dr. Celani, ten days ago the journal Nature published a very interesting article on an experiment of acoustic cavitation of deuterate titanium powder carried out in Florida, which could reopen the games on the phenomenon of cold fusion or rather on the low-temperature/energy nuclear reactions known as LENR. What is it about?

    This is the umpteenth proof that in situations of strong thermodynamic non-equilibrium, such as that generated by ultrasound (specifically at 20 kHz) there is a significant increase in specific energy (of 17-18 orders of magnitude). In this case, when a large number of deuterium atoms (a natural non-radioactive isotope of hydrogen) interact with the crystal lattice of titanium, strongly ordered zones can be created, called coherence domains which, in response to a subsequent deuterium disturbance, react collectively giving rise to massive neutron emissions.

    What are the novelties of this experiment compared to other works that have continued in different countries since 1989? What are the objectives that this line of research aims to demonstrate?

    There are three main aspects:

    1. high reproducibility, despite the complexity of the described experiment which has, for now, only academic interest: that is, to show the possibility of an intrinsic energy gain of 17-18 orders of magnitude.
    2. extremely high value of the neutron flux emitted compared to the environmental background of their laboratory: a "gain" typically of more than 100 times.
    3. A precise indication of a way to encourage experiments aimed at obtaining excess thermal energy by using low-cost copper-nickel-based alloys, such as constantan, instead of the more expensive palladium.

    Which countries are most interested in this area of research and why? What is the situation in Europe?

    The most historically active countries were: Japan, USA, ex_URSS, China, India, Italy, France, Taiwan.

    The reason for the attention is the enormous potential of such research: very low environmental impact, low operating cost, simplicity of construction of the possible reactors, possibility of domestic use ("one reactor per family").

    There is currently a joint project -Clean HME- (Hydrogen Metal Energy) in Europe extended to 31 January 2025. Total funding: €6 million, divided between 15 public/private experiments involving 100 researchers.

    The first results are encouraging: a reactor that is easier to use and more robust should be obtained. The final goal, which obviously involves a long, intense and expensive optimization work, including technological/industrial/economic of the process, is to obtain a COP (i.e. effective net gain) much greater than 3.

    The applications for the life of the "ordinary citizen" are to be found in the AHE line of research, which began mainly in Japan (kept there constantly) thanks to the extreme foresight, and undoubted courage, of their ruling class at the academic, industrial and governmental levels.

    Some experiments in the U.S., in private industry (including the Anthropocene Institute, founded by Carl Page, Larry's brother, i.e. Google), are also promising.

    To conclude, despite our "chronic" difficulty in finding adequate funds, we are quite confident that the results we are obtaining can be of real use both to other colleagues and to that part of humanity that is attentive to the reduction of pollution at all levels.

  • Thanks for posting this Italian to English translated version of the article, Shane D. , I now understand that the Nature article mentioned is the one recently published authored by Max Fomitchev-Zamilov, ( ), by reading the article in Italian I had thought that Francesco Celani had published something in Nature. Anyway this is a good affariitaliani article, signaling once again the steady increase of acceptance of LENR.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

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