nkodama's dedicated thread of LENR theory

  • I studied the history of Deep Dirac Level because this can have impact on the fundamental Physics and many kind of fusion techniques.

    information is from Vavra, Jerry

    The following information is so important for ColdFusion Society.

    added on 2020/09/21


    A simple argument that small hydrogen may exist


    Rutherford suggested already in1920 that electron-proton could be bound in tight state[1].

    At that point neither the Schrodinger equation(1926) nor Dirac equation(1928) was known to him. He asked his team, including Chadwick, to search for this atom.

    After Chadwick’s discovery of the neutron in1932 there was a lot of discussions whether it is an elementary particle or a hydrogen-like atom for med from electron and proton[2].

    For example, Heisenberg was among those who argued that Chadwick’s particle is a small hydrogen atom. At the end the Pauli’s argument won, that then eutronspin1/2 follows Fermi-Dirac statistics and this decided that the neutron is indeed an elementary particle.

    This is a well-established fact and it is not discussed in this paper.

    It must have been obvious to both Schrodinger and Dirac, and certainly to Heisenberg, that there is a peculiar solution to their equations. This particular solution, which corresponds to the small hydrogen, was at the end rejected[3], because the wave function is infinite at r=0.

    Since nobody has observed it, the idea of the small hydrogen has died.

    However, its idea was revived again∼70-years later,where authors argued that the proton has a finite size, and that the electron experiences a different non-Coulomb potential at very small radius[4,5].

    In fact, such non-Coulomb potentials, for example,Smith Johnson or Nix potentials[6,7],are used in relativistic Hartree-Fock calculations for very heavy atoms where inner shell electrons are close to nucleus. Using this method, authors retained solutions for the small hydrogen which were previously rejected. However, in a follow up paper[8], it was recognized that considering such potentials does not satisfy Virial theorem, and that one needs to add much stronger potential to hold the relativistic electron stable

    There are two reasons why the small hydrogen idea was not investigated theoretically further:

    (a)Nobody has found it experimentally, and

    ===>We have had already the experimental evidence of the smaller hydrogen.

    Hidrid-easy compress
    Hidrid-easy compress

    (b)The correct relativistic QED theory is too complicated at small distances

    -added on 2020/08/14 from vavra

    -History can be very cruel to a discovery.

    -Einstein predicted gravitational waves in 1917.

    -Weiss published in 1962 a paper about how such waves could be measured by interferometry. They were discovered by LIGO experiment in 2016, using such an instrument.

    -And now there is a total revolution building similar and more sensitive detectors.

    -Astronomy will progress tremendously using gravitational detectors, ~100 years after Einstein.

    -Two original papers pointing to a possible existence of Deep Dirac Levels used the Coulomb potentials outside of nucleus.

    Name DDL (Deep Dirac Levels) was named for the first time in our first publication in 1993, 27 years ago in the below paper(DDL_paper_I_FT)

    As far as the paper from Dirac, it is clear that even Dirac liked to search outside of the standard physics, which is still assuming that the electron is point-like.



    There was experimental work where I tried to find the small hydrogen during large discharges in hydrogen by observing a 510-511 keV signal. This is described in my talk at Siegen in 1998



    My subsequent published work from 2019, based on the virial theorem, pointed out that the Coulomb potential is not strong enough to hold electron on the DDL level, and one needs to add (mu.B)-term, which is proportional to 1/r^2. This is described in this paper:

    The (mu.B)-term is already used to explain the hyperfine splitting, where it is only a tiny perturbance at large radius of normal atoms, but at small radius this term becomes a dominant and holds the small hydrogen together, and this enables to satisfy the virial theorem.


    As far as the astrophysics, the latest paper hints that the small hydrogen could be the dark matter and that it being constantly produced by the galaxy. I am writing another paper which will go into more detail how to find it. To find it is not a bench-top experiment any more, it is basiclly a high energy experiment, and that is why it was not found in 1920’s.

    added on 2020/08/07

    A simple argument that small hydrogen may exist.pdf

    Brodsky pointed out that one should not use the ”1930 quan-tum mechanics” to solve the problem of the small hydrogen; in-stead, one should use the Salpeter-Bethe QED theory [9].

    Spence and Vary attempted to find such electron-proton bound state using QED theory [10], which includes spin-spin, field retardation term and Coulomb potential, assuming the point-like proton.

    They sug-gest a possible existence of a bound state.

    There are two reasons why the small hydrogen idea was not investigated theoretically further:

    (a) nobody has found it experi-mentally, and

    (b) the correct relativistic QED theory is too compli-cated at small distances.1

    Our approach is a potential-based calculation. We propose to solve the problem using a simple equivalent model based on two basic physics principles:

    (a)Virial theorem, which is important consideration to judge a stability of bound systems. This requires to think in terms of attractive potentials and electron kinetic energy.

    (b)DeBroglie’s classical quantum mechanics principle,

    Relativity and Electron Deep Orbits of the Hydrogen Atom.pdf

    Relativity and Electron Deep Orbits of the Hydrogen Atom

    J.L. Paillet Aix-Marseille University, France

    A. Meulenbergy Science for Humanity Trust Inc., USA


    This work continues our previous works on electron deep orbits of the hydrogen atom.

    An introduction shows the importance of the deep orbits of hydrogen (H or D) for research in the LENR domain,

    and gives some general considerations on the Electron Deep Orbits (EDOs).


    Proceedings: Fourth International Conference on Cold Fusion Volume 4: Theory and Special Topics Paper



    Several models are examined in which it is claimed that cold fusion is the result either of tight binding of the electrons in H isotope atoms or molecules, or of an electron-H isotope resonance which allows a higher probability of Coulomb barrier penetration.

    In the case of models in which the electron is tightly bound to the H isotope atom, we show that states below the most deeply bound (-16.39 eV) are impossible in principle.

    We also present evidence against the possibility of the existence of electron-H isotope resonances.

    Finally, a lower bound is found for the binding energy of H isotope molecules which is above that calculated in the tightly bound electron-H isotope models.

    Reply from Vavra, Jerry

    I have these responses:

    1. Normal hydrogen atom is very non-relativistic problem. The small hydrogen is very relativistic problem. I do not think it makes sense that the final solution is a superposition of two wave functions, one for normal state and one for deep state. The normal atom does not make a transition to deep state because electron would have to become relativistic. I consider two atoms two different entities.
    2. The very relativistic case needs to be solved by the QED theory. There were attempts to do it but so far not very successful.
    3. That is why I wrote the paper last year based on the virial theorem, because it is the most basic treatment there is, in my opinion. I argue in that paper that the Coulomb potential is not strong enough to hold the electron on stable orbit. Therefore, even if our original papers are close to reality, such atom in deep state would not be stable. One has to add additional attractive force. Adding a (mu.B) term would make such atom stable. Is it right ? I do not know. So far, I did not get a response to this paper.

    Experimentally Study the Deep Dirac Levels with High-Intensity Lasers

    added on 20200807


    Directly populating DDLs via photoemission must be highly forbidden,

    because otherwise a lot of high energy ambient photons can be observed

    due to the fact that the DDL is about 0.5 MeV below the normal Bohr ground state.

    The DDLs may be populated via electron-positron paire ffect. When a relativistic electron approach a nucleus,e−e+pairs can produced through the following two pro-cesses:

    Z+e−→Z+ 2e−+e+(11)

    Z+e−→Z+e−+γ→Z+ 2e−+e+(12)

    The larger the electrical field, i.e. the closer to the nu-clear, the higher the possibility is. Therefore, the electrons in thee+e−pairs produced near the nuclei have higher chance to be bounded to be DDLs. Because the electron in the DDL is very closer to the nucleus, it has higher possibility to be caught which results in a short EC life time, if the EC decay model is allowed. The hanging of the nuclear EC life time may be used as an indicator of the DDLs.

    The larger the electrical field, i.e. the closer to the nu-

    clear, the higher the possibility is. Therefore, the elec-

    trons in the e+e− pairs produced near the nuclei have

    higher chance to be bounded to be DDLs. Because the

    electron in the DDL is very closer to the nucleus, it has

    higher possibility to be caught which results in a short

    Electron Capture life time, if the EC decay model is allowed.

    The changing of the nuclear EC life time may be used as an

    indicator of the DDLs.

    When an e+e− pair is created near an nuclei, the positron

    escapes due to the coulomb field, and the electrons may

    be caught to the DDLs.

    This paper was on Dated: March 27, 2017 and NO paper after this Si I think they could not find DDL.


    I hope this project will show the clear evidence of DDL

    added on 08/05

    the only way to believe any theory is to provide a direct experimental evidence, where there is no doubt that the measurement is right.

    I strongly propose that we will start project to find DDL' eveidence by ourselves because this DDL is a key to understand Cold Fusion.

    This may be the reason why it is so difficult to find them directly, a’la 1920 measurements of optical lines. Probability of transition is small and one has to measure all photons to get ~510 keV line.

    The changing of the nuclear EC life time may be used as an indicator of the DDLs. from

    "Experimentally Study the Deep Dirac Levels with High-Intensity Lasers"

    added on2020/08/16

    Anomalous Dirac and Majorana states in condensed matte



    Unexpected electron states, bound to the Coulomb field of the nucleus, are proposed. These

    anomalous states are mediated by positional quantum fluctuations of this nucleus which is a lattice

    site in a solid. Without that support the states look as formal singular solutions which are, at first

    sight, totally useless. The electron binding energy in the MeV range is surprising in condensed

    matter since it usually relates to nuclear processes. Anomalous states are separated from usual

    electron ones in a solid by an energy barrier. The lattice distortions, jointly with the electron

    degrees of freedom, are responsible for the barrier formation. This contrasts to polaron in a solid

    where lattice distortions form a well but not a barrier. Electron transitions to anomalous levels are

    possible under a high energy external perturbation to overcome the barrier. Anomalous state can

    be of the Dirac or Majorana type.

    added on 2020/08/18

    Please review the post below.

    Cold Fusion mechanism from metal property not from nuclear physcs

    added on 2020/08/20

    ICCF-22 Proceedings from Jean-Luc Paillet

    Highly relativistic deep electrons and the Dirac equation-ICCF22-Paillet.pdf


    Highly Relativistic Deep Electrons and the Dirac equation-Paillet-Annotated-ICCF22.pptx-2.pdf

  • This topic reminds me of my discussions dating back more than a quarter of a century with our master the Professor Vigier, in his office at the Faculté Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris Sorbonne). He was always available to receive and listen to students like me. It was on his advice that I started publishing on the field of Cold Fusion.

  • https://www.euro-fusion.org/fusion/fusion-on-the-sun/

    The gravity of the Sun, which is almost 28 times that of Earth, ''traps'' hydrogen from its atmosphere and this hydrogen fuels the Sun’s fusion reaction. At temperatures of 15 million degree Celcius in the Sun's core, hydrogen gas becomes plasma, the fourth state of matter. In a plasma, the negatively charged electrons in atoms are completely separated from the positively charged atomic nuclei (or ions). The Sun's gravitational force confines the positively-charged hydrogen nuclei and work with the high temperatures that cause the nuclei to move around furiously, collide at high speeds overcoming the natural electrostatic repulsion that exists between the positive charges and fuse to form the heavier helium.

    Cold Fusion does not need plasma due to the DDL so why does sun need plasma?

    The gravity is necessary but that can be smaller than they think from the ColdFusion mechanism with DDL.

    So the plasma fusion researcher must think and reconsider what they are doing without thinking DDL.

    For the nuclear physics researcher or cosmology researcher.

    could you please consider my concern.

    added on 2020/08/04

    I think DDL can have impact on cosmology so I want to reconsider the following article.

    Distant Giant Planets Form Differently Than ‘Failed Stars’




    This is based on the current phyics, but I thought this discussion may need hydrogen DDL

    because I think DDL can allow the different type of stellar based on smaller hydrogen(DDL) due to the smaller gravity.

    I think that if the space is full of smaller hydrogen, the form of stellar can be different from our sun.

  • Cold Fusion does not need plasma

    The results from Holmlid in which the proton is cracked.. to produced kaons by laserlight of a few eV

    suggest that plasma is not needed or gravity..

    a catalyst is useful to produce dense hydrogen.. on Earth at room temperature

    Holmlid's results are a problem for the Standard model as explained here by Wyttenbach

    The physics establishment is currently fighting on many front-lines.

    According to the all mighty church of SM physics it should be impossible to produce Kaons,

    Pions from Hydrogen by just switching on the light in the lab room as it happened in Sweden.

    Of course normally a LASER is used with 532nm wave length.

    But why can an input of e.g. 1 Watt produce the same as CERN with 100MW?

    Did not the most recent experiment (super Kamikade Japan [30]) show that the proton is absolutely stable and does not decay ?


  • nkodama, although they think they have solved it with "neutrino oscillations", there is a deficit of neutrinos from the sun of like 2/3 the amount expected from hot fusion being missing. So they say "those 2/3 of neutrinos turned into the other neutrino types: see? factor of 3 error and 3 kinds of neutrinos? solved!" On its face the solar neutrino deficit is evidence that much less hot fusion is occurring in the sun than we thought - possible evidence for your theory.

  • what you say is completely counter-intuitive. There is plasma in universe where is low pressure. Are you suggesting that hydrogen atoms are also reduced to plasma in the very high pressures of the sun's core ???

    One would rather think of a shrunken atom ... ?? Moreover, you and others are obsessed about particles fashion science, which for me is very secondary.

    The conformation, that is to say the faculty that an atom has to keep its shape, its size, regardless of where it takes place in universe, remains the major subject.

    Ask yourself the right questions, is the size of atoms the same from one cluster of galaxies to another, in the past or future of universe. this remains much more important that you think about these aspects than too fashionable plasmas from school.

  • Cold Fusion does not need plasma due to the DDL so why does sun need plasma?

    The gravity is necessary but that can be smaller than they think from the ColdFusion mechanism with DDL.

    So the plasma fusion researcher must think and reconsider what they are doing without thinking DDL.

    For the nuclear physics researcher or cosmology researcher.

    could you please consider my concern.

    You are quit a bit late! ITER plasma fusion is based on the outraging lie that D+T fusion does happen in the sun ...

    In reality fusion (LENR like) does happen in the solar corona. The main path is 4p --> 4-He as we need no neutrons to produce 4-He.

    This all happened because nuclear and particle physics since 70 years is a religion (Church) based on a mind blowing almost mad theory called standard model that cannot even explain the most simple physical facts. Asking for 30 Billions based on nonsensical physics is worse behavior than the catholic church did express in the 15th century that nevertheless did give as the peters dome ... Nobody ever in future will visit the ruins of ITER except they will transform it in a large vine shop.

    The model (SO(4) physics) is there and exactly shows how fusion works.

  • >You are quit a bit late! ITER plasma fusion is based on the outraging lie that D+T fusion does happen in the sun ...

    BUT NOTE THAT THEY USE radioactive Tritium, and they want to hide the risk like nuclear power plant society by saying that tritium is common in the nature, but actually much less tritium without nuclear power plant or nuclear bomb experiment in the air.

    So I do not agree with ITER


    They spent a huge amount of money on the risky fusion, and I think its is a wast of money if the cold fusion become science.(For now probably we reached the common understanding on the ColdFusion can be done with DDL.

    So I strongly propose that we must reach the agreement on the cold fusion theory based on DDL.

    >The model (SO(4) physics) is there and exactly shows how fusion works.

    >In particle physics, SO(10) refers to a grand unified theory (GUT) based on the spin group Spin(10). The shortened name SO(10) is conventional[1] among physicists, and derives from the Lie group SO(10), which is a special orthogonal group that is double >covered by Spin(10).

    I would like to clarify the impact of grand unified theory on Cold Fusion.

    TO the researcher on the different opinion on the cold fusion theory from theory I proposed based on DDL.

    Could you clarify your theory after you understand DDL, and please have your discussion of the cold fusion theory

    Please tell us that after you understand DDL and my theory(D- confinement in metal T site to create the smaller D2 molecule(femto D2) based on DDL

    Now is the time we must forward to the common understanding of cold fusion theory based on DDL

    due to ITER project booming all-over the world.

    some other theory of Cold fusion

  • Just various points here:

    • ITER is not hiding anything about Tritium: the idea is that it could be bred from fusion neutrons, but this is complex and part of the (difficult) near wall problem. Engineering, not physics.
    • The nuclear reactions that sustain stars have been very well studied and the numbers add up without LENR. Where they don't (neutrino deficit) then this is investigated. Solar neutrino deficit is now no longer a deficit and expected because of neutrino oscillations, which are supported by evidence independent of solar nurtrinos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…utrino_problem#Resolution
    • The condition of elements inside the sun is plasma (there are maybe in some places some heavy elements not completely ionised. The core (where) fusion happens, is 15,000,000K and 150X the density of water. Both temperature and pressure help fusion, which nevertheless happens at a relatively low rate. Just there is an awfully large volume!
    • The corona can get as hot as the core in places, and can also be much cooler. generally the outer layers of the sun (which determine the spectrum of the light coming out) are much cooler as we all know from the BB spectrum observed.
  • Please tell us that after you understand DDL and my theory(D- confinement in metal T site to create the smaller D2 molecule(femto D2) based on DDL

    Sorry to inform you. Such an informal model (you call DDL) has been proposed by Takahasi since more than 20 years. He names it 3D TSC etc.. Informal model are not physics and just present an idea how things can look alike.

    Physics requires that you prove an idea by measurements. E.g. R. Mills effectively could measure the spectrum of H*-H*. So there is now definitive proof that H*-H* is a stable "chemical".

    But LENR is a way more complex than just having an idea that a state like H*-H* or D*-D* does in fact exist. Key is to show how you remove the 23..25 MeV of energy. So any theory of LENR must contain a physical model (not just an idea) describing how the energy of fusion is removed.

    ITER is not hiding anything about Tritium: the idea is that it could be bred from fusion neutrons, but this is complex and part of the (difficult) near wall problem. Engineering, not physics.

    The nuclear reactions that sustain stars have been very well studied and the numbers add up without LENR. Where they don't (neutrino deficit) then this is investigated. Solar neutrino deficit is now no longer a deficit and expected because of neutrino oscillations, which are supported by evidence independent of solar nurtrinos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/…utrino_problem#Resolution

    The problem is that breeding tritium is just an idea (from experiments) with no real physics behind kit.

    Numbers that add up are just a nice thing but have nothing to do with physics. Physics is about measurement of the process and this has not been done. The silly idea of the classic sun model is that the main reaction is H+H --> 2H what of course is absolute nonsense as we do not see an increase of 2H and even more bad: Which process does produce the neutrons ???

    The dominant reaction is 4p --> 4He that can run without neutrons. (Something that the nonsensical standard model completely fails to predict!)

  • Yes, Professor Vigier was interested in Ampère's force. Weren't we in the Latin Quarter of Paris, not far from the apartment where André-Marie Ampère had wrote the equations of electromagnetic forces? Not far from there, in the same university, another of my masters, Professor Chemla was also doing experiments on Cold Fusion. They were both disciples of Joliot-Curie, they had worked with him at the College de France but I believe they did not exchange their results obtained at Jussieu. (Paris Sorbonne)

    Both had encountered all the monuments of physics, Joliot, Majorana, Fermi, Pontecorvo, and all those serious and pensive faces that we see in the photographs of the Solvay Meetings.

    Jean-Pierre Vigier no longer had a laboratory, he only kept his office at the university, but he had many former students who could do experiments for him in secret in their laboratories.

    What a pity that all of this work was never published. I would have to go do an investigation to get the lab notebooks back, before they are destroyed, or buried in the archives.

    Professor Vigier was mainly working on the problem of deep Dirac levels, and also on the problem of neutrinos.

    Perhaps the very interesting results of Alexander Parkhomov are the manifestation of new properties of neutrinos, which the founders of modern physics had not even dreamed of.

    PS: Li / ND3 liquid is an excellent conductor, deep blue with bronze reflections. Of course it has a hight deuterium level, far over palladium. But he is very sensitive to oxygen. It must be burst into glass capillaries. But one could imagine cartridges made of plastic catheter, or an automatic unwinding system with two automatic copper clamps which would pierce the catheter after each shot.

  • This topic reminds me of my discussions dating back more than a quarter of a century with our master the Professor Vigier, in his office at the Faculté Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris Sorbonne). He was always available to receive and listen to students like me.

    He was also a character, and a trained assassin. He killed German officers during WWII in the Resistance. I asked him how you do that. He said: You find a deserted street where you expect the German to come. You park your bicycle at one end, and walk to the other end. You wait around smoking a cigarette inconspicuously. The German comes walking up the street toward you. You walk toward him, not looking at him or doing anything suspicious. The moment he passes, you reach back over his shoulders with one arm and jerk him backwards, off his feet. That surprises him for a moment. In that instant, with your other hand you reach into the pocket of your coat, take out your revolver, and shoot him the back of the head. He demonstrated this technique on me. He was a lot smaller than me and much older, but he could have killed me in an instant.

    He said you keep walking as if nothing had happened, get on the bicycle, and peddle away.

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