"Hydro-wave technology" Afanasyev V.S. and comments to it Cherepanov A.I.

  • Взаимодействие с другими

    Мастер - Джирохта Касаги! Слушал ваш доклад - «Современное состояние и перспективы низкоэнергетических ядерных реакций» ... Получены очень интересные результаты .... Чего вы упустили в этой работе? Вместе со своим учителем Филиппом Михайловичем Канаревым я рассматриваю следующее - «Кулоновского барьера в природе нет! В природе нет электрических зарядов! Заряды на протоне и электроне« подложили »математики, и сделали это с их помощью. клеветы на публику. В природе нет электрического поля! Ядерные реакции Это суть магнитных взаимодействий! Барьер, который наблюдают экспериментаторы, обусловлен вторичным магнитным полем, которое отталкивает частицы - именно по этой причине электрон не «упадет» на протон.

    По этим причинам в вашем отчете есть много неправильных представлений. Почему это происходит ? Но поскольку физикам лень изучать работы Кулона в оригинале ... Я изучил ... и разоблачил все современные заблуждения физиков!

    Как оказалось - и это логично, не только я считал ошибочность закона Кулона ... Вот статьи Григория Шпенкова, чьи заблуждения насчет ЗАРЯДА мне очевидны, но его рассуждения полезны для анализа -

    Философия содержания: форма и закон Кулона, 1998 г. - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2EqK/4sNVXGUvy

    Философия содержания: форма и закон Кулона, 1998 г. - https://drive.google.com/file/…u7FFi4Yt/view?usp=sharing

    G. P. Shpenkov and L. G. Kreidik, 2002- What the Electric Charge is - https://shpenkov.com/pdf/Elec-Charge.pdf

    What did Shpenkov lack? He should have read the Coulomb in the original, and then he would have avoided mistakes ...

    Grigory Shpenkov - The Nature of Gravity, 03/14/2017 - https://shpenkov.com/pdf/GravityNature.pdf

    “In the objective system of units CGS (cm, g, s), k was taken as a dimensionless unit, k = 1, which led to the absurd dimension of the charge q, expressed in fractional powers in units of length and mass ([q] = g1/2 cm 3/2 s-1). "

    Physicist Charles Coulomb and Cavendish, 15 September 2020 – https://cloud.mail.ru/public/4MUd/Ao4WCYyFq

    Physicist Charles Coulomb and Cavendish, 15 September 2020 – https://drive.google.com/file/…65DWsrpu/view?usp=sharing

    ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN PHYSICS , 1993-2020 – https://cloud.mail.ru/public/43mg/5i64hswxz

    ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN PHYSICS , 1993-2020 – https://drive.google.com/file/…krPt51mE/view?usp=sharing

    My video - https://my.mail.ru/mail/owt2012/video/44


  • К сожалению, получение свободных нейтронов из протонов очень эндотермично. Но даже если бы вы могли это сделать, как я уже упоминал, результатом была бы обильная остаточная радиоактивность от захвата нейтронов. Очевидно, что в LENR этого не происходит. Точно так же природный азот и кислород не могут захватывать электроны. Нам нужно другое объяснение избыточного тепла. :) Я уверен, что такие объяснения существуют без каких-либо электронных захватов и без остаточной радиоактивности.

    You were simply not taught this ... You were taught the wrong physics - it is hard and painful to understand it ... But it is so ... E-capture on a proton is not accompanied by radioactive radiation ... A neutron is captured by a proton, because these are magnetic interactions - and this is not taught at the institute - neither in Russia nor in the United States ... Capturing a neutron, a proton emits a photon - this is the physics of a proton ...

  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    WJMFC is a well known, and respected figure in LENR . He knows what he is talking about.

    Dear Shane D.

    K. Schreber German physicist ... 1899. K. Schreber proves that "our conclusions of electrical and magnetic units from the basic units of mass, length and time contain arbitrary assumptions ..." and the main thing is that "... without introducing such assumptions, we cannot even form systems of such units ... "120 years ago, the remarkable scientist K. Schreber was actually ignored by the scientific community, but as he rightly noted -" ... the conclusions are based on four basic laws of pondemotor actions of electric and magnetic forces - two Coulomb's laws, the law of electrodynamic actions and the law of electromagnetic actions ... "

    Jewish physicists "cleaned" the Internet from mentioning it ... The only thing I found today is https://archive.org/details/an…gggoog/page/n179/mode/2up

    And I managed to download this material - Die Jfaasse der elektrischen Grössen, May 1899 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/5gF4/3va7SkJYn

    Die Jfaasse der elektrischen Grössen, May 1899 - https://drive.google.com/file/…ShRlLsMX/view?usp=sharing

    How did I "get out" and find it?

    I open the magazine "Electricity" - the imperial magazine, for 1899 - https://www.booksite.ru/elektr/1899/1899_15_16.pdf on 219 pages and the Jew Kogan presented this information ... but ... at the end of the article this scoundrel added - “It is clear that the practical applicability of our units -“ ampere ”,“ volt ”, etc., K. Schreber cannot have these revelations ..." This is the defamation of physicists!

    Who is that scoundrel who planted a "CHARGE" - "electrostatic charge" on a proton and an electron ???

  • WJMFC is a well known, and respected figure in LENR . He knows what he is talking about.

    Dear Shane D. I burst into this site like a "crazy" tornado ... But this is just how it seems to you now that I am a "fool", or I have no mind ... But if you start, scrupulously study the mistakes of physicists of the past just as I and my teacher Kanarev Philip Mikhailovich did, then you will be amazed and exclaim -

    "My God! But they are right!" Here is a link where you can find for yourself Kanarev's articles in English - ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 1993-2020 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/43mg/5i64hswxz

    ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF MODERN PHYSICS, 1993-2020 - https://drive.google.com/file/…krPt51mE/view?usp=sharing


  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    If there is no solution then define an axiom = charge --> Coulomb.

    In fact charge is (mkg)1/2 see strong force equation in SO(4) pyhysics.

    Stop! Take a look back ... 230 years ago ... Coulomb himself, after whom some villain named a charge, reasoned in a different paradigm - he understood the following as a charge - "the mass of an electric fluid" ... And today, when Kanarev and I realized that this very "electric fluid" in Charles Coulomb's experiments were particles that today modern physicists call a "free electron", which has its own magnetic field, its own magnetic poles and its own magnetic moment, it is clear that all the effects in its "electrostatics" are explained by the magnetic interactions of free electrons on the surface of bodies, which were presented in his experiments.

  • If there is no solution then define an axiom = charge --> Coulomb.

    In fact charge is (mkg)1/2 see strong force equation in SO(4) pyhysics.

    On the other hand ... After all, in fact, in your measurements, you do not encounter an "electric" charge at all ... You measure SOMETHING with instruments and you called this SOMETHING "ampere" ... And today I, together with Kanarev By Philip Mikhailovich I affirm that "amperes" in your devices form "free electrons", which can change their "magnetic mass" by absorbing photons, which, like electrons, consist of the same magnetic mass - magnetic substance or ether elements, which I named "yoktomagnitiki" ... Therefore, we are actually talking about the "magnetic charge" or "magnetic mass" of the electron ... You have been defamed for over 150 years ... Is that clear ???

  • If there is no solution then define an axiom = charge --> Coulomb.

    In fact charge is (mkg)1/2 see strong force equation in SO(4) pyhysics.

    We are witnessing a cascade of perversions and forgeries in physics ... And now we return to the record of Coulomb's Law -

    F = k • q1 • q2 / r ^ 2

    And with horror we discover that there are no masses in this formula at all! Where is the acceleration in this formula?

    And what did Coulomb himself write in his treatises? And Charles Coulomb wrote -

    "D = le produit de la masse électrique des deux balles," and this translates as - "D = the product of the electrical masses of two balls"

    Thus, my investigation shows that the Coulomb formula provided for the presence of masses in it, i.e. product m1 • m2

    F = k • m1 • m2 / r ^ 2

    And Coulomb also succeeds -

    m1 • m2 → kg • kg = kg ^ 2 - What is the physical meaning of this and why is the "product of masses", and not their sum - (m1 + m2) ???

    Looking ahead, I will note - I do not know WHAT to do with the modern recording of Coulomb's Law, knowing that it is absolutely wrong - I only make assumptions in the direction of movement towards the truth ... "And there is the physical meaning of the summation -" the sum of masses "... and not the notorious" square of mass "... Coulomb's record -" the product of the electric masses of two balls "should be considered as a Coulomb hypothesis - this is certainly for the reason that Coulomb in 1785 did not have the ability to measure, for example, the mass of free electrons on the surface of balls!

    Maybe Coulomb was not translated correctly by his followers? Are there translation options for the phrase - "le produit de la masse"?

  • Взаимодействие с другими людьми

    Мы хотим поговорить о теории, сначала было бы полезно обсудить, какие наблюдения необходимо объяснить и какие предсказания потребуются для проверки теории. В области LENR очень немногие теоретики излагают предсказания своей модели. Когда вы в последний раз читали о новом предсказании, которое проверяется экспериментально?

    30 лет назад считалось, что гелий, тритий и нейтроны являются продуктами, и они действительно были обнаружены. Проблема в следующем:

    1. Гелий - повсеместный продукт, который получит в результате тысяч ядерных ядер. Его обнаружение мало что говорит нам о лежащих в основе ядерных процессах.
    2. Ожидаются быстрые нейтроны с энергией 14,1 МэВ. Но тритий также обнаружен в природных водородных системах (например, BARC), но никакая теория не предсказывает этого.
    3. Нейтроны легко реализовать с помощью 3He, BF3, активации золота и т. Д. Но опять же, нет современной теории, AFAIK предсказывает эти нейтроны!

    Возможно, обнаружение трития и нейтронов является примером систематической ошибки подтверждения. Пересмотр давно устоявшихся предположений может теория продвинуться вперед.

    Dear WJMFC! And you could remind me who exactly planted this theoretical virus, arguing that "if tritium is formed in deuterated systems, then fast neutrons with an energy of 14.1 MeV are expected (but not observed)." Let us ask ourselves the main question: what FORCES accelerate a neutron in an atomic reactor up to an energy of 14-15 MeV? Believe it or not, these are MAGNETIC FORCES !!! Why is that? First, because a free neutron has the ability to rotate around its axis ... And if so, then a free neutron can have its own magnetic moment ... when it rotates, it is a neutron, it begins to acquire a powerful magnetic field and has its own magnetic poles ... The following should be noted right away - it is the rotating motion of the neutron's magnetic mass that generates the FORCE, which destroys it and leads to its decay ... And pay attention, every time the decay of a neutron is the same "limiting" force, which "tears" from the neutron "the same" mass - 1/1836 of the proton mass ... My analysis of this process suggests that such a force can be generated by a "secondary" magnetic field "when a problem arises inside the neutron during its rotation, "boundary" force, when the angular velocity increases up to the "limiting angular velocity" of the neutron ... T. e. a neutron has a spin - mechanical spin and, as a consequence, its own magnetic moment = magnetic spin. This process fully complies with the Law of Conservation of Momentum! The decay of a spinning neutron gives rise to a “spinning electron” and a “spinning proton”. Returning to the reaction of tritium with deuterium ... It occurs according to magnetic laws, because in the composition of their nuclei there is a rotating proton, in which the magnetic field strength at its geometric center has a gigantic value of ~ 10 ^ 14 Tesla. For this reason, tritium and deuterium are magnetized with each other, and helium-5 is synthesized, which has an unstable neutron that has only one bond, for this reason it has the ability to rotate ... If a given unstable neutron starts to rotate and then the neutron has a magnetic moment, which has the opposite direction to the magnetic moment of the proton. Thus, a situation is obtained in which a proton and this unstable, "rotating" neutron are facing each other with opposite magnetic poles - these are FORCES - these magnetic forces, and tear off the neutron from the helium-5 nucleus, it is these forces that can accelerate the neutron to an energy of 14 MeV.

    Unfortunately, Google very much distorts the meaning of my Russian phrases ... Sorry ...

  • If we want to talk theory, it would first be helpful to discuss what kind of observations need to be explained and what kind of predictions would be necessary to verify the theory. In the field of LENR, very few theoreticians spell out the predictions of their model. When did you last read of a novel prediction being verified experimentally?

    30 years ago, it was thought that helium, tritium and neutrons were products, and indeed they were detected. The trouble is:

    1. Helium is a ubiquitous product expected from thousands of nuclear reactions. Detecting it tells us little about the underlying nuclear processes.
    2. If tritium is formed in deuterated systems, then fast 14.1 MeV neutrons are expected (but not observed). But tritium is also detected in natural hydrogen systems (e.g. BARC) but no theory predicts it.
    3. Neutrons are easy to detect by 3He, BF3, gold activation etc. But again, no current theory, AFAIK predicts these neutrons!

    Maybe the detection of tritium and neutrons are an example of confirmation bias. Reexamining long held assumptions might allow theory to move forwards.

    Dear WJMFC! And you could remind me who exactly planted this theoretical virus, arguing that "if tritium is formed in deuterated systems, then fast neutrons with an energy of 14.1 MeV are expected (but not observed)." Let us ask ourselves the main question: what FORCES accelerate a neutron in an atomic reactor up to an energy of 14-15 MeV? Believe it or not, these are MAGNETIC FORCES !!! Why is that? First, because a free neutron has the ability to rotate around its axis ... And if so, then a free neutron can have its own magnetic moment ... when it rotates, it is a neutron, it begins to acquire a powerful magnetic field and has its own magnetic poles ... The following should be noted right away - it is the rotating motion of the neutron's magnetic mass that generates the FORCE, which destroys it and leads to its decay ... And pay attention, every time the decay of a neutron is the same "limiting" force, which "tears" from the neutron "the same" mass - 1/1836 of the proton mass ... My analysis of this process suggests that such a force can be generated by a "secondary" magnetic field "when a problem arises inside the neutron during its rotation, "boundary" force, when the angular velocity increases up to the "limiting angular velocity" of the neutron ... T. e. a neutron has a spin - mechanical spin and, as a consequence, its own magnetic moment = magnetic spin. This process fully complies with the Law of Conservation of Momentum! The decay of a spinning neutron gives rise to a “spinning electron” and a “spinning proton”. Returning to the reaction of tritium with deuterium ... It occurs according to magnetic laws, because in the composition of their nuclei there is a rotating proton, in which the magnetic field strength at its geometric center has a gigantic value of ~ 10 ^ 14 Tesla. For this reason, tritium and deuterium are magnetized with each other, and helium-5 is synthesized, which has an unstable neutron that has only one bond, for this reason it has the ability to rotate ... If a given unstable neutron starts to rotate and then the neutron has a magnetic moment, which has the opposite direction to the magnetic moment of the proton. Thus, a situation is obtained in which a proton and this unstable, "rotating" neutron are facing each other with opposite magnetic poles - these are FORCES - these magnetic forces, and tear off the neutron from the helium-5 nucleus, it is these forces that can accelerate the neutron to an energy of 14 MeV.

    Unfortunately, Google very much distorts the meaning of my Russian phrases ... Sorry ...

  • The "hydro-wave" technology was invented by the Russian physicist Vladimir Stepanovich Afanasyev between 1998 and 2006.

    Several successful tests of the "hydrowave" technology were carried out, reprocessing LRW from IRT-MEPhI in 2006-2007 and reprocessing LRW from the Techa cascade of reservoirs at PA Mayak in 2009.

    The "hydro-wave" technology makes it possible to achieve the evaporation of water during the treatment of water media of various degrees of pollution using microwave radiation.

    For the first time in the world, due to hydrodynamic effects when sources of high-frequency electromechanical vibrations are exposed to a liquid and the implementation of a thermodynamic cycle, in which the redistribution of internal energy in a liquid flow is almost completely excluded by heat removal into the environment. can create conditions for low-temperature nuclear fusion.

    Technology advantages:

    • purification of all aqueous media in the absence of consumables: chemicals, sorbents, filters, etc.;

    • after cleaning, distilled water and sediment remain in the products, and the distillate is a commercial product;

    • the equipment after operation can be used for cleaning aqueous solutions of various degrees of contamination.

    A new method of vapor condensation is used, in which all the heat of condensation can be used to heat and evaporate the initial liquid medium.

    As a result of high-frequency influences, the destruction of molecules, in particular organic molecules of toxic substances, harmless simple components occurs.

    Additional high-frequency exposure (close in frequency to ultrasonic) on a liquid flow with various chemical pollutants causes an effective thermo-oxidative reaction, which leads to the destruction of pollutant molecules. Including complex organic molecules, chemicals as well as heavy metals.

    According to the “physics of microworld by FM Kanarev”, which was corrected and added by AI Cherepanov, e-capture with the appearance of a neutron is organized in “hydro wave” installations, which is captured by a proton and deuterium is born, then the born neutron joins and tritium appears. Further, with the help of the design features of the installation, the production of helium-5 is initialized and an alpha particle appears. All fusion reactions are “energy positive” ... Since a huge amount of cavitation bubbles is generated inside the rotor, the physical process of “capturing” gamma photons by the collapsed bubble takes place - the density of the collapsed bubble in its final stage is very high - 10 g / cm3.

    Thus, if the processed water contains deuterium or tritium, then these molecules are involved in a physical process - the end result of which is the creation of an alpha particle. With reasonable settings of the "hydrowave" technology, the alpha particle participates in the reaction with radioactive isotopes, so that stable elements can be obtained. So in 2009, strontium-90, which is contained in the LRW of the Techa cascade of reservoirs, was transferred or transformed into zirconium-94.

    Despite the fact that the developer of the “hydrowave” technology passed away in 2015, we are determined to carry out development work to reanimate this technology in order to use this technology for processing Fukushima-1 LRW containing tritium.

    We believe that the tritium contained in the liquid radioactive waste will serve as a "fuel" in the hydro-wave installation to obtain excess energy.

    Long before the accident at Fukushima-1 - it was in 2009, V.S. Afanasyev. in his appeal to Rosatom he wrote - "The fifth distinctive feature of the hydrowave technology is the possibility of carrying out sound-chemical reactions, in which the removal of such radionuclides as tritium and carbon-14 is not a problem."

    In June 2013, JSC "VNIIHT" gave its positive opinion -

    “Innovative developments of STC“ TERUS-MEPhI ”are directly related to the nuclear industry and can contribute to the powerful technological development of the industry.

    A multifunctional hydro-wave technology for desalting and purifying water environments of any degree of pollution, including liquid radioactive waste (LRW), has been developed.

    The author of the hydro-wave technology is the creative team of the enterprise.

    Thanks to the support of NRNU MEPhI and the State Corporation Rosatom, in 2007-2009, successful tests were carried out of hydrowave equipment for LRW treatment at the MEPhI reactor, and then at the Techensky cascade of reservoirs of FSUE PA Mayak (Acts on the test results are attached). In addition, six installations created by the enterprise are successfully used as part of the implementation of the Chemical Weapons Destruction Program.

    This technology surpasses well-known world analogues, therefore, products based on it are of great interest from representatives of the governments and entrepreneurs of Japan, China, India, Saudi Arabia, and other states, which see the unique possibilities of hydrowave technology and consider it possible to be widely used in various fields. In particular, the Japanese nuclear industry is interested in applying the technology in connection with the disaster at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant. In this regard, serial production of units in Russia seems extremely promising. "

  • Free energy under the heading classified. Magnets for peaceful purposes, perpetual motion machine, invention. Forbidden Magnetic Perpetual Motion M3 de Jean Claude Cordier from France. -

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  • Energie Libre: Le Moteur Magnétique M3 de Jean Claude Cordier est Classé Secret Défense - 2020 -
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  • This is not the question at all. It is an experimental fact that 10+ keV tritons will produce 14.1 MeV neutrons in deuterated media.

    We here talk about LENR not hot fusion.....Neutrons are only produce by asymmetric reactions. LENR normally is a symmetric reaction except inside some distorted grids.

  • The production of 14.1 MeV neutrons is the result of fast tritons as I explained. The paradox is how to produce low energy tritons in LENR. I suggest (controversially) that there may not be any tritons at all. If you have a different explanation, let's hear it. Same goes for neutrons.

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