ARPA-E LENR funded projects news and updates

  • An article on Arpa-E funding of LENR:

    DOE Announces $10 Million in Funding to Projects Studying LENR

    ARPA-E selects 8 projects to apply scientific and rigorous approach focused on specific type of nuclear energy

    DOE Announces $10 Million in Funding to Projects Studying LENR
    ARPA-E selects 8 projects to apply scientific and rigorous approach focused on specific type of nuclear energy

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • ARPA-E 2023: Challenging students to go beyond net zero

    Carl Page and Hilda Palencia Address Students at the 2023 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit

    Washington, D.C. — March 22, 2023 — Once again, the Anthropocene Institute sponsored the Student Program at this year's Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E)'s Energy Innovation Summit. The program is a unique opportunity for student energy leaders to engage with companies and start-ups looking for new talent, as well as to learn about new energy initiatives.

    The Summit is an annual conference and technology showcase that brings together experts from different technical disciplines and professional communities to think about America’s energy challenges in new and innovative ways. Now in its thirteenth year, the Summit offers a unique, three-day program aimed at moving transformational energy technologies out of the lab and into the market.

    Anthropocene Institute Technical Project Manager Hilda Palencia welcomed students and spoke about her background as an Aerospace Engineer working at NASA Ames Research Center on the LADEE lunar mission. “I joined Anthropocene a year and a half ago, and I’m really excited because the future of energy and the study of LENR is so important,” she said. Palencia then introduced Anthropocene President Carl Page.

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    ARPA-E 2023: Take Vacations and Sleep!

    Keynote Speaker Gives Advice to Next Generation of Leaders at Student Program

    Washington, D.C. — March 22, 2023 — Dr. Rachel Slaybaugh addressed students who were part of the Student Program of the ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, which Anthropocene Institute sponsored this year.

    She, too, was previously part of the ARPA-E Student Program. “It had a big impact on my career,” she said. “I’m still friends and colleagues with people I met at The Summit. That helped me grow my interest in the energy ecosystem beyond my area of focus.”

    Slaybaugh concludes by saying, "I can encourage you to listen to yourself. Whatever you choose, do it with passion and integrity. Do it from a focus on contribution. Do it with curiosity. And if you can, bring some lightness to it. And, for heaven’s sake, take vacations and try to get enough sleep.”

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    ARPA-E Energy Summit 2023: Waste Not?

    Industry Leaders Rethink the Nuclear Waste Challenge at the 2023 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit

    Washington, D.C. — March 23, 2023 — A panel of experts spoke at The Summit on “Nuclear Power for our Low Carbon Future: Rethinking the Nuclear Waste Challenge.” Panelists included Dr. Bob Ledoux, Program Director, ARPA‑E; Dr. Jenifer Shafer, Program Director, ARPA‑E; Dr. Per Peterson, Professor, U.C. Berkeley; Sylvia Saltzstein, Manager of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage, Transportation, Security, and Safeguards, R&D, Sandia National Laboratory; Jackie Siebens, Director of Policy and External Affairs, Oklo Inc.; and Dr. Kris Singh, Chief Executive Officer, Holtec International.

    The energy transition will require a variety of low-carbon energy technologies and, while early in the transition, the premium for constant, on-demand power is becoming increasingly important. One option for low-carbon, baseload electricity is nuclear energy. Several advanced reactor companies are targeting deployment towards the latter part of this decade, though a common question relevant to their rapid deployment is, “What should we do about the waste?”

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    Reuters Events: SMR & Advanced Reactor 2023

    Join Anthropocene at Reuters Events: SMR & Advanced Reactor 2023 (4-5 May, Atlanta) to unite with leaders from across the energy, business and government ecosystems to hear about the latest disrupters, and meet and form partnerships with new and existing clients and customers.

    Run over two days, we will explore the short and long-term future of nuclear energy, sharing the latest technological, regulatory, and investment moves for SMRs and advanced reactors.

    Uniting 500+ attendees and 50+ executive speakers, build networks, learn, and collaborate with SMR and advanced reactor industry leaders to secure the pathway to a future for nuclear energy, and your organization.

    Register here:

    Athropocene Institute is sponsoring a panel session:

    Recommissioning Sites, Reinvigorating Communities, and Reducing Environmental and Health Impacts

    SMRs are key to repurposing infrastructure at or near coal power plants. It provides a clean energy source that can be sited where needed, not where energy resources are available. Repurposing coal plants with nuclear energy provides several non-electricity related benefits, including supporting the economy of small towns, reducing environmental and health impacts, providing higher wage jobs, and potential for related industries like hydrogen production.

  • Quote

    Whatever you choose, do it with passion and integrity. Do it from a focus on contribution. Do it with curiosity. And if you can, bring some lightness to it. And, for heaven’s sake, take vacations and try to get enough sleep.


    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • An article in NextBigFuture on Arpa-E/DoE funding LENR (to sort the controversy out)

    DOE Funds $10 Million to Settle LENR Controversy

    DOE Funds $10 Million to Settle LENR Controversy |
    In February, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) $10 million in funding for eight projects working to determine whether low-energy nuclear reactions

    “Only puny secrets need keeping. The biggest secrets are kept by public incredulity.” (Marshall McLuhan)
    twitter @alain_co

  • An essay from a researcher affiliated with an MIT team that was awarded some of the ARPA funding. Gives his view of CF history. In his opinion, excess heat is not the most compelling evidence for CF. Instead, he says focus on observations that indicate nuclear reactions and pins his hopes on an "irrefutable reference experiment".

    Fusion Runs Hot and Cold
    The Breakthrough Institute is an environmental research center based in Berkeley, California. Our research focuses on identifying and promoting technological…

  • An essay from a researcher affiliated with an MIT team that was awarded some of the ARPA funding. Gives his view of CF history. In his opinion, excess heat is not the most compelling evidence for CF. Instead, he says focus on observations that indicate nuclear reactions and pins his hopes on an "irrefutable reference experiment".…/fusion-runs-hot-and-cold

    There has already been an irrefutable reference experiment. It just isn't well known.

    The accepted accuracy for this measurement is 2 ppm by volume. So, what is really the problem?

    Is it that the explanation doesn't fit the economic motives of the scientific community. Is that is can't be real if not blessed by peer publication review? Give me a valid reason that would be acceptable to a true scientist. We only find what we are willing to seek.

  • An essay from a researcher affiliated with an MIT team that was awarded some of the ARPA funding. Gives his view of CF history. In his opinion, excess heat is not the most compelling evidence for CF. Instead, he says focus on observations that indicate nuclear reactions and pins his hopes on an "irrefutable reference experiment".…/fusion-runs-hot-and-cold

    Nice article by Jonah Messinger. Since he is one of the 8 "ARPA-E awardees", it is comforting to know that, contrary to a few opinions here, at least one of the teams is well versed in the history, and science. Like some of the other new entrants to the field, he was motivated, and inspired by the Team Google (Project Charleston) Nature paper.

    Amazing IMO, that a "failed" effort has had such a positive impact on encouraging new blood to take another look at LENR. That, actually, was one of the stated goals of TG, and looks as if they succeeded. They lowered the barriers just enough, so that it is no longer career suicide to pursue.

    So, to the those with the talent still sitting on the sidelines...time to follow Google/ARPA-E's lead, and jump on the band wagon. A Nobel is there waiting for those who help unravel the mystery.

    Thanks for finding fractious .

  • To me the Google involvement remains very strange because i think they found and communicated they didn't found however.. A topic that could generate a lot of different reading.

  • To me the Google involvement remains very strange because i think they found and communicated they didn't found however.. A topic that could generate a lot of different reading.

    Because of the language barrier, English speakers reading Google's Nature paper, may see Google's involvement a little less "strange" than say...a Frenchman reading it. While it is true that they clearly stated they found nothing, they also communicated in such a positive way about their "failure", many like myself felt they found something. Nothing earth shattering obviously, but at least enough of interest for them to speak so highly of their effort. Going so far as to strongly push for new blood to enter the field, and appealing to mainstream to drop their opposition so that those who opted to, would not have the dreaded "reputation trap" to consider.

    I almost got the impression Google felt they had to be so negatively blunt about their results, for fear Nature would not publish if they said anything positive. That IMO, was borne out later by Schenkel's (heading up the LLBL research) follow up work, and his appearance at ICCF24 in Silcon Valley. And many of the researchers, and staff, on the other teams have continued on with their LENR work. Now that would be strange...if they truly felt their Google effort was a total failure.

  • Because of the language barrier, English speakers reading Google's Nature paper, may see Google's involvement a little less "strange" than say...a Frenchman reading it.

    “Reading between the lines” can be practiced by non native English speakers, too. Also of note was that Nature felt the need to compensate by their scathing editorial on the same issue, just to be sure cold fusion remained cold.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Nice article by Jonah Messinger

    Jonah is at the Cavendish experiencing the English weather.. for a while.

    "LENR or cold fusion is, unfortunately, likely to remain a verboten topic

    Its still verboten at the Cavendish judging by the recent response from a compatriot

    there who put up with the weather for 50 years

    Emeritus Professor Mark Warner FRS | Department of Physics

  • After ARPA-E (research) DOE has announced more funding for "Scale-Up"

    US DOE $100 Million More to Scale New Clean Energy Technology

    US DOE $100 Million More to Scale New Clean Energy Technology |
    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced up to $100 million in funding to support clean energy technologies by providing a path to market for promising

    Between the 2019 and 2021 cohort, ARPA-E has awarded 17 projects with more than $167M in federal funds. The portfolio below illustrates the breadth of sectors SCALEUP is currently supporting. SCALEUP teams are developing technologies that span a range of industries from energy storage to aviation, power electronics, grid integration, and more. Additionally, through the SCALEUP’s U.S. manufacturing requirements, ARPA-E is preventing valuable IP funded by U.S. tax dollars from falling vulnerable to adoption by foreign competitors, ultimately supporting a strong domestic supply chain.

    The Seeding Critical Advances for Leading Energy technologies with Untapped Potential (SCALEUP) program builds on ARPA-E’s primary research and development focus to support the scaling of high-risk and potentially disruptive new technologies across the full spectrum of energy applications.

    The goal of the program is to help ARPA-E-funded technologies, past and present, transition from proof-of-concept prototypes to commercially scalable and deployable.

    [ Tip-off from a Rossi sockpuppet ]

  • This would have been great if Brillouin or other LENR start up had been selected in the ARPA-E LENR Funding, because only previously ARPA -E Funded projects can apply, as the article states:

    * Projects must focus on scaling-up transformative technologies that ARPA-E has previously funded and which would substantially build upon the innovations achieved under an original award;

    * Applicants must own/control IP (patents, subject inventions, software, etc.) arising from ARPA-E awards; and

    * Applicants must include commercial partners, such as potential customers, end-users, suppliers, etc.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • James Martinez claims that about a major news is to be presented from Arpa-E in the middle of February 2023.

    Around 17 minutes into this pod. (Yes, we've heard this before)

    James Martinez has been involved in producing the film The belivers

    Turns out Martinez predicted it right back in Jan 2022 about the upcoming ARPA-E announcement. His new video interview today on the topic of LENR is his latest. Not terribly deep, but there are more than a handful of interesting tidbits he passes along:

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  • Martinez predicted

    Whose labs? James's ? I'd like to look at everything too  

    TM12:39 back to um RFK J

    he knows I've emailed him I haven't talked with him in person yet

    I'm trying to arrange to do that because once he knows about this and because I'll invite him into the labs and have him take a look at everything himself and then you know his energy policy will be quite different .  

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