18 different models of the hydrogen atom and all have their experimental confirmation

  • Gareev Fangil Akhmatgareevich (01.01.1939-12.03.2010), Graduate and postgraduate student of the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University 1965-67, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics "Joint Institute for Nuclear Research" (JINR), Professor at the University "Dubna", Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences ( RANS). Prominent Russian natural scientist, scientist-encyclopedist in the field of theoretical quantum physics, experimental nuclear and subnuclear physics, nuclear isomerism, nuclear fusion, cosmophysics.

    Report of a nuclear physicist - F.A.Gareev -

    18 different models of the hydrogen atom and all have their experimental confirmation -

    18 различных моделей атома водорода и все подтверждаются: Гареев Фангиль Ахматгареевич / 05.10.2008 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocZuzdXuzu0

    18 различных моделей атома водорода и все имеют свое экспериментальное подтверждение - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/fzXC/4A1G5fdJT

    18 различных моделей атома водорода, и все они имеют свое экспериментальное подтверждение - https://docs.google.com/docume…bnJGHrdI/edit?usp=sharing

  • Hello...

    I had just posted this as a new question, but as you are an expert on hydrogen I imagine you will have the answers I seek. What is the effect of the heavy hydrogen deuterium when combined with the carbon nano and buckyballs of C60 within humans?

    Is my understanding correct that this combination creates energy generated by fusion?

    As there is much deuterium in our water, would you please give me your honest opinion on whether the end result of this might be to increase our harvest-able energy output or for making an internal explosive device for our elimination?

    What is done is done, but I need to have truth over speculation or assumptions. Thank you.

  • Привет...

    Я только что разместил это как новый вопрос, но, поскольку вы эксперт по водороду, я думаю, у вас будут ответы, которые я ищу. Каков эффект тяжелого водородного дейтерия в сочетании с углеродными нано- и бакиболами C60 в организме человека?

    Правильно ли я понимаю, что эта комбинация создает энергию, генерируемую термоядерным синтезом?

    Поскольку в нашей воде много дейтерия, не могли бы вы дать мне свое честное мнение о том, может ли конечным результатом этого стать увеличение количества энергии, которую мы собираем, или создание внутреннего взрывного устройства для нашего уничтожения?

    Что сделано, то сделано, но мне нужна правда, а не домыслы или предположения. Спасибо.

    В 90-х академик Живлюк Юрий Николаевич работал в Сарове и обнаружил экспериментально следующее - в состоянии "экстрасенсорного сознания" либо "измененного сознания" либо "гипнотического сознания" в сердце человека идут реакции холодного ядерного синтеза...

    Всё это так или иначе связано с тем, что в организме человека "фотонная волна" порождает громадное количество свободных электронов, которые собираясь в кластеры инициируют реакции холодного ядерного синтеза , начиная с реакции е-захвата, далее мгновенно рождаются дейтерий и тритий, мгновенно рождается гелий-5, который трансформируется в альфа-частицу и одновременно отдает нейтрон для синтеза дейтерия или трития...

    Далее идут цепочки реакций, время которых 10^-8 секунды или ещё меньше...

    Данные цепочки описаны мною в данной статье - её я писал для академика РАН Николаева Алексея Всеволодовича -

    О геологии и не только, 30 октября 2016 года - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/2Ust/3PwUZftyZ

    О геологии и не только, 30 октября 2016 года - https://drive.google.com/file/…SwNE53AP/view?usp=sharing

    Вам будет интересно - смотрите и слушайте Ивана Беглова -

    Новая физика и знания для синтеза элементов и технологий изобилия: Иван Беглов - Глобальная волна -
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    Что такое ЧелоВек? Расшифровка не расшифрованного. Трилогия с Иваном Бегловым (часть 2) - GW -
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    Холодный ядерный синтезатор в рисунках древности и что делать - Трилогия с Иваном Бегловым (Ч.3) - GW -
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  • This is strange to me... 877 views of this post... I'm not offended... I'm not complaining... I'm just surprised... I was surprised, but then I realized the following truth of life - most researchers, unfortunately, argue in within the framework of the old paradigm in physics... Today you rarely meet a person who will tell you - "You know, I find Mr. Kanarev Philip Mikhailovich's reflections on the microworld very interesting." If we talk about me, then I am generally an unknown bird in this flock of peaceful pigeons ...

    This article is actually the key to understanding so many phenomena in physics that researchers demonstrate today - such as Mizuno, Parkhomov, Santilli, Mills, Holmklid, and many others...

    ARPA-E is recruiting like-minded people and specialists... It would be possible for me to join them... But... But we create in different paradigms and therefore we cannot understand each other... Who, for example, will judge and conduct an examination of those statements that I will present? These are people who do not understand anything about this and do not understand, since they rely on other knowledge and this knowledge differs from mine ... There is no one to check me! And so the first question will always be the following - "Do you have at least one working pilot plant?" The answer will be sad - "I have nothing like that!" Then they will answer me - "Since you have nothing, then we have nothing to talk about with you! Goodbye!"

    Therefore, I hope for those who have the opportunity to test my knowledge in their installations ... I hope they read this article ... It is instructive in every sense - 18 hydrogen models and all models have received experimental confirmation - this is nonsense, this contradicts common sense, but nevertheless it is the reality of our life! What is the real problem?

    And the real problem is precisely that we are wrong, or you researchers are misinterpreting the results of your research ...

    Who is closer to the truth today, from my point of view? Closer to the truth were those who drew attention to the fact that huge accumulations of free electrons can trigger LENR reactions - these are fusion reactions and these are reactions that follow "magnetic laws" - aetherodynamic magnetism...

    A young researcher from Moscow State University, Dmitry Losinets, is trying to comprehend it ... A good guy, an inquisitive researcher, but unfortunately, he is also mistaken.

    Today and yesterday he held two streams that will interest you - under these videos I left my comments -

    Charge, spin and magnetic moment of nucleons. Theoretical progress of etherodynamics -

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    A new serious theoretical result in etherodynamics. Magnetic moment and charge of the Proton and Neutron -

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  • Urutskoev’s statements at the RKTHYa and CMM conference on October 6, 2022

    XXVII RUSSIAN CONFERENCE OF RKTHYA and CMM Part 3, October 6, 2022 -

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    Urutskoev Leonid Irbekovich - 35 minutes 32 seconds - “But this is only half of the traces. There are two types of traces - visible and invisible ... Now - where did the hypothesis about the magnetic charge come from ... It was forced, since the emulsion was two meters from the installation and in two bags of black paper, it was clear that the "electric particle" would fly such a distance can not. I have been doing a lot of "transportation of relativistic electron beams" and therefore I knew these figures for sure. The particle cannot fly electrically. A neutral particle in a nuclear emulsion leaves no traces. Only recoil protons... Then a logical task turned out - there is no electric charge, but there is “some” “charge”, which leaves traces, is registered. From what was known to physics at that time, it was "magnetic charge". I perfectly saw and understood that all the monopoles that are described are very heavy and I simply do not have enough battery power - I only had 50 KJ to separate these monopoles. The situation was saved by Vladimir Mikhailovich Dubovik from Dubna, who said - “There was such a work by Georges Loshak, a French theorist who told us several years ago that a lepton magnetic monopole can exist in nature ...”

    Urutskoev L. I., Liksonov V. I., Tsinoev V. G. Experimental detection of "strange" radiation and transformation of chemical elements // Applied Physics, 2000. No. 4. With. 83 - 100; Journal of Radioelectronics, 2000. No. 3.

    Do you understand the whole drama of the situation? If at that very time in 2000 - when Leonid Irbekovich was conducting experiments, it occurred to someone, as it happened to me, to analyze the treatises of Charles Coulomb, Thomson and Maxwell, then there would not be these strange arguments about magnetic monopoles, and the reasoning would be about magnetic dipoles, with the realization that there are no “electric dipoles” in nature, there are no “electric monopoles” in nature, there are no “electric charges according to Maxwell” in nature, there are no “electric fields according to Maxwell” and there are no “Coulomb forces according to Maxwell" or "electric forces according to Maxwell" and there is no Coulomb barrier in nature...

    From Wikipedia -

    “As a result of his research, he received results that, in his opinion, may indicate the discovery of a magnetic monopole and the transmutation of chemical elements[4][5]. According to Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences E. P. Kruglyakov, a special commission of the RRC Kurchatov Institute gave the following conclusion: “At the moment there is no reason to talk about a discovery” [5]. The review by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences S. S. Gershtein, supported by the Scientific Council of the Institute for High Energy Physics, stated: “The conclusions of the authors regarding the appearance of magnetic monopoles and the transmutation of chemical elements during a foil explosion are completely unfounded and are the result of poor-quality experiments and premature conclusions.. .”[6]. Similar conclusions were made at the nuclear physics center in Arzamas-16 (now Sarov), where control experiments were carried out[6].”

    As it is now clear - the experiments were of high quality, we can agree that the appearance of magnetic monopoles is unreasonable, but the appearance of magnetic dipoles - clusters of free electrons, is a completely sensible explanation. As for the "precocious conclusions", it is clear that without knowledge of the mistakes made by Maxwell, it is correct to interpret his results Urutskoev L.I. basically couldn't.

    That's why it's so important to study my materials -

    Answer Cherepanova A.I. Elena Arkhipova and Vladimir Yashkardin October 28, 2022 – https://cloud.mail.ru/public/dx7P/fGG8LN2RU

    Answer Cherepanova A.I. Elena Arkhipova and Vladimir Yashkardin October 28, 2022 – https://docs.google.com/file/d…E9bZ1J3I/edit?usp=sharing

    Say A Word About Poor Charles Coulomb Part 1 October 31, 2022 -

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    Say a word about poor Charles Coulomb, part 2, October 31, 2022 -

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    The pattern of Charles Coulomb from 1785 is exactly this, October 17, 2022 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/yVKN/ef3Wikh5T

    Charles Coulomb's pattern from 1785 is exactly this, October 17, 2022 - https://docs.google.com/file/d…Bc-_Cli0/edit?usp=sharing

    Dimensions of electrical quantities, Karl Schreber, 1899 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/BUUH/gsQnq6DFV

    Dimensions of electrical quantities, Karl Schreber, 1899 - https://drive.google.com/file/…KUf0RM8K/view?usp=sharing

    Dimension of the Electrostatic Unit of Electricity according to Maxwell, June 17, 2021 – https://cloud.mail.ru/public/QvrM/nMMPQNDBx

    Dimension of the Electrostatic Unit of Electricity according to Maxwell, June 17, 2021 – https://drive.google.com/file/…sow0iw5x/view?usp=sharing

  • 26 minutes 40 seconds - Losinets Dmitry - "We are shelling with electrons ..." I categorically disagree with this, since we do not create any forces for this ... Why and why for almost 100 years, researchers believed that electrons fly in accelerators ? They relied on Maxwell's mistakes in "Electrostatics" and believed that there is a "negative charge" on the electron, that there is an "electric field" in nature and there are "electric forces" - but none of this exists in nature ... In nature, instead "flies "etherodynamic mass, which is pumped by free electrons ... Therefore, targets are fired not by electrons, but by this mass ... And the scattering effect forms clusters of electrons ...

    I understand Dimitri! Mathematics fascinates and attracts to itself ... But alas, in this speech he himself is mistaken and he relied on the delusions of Burtaev, who, unfortunately, did not live long enough to see the time when I exposed Maxwell and found 6 fatal errors in him.

    Read this material - in it I outlined the mistakes of Kanarev F.M., which, alas, Dmitry Losinets also makes - Fatal delusions of Kanarev Philip Mikhailovich - Ring model of the electron, October 16, 2022 - https://cloud.mail.ru/public/ VVRZ/7jAoubjJS

    Fatal delusions of Kanarev Philip Mikhailovich - Ring model of the electron, October 16, 2022 - https://docs.google.com/file/d…MYr-21wF/edit?usp=sharing

    Answer Cherepanova A.I. Elena Arkhipova and Vladimir Yashkardin October 28, 2022 – https://cloud.mail.ru/public/dx7P/fGG8LN2RU

    Answer Cherepanova A.I. Elena Arkhipova and Vladimir Yashkardin October 28, 2022 – https://docs.google.com/file/d…E9bZ1J3I/edit?usp=sharing

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