• I just tried to say that some "NAE " are excited by conduction then some others by radiations.

    Up to you to find/imagine the most effective solution :)

    That isn't what the paper is about - and it expressly talks about other effects that cannot be purely phonon based. They have referred to what they call a "memory effect" - which I think is probably a poor translation. They are talking about energy that seems to disappear from the molecular vibrations in one location - and then reappear as vibrations in another location a short time later. As a bulk effect it isn't really noticeable - but it is measurable on what they refer to as the mesoscopic scale (between molecular and macroscopic).

    It's just something I've been looking at for non-LENR purposes - but it could be relevant to other liquid/sonic systems.

  • I just tried to say that some "NAE " are excited by conduction then some others by radiations

    You have just restricted yourself by talking about "classical" (19th century) energy transfer models. It is true that these models have served us well on a macro engineering scale. However, the paper I linked to is pointing out that the traditional models appear to break down under some circumstances - which suggests that they cannot be telling the whole story. Always remember: "all models are wrong, but some are useful".

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams


    Tomoya Yamauchi1, Yutaka Mori1, Shuto Higashi1, Hayato Seiichi1, Masahiko Hasegawa1, Akito Takahashi2,Akira Taniike1, and Masato Kanasaki1*1Graduate School of Maritime Sciences, Kobe University, Kobe, 658-0022, Japan2Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan*E-mail: [email protected] August 6, 2024; revised November 7, 2024; accepted January 5, 2025; published online February 3, 2025.

    The present study aims to detect helium-3 in nickel-based metal nano-composites doped with zirconia, which exhibited anomalous heat generationwhen exposed to hydrogen gas at approximately 450 °C.

  • Maybe useful for Dr Thomas//

    but maybe the testimony from experienced nuclear scientists in

    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics doesn't count as much as Nature

    Thomas..""The authors of the letter to the Guardian suggest that cold fusion research is now being suppressed from publication. In reality, credible, rigorous studies continue to be published in reputable journals (such as a 2019 study in Nature), but none of them has successfully observed cold fusion. The letter claims that companies have “been able to make these reactions work quite reliably”, but do not provide any evidence to support this."

    This investigation represents a significant milestone in the field of cold fusion research, which originated with the seminal work of Fleischmann and Pons in 1989. The results presented herein provide compelling evidence that cold fusion is not a theoretical construct but an observable phenomenon, offering potential as a carbon-free and radio- activity-free energy source for humanity

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