The Long Awaited Dec 9th 2021 Ecat SKLed and SKLep Presentation Thread

  • i know and understand your pessimism now if this technology should be "real" if AR should sell it for wealthy few people ,never we will aware about his technology secrets.

    It could not be the case if full independent persons should pay for that.

    i'm curious to know how this business will evolve...

    Probably, yes, we never will know more about his technology..

  • A very simple proof of Rossi’s over unity “products” or even prototypes would have been to present his lab or facility or Leonardo’s power bill over the past decade showing zero payments… would be very convincing, even without disclosing anything of his technology. A missed opportunity…what a pity. So still IN > OUT… ☺️

  • As a wrap-up (for now), Rossi still sits (for me) in the center of a 3x3 grid

    X/YHas SomethingMaybeNothing
    Never Lies
    Sometimes LiesX
    Always Lies

    And the recommended action (from a discussion of Covid treatments) on a 2x2 grid

    Not Proved** Continue **Drop

    Combining the two, I will continue to watch Rossi, and will place orders for items as they become available. I have an AC and a DC SKlep on pre-order, and will add a thermal unit. Financial risk: ZERO.

    So I wish you all a not-too-interesting (in the "Chinese Proverb" sense) New Year.

  • Combining the two, I will continue to watch Rossi, and will place orders for items as they become available. I have an AC and a DC SKlep on pre-order, and will add a thermal unit. Financial risk: ZERO.

    Right. But then...

    If/when Rossi announces that he has the correct number of orders, and will ship SKLeps to those who ante-up first, the financial risk will not be zero.

    Further, since he has claimed he needs to produce these devices in large qtys (hence 1,000,000 pre-orders) it is just not possible for him to fund large-scale production in advance of payment.

    I realise you can (on your matrix which sounds more like Matrix to me) discount all the other weirdnesses and extraordinary lost opportunities (by Rossi) for a Nobel Prize or money if he had even one prototype in 10 years of claims that would black box be over unity by 50%.

    But now - how does this vast mass production without funding work - if you really think he will require funds only after delivery...

  • He specifically advised that buyers use credit cards and not (eg) PayPal so they can get their money back.

    So, you buy one of these things. It turns out it measures wrong. Rossi says you are measuring it incorrectly and it does in fact work, as he has done with every previous demo measured by other people.

    How do you get your money back? I do not think credit card companies will compensate in this case for anything other than non-delivery... It will all be down to fine print. I will be fascinated to see how this new Rossi scams Visa scheme will work...

    • You must have direct links with the creditor and supplier to be able to use Section 75. Technically there must be a direct link between the debtor (that's you, the customer), the creditor (the credit card company – for example, American Express, Lloyds, Barclaycard) and the supplier (the retailer selling you the goods or service).

      If that relationship is deemed to be broken by the involvement of an intermediary or third party, Section 75 protection WON'T apply. Unfortunately though, even the Financial Ombudsman Service – which arbitrates Section 75 disputes – is unable to provide clear guidance on when this happens, leaving shoppers in the dark.
    • If your problem is with faulty goods, first check the warranty instead of using Section 75. If you paid for a product using your card and discover a problem with it while it is still under warranty, and the warranty is with the manufacturer, you may not be able to bring a Section 75 claim for breach of contract.

      This is because the contract at the point of sale is with the retailer or supplier and therefore the creditor-debtor-supplier link would be broken. However, you would be able to make a claim if the warranty is with the retailer or supplier directly as the chain would still be intact.
  • It will be fascinating to see how this all plays out. I think it is quite safe to assume that there will not be orders for one million units. So one scenario is Rossi says “oh well, then I can’t build and deliver any.” Seems likely except why go through the whole charade in the first place? Or, Rossi claims there ARE a million orders and starts asking for credit cards. Unless the plan is for outright theft, then he would have to deliver something to the (hundreds?) of customers who placed orders. Then what? I guess the true believers think that the things will actually do something useful. But discounting that unlikely outcome, the result will be fuss, bother, and litigation - probably for years to come. Rossi is a master of dragging out non-events for years, so this will take some time.

  • TH,

    Usually, the credit card companies will protect their client, and are capable of

    “Clawing back” out of your account and funds they deem are due their client. Hope so everyday

  • Have a Good 2022. Everybody.

    Maybe see you at the Playground.

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  • TH,

    Usually, the credit card companies will protect their client, and are capable of

    “Clawing back” out of your account and funds they deem are due their client. Hope so everyday

    Yes, I hope you are right. I can't say I understand this one.

    Rossi however is past master of shell companies, having wife hold money, etc, etc so if this turned into a big thing (not sure it will) I'd not be so sure anything will be clawed back from him.

  • Have a Good 2022. Everybody.

    Maybe see you at the Playground.

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    James Webb beats Jimmy Webb

    Where Is Webb? NASA/Webb
    'WhereIsWebb' shows the status of Webb on its journey to L2 orbit. The page constantly updates as Webb travels, deploys, and cools to operating temperature.…

  • Omg, I thought the year end would be a good idea to check what’s going on with Rossi and CF overall... when I will be able to order a e-cat, hot-cat, fat-cat, quark-x, (sorry, I surely left out some of Rossis cats...,) EcatSKLed, EcatSKLep... just to find out that the latest demonstration was a disaster (again).

    And the Rossi thread here is going to be closed :(

    Well, it might be a good idea to shut down some more (embarrassing) threads here...

    BTW: What happened to the „Gamma Girls“?

  • Will someone remind me ... who's the biggest scammer (investments vs returns)?

    BLP ?

    At LEAST $143 raised. (Many entries grayed out).
    Deliveries ...? Orders .... ?
    Even semi-independent bring-your-own-instruments tests?

    Nope, nope, nope.

    Compared to Rossi's $10M (IH ... from which he repaid all previous investors who cashed in).

    Oh ... I forgot. BLP DOES have a full time professional videographer, right? Compared to Frank and Rossi's feeble efforts.

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