• Max Fomitchev - Zamilov Reports on his successful effort to produce neutrons from bubble fusion//cavitation.

    For the past year I have been experimenting relentlessly (and secretly) with bubble fusion. For those of you who follow my work through the years this will not come as a surprise. I have worked on bubble fusion before and presented my results at ICCF-18 and at NPA conference. I have even published a paper on bubble fusion summarizing my approach to the problem.

    Unfortunately, at the time I did not have enough experience with neutron detection and had a very limited knowledge of experimental physics.

    Now, when I have filled in the gaps in both of these areas, I decided to return to the bubble fusion problem. And – it seems – have already gotten to the first base, which is the demonstration of the proof of concept (e.g. neutron flux coincident with cavitation).

    I must say that my results are preliminary, and I still have plenty of doubt. I must do additional work (which is clearly cut out) before I can write a paper worthy of being summitted to a peer-reviewed scientific journal such as Physical Review Letters (PRL).

    Still, the results are interesting enough that I decided to share them. So here it is! Download my Bubble Fusion Proof of Concept Report in PDF format and let me know what you think!


  • I read a paper in Max’s ResearchGate page about transmutation (generation of excess nitrogen would be a better way to put it) in a cavitation system with thermal oil. I think appearance of Nitrogen where there wasn’t is much more impressive than neutrons, but anyway everyone still prefer neutrons.

    This is the paper I mention:


    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Scheduled for 9:30 PM CET, today on youtube by MFMP:


    Dr. Max Fomitchev-Zamilov joins MFMP volunteer Bob Greenyer to discuss the formers journey that lead him to have potentially discovered an effective way to produce cavitation driven bubble fusion. After the discussion, plans for future work are discussed.

  • It is a very promising field of research: ten years ago, we published our results about cavitation during the 19-th Russian Conférence on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements and ball Lightning at Krinitsa, Krasnodar Kraï, in the beautifull shore of the Russian Caucasus.

    We believe it would be useful to repeat these experiments with conductive liquids with low vapor pressure, such as ionic liquids. Inside a cavitation bubble formed in an ionic liquid, there is only vacuum. During the crash of the bubble, the energy must be accurately focused at the center. It would be interesting to perform cavitation experiments using deuterated ionic liquids, to see if it does not produce fusion reactions that emit neutrons.

    (PDF) Experimental Results and Projects in the Field of Cold Nuclear Transmutations. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/p…ld_Nuclear_Transmutations

  • It would be interesting to perform cavitation experiments using deuterated ionic liquids, to see if it does not produce fusion reactions that emit neutrons.

    I think Russ George/Roger Stringham have worked with deuterated acetone - as (perhaps) did Talyarkin, who you may remember was first publicly named as a fraudster by his university employers, and then very quietly reinstated.

  • I am just watching Bob's YOUTUBE video with Max Fomichev-Zamilov, and it makes me think that we could dissolve some Vanadium chloride in the ionic liquid, just to see what happens.

  • I am just watching Bob's YOUTUBE video with Max Fomichev-Zamilov, and it makes me think that we could dissolve some Vanadium chloride in the ionic liquid, just to see what happens.

    I am also watching it. Max mentioned the experiment that created N (and O that I had forgot), and he also mentioned it only worked with their first machine which used a pump made of common steel and didnt work when they used an Stainless steel pump.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • to perform cavitation experiments using deuterated ionic liquids

    I'm wondering if

    "natural hydroborate crystals"

    can become an ionic liquid?

    Learning as I go... slow.

    This is from an important paper discussed on another thread.


    ...any materials containing boron and hydrogen are potential media for one of the most promising nuclear fusion reactions.

    B 11 + p \u003d He 4 + ΔE , ΔE\u003d 8.7 MeV (4)

    A very great advantage of this reaction is the combination of a relatively low Coulomb potential barrier with the simultaneous absence of neutrons among the reaction products, as well as the fact that both boron and hydrogen are already present in these minerals in the required proportion and are at a close distance. - end quotes

  • An email from (Dr). Max Fomitchev-Zamilov dropped into my inbox today. He is continuing his work on bubble fusion, and sent me a link to his latest (preliminary) paper on the topic. I must confess a proprietary interest here, because I made the deuterated Ti powder ( TinD, not TiD as mentioned here -) and the reactor he may have run his experiment in..

    Preliminary report https://maximus.energy/wp-cont…oof-of-Concept-Report.pdf

    A new approach to nuclear fusion that is remarkably simple was discovered. The method involves suspending solid titanium deuteride (TiD) particles in mineral oil in presence of heavy water (D2O)
    bubbles / droplets and subjecting said suspension to periodic acoustic influence. The resulting nuclear fusion is identified by significant neutron flux (10 t0 10,000 times above background, count rates in excess of 6,000 CPS) coinciding with the application of sound waves. It is hypothesized that nuclear fusion occurs when cavitation jets from the collapsing bubbles impinge upon the suspended TiD particles forcing deuterium dissolved in titanium lattice to fuse. The experiment has been repeated hundreds of times and neutron production has been sustained for hours. Despite all of this, the conditions necessary to make this process work are not yet fully understood.

    Specifically, it is not clear how TiD particle size and concentration is related to D2O bubble size and concentration. It was discovered that certain D2O bubble sizes / concentrations result in extremely
    powerful secondary acoustic waves that we hypothesize originate from the expansion of the rebounding bubbles. These shockwaves add up creating acoustic peaks in excess of 24,000 psi. Through trial and
    error it was noted that neutron emission seems to coincide with the presence of these massive acoustic peaks but it has proven difficult to create the conditions necessary for producing said peaks on purpose. Therefore the research is ongoing. For additional information visit http://www.maximus.energy.

    Msx also pointed me to his latest developments in lab hardware/software. He said - "My expertise in radiation detection. I have created the Automated Nuclear Lab + PulseCounter Pro hardware/software system for rapid
    nuclear experimentation: https://maximus.energy/wp-cont…lseCounter-Pro-Manual.pdf. I intend to write a couple of papers on this subject as I feel that nobody truly understands radiation measurement and I have a lot to say on this subject."

  • These are some pictures taken at the time of the Ti powder undergoing deuteration in a cell with a cup-shaped cathode. Funnily enough, there is very little published info on electrolysing powders - I am sure my method is not original. there may be better ones, but for simplicity it is hard to beat.


    Cell components,

    Cell assembled

    Electrolysis underway.

    Power at start-up- later dropped to 2.5V.

  • Note that the report, quite sensibly, says:


    At this stage I do not have enough data to determine if neutrons are of thermonuclear origin or arise from some other nuclear process such as spallation.

    Therefore all the talk, outside of the report, of this being "fusion" is extremely unwise. Remember that the Farnsworth Fusor threw out plenty of neutrons, as did the old Harwell ZETA reactor, and yet neither achieved fusion.

    Nevertheless, the results of these tests are very interesting. I think the "neutrons after death" results are particularly intriguing.

    I only wish that some control tests (e.g. with plain water) had been carried out before issuing the report.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • With regards to the possible origin of the neutrons, the mention of spallation in the report is in line with the standard explanation given for neutron emission from tokamaks when the plasma is below "ignition temperature". I don't think the report details the materials used for the reactor chamber walls.

    However, this reminds me of the following post from last January:

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited once, last by Frogfall ().

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