• В среде 16 февраля 19.00 Физический факультет МГУ СЕМИНАР «ФИЗИКА ШАРОВОЙ МОЛНИИ» (Заседание №158).



    Исключение вихревой модели структуры электрона. Прирождении природы он поднял ряд фундаментальных вопросов: природа заряда, электрического поля и магнитного поля. Рождение электрона и гипотеза нейтрино.

    План доклада

    Состояние вопроса о частных и параметрах отдельных.

    Вихревая структура микрочастиц и физический смысл их параметров в использовании электрона.

    Топологическая природа выброса эффектов на дискретных камнях электрона в атоме.

    Природная стойкость и постоянство масс частиц.

    Альтернатива теории нейтрино при распаде нейтрона.

    Вихревая природа магнитного поля, магнитный момент электрона и его роль в магнетизме источника тока.

    Приглашаются все желающие

    Бюро Семинара

    д.ф.-м. наук, академик РАЕН В.Л. Бычков

    8-916 0257091 [email protected]

    к. ф. наук А.Ю. Грязнов

    к. ф.-м. наук В.В. Низовцев

    Технический секретарь Д. С. Лосинец

    +7 925 11 787 22 [email protected]

    Подключиться - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84198059614#success

  • Если вы собираетесь опубликовать тему на русском языке, разместите ее на русском форуме.

    If you're going to post a topic in Russian, post it on the Russian forum.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • On Wednesday, February 16, 19.00 Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University SEMINAR "PHYSICS OF BALL LIGHTNING" (Session No. 158).



    Exclusion of the vortex model of the electron structure. On the birth of nature, he raised a number of fundamental questions: the nature of the charge, electric field and magnetic field. The birth of an electron and the neutrino hypothesis.

    Report plan

    The state of the question is about private and individual parameters.

    Vortex structure of microparticles and the physical meaning of their parameters in the use of an electron.

    Topological nature of ejection of effects on discrete stones of an electron in an atom.

    Natural stability and constancy of particle masses.

    An alternative to the theory of neutrinos in the decay of a neutron.

    The vortex nature of the magnetic field, the magnetic moment of the electron and its role in the magnetism of the current source.

    Everyone is welcome

    Seminar Bureau

    d.f.-m. Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences V.L. Bychkov

    8-916 0257091 [email protected]

    Ph.D. Sciences A.Yu. Gryaznov

    c.f.-m. Sciences V.V. Nizovtsev

    Technical Secretary D. S. Losinets

    +7 925 11 787 22 [email protected]

    Connect - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84198059614#success

  • If you are going to post a topic in Russian, post it on a Russian forum.

    If you're going to post a topic in Russian, post it on the Russian forum

    I appreciate this post...

    My cheap phone let's me choose translate automatically so I can read most any language.

    • On Wednesday, February 16, 19.00 Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University SEMINAR "PHYSICS OF BALL LIGHTNING" (Session No. 158).



      Exclusion of the vortex model of the electron structure. On the birth of nature, he raised a number of fundamental questions: the nature of the charge, the profit field and the magnetic field. The birth of an electron and the neutrino hypothesis.

      Report outline

      The state of the issue is about private and individual parameters.

      Vortex structure of microparticles and the physical meaning of their parameters in the use of an electron.

      Topological nature of ejection of effects on discrete stones of an electron in an atom.

      Natural stability and constancy of particle masses.

      An alternative to the theory of neutrinos in the decay of the neutron.

      The vortex nature of the magnetic field, the magnetic moment of the electron and its role in the magnetism of the current source.

      Everyone is welcome

      Seminar Bureau

      df-m. Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences VL Bychkov

      8-916 0257091 [email protected]

      Ph.D. Sciences A. Yu. Gryaznov

      cf-m. Sciences VV Nizovtsev

      Technical Secretary DS Losinets

      +7 925 11 787 22 [email protected]

      Connect - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84198059614#success

      Like one
    • 2-ce3cda36c95586b4e507e726e9688c0da017b9db.webp

      Curbina 9 days ago

      Moved the thread from forum Announcements to forum English .
    • 2-ce3cda36c95586b4e507e726e9688c0da017b9db.webp Curbina Administrator

      If you are going to post a topic in Russian, post it on a Russian forum.

      If you're going to post a topic in Russian, post it on the Russian forum .

    • 1050-2e7b9a01a3a6aa668af225dbff6f9a03a5fc1d89.webp Cherepanov2020 Member

      On Wednesday, February 16, 19.00 Faculty of Physics, Moscow State University SEMINAR "PHYSICS OF BALL LIGHTNING" (Session No. 158).



      Exclusion of the vortex model of the electron structure. On the birth of nature, he raised a number of fundamental questions: the nature of the charge, the profit field and the magnetic field. The birth of an electron and the neutrino hypothesis.

      report plan

      The state of the question is about private and individual parameters.

      Vortex structure of microparticles and the physical meaning of their parameters in the use of an electron.

      Topological nature of ejection of effects on discrete stones of an electron in an atom.

      Natural stability and constancy of particle masses.

      An alternative to the theory of neutrinos in the decay of a neutron.

      The vortex nature of the magnetic field, the magnetic moment of the electron and its role in the magnetism of the current source.

      Everyone is welcome

      Seminar Bureau

      df-m. Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences VL Bychkov

      8-916 0257091 [email protected]

      Ph.D. Sciences A. Yu. Gryaznov

      cf-m. Sciences VV Nizovtsev

      Technical Secretary DS Losinets

      +7 925 11 787 22 [email protected]

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