Cavitation (sonofusion) reactor from B-J. Huang et al.

  • Over the years, various people have claimed that cavitation produces excess heat. This is also known as sonofusion. Examples include the work of Roger Stringham and the hydrodynamics gadget ( (Look up Stringham in the index,

    We assume this is caused by cold fusion. I do not know of any theoretical reason for that assumption. It does not seem to have much to do with hydrogen or deuterium loaded into metals. Except that in many cases the collapsing bubbles impinge on metal and inject hydrogen and oxygen into the metal. Based on McKubre's law of the conservation of miracles, I suppose it is cold fusion. Frankly, I don't care whether it is or is not, as long as it works.

    In any case, I would like to draw your attention to an ICCF23 presentation about this approach. The title does not indicate that's what it is about:cleardot.gif

    Excess Energy from Heat-Exchange Systems


    In ICCF22, we presented a vapor compression machine (VCS-1) using a 2.75RT freon compressor (Figure 1) which can produce excess energy [1]. The hot refrigerant vapor from the compressor (around 150°C) is used to heat the water flowing through a tiny passage of a triple-pipe heat exchanger. This may cause a violent cavitation of water. The machine was modified furthermore and tested for two years since then. The calorimetric method for COP measurement was improved. The COP inside the steam generator is defined as the heat carried away by water (Qwnet) divided by the net heat input (Wt - QL), denoted as COPx . This is used as the criterion to determine the possibility of excess energy generation. If the measured COPx was greater than 1, then the cavitation-induced low-energy nuclear reaction (LENR) might occur. The test shows that the maximum COPx reaches 1.97 (Figure 1) and COPx increases with decreasing inlet water temperature. . . .


    In the video lecture, the COP is shown as high as 1.97 (minute 10). Excess heat, when present, ranges from 2.15 to 4.18 kW (minute 16:30). With one reactor, there were 4 months with no heat, which can be taken as a baseline calibration, followed by 2 months of excess heat (minute 16).

    An upcoming JCMNS paper has more details.

  • At minute 19, in the Conclusion slide, he mentions that a COP of 2.5 has been achieved. The abstract and most of the lecture describes reactors with a maximum COP of 1.97. The calorimetry is good enough to measure 1.97 or 2.5 with high confidence. In my discussions with Huang, he showed that they can measure a COP of 1.2 with great confidence. Actually, I think this is too conservative. I expect the minimum it is closer to 1.05. Anyway, 1.97 is a walk in the park.

    The calorimetry gives a quantitative measure of the excess heat. There is other evidence for excess heat. As shown in the abstract and lecture, the machine was considerably damaged by an intense reaction and high heat. The input power alone could not have done this. This is qualitative evidence for excess heat. I say "qualitative" because I do not think Huang has tried to estimate how much energy it would take to produce this damage. I suppose someone could estimate this.

  • I have been following this very closely, Bin Juine Huang is also a member of LENR-forum, and he found evidence of transmutation in thin copper foil in, as many others have. I am really glad there’s a paper coming.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • The damage undoubtably is caused by neutron or proton release interacting with the metal walls. Another reason why tokomak hot fusionists will never be able to operate at 150 million degrees C for more than a few seconds whilst CF LENR-based systems can potentially generate excess power for years!

  • This video was made by the MFMP with regards to the work of BJ Huang, Bob Greenyer asked him after Huang’s presentation at ICCF 22 if they had looked for transmutations associated to the excess heat and mechanical damage of the Vapor Compression system. Huang said they had not looked for it. After Huang’s presentation at ICCF 23, where Huang did present results that indicated they had looked for elemental anomalies, Bob reached out again to him and this resulted in Huang doing ULTR like experiments (with an ultrasonic cleaner) and he also saw signs of transmutation in these systems.

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    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • I say "qualitative" because I do not think Huang has tried to estimate how much energy it would take to produce this damage. I suppose someone could estimate this.

    I recall some of the features of the damage observed to the copper pipes require sustained temperatures over 700 degrees Celsius. But I was much more interested in the carbon deposits he found, almost blending in with the copper.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • The viscosity of the water and the dynamics of the cavitation bubble collapse will change with water temperature. A few years ago I performed an in depth review of cavitation in general (I've forgotten a lot of what I learned), but I know that the power (not the best term) of a cavitation bubble collapse can change significantly with temperature.

  • I never had a look at the system in detail before, so sorry if I'm missing some details here. The refrigerant pump is just used to heat a tube to 150 °C or so in order to make cooling water in an outer jacket to flash evaporate and cause energy-producing cavitation?

    Why is a refrigerant pump needed at all? Couldn't this be more conveniently done with a cartridge heater or a band heater (or both)?

  • Alan Smith

    There have been cavitation systems in the past where the energy-producing cavitation was directly caused by the pump, but here the pump appears to be just a heating means, which is the confusing part in my opinion.

    If ordinary joule heaters could be used, something similar to Andrea Rossi's "small" E-cats from the early 2010s could be easily devised; actually that reminded me of those.

  • VCS is a standard heat exchange technology, this is the reason it was used, all you need is an air conditioner or a refrigerator and you have half of your system done, the rest is just plumbing.

    You all may want to review bjhuang ’s ICCF 22 presentation also, this is a direct continuation of it, and that presentation was talking about anomalous excess heat in cavitation based commercial heaters.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • I am pointing out that unlike other cavitation energy claims, cavitation here appears to be produced by flash-boiling water with heat inside a constricted tube, not water flow through a pump.

    I understand that the authors tried to replicate excess heat observations observed in commercial systems, but in my opinion from an experimental point of view a joule heater would decrease the number of variables involved and make it easier for others to reproduce the results.

  • I am pointing out that unlike other cavitation energy claims, cavitation here appears to be produced by flash-boiling water with heat inside a constricted tube, not water flow through a pump.

    I understand that the authors tried to replicate excess heat observations observed in commercial systems, but in my opinion from an experimental point of view a joule heater would decrease the number of variables involved and make it easier for others to reproduce the results.

    bjhuang is a mechanical engineer, for him and his team, this kind of systems are everyday stuff.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • BJ Huang's latest presentation presents strong evidence of neon-22 and carbon dioxide production in water heated in a heat exchanger. Most of the evidence in favor of transmutation was obtained by mass-spectrometry. Further, the identity of carbon dioxide was established by selective absorption from gas samples. The proposed mechanism is that oxygen-16 is transmuted to oxygen-17 by absorption of a pseudo-neutron. I used the pseudo name to indicate that there was no attempt to look for neutrons and the proposed mechanism is the speculation of reverse neutron decay as a neutron source.

    Whatever the source of oxygen-17, mass spectrometry data strongly suggests oxygen-17 enrichment. Further, the oxygen -17 enrichment is proposed to lead to a fusion of oxygen-17 to itself followed by fission to produce neon-22 and carbon-12. Neon-22 occurs with only 8.8% natural abundance and oygen-17 with only 0.037% natural abundance. The former result is made more remarkable since neither neon-20 nor neon-21 were detected. Neon is only 0.0018% of atmospheric gas. The probability that neon-22 and oxygen-17 are from sources other than transmutation seem vanishingly small. A preprint has been made available here: ICCF25 preprint(bjhuang)20230815final-6.pdf - Google Drive

    I have shown elsewhere in this forum that transmutation of oxygen-16 to oxygen-17 is likely the first step in the cascade of reactions in Santilli's intermediate fusion. That compete cascade of reactions and hydrogen to hydrogen fusion were established by mass balance and stoichiometry with high precision and accuracy. Further, I used mass balance to establish that the same cascade of reactions explains the composition of Aquafuel and therefore transmutation in the Aquafuel reaction and the excess fuel value of Aquafuel.

    I can accept as possible the fusion of oxygen-17 to itself to form sulfur-34, since the logical catalysis is an extreme gravitation object (EGO) and I have shown that pseudo-neutron clusters radiated from supposed cold fusion EGO correlate well with quantum-based sizes of Matsumoto's blackholes. (Pseudo-neutrons stars which collapse under extreme gravity and radiate mass which develop an image on film until the pseudo-neutron mass has totally converted to strange radiation). However, I lack any reference to understand the fission to neon-22 and carbon-12. Is this a rapid nuclear re-structuring thing? Does anybody have any reason that should happen?

  • However, I lack any reference to understand the fission to neon-22 and carbon-12.

    This probably comes from the “most likely” reactions tabulated by Parkhomov and made into an open access online tool that Bob Greenyer uses most of the time to check if an observed possible transmutation is likely or not. It considers the possibility of Fusion and Fission, and also includes the possibility of the particles Parkhomov calls “slow”’or “cold” neutrino takes part in the reaction. The idea to look for Ne came from

    using these Parkhomov tables. Oxygen is also considered as having a key role because of being superparamagnetic.

    I have spent tens of hours watching MFMP videos and have yet many more tens of hours to go, but these are the kind of things that are often mentioned and analyzed in these videos and seen from many experimental points of view.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • I like BJ Huang experiments as a reference type. It requires no input of electrical energy directly into the reaction chemistry. It proposes the reaction as a simple basis (reverse neutron decay) and has a single output of the 1st elementary step (production of oxygen-17). Further, the second step is a consequence of the 1st step. The fusion and then fission reactions based on oxygen-17. The chemistry and nuclear reactions are closed system. That is heat can enter the system and leave the system through the walls of system but evolution of carbon dioxide and of neon and lost of heat can be closed system. Finally, the probability that neon-22 and oxygen-17 are from sources other than transmutation seem vanishingly small. So, in a closed system, the reaction products are extremely convincing evidence of nuclear reaction.

    It has an easy measurement of reaction for self-funded scientist. That is the production of carbon dioxide from water and from a metal containment devoid of carbon.

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