Ed Storms Amazing results data fitting

  • https://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/StormsEdetectiono.pdf

    Detection of Radiation Emitted from LENR, Edmund Storms and Brian Scanlan

    A study was made to detect X-radiation and energetic particle emission from nuclear reactions
    that may be initiated during low-voltage gas discharge in deuterium. Evidence is presented for
    X-radiation having an energy nearly equal to the voltage applied to the discharge and energetic
    particle emission similar to deuterons having energy with peaks between 0.5 and 3 MeV. A study
    of radiation emitted from materials exposed to deuterium gas is underway.

    This is a further replication of Storms and Scanlan's work.


    Partial Replication of Storms/Scanlan Glow Discharge Radiation, Rick Cantwell and Matt McConnell


    The Storms/Scanlan paper1 presented at the 8th international workshop in Catania
    described two types of radiation produced in a deuterium glow discharge. One type was
    thought to be mono energetic electrons in the 0.8 MeV range. A second type of emission,
    obtained when oxygen was added to the D2, was also described by Storms/Scanlan.
    We have produced radiation with similar characteristics to this second type of emission.
    This radiation has been characterized with GM tubes, absorbers, silicon diode detector,
    and magnetic deflection. We propose that conventional low energy x-rays would produce
    behavior consistent with our observations.

  • An explanation by Storms per Microsoft Word - StormsEdetectiono.doc (lenr-canr.org)

    "How can these results be explained? The work of Iwamura et al. 32 has shown that clusters of deuterons are involved in LENR reactions. Takahashi 33,34 has explored how they 21 might be made and proposed that members of the cluster carry away part of the energy. This conclusion follows if the cluster configuration is bound together tight enough to enter into a nuclear reaction as a unit. For such a nuclear reaction to occur, the unreacted members would have to be close enough to share in the energy released from the resulting reaction. In other words, the members of the cluster not actually involved in the nuclear reaction would carry away the energy resulting from a reaction between two of its members, as proposed by Takahashi. This work carries the idea further by finding that the energy is much lower than would be the case if the cluster had only a few members as proposed by Takahashi. Instead, the clusters appear to be large. For example, this work indicates that a cluster would have to contain nearly 20 deuterons for each to have an energy resulting from a fusion reaction near that found in this study. Because the clusters can have a variety of sizes, the resulting energy of deuterons emitted from a sample can have a variety of energies, but with a fixed relationship as is observed. In other words, each peak results from a cluster of a different size being the source of the nuclear reaction. Based on the intensity of the various observed energies, larger clusters appear to be more common than smaller ones with a distribution that is sensitive to the voltage applied to the discharge and to the gas composition. Apparently protium enhances this process without sharing the energy. If this mechanism and observations are correct, a search for emitted particles from the LENR process should focus on deuterons as the emitted particle with an energy between 0.5 and 3 MeV."

    I propose to further expand the cluster or rather planetoid model. There are particles in the reactive cluster which exert on each other a non-minimal gravitational coupling. This modified gravity holds the cluster together in opposition to coulomb repulsion of negative particles. Think of the nuclear active cluster as an EVO. The cluster would be mostly electrons and some deuterons. Without further explanation at this point I propose the particle causing the non-minimal gravitational coupling is a R-electron. Basically, an electron with an energy fragment attached to it which causes the effect of special relativity locally. Hence, the R is for the Riemann geometry and R is the local Lorentz factor.

    I have illustrated the relationships below, but the scales are arbitrary.

    The particles in the planetoid are quantized per a phat equation E=n2(13.58 ev). Particles escape with escape velocity above n=58, 0.0457 MeV. Particles on the planetoid in this n level orbit share energy. Modified gravity keeps lower energy particle out of this orbit. The base or average energy of this orbit then becomes 0.0457 MeV. The photon condensation mechanism of phats result in higher energy particles which can escape the modified gravity of the planetoid. The mechanism of energy condensation defines the average energy of each peak of emitted particles.

  • Now lets calculate the modified gravitational constant for R-electrons. At the sharp edge of the planetoid, set the gravitational potential energy equal to coulomb repulsion potential energy. kqpqe/r = GmMpme/r. The coulomb repulsion of the planetoid of electrons on an escape charge of 1 electron equal the modified gravitational constant times the electron mass of the planetoid x the mass of an electron. The radius drops out on both sides. The mass and charge terms are expressed per electron. The result is Gm=kqe2/me2. So, k time charge of the electron squared/ mass of the electron squared. When one divides the result by the usual gravitation Constant, one finds the modified gravitation constant for a R-electron is 3.79 x 1044 larger than what everyone calls the gravitational constant. So the gravity that holds an EVO or cold fusion planetoid together is 43 order of magnitude greater than that between other particles.

    I am interested in what alternatives to R-electrons, any of you have.

  • I have read of an altenative to 20 planetoids and modified gravity,,,but it gives me a 4D,6D headache

    This alternative involves the Clifford Tori (CT) rather than Reimann electrons

    The Clifford Tori is 4 dimensional. That could work here. For example, if an energy fragment attached to the electron were to get large enough to provide the energy for transition of a proton and an R-electron to a neutron. In this case the energy fragment takes the place of the neutrino. Special relativity applies the space time metric to the energy fragment as a function of its energy and that energy is quantized with the afore mentioned phat equation. In this case one finds the R-electron become a nuclear electron that would create SAM structured atom model or an alternative like that of nkodama. Proposition:Request to correct the nuclear physics model and neutron model by Cold Fusion Society - Physics - LENR Forum (lenr-forum.com) In order to conserve isospin, isospin is added as a fourth dimension.

    Yes, how about negative muons?

    The math works with electrons or muons but the modified gravitation constant would change because muons have more mass.

    One thing to note is that the glow discharge voltage affects the spectra not just the intensity. The EVOs that are formed in a particular phat series have the same ratio of the number of electrons to radius of planetoid that is a consequence of the balance of gravitational potential to coulomb potential at the escape horizon. Of course the model supports Ed suggestion of massive radiation and doesn't work without mass, but the deuterons would be negatively charged when exiting the EVO for my explanation to fit. They must lose that extra charge quickly because the radiation doesn't behave like electrons.. Also, there is nothing in this model that ties the EVO to nuclear reactions. The energies are due to a photon condensation mechanism which accelerates deuterons..

    The proof that the photon condensation mechanism with R-electron leads to fusion/fission pathway of events can be seen in my posts in other places in this form.

  • This data is from this video. (89) ICCF-21 - Edmund Storms - Personal Experiences During Many Years of LENR Experiments - YouTube

    Some funny/interesting quips from Storms in the video:

    4 minutes : "We showed this [tritium production] to the people in the laboratory and up through the administration, and that stimulated the creativity of the skeptics"

    9:45 : "I was lucky, I got a plate of palladium from Takahashi in Japan. He had a sheet of palladium made that he was finding made excess energy fairly routinely.... Because it produced some significant energy, I was hooked.

    13:20 "When I got there (Congressional meeting in Washington) I discovered that there were two other members who were there to do the same thing. One was Randy Mills. He was showing them how they could make heat by his technique."

    29 minutes : "Rossi is a strange phenomena"

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