The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.

  • Attosecond lasers are ultrafast laser pulses that are one-quintillionth of a second, or one-billionth of a nanosecond. They are used to study the world at the smallest scales and have applications in chemistry, biology, and physics.

    Some applications of attosecond lasers include:

    • Photoelectron and photoion spectroscopy
    • Attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
    • Producing soft X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL)
    • Pump-probe spectroscopy

    Attosecond pulses act as strobes, lighting up electrons so researchers can capture their image as they move. This technique is called pump-probe spectroscopy.

    Attosecond lasers are the subject of intense research. DARPA launched a $6.9 million project on applications of attosecond pulse generation in August of this year.

    The LENR community should attempt to lobby their DARPA connections to turn attosecond laser research toward LENR research since it is now clear that LENR is a exotic aspect of electron behavior.

    I wonder if it is now possible for the attosecond laser to disprove the Bremsstrahlung posit to measure in detail how the electron moves in space and is affected by the quantum foam.. This laser might also be used in LENR research to measure how the electron loses mass by masking the Higgs field as a cause of weak hypercharge activated quantum chiral vibrations as a cluster of electrons grows large.

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    Ken Shoulders did not understand how the EVO could have varying charge or no charge at all since the EVO by Ken's own definition was comprised of an aggregation of electrons. Or how the EVO could enter a metal and pass through that metal like a neutron. And yet that EVO could violently react when the EVO regained its total charge. The EVO seemed to violate all the laws of nature.

    The mechanism that allows this strange EVO behavior is provided by the quasiparticle mechanism where an boson such as a photon can become entangled with an exciton which is an electron/hole combination.

    In more detail, an exciton is a bound state of an electron and an electron hole. It is an electrically neutral quasiparticle that exists in insulators, semiconductors, and some liquids.

    Excitons are created when an electron is excited from a lower- to a higher-energy state. When a photon excites an electron from a lower state to a higher state, it leaves behind a positively charged hole.

    Excitons are the lowest energy optical excitation in a semiconductor. They have many features analogous to those of atomic hydrogen.

    Excitons are:

    • Attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force
    • Free to move through a nonmetallic crystal as a unit
    • The lowest energy optical excitation in a semiconductor
    • A composite boson

    Excitons exist in: Insulators, Semiconductors, Some liquids.

    The entangled quasiparticle of a photon and a exciton is called a polariton.

    A polariton is a quasiparticle that forms when a photon strongly couples with an excitation of a material. An exciton-polariton is a type of polariton that results from the coupling of visible light with matter in the form of an exciton.

    Polaritons are a bosonic quasiparticle. They are an expression of the quantum phenomenon known as level repulsion, also known as the avoided crossing


    Polaritons are commonly described as light–matter hybrid quasiparticles. They inherit their attributes from both their light and matter constituents.

    There are different types of polaritons, including: Phonon polariton, Exciton polariton, Plasmon polariton.

    An EVO is a condensate of polaritons which is a changeless quasiparticle with little to no charge and a very small mass. The existence and actions of these condensed science quasiparticle formation mechanisms are what Ken Shoulders could not understand.

  • I have been mistaken to mix the energy production process of LENR with the transmutation mechanisms because these transmutation mechanisms are just too complicated, weird, and literally out of this world.

    First things first, let us just consider the simple case of energy production. Transmutation and energy production in LENR are completely unrelated. There are a number of methods which can lead to the extraction of quantum energy from a system of particles.

    Method 1

    I beleive that the most inefficient method is ionization of bosons. In this method, a single particle is converted into a fermion. In this case, when the temporary fermion changes back to a boson, the boson gains energy,

    An example of this ionization method is the conversion of a bosonic gas into a fermionic gas through spark initiated ionization. This is most likely the least inefficient method of producing energy.

    Method 2

    The generation of a highly unstable fermionic molecule using compression produces many such unstable molecules. This method has been proven to produce good over unity power production in the Papp engine.

    Method 3

    The conversion of a fermion into a boson using strong light matter coupling. In this method, the fermion is converted into a coherent bosonic quasiparticle which is inherently unstable within an optical cavity. This method can generate huge numbers of these bosonic quasiparticles using virtually no energy. But energy is required to pump energy into this aggregation of quasiparticles into the unstable state whereupon they collectively explode due to their inherent instability. This explosion imparts a huge amount of energy to each of the possible 10^23 particles in the aggregation.

    Method 4

    Using cavitation based pressure changes in water to produce unstable water molecules that will become unstable and explode. This method is not very energy efficient considering that large amounts of power it takes to produce these water molecules.

    It is likely that there are many other methods of forming boson/fermion particle conversions to generate gainful over-unity energy production.

  • Some background on how the early inflationary universe connects the multiverse with Bose Einstein condensation.

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    Wow, This Experiment May Prove If Multiverse Is Actually Real


    Observation of false vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic super fluids

    It seems to me that this experiment is an initial effort by science to produce EVOs using a BEC formed by low temperature atoms. This BEC produces "false vacuum decay" which I have predicted will produce transmutation and matter disappearance.

    I have also posited that the EVO is another universe that reflects the generation of a altered vacuum state. The value of the vacuum will grow as the EVO matures and gains strength.

    This paper presents the mathematical foundation of the EVO process.

    In addition, Cosmologists are looking to BECs to research the state of the universe that had existed in the first few milliseconds after the Big Bang as follows in this paper:

    This bubble interaction analysis deals with how EVO like bubbles in the early universe are possibly reflected in the cosmic microwave background.(CMB)

  • Was this idea from Star Trek? That would make a great scifi episode, with Ken Shoulders creating Universes right and left.

    You should keep up with science. Criticizing something you know little about is ignorant so let me help.

    Recent data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWSP) indicate that the most likely was a previous universe from which the Big Bane occurred.

    Roger Penrose put forth a theory that foreshadowed this finding.


    Physicist Roger Penrose's cyclic universe theory proposes that the universe is in a constant cycle of expansion and contraction. Each cycle ends with a big bang and the creation of a new universe.


    • Expansion and contraction The universe expands eternally. It periodically transitions from the dying embers of an ancient universe to the initiation of a new universe at a big bang event.
    • Eons of time The theory predicts that our universe is one cycle in a sequence of universes that emerge over vast eons of time.
    • Energy The energy runs out in each cycle.
    • Evidence Penrose claims that there is empirical evidence of a remnant from a previous cycle. This is what the JWSP is now showing.


    • Pre-existing universe: Penrose's idea of a conformal cyclic cosmology hypothesizes that our universe arose from a pre-existing universe.
    • Imprints: The pre-existing universe would leave imprints on our cosmos today. The EVO demonstrates what the universe was like just microseconds old during the electroweak unification epoch just after the modified Big Bang occurred. The EVO may be a replica of the pre-Big-Bang universe.
    • Absence of matter: The absence of matter at the end of our universe's existence may have given rise to all the matter we see around us.


    • Nobel laureate: Penrose was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physics for his research on black holes.
    • Collaborator: Penrose was a collaborator of Stephen Hawking.
    • Book: Penrose wrote Cycles of Time: An Extraordinary New View of the Universe.

    The takeaway is that the EVO could serve to prove by experimentation the cyclic nature of the multiverse.

    You can also check out this video:

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  • Here is how to make EVOs from Ken Shoulders as follows:

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    Hathaway Research Internationals EVO Generator Overview

  • The LENR reaction is produced by EVOs, and NOT fusion, but what are EVOs and why do they exist?

    Scientists have proposed that the rapid inflation of the early universe may have been driven by an expanding bubble. This form of bubble nucleation is called the false vacuum eternal inflation scenario.

    It is believed that first-order phase transitions occurred in the very early universe when the temperature dropped below the grand-unification and Weinberg-Salam energies. Bubbles of the new, broken-symmetry phase would have formed surrounded by the symmetric phase. The lower temperature changed the early universe into a superconductor when the Higgs field first appeared.

    In a rapidly expanding universe, the space between bubbles is growing even as the bubbles are themselves growing into that space. Eventually, a bubble would run into another bubble and the entire Universe would be converted to the lower vacuum energy (aka the Higgs field).

    Eternal Inflation and Colliding Universes

    The bubble universe theory proposes that each "bubble" represents a separate universe, distinct but possibly similar to our own.…0similar%20to%20our%20own.

    Let us now understand the true nature of EVOs by going back to the basics, the time when EVOs first appeared. This EVO process and the time that this process first began is described in this article:

    Scientists Are Searching for Clusters of Spacetime-Eating Bubbles In the Cosmos
    These hypothetical bubbles could help explain the birth, and ultimate fate, of the universe.

    Scientists Are Searching for Clusters of Spacetime-Eating Bubbles In the Cosmos

    These hypothetical bubbles could help explain the birth, and ultimate fate, of the universe.


    Cosmology deals with some of the trippiest ideas in science, but the notion of vacuum bubbles that can potentially create and destroy universes is pretty mind-boggling even for this field. Yet, these hypothetical bubbles of nothing in spacetime are a major topic of research and scientists are honing in on possible avenues to observationally confirm their existence.

    The bizarre bubbles are manifestations of a concept in quantum field theory known as false vacuum decay. Consider a vacuum that is in a stable state, but that still contains slightly more energy than a “true” vacuum that occupies the minimum energy state in the universe. This “false” vacuum could be somehow kicked into the true vacuum state of minimum energy, and this transition—or decay—would cause a bubble of true vacuum to form (or nucleate) and expand out into space, consuming everything around it.

    Some models suggest that our universe was born as a true vacuum bubble that exists within a multiverse containing many similar bubbles, while others posit that we currently inhabit a false vacuum that might one day be destroyed by the advance of a true vacuum bubble.

    It is easy to see that this explanation of the EVO based LENR reaction is conceptually harder to explain to the non scientist but what is actual is harder and oftentimes stranger than fiction.

  • The LENR reaction is produced by EVOs, and NOT fusion

    Don't be dumb Axil. If there is no fusion there would be no helium, and no tritium. If you said 'The LENR fusion reaction is catalysed by EVOs'; for example I would have no argument with such a statement.

  • Don't be dumb Axil. If there is no fusion there would be no helium, and no tritium. If you said 'The LENR fusion reaction is catalysed by EVOs'; for example I would have no argument with such a statement.

    What you are forgetting Alan is that each EVO is another universe, created by vacuum decay. The helium, tritium, or anthing really could come from that universe. At least according to Axilian Dynamics theory.

  • Don't be dumb Axil. If there is no fusion there would be no helium, and no tritium. If you said 'The LENR fusion reaction is catalysed by EVOs'; for example I would have no argument with such a statement.

    The formation of those elements came from transmutation which is not fusion. Transmutation comes from a change in the laws of nature inside an EVO caused by a change in the vacuum state inside the EVO. I will explain this below as I delve into the details of the EVO.

  • Is that created by using a decaying vacuum pump?

    The nature of spacetime can be altered if the proper Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) (aka EVO) is prepared. For example, Egely in his device generates many EVOs when he fires a high tension spark. Those EVOs confine a spacetime value that is different from ambient spacetime. This altered spacetime produces the transmutation that we see on the electrodes of the Egely device. Those newly appearing elements include carbon which cannot be produced using fusion.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • I began reading Shoulders document again


    I thought it a good idea to explain what the EVO is and how it acts based on current science research not available to KEN as I go along in the reading. So let's get into the details:

    Ken says in the paper (APPENDIX 1):


    It has long been noted that an EV can exist in two distinct states that I have called white and black. The white state is clearly visible in that it ejects electrons, causes fluorescence of nearby dielectrics, bores through solid, semiconductor material and can ionize gas. On the other hand, the black state produces no observations that have been measured except the omission of measurable affects. Its presence is known only by the omission of a white EV between two points in the EV run that require something to have been there by reason of continuity.

    What is EVO Black Mode and how does it occur?

    The EVO is a Bose Einstein condensate (BEC) of cavity-Higgs polaritons. These polaritons are a type of exciton polaritons and could be formed from either dark mode or bright mode excitons.

    A dark exciton state is an excitonic transition that is optically "dark". This means that it cannot be probed directly by either photon-absorption or photon-emission.

    What are dark excitons and how to find them?

    An exciton is a bound state of an electron and an electron hole which are attracted to each other by the electrostatic Coulomb force. The electron and the positive hole have equal but opposite electrical charges, so the exciton as a whole has no net electrical charge. This makes excitons difficult to detect, but detection is possible by indirect means.

    Sometimes people call spin-forbidden optical transitions also dark excitons or spin-dark excitons.

    Dark excitons are formed when an electron and hole are connected by an optically forbidden transition. This means that the electron didn't reach the conduction band through photon absorption alone—it also needed phonon scattering.

    Dark excitons can deeply affect the transport, dynamics, and coherence of bright excitons, hampering device performance. They also play an important role in light emission processes in semiconductors because they provide an efficient nonradiative recombination channel.

  • Ken Shoulders stated as follows:


    Superfluidity and High Reynolds Number:

    The number of coupled states between two modes can define both resistivity and viscosity. If there are no states to couple energy into, there is no loss of energy. Superconductivity and the low viscosity of superfluidity, having a high Reynolds number, arise from this situation. The black EV seems to lack states to couple into our region of normal permittivity, ergo, a form of superconductivity exists here. The state of existence for a black EV is bounded by high permittivity space producing a shielding effect. Within this cocoon the black EV slides around with ease.

    This experimental observation is satisfied by the BEC nature of the EVO.

    A superconductor and a Bose-Einstein condensate are two distinctly different physical phenomena that occur in materials under different conditions.

    A superconductor is a material that has zero electrical resistance, meaning that an electric current can flow through it without any loss of energy, making it essentially 100 percent efficient in this regard. This occurs when the material is cooled to a very low temperature, typically impinging on absolute zero. At these temperatures, electrons in the material form pairs known as Cooper pairs, and these can move freely through the material without interacting with its lattice structure. This results in zero electrical resistance and the ability to carry an electric current with no loss of energy…so long as the low temperature is maintained.

    A Bose-Einstein condensate is a state of matter that occurs when an aggregation of entangled bosons, a type of fundamental particle with integer spin. The bosons lose their individuality and condense into a single entity, forming a Bose-Einstein condensate. This state of matter exhibits pretty unusual properties, such as superfluidity and zero viscosity, that are not found in any other state of matter. Bose Einstein condensates do not follow the laws of classical physics and display unique behaviors that cannot be explained by classical mechanics. Bose-Einstein condensates are thought to comprise a 5th state of matter after plasma.

    Ken Shoulders is improperly equating the two concepts: a superconductor and a Bose-Einstein condensate because they both have the same coherent behavior: such as superfluidity and zero viscosity, but the details of their constructions differ.

    But the superfluidity and zero viscosity of the BEC satisfies the experimental observation made by KEN of the EVO.

  • Under Charge Concentration: Shoulders believes that the EVO particle aggregation is protected by a change in permittivity which provides a spherical enclosure for the particle aggregation.

    But in fact, this bubble of protection and separation is produced by a vacuum protection and separation mechanism provided by nature called a domain wall.

    A BEC also produces domain walls which keep different states of the vacuum separated. In explanation as follows:

    In the preprint

    Observation of false vacuum decay via bubble formation in ferromagnetic superfluids
    In quantum field theory, the decay of an extended metastable state into the real ground state is known as ``false vacuum decay'' and it takes place via the…

    In this letter, we present the experimental observation

    of bubble formation via false vacuum decay in a quan-

    tum system. We observe that the bubble nucleation time

    scales exponentially with an experimental parameter that

    is connected to the energy barrier properties. Theoreti-

    cal and numerical simulations support our observations

    and allow us to confirm the quantum field origin of the

    decay and its thermal activation.

    it has been recently experimentally found that the BEC can produce a variable vacuum field that demonstrates Observation of false vacuum decay and spontaneous symmetry breaking. These are indicators of the production of spacetime that is different from our ambient. This is alien spacetime that is protected by a spherical bubble known elsewhere as a domain wall.

    A sphere bubble known as a domain wall is a sphere of force that can create a bubble universe. A domain wall is a type of topological soliton that occurs when a discrete symmetry is spontaneously broken. Domain walls are also sometimes called kinks.

    Bubble universes and traversable wormholes
    Bubble universes and traversable wormholes in general relativity can be realized as two sides of the same concept. To exemplify, we find, display, and study in…

    Bubble universes and traversable wormholes


    Bubble universes and traversable wormholes in general relativity can be realized as two sides of the same concept. To exemplify it, we find, display, and study in a unified manner a Minkowski- Minkowski closed universe and a Minkowski-Minkowski traversable wormhole. By joining two 3- dimensional flat balls along a thin shell two-sphere of matter, i.e., a spherical domain wall, into a single spacetime one gets a Minkowski-Minkowski static closed universe, i.e., a bubble universe. By joining two 3-dimensional complements of flat balls along a thin shell two-sphere of matter, i.e., a spherical throat, into a single spacetime one gets a Minkowski-Minkowski static open universe which is a traversable wormhole. Thus, Minkowski-Minkowski bubble universes and wormholes can be seen as complementary to each other. Is is also striking that these two spacetimes, the Minkowski- Minkowski bubble universe and the Minkowski-Minkowski traversable wormhole, have resemblances with two well-known static universes of general relativity. The Minkowski-Minkowski static closed universe, i.e., the Minkowski-Minkowski bubble universe, resembles in many aspects the Einstein universe, i.e., a static closed spherical universe homogeneously filled with dust matter and with a cosmological constant. The Minkowski-Minkowski static open universe, i.e., the Minkowski-Minkowski traversable wormhole, resembles the Friedmann static universe, i.e., a static open hyperbolic universe homogeneously filled with negative energy density dust and with a negative cosmological, which is a universe with two disjoint branes, or branches, that can be considered a failed wormhole. In this light, the Einstein static closed universe and the Friedmann static open universe should also be seen as two sides of the same concept, i.e., they are complementary to each other. The scheme is completed by performing a linear stability analysis for the Minkowski-Minkowski bubble universe and the Minkowski-Minkowski traversable wormhole and also by comparing it to the stability of the Einstein static universe and the Friedmann static universe, respectively. The complementarity between bubble universes and traversable wormholes, that exists for these instances of static spacetimes, can be can carried out for dynamical spacetimes, indicating that such a complementarity is quite general. The overall study suggests that bubble universes and traversable wormholes can be seen as coming out of the same concept, and thus, if ones exist the others should also exist.




    A domain wall is a type of topological soliton that occurs whenever a discrete symmetry is spontaneously broken. Domain walls are also sometimes called kinks in analogy with closely related kink solution of the sine-Gordon model or models with polynomial potentials.[1][2][3] Unstable domain walls can also appear if spontaneously broken discrete symmetry is approximate and there is a false vacuum.

    • Early in the universe, spontaneous breaking of discrete symmetries produced domain walls. The resulting network of domain walls influenced the late stages of cosmological inflation and the cosmic microwave background radiation. Observations constrain the existence of stable domain walls. Models beyond the Standard Modelfor those constraints. Unstable cosmic domain walls may decay and produce observable radiation.
  • The formation of those elements came from transmutation which is not fusion. Transmutation comes from a change in the laws of nature inside an EVO caused by a change in the vacuum state inside the EVO. I will explain this below as I delve into the details of the EVO.

    Has anyone here learned anything at all from Axil's fantastical explanations? Is it just me who is so stupid and sees them as nonsensical? Or are we all just too stupid?

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