The Exotic Vacuum Object (EVO) as the cause of the vacuum reaction.

  • That monopole article states that monopoles have never been detected, in spite of vast efforts to create and detect them. It just speculates about lower limits on the mass and what theoretical conditions might allow their creation, if they exist. But there is no evidence they do exist. Read the article. Del dot B still equals zero.


    Restframe Labs conducts research on the sensitivity and response of photographic emulsions to detect new types of particles. Background In 1979 in my research…

    This is the website of Keith Fredricks who has devoted his work to searching for monopoles. he has produced an number of papers to characterize his findings.These findings reference many LENR experiments and researchers.


  • Hey, Gentlemen on the Titanic! Your ship has run into an Iceberg - cold nuclear fusion LENR!

    The modern period of physics evolution has ended.

    It is impossible to further fundamentally cognize our World using ANALYSIS, that is, dividing our single World into local particles, material bodies, fields, EVO, etc. The path of mathematization of physics has also exhausted itself.

    SYNTHESIS is necessary, that is, to unite all Existence into one single whole - our WORLD, and to consider particles, bodies and fields as the corresponding states of our single infinite eternal absolute World.

    Postulating this, we come to the inevitable conclusion that our World is non-mechanical (the infinite World simply has nowhere to move mechanically!) and to recognize (postulate) the non-mechanical MOVEMENT-change of our World in the form of a process of spherical material-neutrino-energy induction as primary and absolute.

    The only thing left is to mathematically describe and experimentally confirm this process.

  • As LeClair discovered, the active agent in cavitation is the water crystal - see slide 17 of LeClair's paper above - which is a superconductor that forms in water through the pressure and heat applied to that water by cavitation.

    MFMP has examined at least a dozen cavitation based LENR systems over the years.

    In summation, cavitation can produce an ideal seeding environment in which the EVO based LENR reactions can be created by forming a fuel that can be used in a LENR reactor.

    Your summary does not speak to utility. Does it even make sense?

    There are numerous systems producing a soup of elements. George Miley's work for example. The liability concerns make a process that disintegrates metal to create element soup as bad or worse than nuclear fission. Such a mess is like lead in gasoline/petrol.

  • The mathematics and experimentation are so easy compared to throwing out random grandiose sounding adjectives. Thanks for doing the brilliant part.

    Have you applied for your Nobel Prize yet?

    Lise Meitner, who theoretically discovered the chain reaction of ANALYSIS-fission-splitting of the uranium nucleus, was nominated for the Nobel Prize 48 times, but she lived 90 years and never received it.

    I do not have the means to set up a simple experiment:

    It is necessary to "bombard" the nucleus of a hydrogen atom (a proton) with neutrinos. (According to Lise Meitner's theory, Otto Hahn bombarded the nucleus of uranium with neutrons.) For practical reasons, the source of the neutrinos can be nickel 63. As a result, a chain reaction of cold nuclear fusion will begin, nickel will turn into copper and energy will be released.

    Hey! Who can finance and conduct such an experiment?! And the Nobel Prize is in our pocket!

  • Anyway neutrinos and neutrons are the same according to your words below.. probably pizza pasta too ?

    Lise Meitner, who theoretically discovered the chain reaction of ANALYSIS-fission-splitting of the uranium nucleus, was nominated for the Nobel Prize 48 times, but she lived 90 years and never received it.

    I do not have the means to set up a simple experiment:

    It is necessary to "bombard" the nucleus of a nickel-63 atom with neutrinos. (According to Lise Meitner's theory, Otto Hahn bombarded the uranium nucleus with neutrons). As a result, a chain reaction of cold nuclear fusion will begin, nickel will turn into copper and energy will be released.

    Hey! Who can finance and conduct such an experiment?! And the Nobel Prize is in our pocket!

  • I have an issue with the plasmoid theory of the EVO that now dominates in the MFMP membership. Here is why I see things differently.

    The LENR active particle is not the electron but a hybrid electron/photon magnetic quasiparticle derived from the electron called the Exciton-polariton. Science has studied this quasiparticle and has discovered that when the BEC first forms, a ring type circulation called the whispering gallery wave will develop when the concentration of that particle is low.

    But as the density of the Exciton-polariton population grows larger, a new phase of matter takes over the structure of the EVO called a supersolid in which the Exciton-polariton population forms a lattice like a crystal would. This hexagonal crystal structure can be seen in the magnetic field that this lattice imprints onto the polarized magnetic witness marks that the EVO impresses on the metal surfaces that the EVO interacts with. The supersolid has both the property of a BEC and the structure of a solid crystal.

    Supersolid - Wikipedia

    Supersolid, an exotic quantum state of matter that consists of particles forming an incompressible solid structure while simultaneously showing superfluidity of zero viscosity. Current research in this phase of matter is one of the long-standing pursuits in fundamental research.

    An resent experiment that demonstrates a supersolid

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  • By MFMP membership, you mean Bob Greenyer, right? MFMP is now like Rossi's team, both with only one member

    Here is a resents post from Bob about the exploding membership in MFMP. As a curmudgeon, you might take some lessons from Bob's style: even tempered, a hard worker, enthusiasm for that work, an open mind, and respect for the ideas of others. Bob never seeks to belittle others to feed his ego as you do.

    We did it!

    It took from 21st August 2012 to 29 September 2016, over four years, to get our first 747 subscribers. It took till 17 July 2019, over 3 more years, to get the next 747 subscribers.

    The last 747 subscribers took just four weeks.

    We have now surpassed 10,000 subscribers!

    Thank you for your confidence in our work and help in spreading the word!


  • We have now surpassed 10,000 subscribers!

    Subscribers, LOL. Like ECW or JONP subscribers. Funny you only mention Greenyer's post again. Do these subscribers have the ability to unsubscribe, or is it like the Hotel California where you can checkin any time you like but you can never leave?


    I checked into this and found out these subscribers mentioned are just to the MFMP YouTube channel. Not "members" of the actual project. So apparently 10000 people had the energy to move their finger to click the subscribe button. Congrats Bob and Axil. Please continue spouting your proof of magnetic monopoles due to "witness tracks" in images.

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    Physics@FOM Veldhoven 2016, Peter Littlewood - Polariton condensation

  • One way that transmutation might be avoided in a LENR reactor is to use a isomer of tantalum as a coating to protect the substructure of a LENR reactor from distruction from transmutation of that substructure. Such an isomer is now used in the production of electronic components. An oxide layer which forms on the surface of tantalum can act as an insulating (dielectric) layer. Because tantalum can be used to coat other metals with a very thin layer, a high capacitance can be achieved in a small volume.

    The nuclear activity of the LENR reaction is based on high magnetic effects. Over these many years of LENR experimentation, it has been discovered that even atomic numbered isotopes are more likely to be transmuted than odd numbered isotopes. For example in transmutation of a nickel isotope mix, Ni61 was found to increase in abundance at the expense of Ni 58, Ni60, Ni62 and Ni64. Also in an uranium isotope mix, U238 is more likely to be transmuted over U235.

    For the LENR reaction in general, high NMR active elements are less likely to be transmuted than are non active elements. So an isotope that has a high spin number will be less likely to be transmuted because the high spin of the NMR active element converts much of the impacting magnetic field impacting a metal will be converted to some other forms of non-transmuting EMF radiation such as RF radiation through precession of the isotopes magnetic nuclear moment.

    An ideal case for magnetic shielding is 73Ta180m. This Nuclear isomers has a long half-lives because their gamma decay is "forbidden" from the large change in nuclear spin needed to emit a gamma ray. For example, 73Ta180m has a spin of 9 and must gamma-decay to 18073Ta with a spin of 1.

    Tantalum (Ta) is a transition metal in group 5 of the periodic table with many properties, including:

    Tantalum is a shiny, silvery, lustrous, blue-gray metal that is dense and hard

    Tantalum is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity

    Tantalum is resistant to corrosion and chemical attacks, especially at temperatures below 150°C. It is similar to glass in its resistance to corrosion, and has the highest resistance of any commonly used metal. Tantalum is also resistant to all acids except hydrofluoric at normal temperatures

    Melting and boiling points
    Tantalum has a high melting point of about 3017°C and a boiling point of about 5458°C

    Tantalum is ductile and can be drawn into fine wires, which are used as filaments to evaporate metals like aluminum

    Tantalum is also abundant in nature, and ores can be found in places like Australia, Brazil, and Canada.

    Tantalum-180m (Ta-180m) is a near stable nuclear isomer of tantalum-180 (Ta-180) with a half-life of over 10^15 years. Some theories predict that its half-life could be as long as 10^17–10^18 years, which is longer than the age of the universe.

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  • Science says that negative nass is impossible because if negative nass existed many weird things would occur, but there has been an experiment that shows that negative mass does exist as follows:

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  • Quark-gluon plasma Explained - Ep. 1/2

    Quark-gluon plasma Explained - Ep. 2/2 

    Leif Holmlid has detected Kaons, mesons and pions ptoduced when low powered laser light is applied to ultra dense hydrogen or deuterium. These particles are the same tpye particles that are detected coming from quark-gluon plaama.  Kaons are made up of strange quarks that are produced in the Quark gluon plasma.

    They are the type of particles produced and detected when studying quark-gluon plasma ("quark soup"), as they are created in the high-energy collisions that form this extreme state of matter at particle colliders like CERN. Kaons providing valuable information about the plasma's properties; researchers often analyze the distribution of kaons alongside other particles like pions to understand the dynamics within the quark-gluon plasma. 

    What Holmlid is doing in producing EVOs using Ultra dense hydrogen are a seed upon which an EVO is created. This EVO generates a Quark Guon plasma from the atoms that comprise this superconductive seed molicule.  

    The creation of kaons are proof that a quark gluon plasma is being generated inside the EVO.  A kaon's decay time depends on its specific type, with the "K-short" kaon having a much shorter lifetime (around 8.9 x 10^-11 seconds) compared to the "K-long" kaon which has a lifetime of about 5.2 x 10^-8 seconds; both primarily decay into pions, with the K-short usually decaying into two pions and the K-long into three pions.  

    Kaon - Wikipedia


    Holmlid's reference  

    Spontaneous ejection of high-energy particles from ultra-dense deuterium D(0) 

    Leif Holmlid a , Sveinn Olafsson b  

    Abstract High-energy particles are detected from spontaneous processes in an ultra-dense deuterium D(0) layer. Intense distributions of such penetrating particles are observed using energy spectroscopy and glass converters. Laser-induced emission of neutral particles with time-of-flight energies of 1–30 MeV u−1 was previously reported in the same system. Both spontaneous line-spectra and a spontaneous broad energy distribution similar to a beta-decay distribution are observed. The broad distribution is concluded to be due to nuclear particles, giving straight-line Kurie-like plots. It is observed even at a distance of 3 m in air and has a total rate of 10^7–10^10 s−1. If spontaneous nuclear fusion or other nuclear processes take place in D(0), it may give rise to the high-energy particle signal. Low energy nuclear reactions (LENR) and so called cold fusion may also give rise to such particles.

    Edited once, last by axil ().

  • Wiki's Santa Claus is 5 days too late this year :saint:

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