Post ICCF24 thread.

  • A special gift for our reporter.

  • Now Brillouin on Demonstrating Proof of Concept. They start with a video

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    Hydrogen Hot Tube HHT (copyright) Boiler System

    Pulses of 15 kW electricity up to 4 million time s a second.

    30,000 homes powered on one glass of water-type of heat coming out of the Hot Tube as they scale for efficiency.


    3x-4x energy gain has occurred in the lab.

    1.4x energy gain to "come right out of the wall(?) has been many many times.

    10% went back into the Hot Tube, 90% went into a sink. They ran their device for 18 months, with 10% going back into the device. They produced over 2x gain, occasionally 3x during that time. Compare to the hot fusion situation, where less than 1% goes back into the unit.

    The catalyst rod is the key to driving the reaction. News: In the past month, they have achieved a steady state. They now estimate about 25% of total power is going back into the unit.

    A little blurry:

    waste oil ot asphalt, thermal storage companies are interested. Businesses are there waiting for the reaction to ramp up. Please post up a better photo if you have one:

    They are looking for more capital to advance making 10 - 15 of these Tubes a week.They are looking to get a clean room environment. They need a lower level of clean room than say Intel Corp has. Ultimately, they are close to making it happen, and they need to start scaling up.

  • Erik Ziehm presents for George Miley Understanding Cluster type Reaction Sites.

    Patterson Cell was developed way back when with Dr. Miley. Demonstrations of a 1kW unit were performed. Micro-sphere beads between two titanium electrodes in light water. Spheres were layered with nickel, palladium, copper flash, .... When the spheres ran out, they tried to make more, but the excess heat dropped.

    Miley has worked on new materials and since found transmutations where isotopic abundances were outside of the natural values in Iron, copper and zinc. Each element has its own shift in isotopic material.

    Earlier thin-film experiments led Miley to speculate Swimming electron Layers were responsible for catalyzing the reaction. He thought clusters of D or H for the reactive LENR material. Later, he went to gas-loading and nano-articles. This gives a larger surface are particles, allowing more active sites where clusters can form in the defect sites. Ni-rich particles worked with H, while Pd-rich particles worked with D.

    In one run the team measured around 1479 J double the possible chemical contribution. Sintering occurs and reduces performance though.

    Erik is focusing on plasma bombardment now. he makes all kinds of defects as trapping sites for the Deuterons. Thermal DEsorption spectroscopy is then used.

  • He (Stephan Bannister) leaves us with one thought, that the Sun is liquid hydrogen lattice

    He shouldn't oughta said that. He is an economist. He shouldn't talk physics. Even if he is right the physicists will only be miffed. They won't pay attention.

    I have been keeping up on Jupiter, new understandings.


    The Sun.

    This happened because I am a curious fellow and have been following new research in metallic He 3, metallic Hydrogen isotopes (in Jupiter), and super ionic solid ice (in Neptune) H2O in which Hydrogen takes on a lattice structure within which the Oxygen molecules move about like electrons. These are said to be the most abundant form of Helium, Hydrogen, and Solid Ice in the Universe. Very high temperatures and pressures.

    While we haven't yet looked into the Sun, similar conditions exist in it's core. Jupiter has a hot superfluid Hydrogen state (liquid lattice) and at a deeper level a solid metallic Hydrogen lattice structure, perhaps with a small amount of metallic He 3.

    Interesting in that similar states of mono atomic Hydrogen or Helium or H2O molecules in Condensed Matter Nuclear Science might reach similar conditions and states of matter. Not sure if anyone else thinks this way, just curious.

    I have only a layman's understanding of these things yet have developed a very good abstract education.

    YET - Yes I assure you...

    Stephen Bannister sure knows what he's talking about.

    A liquid hydrogen lattice may comprise a layer within the Sun.


    LibreTexts is a 501 nonprofit online educational resource project. The project provides open access to its content on its website, and the site is built on the Mindtouch platform.

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    Below that level, the electrons in hydrogen become released from their atoms and freely move about. Under these conditions, hydrogen takes on the properties of metal, such as being a good conductor of heat and electricity. As a result, scientists refer to this state as metallic hydrogen. The metallic hydrogen layer rangers from a depth of 20,000 km to 60,000 km where the temperature reaches 18,000 K and the pressure is 4X107 atmospheres. Below the metallic hydrogen layer, Jupiter may have a solid core of approximately 10 Earth masses mostly made of hydrogen compounds, metals, and rock.

  • One question I have... despite the nine hours time difference (MEZ vs PT) is it possible to review the presentations either on hopin or YouTube?

    They said the videos will be available online a week or two after the conference. I think they might be available only to participants. They said something about being available for a year. Not sure what that means.

  • YET - Yes I assure you...

    Stephen Bannister sure knows what he's talking about.

    A liquid hydrogen lattice may comprise a layer within the Sun's core.

    He may well be right. I wouldn't know. However, it is politically unwise for an economist to talk about theory at a physics conference. As the Brits say, it is not on.

  • They are looking for more capital to advance making 10 - 15 of these Tubes a week.They are looking to get a clean room environment. They need a lower level of clean room than say Intel Corp has.

    In my opinion they should stop trying to develop this on their own. They should do what Clean Planet is doing. Partner with big industrial companies such as Miura and let the industrial company do the engineering. Let them figure out how to make it reliable and scaled up. If Brillouin has what they claim, they could easily persuade large companies to do joint R&D projects.

    I have no reason to doubt they have what they claim. On the other hand, I have no reason to believe it, either, since their demonstration did not include any quantitative data. Maybe some of their other demonstrations do include data. Does anyone know?

  • I know at least one big company that went to see them and said... no way.

    In my opinion they should stop trying to develop this on their own. They should do what Clean Planet is doing. Partner with big industrial companies such as Miura and let the industrial company do the engineering. Let them figure out how to make it reliable and scaled up. If Brillouin has what they claim, they could easily persuade large companies to do joint R&D projects.

    I have no reason to doubt they have what they claim. On the other hand, I have no reason to believe it, either, since their demonstration did not include any quantitative data. Maybe some of their other demonstrations do include data. Does anyone know?

  • New Hydrogen Energy Project in Japan by Kazuaki Matsui, A Review

    Started in 1993 and spent about $20 million

    The objective were to demonstrate excess heat with electrolysis and understand the mechanism, along with a quantitative control of heat. They got a number of groups from industry and academia from international sources.

    They set up in Hokkaido on the second floor.

    They had the ICARUS cell designed by Fleischmann and Pons as well as five other systems setups. He shows a graph claiming excess heat, and then he claims that there is a possibility of systemic error. He will not claim he made excess heat. He says that they measured some Helium-4 in 1997, but he can not be sure of contamination. Kazuaki shows pictures of a lovely lab. Here's Vittorio Violante and Martin Fleischmann when they were visiting the lab.

    Here is Francesco Celani, Douglas Morrison and an unknown fellow at that location.

    In THIS century, the NEDO Project produced two calorimetry facilities at Kobe and Tohoku U and a DSC apapratus at Kyushu U. At ARPA-E LENR Worshop 10-21-2021 Prof. Narita of Iwate U has reported summary of those achievements on excess heat by hydrogen and deuterium absorption on metals, focusing on Prof. Takahashi and Iwamura works.

  • They had the ICARUS cell designed by Fleischmann and Pons as well as five other systems setups. He shows a graph claiming excess heat, and then he claims that there is a possibility of systemic error.

    I missed that. I wasn't watching at that minute. Fleischmann and Miles strongly disagreed with them. Is this the graph shown on pages 15 - 18 here?

    Do a search for "NHE " (with a space) in this document and you will see that Fleischmann had a low opinion of them.

    Miles comment in the conference Chat:

    Melvin Miles14:32

    I worked at NHE in 1997-1998 using this same F-P Dewar calorimetry. Using selected cathodes from China Lake and proper calibrations, I found excess power (heat) in nearly every experiment, but NHE ignored my results for some reason. Political?

    Melvin Miles14:35

    They had already decided to close NHE and did not want any reports of excess heat to get in their way.

  • Mikio Fukuhara talks about Nuclear Transmutations and the Creation of Elements. He starts reviewing the conventional theory of creation of elements by cooling hot gases that condense.

    Fukuhara proposed a new model for the formation of nitrogen, oxygen, and water. He compares the element concentrations for Earth, Mercury, Venus and Mars. There is a difference for Earth; C, N, P, S, Cr, Mn, Fe are larger in concentration on Earth. He chooses three natural elements Mg and Fe, and Al and Mg, to investigate further. Given the temperature and pressures, can we create new elements? his calculations reveal that a nuclear reaction between Al and Mg can indeed occur.

    In fact, there a several elements he has researched that show the clear possibility of nuclear reactions. Lighter elements, he considers, appear to be linked to plate tectonics after the nucleation of the liquid core.

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