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Display MorePeter Hagelstein starts Day 3 on Models for accelerated nuclear deexcitation: Dicke-enhanced excitation transfer on the 14.4 keV transition in Fe-57
Modeling LENR uses a coherent process, not incoherent, like billiard balls. This new models couples an ocsillator between 2-level systems.I won't even try to interpret this. However, he is saying "nuclear molecules" might be a way forward. "We need ground-state, non-rotating nuclear molecules." But these will decay: radiative decay, internal conversion, and fission, so this is still incomplete.
Hagelstein is optimistic that this new model might be the one to describe what's happening in the field. He's got a lot of calculations to do to be sure, but he's really feeling good about these new ideas using the nuclear molecules.