The Brillouin demonstration at ICCF-24 was cancelled. A shame.
I didn't follow it.... Any reason mentioned?
The Brillouin demonstration at ICCF-24 was cancelled. A shame.
I didn't follow it.... Any reason mentioned?
I didn't follow it.... Any reason mentioned?
No idea. Someone said this in conference Chat, and then Shane D. confirmed it.
I had a chat with Robert Godes late yesterday about the Brillouin problem, I knew they had a problem since the reactor failed initially while I was standing next to it. Robert told me that while their initial diagnosis was that there was a problem with the superwave boards but after changing them twice he discovered that it was actually the system PSU that was the problem. However, that is now revealed to be not the problem, since they swapped it out yesterday and the system is still down. magicsound also helped them out yesterday by fetching a new hydrogen bottle from his lab, since they had a hydrogen leak that emptied out there own.
Basically they need to pay more attention to engineering details and pre-demo testing.
Basically they need to pay more attention to engineering details and pre-demo testing.
I sympathize. Trade-show-type demonstrations are a nightmare.
Well, here is a straw in the wind . . . I posted a comment in a New York Times article:
For the past several years, the Times has rejected most comments mentioning cold fusion. But they allowed this one, which I hope is technically correct. No backsies at the Times. Here is what I said:
Here is what we need: cold fusion, the Fleischmann Pons effect. There is a conference going on now in Silicon Valley, sponsored by by various venture capitalists and the Bank of America. U.S. government participation is especially notable. Important breakthroughs were announced by NASA, the U.S. Army, and a consortium of the Navy and various other U.S. labs. DARPA announced new funding starting in August 2022. Japan's largest boiler manufacturer, Miura (with over half the market in Japan) announced cold fusion prototypes and commercial sales by 2025.
This is far ahead of the ITER plasma fusion project, and it costs billions of dollars less. With enough R&D funding, cold fusion can begin supplanting other energy sources in a few years. The cost is at least 20 times less than any other source of energy, based on the cost of materials and manufacturing techniques of the prototypes.
I think they might be available only to participants. They said something about being available for a year.
It would seem quite shortsighted to keep them private and only on hopin, which presumably has no interest in archiving them for the years to come.
It would seem quite shortsighted to keep them private and only on hopin,
I hope I misunderstood that.
The discussions about the LEC were so entrancing, I forgot to make screen grabs for the audience here. Sorry about that! As you see in the program, contributors included Gordon, Di Stefano and Biberian -- who is back live and in person. Emphasis on live, not dead from COVID. He said normally he like a positive result, but not from a COVID test. He is now negative.
The last discussion by Gordon was about how the effect might be increased. He listed a number of practical techniques, such as raising the temperature or increasing surface area. They probably add to to several orders of magnitude. As he told me for my presentation, they need 9 orders of magnitude to reach useful levels of power. The tweaks he listed might produce that many orders. I did not realize how close that might be.
Normally, I am not anxious to see a gadget scaled up. As long as the power can be measured with confidence, I prefer to see the emphasis on making the gadget more reproducible, or making the power more uniform. However, the output from the LEC is so small, at the microwatt level, it would be nice to see it increased. At least up to milliwatts. It is electricity, which can be measured with great confidence even at low levels, but still, milliwatts would be nice! For one thing, perhaps you could let the net output accumulate to so much energy you can rule out chemical sources, with a battery effect.
I wonder if it could be used with a capacitor to produce large, easily measured, uniform bursts of electricity several times a day. There was a discussion yesterday of a similar device and how a capacitor could be used in experiments.
To subscribe to these go to LENR and register for the newsletter. Two have been posted... This is the first one from November 2021. Reading it a second time now. Excellent. 2019 was the last version.
"Who's Who in LENR?"
The second is from December. It is a new article.
"Student Perception of LENR"
LENRaries 2021
Converting Matter Into Energy
I think every presentation was exciting, although today I saw more of the incremental improvements more common to previous ICCF's. Judging by the audience response, and the Q&A, I would say Erik Ziehm knocked it out of the ballpark with his "Detection of Alpha Particles using CR-39 During Glow Discharge with Pd Electrodes".
He is a "LENR" Post-Doc of all things, trained under Dr. Miley at the University of illinois (UC). At the end he said how, when he first told his advisors he would train in LENR, they tried to discourage him. After he completed his LENR PhD thesis, one of those advisors came to him and said after reading his work, he now believed in LENR.
Thanks to all who are commenting here. I have been completely unable to attend the online sessions, much to my chagrin, and reading these comments is really helping me get a taste of what I have missed.
After listening first to ARPA-E's/DOE Scott Hsu, then later to NASA and DARPA/NAVSEA, I have to wonder if the left hand of government knows what the right hand is doing? Hsu was very cautious and careful about LENR while announcing their decision to fund...even cautioning us not to call it CF yet, while the other two were very optimistic after presenting their promising positive results. Do they even communicate?
Maybe Foyt is right.
Or, Maybe PT Barnum was right,
I hope not, but I'm just a retired engineer living on a pension, what do I know.
The Brillouin demonstration at ICCF-24 was cancelled. A shame.
That explains why I looked for it and found bupkis. So our time slips away. Or does it? Perhaps one of my many alternated selves found it.
Roundup of the days events, thanks to Christy Frazier of infinite energy magazine.
ICCF24 Solid-State Energy Summit
by Christy L. Frazier
July 2022
Wednesday, July 27, Morning Session
The conference program got more dense and complicated today. Presentations were being held in two separate conference rooms. Online attendees could choose which stage to watch, and hop between stages if desired. The Hopin event platform was very easy to navigate, even for someone like me who has a rather old computer. It would be fantastic if future ICCF conferences utilized this platform.
Opening Remarks on the day’s technical talks on “Modeling Energy Exchange, Excess Heat, Transmutation and Other Effects” were presented by Peter Hagelstein of MIT.
Thomas Grimshaw of LENERGY provided an overview of the LENR Research Documentation Initiative (LRDI). The main goals for the LRDI project are to capture records while they are still available, preserve those records for re-analysis and honor the LENR “heroes.” So far, Grimshaw has worked with 28 participants (see IE stories about some of the work: Ludwik Kowalski, Stanislaw Szpak, Peter Gluck). Grimshaw noted that the J. Willard Marriott Library (University of Utah) has an existing Cold Fusion Special Collection that he anticipates will house some of the collections he has been helping to organize; he has negotiated with the Library to process the collections of Edmund Storms and Thomas Passell. See Grimshaw’s IE article, “Documenting Cold Fusion Research” for more information about the LRDI process.
Jed Rothwell, creator of the e-library, spoke on “How to Fix Global Warming with Cold Fusion.” His 2004 e-book Cold Fusion and the Future predicted possible impacts of cold fusion, which he believes still exist: energy 200 times cheaper than today’s cost; crop fields in the U.S. would be grown inside buildings; desalination and water treatment would be used to convert deserts into verdant land; the threat of global warming would be eliminated. He noted five things that are necessary for cold fusion to address all of those applications: 1) reasonably high power density; 2) reasonably good Carnot efficiency; 3) high energy density; 4) perfected safety with no tritium or at least no tritium leaks; 5) complete control over the reaction. He noted that Requirement (5) is the only one not currently satisfied, but that “with enough funding and research, we can get control over the reaction.” Rothwell said, “The whole history of science and technology says it [control of reaction] can be done.” Some steps he proposes for not just stopping but reversing global warming with cold fusion are: stop emitting carbon dioxide; put carbon back underground where it came from (he suggests growing billons of trees, cutting them down when old and burying them in abandoned coal mines).
David Firshein, Chief Financial Officer of Brillouin Energy, gave an update about the status of Brillouin’s Hydrogen Hot Tube (HHT) technology. They have built small test devices (19”, 3/8” in diameter) and are working on scaled-up commercial systems, based on the invention of their Chief Technology Officer Robert Godes. Firshein noted that reacting hydrogen in the HHT device has the potential of powering “30,000 homes on the amount of hydrogen in a glass of water.” Brillouin has had a long-term research agreement with SRI; Francis Tanzella and his team at SRI have independently validated and replicated the heat output. Firshein’s slides indicated that Brillouin has worked closely with other researchers on verifications; see Marianne Macy’s 2015 story “On the Quest for a Commercial LENR Reactor with Robert Godes and Brillouin Energy” for more on those collaborations and the work done by Godes.
Masami Hayashi, Global Strategy Director for Clean Planet, spoke about Clean Planet’s role in “New Energy, New Future: Inventing an Alternative to Fire.” Founded in 2012 by Hideki Yoshino in response to the 2011 Fukushima earthquake and tsunami that severely damaged the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Plant, Clean Planet has an impressive R&D team familiar to those who follow LENR: Yasuhiro Iwamura, Jirohta Kasagi, Takehiko Ito, Yoshito Endo. Their process, termed “quantum hydrogen energy” (QHe), produces “heat generated by quantum phenomenon during the hydrogen diffusion process in nano-sized Ni-based composite material.” They have three locations and an experiment at the Kawasaki Base has shown long-term heat generation for over one year. Clean Planet currently has 57 patents in 21 countries and partnerships with major Japanese companies. They are currently completing: QHe Module #001; prototype for 2.8 kW boilers; scaling up an industrial boiler application; R&D of other QHe-powered products. The Clean Planet goal is to bring one or more QHe-powered products to the market by 2025 to bring a “green transformation to the world.”
The following technical talks from the July 27 morning session will be detailed in the forthcoming IE conference coverage:
- Peter Hagelstein, “Models for Accelerated Nuclear Deexcitation: Dicke-enhanced Excitation Transfer on the 14.4 keV Transition in Fe-57”
- Akito Takahashi, “Understanding of MHE Power Generation Patterns by TSC Theory”
- Vladimir Vysotskii, “The Self-sustaining Flashing LENR in Magnetized Low-temperature Plasma”
- George Miley, “Advances in Understanding Cluster Type Reaction Sites” (presented by Erik Ziehm)
- Lawrence Forsley, “Electron Screened and Enhanced Nuclear Reactions”
- Bill Collis, “Exotic Neutral Particles as a Comprehensive Explanation for CMNS”
- Graham Hubler, “Microscopic Insights into the Anomalous Heat Effect that Unify Disparate Experimental Results”
- Kazuaki Matsui, “New Hydrogen Energy (NHE) Project of Japan”
- Anthony Zuppero, “Electron Quasiparticle Catalytic Binding in Chemical Reactions with a Proposed Nuclear Analogy”
- Mikio Fukuhara, “Earth Factories: Nuclear Transmutation and the Creation of the Elements”
LENR PhD thesis
Shane D. I'd love to read his Thesis.
Perhaps a topic for a new thread on
CMNS Matter Energy Conversion.
CMNS - MEC(s) PhD Thesis Archive
Near on two years ago, when first reviewing the S-SAFE tech patents of Team Google/Monday Labs, formerly at University of Maryland. I noted there were doctoral students working with Jeremy Munday and wondered if any were writing a 'cold fusion' PhD thesis.
Are other thesis in process right now?
I lifted "Matter Energy Conversion" technologies, or MEC(s) tech, from LENR
Really like the phrase matter energy conversion instead of nuclear or atomic.
MEC technologies
Nice job Carl
It reminds me of MEM(s).
The conference organizers say they hope to share the videos. They say presenters have to give permission. Some have refused permission. They didn't say how many, but I expect most presenters will be pleased to share them.
(The organizers did not say the videos will only be available for a year. I heard that sometime . . . as I said, I hope I got that wrong.)
Edmund sTorms is going to tell us how it works, why it works, and how it can be commercialized.
Hydrogenated metals are well known. A nuclear reaction can simply not take place in the lattice structure. It would violat too many laws of chemistry and physics. Instead another environment must be created, he calls it the Nuclear Active Environment. Once in the NAE, it has the ability to form another structure called the Nuclear Active Structure where the action occurs.
The NAE must
attract the hydrogen, but not allow the formation of the hydrogen molecule. Thus, it mus have a particular size. He believes the NAE are gaps, small cracks too small to see on the electron microscope, a few nanometers in size. Once occupied by H or D the gap structure become s chemically stable. This proves the condition where the NAS can form.
Inclusion s of oxide particles in solid Pd at which the reaction with D or H causes gaps to form around the particle regardless of the physical form of the Pd. Gaps can form between small particles in a powder Arata Case Takahashi, in an electoplated layer co-deposit or when Pd is deposited on CaO Iwamura.
Stress induced fractures can form in a brittle material (extended electrolysis. Gaps can also be made in a material by nano-machining.
What evidence is there for this? He assumes the active gap is approx 2 nanometers. 0.35 large particles you can have
McKubre had a sample of palladium that made excess energy and studied the effect of composition. Excess vs. D/Pd ratio graph is shown. When he loaded up to 0.8, he should start to see heat. As he increased the composition, smaller and smaller NAEs were formed that had the right size.
Number of NAE, the number of fusion sites, the replacement rate, and the isotope concentration with control the rate of reaction.
The slopes in the graph Log excess vs. 1/T are all the same, despite having different power levels. This slope is important. These features are same whether using electrolytic or gas-loading methods in Pd powder.
Nuclear products form the reaction are stopped by the surrounding material and their kinetic energy is converted to heat.
karabut et al. investigated specturm of ion emitted after glow discharge is turned off. The graph drops off. In 2008 Storms detected radiation from LENR, and confirmed the same results. Further, he inserted absorbers to catch the radiation, and he showed very clearly that is was not Helium. The behavior is consistent with an isotope of hydrogen, he thinks Hydrogen-4.
Want to succeed? Make more NAE, Stimulate the formation of the NAS, using laser, pulsed current, gamma flux, added impurities, or use higher temperatures. He believes many failures that have been reported would have been successful if they had been at higher temperature.
He makes his won materials with a process I can't list right now, but give him a call and he'll share some knowledge. He adds impurities, and says the right-sized particles added are crucial. He rolls out powder, a couple times, heats it, adds particles, etc... He says get to work nano-machining and we'll figure this LENR thing out ASAP. 1 nanometer is too small, and 10 nanometers is too big.
Charles Martin Calculation Consoting, USA talks on AI and LENR. He has done 15 years of Machine Learning and AI.
A tool he has developed for AI for climate change will be discussed. AI also called Deep Learning is being applied in a lot of areas, nuclear fusion, protein folding, for example. Many people do not know how AI works, even engineers who do it. But they don't care, they keep using it to solve problems. But if you don't know how it works, you can turn this into a full-fledged engineering application. AI theory uses ideas of statistical mechanics and new concepts too.
He has an equation and it is complicated. It took him three years to figure out. He can predict trends in the quality of state-of-the-art neural networks without access to training or testing data. They can make specific predictions about what people are doing in industry.
Carbon Corp uses AI to look at your land and assess whether or not you are eligible for carbon credits. Training the AI to get that level of accuracy is what they are doing.
In LENR there are millions of data points, so you have to train AI to work without looking at the data, he says. When the system is learning, the eigenspectrum of layers of ____ becomes more correlated.
To use this method, you need to pick a model that would be as close and relevant to what you were doing. You can use his tool to select a model. They can detect problems layer-by-layer. (Layer of what? I am wondering.)
A hedge fund is training a model to predict the market, but apparently too much training the model degrades. A python tool analyzes fat tails in deep Neural networks.
Ultimately, google has solved a basic physics question, but the AI is not ready to work on the LENR theory. However, someone who knows Python and LENR could work on a program that would be able to determine - oh, this material will be active, or, this material won't be active. A theory of LENR, at this point, still requires humans.
They are having a panel discussion here with people who are experts in energy. However, I do not think they know much about cold fusion. One of them said the input electricity and the COP has to be thus and such to compete with heat pumps. Which is nonsense. Granted, Brillouin has been saying similar nonsense. In the Chat I wrote:
Electricity input to cold fusion can be produced by the cold fusion device itself, with thermoelectric devices for small reactors. There is no need to input mains (power company) electricity.
I wonder if these people understand even that much.