LENR: are you a type 2er?

  • If we could actually observe it properly I'm sure we could waok out which hypothesis is real. I like this one, because they can actually make "ball lightning" experimentally. It shows that such things are not too difficult to make, and has proper theory.

    The project of creating a ball lightning based on cold fusion.

  • The abstract below makes ball lightning seem like some type of FRC plasma - which would be my (not-well-informed) guess.

    FRCs are studied elsewhere (actually used for hot fusion of unconventional forms. I'm not sure where you think is the link to cold fusion?

    The experiments revealed that ball lightning is a self-confining quasi-neutral in a whole plasma system that rotates around its axis. Ball lightning has a structure of a spherical electric domain, consisting of a kernel with excess negative charge and an external spherical layer with excess positive charge. The excess of charges of one sort and the lack of charges of the other sort in the kernel or in the external spherical layer significantly reduces the possibility of electron capture by means of an electric field, created by the nearest ions and leads to a drastic slowdown of recombination process. Direct proof has been obtained that inside of ball lightning – in an external spherical layer that rotates around the axis – there is a circular current of sub-relativistic particles. This current creates and maintains its own poloidal magnetic field of ball lightning, i.e. it carries out the function of magnetic dynamo. The kernel of ball lightning is situated in a region with minimum values of induction of the magnetic field. The inequality of positive and negative charges in elements of ball lightning also significantly reduces losses of the charged plasma on bremsstrahlung. Ball lightning generation occurs in a plasmic vortex. The ball lightning energy in the region of its generation significantly differs from the ball lightning energy, which is drifting in space. The axial component of kinetic energy of particles slightly exceeds 100 keV and the rotational component of the ions energy is a bit greater than 1 MeV. Ball lightning is ‘embedded’ in atmosphere autonomous accelerator of charged particles of a cyclotron type due to self-generation of strong crossed electric and magnetic fields. A discussion of the conditions of stability and long-term existence of ball lightning is given.

  • There are experiments that use gold nanoparticles in solution that are irradiated with a laser that produce the LENR reaction. These experiments not only produce nuclear effects but also stabilize radioactive isotopes in that solution. Can your theories explain this kind of system?

    Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets in heavy water
    The processes of laser-assisted synthesis of Tritium nuclei and their laser-induced decay in cold plasma in the vicinity of solid targets (Au, Ti, Se, etc.)…

    Laser-induced synthesis and decay of Tritium under exposure of solid targets in heavy water


    The processes of laser-assisted synthesis of Tritium nuclei and their laser-induced decay in cold plasma in the vicinity of solid targets (Au, Ti, Se, etc.) immersed into heavy water are experimentally realized at peak laser intensity of 10^10-10^13 W/cm2. Initial stages of Tritium synthesis and their laser-induced beta-decay are interpreted on the basis of non-elastic interaction of plasma electrons having kinetic energy of 5-10 eV with nuclei of Deuterium and Tritium, respectively.

    A past thread that covered this subject as follows:

    Edited 3 times, last by axil: added reference ().

  • Can your theories explain this kind of system?

    If you are referring to me, it is easier for me to integrate the standard model of elementary particle physics into my theory of flow on a seven-dimensional sphere than to go beyond the standard model. At the same time, my model predicts that deviations from standard quantum physics should be observed as solutions to the generalized Schrodinger equation.

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    This recent Army experiment shown at ICCF24 also uses a laser to produce transmutation on the surface of palladium. This transmutation occurs without the appearance of any radiation including heat. Even though 2 bar of hydrogen was used, no loading occurred.

    It seems like the coherence of the laser light causes the LENR transmutation reaction but hot the production of heat.

    In a case like this, the LENR observer (THHuxleynew) will shrug this experiment off and go back to his fusion meme without any attempt to fit this experiment into his LENR thesis.

    But this experiment fits into my thesis which states that LENR springs from superconductivity. As early as 2015, I realized that superconductivity is the controlling process that underpins the LENR reaction. At that time, I could not understand how superconductivity can exist at extreme temperatures. It took many years for me to understand how superconductivity could exist in any environment, even high temperature plasma. What really happens in LENR is far more complex and exotic than what is currently believed to occur in the fusion meme.

    The fusion meme can only assume that elements change their nature exclusive to the fusion reaction. This connection is simple minded and ill informed. There are other exotic reactions that can produce transmutation without any radiation and unstable isotopes. Fusion cannot do this. That is why LENR is rejected as pseudoscience by science.

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