Dissimilar Metal Corrosion Reactions ?
Pick your brain..
I'm still a bit puzzled about the door blank.
I was thinking at the time that if if built up a charge it would just jump from the bottom to the top of the Aluminum skin past the wood core but that's not what happened it jumped to the container wall??? 3' away.why did it not hit the top to bottom plate , adding all the other steal aluminum wood plates on top of it for the voltage in motion to push it back to the top plate building bla bla bla why is there no negative within the system ? im betting its a long read but if you know can you give me the short version ty
And a bit of a follow up.
as the earth rotates around the sun it squashes us a bit each day.compressing the crust down.
as we see volcanic events seem to correspond with sun activity and heats the core at the center ...
If this was simulated maybe it would look a bit like this..
So the center ball would be made up of what..?
unusual waves in nickel-based magnet...
wire trough +
Nominal Composition: Silver 15.00, Copper 80.00, Phosphorous 5.00, flat rods..
1/16" DIA GF-72 Nickel Silver Brazing RodGF-72 Nickel Silver Brazing Rod in 1/16" (1.6mm) diameter is a high-quality copper copper/zinc alloy with approximately 10% nickel (Ni) to limit fuming and…allthingsbrazing.comRound rods
pasted-from-clipboard.png mixing them as this is
Same as a hot coat sprayer. electrode Foam in conductive cement.
one electrode and 2 steam holes
, Waiting for them to dry then cook them
Still looking at how the plywood with aluminum holds a charge
the dissimular reaction will land on the upper plate but will i need to use the lower plate to charge the team exits ..?
or was everything off the top plate ?
crs can't remember shit..
the heater wire.. the ground..to the outside ?
best guess ?..
As i remember ... All reactions go into the upper plate and only the copper steam pipe are through it.
thinking it would come to me as I rebuilt it but ...still can't remember shit.
the box was the same aluminum plywood outside ground.. for the spark heater but it only heated another plate to make steam. not in the water.. no spark in the water...No booms...
stuck thinking again..
Best of luck with it.
I am still $#% if anything happens in the hole at center knowing the whole base plate is the capacitor with a rotating magnet field around it.. cant call it an EVO but add v23 dust to capture .. no idea what I'm doing lol
This is just a test lol
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