LENR from India at ICCF25: https://lenr-news.com/the-heat-in-india/
ICCF25 - 25th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science Announcement
Some glimpse on the presentation of Today, Wednesday.
As before, note that most presentation feature teamwork, check the abstract for details.
NB: Some members already above gave very interesting description of some presentation, great, and check them.
Peter Hagestein
continues his analysis around his theory of nuclear molecule and transitions.
His model is base on sequence of coherent steps where Deuterium/He4 pair echange phonons with palladium atom in coherent mode...
His model propose that a pair of deuterium "possibly to transition down to He4" and a palladium atom, can be considered as quantum object with various energy states, and that energy can be transfered to the palladium atom who have a rich energy spectra, that allows decay until the energy spectra of the palladium atome meet a gap... in that case it is possible that the transition down to He4 is interupted, that transition is frustrated, this cause that some transmutation of palladium can happen instead of a sequence toward He4 fusion...
He propose some calculation...
(NB: it reminds me the ideas of Edmund Storms in lenrexplained.com )
X Z Li (of Tsinghua University)
propose explanation about transmutation abundance peaks that look proportionnal to A^1/3 (atomic number)
He refers to the presentation of David Nagel at ICCF23, and to experiments made by Miley.
(NB: maybe is it related to the presentation of David Nagel on monday at ICCF25)
He proposes it is linked with a resonance, and make a connexion with Li7 depletion from Big Bang predicted nucleosynthesis.
Daniel Szumski
explained how his theory (LANP) matchs results by Miley about isotopic transmutations.
Presented how AI could be used to help LENR research.
He presented the various kind of machine learning methods, and details the various phase at which AI could help, from litterature analysis to automated experiments.
For him, AI is extending human intelligence,and opensource is important. I support this position too !
I will let him explain his positions in more details.
Wang Tieshan
presented they work at Lanzhou University,
with mild energy beam, to measure screening and resonnance in various kind of collisions (they obtained values like 500eV).
They put it in the context on astrophysics question, where the notion of screening have been introduced for gaz targets.
Screening is for example temperature dependant, quite abnormal in metal, very dependent on host material and impurities.
Various teams disagree about the screening potential.
They worked to reduce variation by working on target and beam stability, ultra high vacuum, constant temperature, material characterization to track effect of irradiation. They added some detectors.
They use beams of D+ D2+ D3+ on deuterated targets...
Nathalia argosz-Sleczka
presented the work at Szczecin in CleanHME project , and in Slovenia,
with beams on deuterated metalic targets.
They used two different beams, one working in direct kinematic (throwing d on deuterated target) and the other in inverse kinematic (throwing heavy ions on , where energy is transfered to deuteron which collide with deuterons in deuterated targets)
The screening energy in reverse kinematic is very different, much higher, like 5x more.
They made computation that are someway compatible, but still too conservative.
The effect of the lattice is very important.
Benjamin barrows (of US Army)
presented his works on replicating experiments done by JP Biberian and Nassisi (and Mastromatteo I think too), where Deuterated Pd is excited by low power laser.
He analysed morphological changes that are quite convincing.
His forst experiment were done on Pd Plate, and he moved to short 250µm*2.5cm wires, to be able to heat only the wire.
He added FLIR Cam, and have neutron detectors.
Loading was expected around 0.8-0.9.
Some strange residues were observed, and also the wires retracted changing of geometry (NB: it remind me some presentation of Nicolas Armanet of I2HMS, about change of geometry of Pd under hydrogenation).
He observed some neutrons when laser was stopped with current off (10 sec)
Celani proposed that the behavior of the wires may be cause by electromigration
Peter Hagelstein presented the paper of Sadie Forbes
to detect high energy emission (25-35MeV) in some TiD experiments with excitation by deuterons (1-11MeV) then Argon beam (30-35MeV).
It was unexpected and the experimental setup had to be updated.
They consider this result in the context of the theory of nuclear molecule, proposing that high energy emission may be caused by a frustration of the nuclear transition, leading to a brutal emission...
I could not attend the presentation by A Cvetinovic,
but from the abstract and the questions, it is about beam experiment by CleanHME, and evidences that screening of DD fusion, isn very dependent on crystal structure
Bin-Juine Huang
presented their work in Taiwan, about many cavitations experiments with jet resonance devices they developed, and try to simplify today.
Measured COP is up to 3.47 (net), and they observe nuclear transmutation, with mass spectrometry.
They consider their result , proposing that it may be evidence of Ne22 transmutations, and not CO2++...
Yuta Toba
presented their experiments at Waseda University in japan, using the nanomaterial PdNiZr designed by Technova.
They observed that brutal (solenoid) injection of hydrogen caused stronger heat bursts, and tested variation about fast injection, varying the length of the nozzles. They consider using technology of high pressure injection similar to what is done in car engines.
Prahlada Ramarao
presented their results and research in Bangalore, where they obtained a hundred of successful experiments over 500, with a has loading reactor, using nickel mesh treated with palladium, and heated in an hydrogene or deuterated athmosphère at 40kPa pressure (NB: it looks like Mizuno technique).
A. Bey
presented a new accelerator infrastructure at ELI-NP in Romania, , dedicated to exciting and analyzing nuclear isomer.
George Egely
presented his spark discharge reactors, creating "condensed plasmoid" and then the method of low-cost calorimetry.
Measured COP is about 2.5-3.
Some transmutations was found.
There is a theory proposed, based on coherent quantum mechanics.
After the presentation, there have been a public presentation.
The first was about the history of universe by Krzysztof Meissner (very interesting indeed), not specifically on LENR.
The second by Florian Metzler is of prime interest, and it explains the challenges and propose directions to make LENR succeed.
There is also a very instructive comparison with the discovery of transistors, the fact that it was ignored since 1900s, yet anomalies, material, and theories were slowly developed despite all being ignored by most. Bell Labs then connected all what was developed since decades, and created the breakthrough...
Really, this presentation is fundamental, a key, and not only for LENR... Too much to say here.
Prahlada Ramarao
presented their results and research in Bangalore, where they obtained a hundred of successful experiments over 500, with a has loading reactor, using nickel mesh treated with palladium, and heated in an hydrogene or deuterated athmosphère at 40kPa pressure (NB: it looks like Mizuno technique).
It is the Mizuno technique. I am glad to see someone was able to do a robust replication.
40 Kpa isn't so far away from 101.3 kPa..
I guess it makes the experimental set up easier..
I thought Mizuno used much lower pressures..?
40kPa pressure (NB: it looks like Mizuno technique)
BTW the Ramarao et al theory paper.. is a long way from Mizuno..and probably a stretch for Ramarao..
"the Feynman diagrams that describe the interaction between the particles and the electromagnetic field are used. Feynman diagrams are graphical representations of the perturbative expansion of the quantum field theory ......"
BTW the Ramarao et al theory paper.. is a long way from Mizuno..and probably a stretch for Ramarao..
The abstract described theory. The actual lecture was mainly experimental. It described Mizuno devices, in diagrams and in photos.
Also, Ramarao cited Mizuno. I contacted him and he agreed these are Mizuno replications.
The abstract described theory. The actual lecture was mainly experimental. It described Mizuno devices, in diagrams and in photos.
Also, Ramarao cited Mizuno. I contacted him and he agreed these are Mizuno replications.
I think this team has acknowledged to be replicating Mizuno from the get go, and has asserted that in every ocassion. No doubts for me about that.
Last day in Czszecin.
Theresa Benyo
Presented thei work about the possibility of fission during LENr reactions.
During some experiments (Fralick-style) of PdAg+D2 gas permeation, some transmutations were observed with EDS and TOF SIMS (Cr,Fe Cu...)
Question is whether some fission may be considered.
Some new experiments were done with Bremsstrahlung gamma beam (below 2.26 MeV photon dissociation to 3MeV above photo dissociation of deuterium) on PdAg+D,
to investigate the screening.
Later some experiment were done at 6MeV (another beam) on DUD3 target, showing evidence of fission.
Other experiments , wet electrolysis, co-deposition at 500mA, to test bubble detectors for neutrons, showed evidences of 2.45MeV to 4MeV energetic neutrons; Some chalcium hydroxide was observed letting suspect transmutations.
There are different hypotheses. Takahashi proposed photofission of Pd to Fe+Ca or Ti+Cr,
and there is also possibility of fission of fused nuclei like d+Pd or d+Ag to Fe+Ti, Mn+Cr, Fe+Cr.
There is a question of the fissibility of those light non actinide nucleus. It should be possible if the nucleus absorbs high energy neutrons or proton, but one can expect 14MeV neutron et 15MeV protons, but it would requires 40-50MeV to fission.
It looks impossible but it seems to happen.
One theory is proposed, an hybrid fusion+fission, where the fusion produces a high energy neutron, that cause the fission.
This theory is under investigation.
JE Kaal
present how his theory of the nucleaus (Structured Atomic Model) could explain the transmutation observation in LENR.
His theory propose that the nucleus is polarized and that it thus can absorbe protons or neutrons ins predictable ways, causing stable results, or beta decay, or fission.
He explains his theory in a book ( https://www.abebooks.com/97818…ured-Model-1838128026/plp )
Shyam Sunder Lakesar
presented a reanalysis of the results of a previously presented experiments!.
It was electrolysis with graphite anode and Ni cathode.
Previous analysis with EDS showed transmutation, but using different methods, like WDS and ICPMS, the results were finally not significant, and that it could be explained by migration of contaminants.
He warns experimenters about the risk of EDS analysis alone.
Note; the presentation was difficult to follow because of sound problem... I hope it can be recorded again as asked today, as it should be worth watching and reading, for experimenters.
Vladislav Zhigalov
presented some experiment usin DVD as detectors for strange tracks near LENr experiment.
Some strange tracks are observed (900x more )neared 20cm of LENr experiments (Parkhomov style), but not further away (blank).Traces, sometime curvy, sometime periodic, sometime continuous double track...
Considering the work of Urutskoev, it may be evidence of strange particles, UVO...
Analysis of tracks, let consider it may be either
big particle of many dozen of microns,
or smaller one below 10µ. what is surprising is that the force applied is estimated 0.5mN while weight should be 0.02nN, and that is caised melting of the resin with 1500°K increase of temperature...
What can explain that ?
Steven Krivit
presented the Widon-Larsen theory.
the idea is first to consider that only multi-body quantum physics could explain LENR.
The mechanisme proposed is that first, surface plasmons electrons are formed at the surface of the hydride, that they acquire collective behavior, making ver ry few heavy electrons who capture the enregy (thus mass) of thousands of other electrons.
Those heavyelectrons get so energetic they could cause a neutronisation reaction (electron+proton produce proton plus neutrino), different from electron capture, as it happens in open space...
a neutron with ultra low motion is created that is then absorbed by nuclei, causing transmutation, energy, gammas, and beta emission.
it is also proposed that gamma are blocked by the high energy electrons who diffuse their energy...
He reminds there will be an event at APS meeting in Las Vegas (soon, forget when) and that he will be there about LENR.
Franck Gordon
presented the improvement and measurement about LEC devices.
the physics of LEC is not simple. Recombination of ions is an important point.
Beware of not being an electrochemical device.
Power is improved by 1-2 order of magnitude
Temperature was tested from 0°C to 110°C (thus water is not the cause).
Best insulator were PTFE and silicon rubber.
They tested with deionized water, electrogel electrolyte (like for ECG).
The conclusion if that LEC is a diffusion driven device, not electrochemical.
Many types of electrodes work, but the working function of each electrode must differ.
Franck is open for collaboration.
Robert Christian
presented his analysis and proposition to make the LENR domain more mainstream., as a Legitimate Scientific domain.
He took as example how Greta Thunberg caused popular commitment globally, saying that LENr should also trigger such commitment.
For him LENR rejection is the symptoms that scientific community have malfunctionned.
His diagnosis is that most scientific no more listen to evidences.
Calorimetry was rejected, why.He propose to make things change by some intervention, proposing some goals.
* make some laypeople become activist
* make some wealthy people become donators
* make some students become advocates for the domaine
in the scientific community
* make ignorant uninterested or critics , unopposed or advocate
* make veterans critics, simply outnumbered
He also presented some key to managing social media, like knowing you audience on youtube, to organise differenty the content (even if the contents are same)... you dont sort video the same for scientist,s, activist, or general public.
The trajectory expected is : awarenes -> interest -> ... -> action
He propose outside communication as social experiments
evidences must be transmitted to be really accepted...
He tries to help...
(NB: I missed some point, best would be to contact him - we are in the same team)
Bob Greenyer
presented a tornado of experimental results, proposing that toroidal structue emerge from many of them, proposing EVO can explains them.
Many strange results. The shape could be related to Maxwell equations
I admit, it was too much data for me. I suspect he explained much of it already here and on youtube.
Thomas W. Grimshaw
presented how LENr could help about Climate Change.
He fears that LENr cannot displace fossil fuel energy as fast as expected,
but he propose it can beside displacing fossil fuel energy, help remove GHG from emission (carbon capture...), by technology improvement, and reduction of GHG emission from constructions of those system.
Similarily it could help recover GHG (direct air capture...), by providing the enregy, of reducing the GHG impact of construction.
Finally it could reduce the impact of climate change by reducing cos of construction of mitagigation infrastructure, like helping to depolute.
It could also, through transmutation, help reduce nuclear waste
Stephen Bannister,
Discuss the speed of LENR transition.
It is feared it can be slow
He propose that the huge difference of cost between fossil fuel and LENR (20x according to Jed Rothwell analysis, 200-600 with time), will cause the transition to be very fast.
He presente a first equation, the elacticity of proce of energy, that says that the variation of usage of fossile fuel over the variation of price of alternative energy, is roughly one...
this mean that if the price of LENR is 20x less, then fossile fuel will be used 20x less...
Another proposed equation, is inspired by the firs industrial revolution that tooke 150 years, and he propose that it is because the price of wood was only twice the price of coal...
He propose that the diuration of the energy transition is 150years divided by the ratio of cost reduction (minus 1)... here 20 at the beginning, and probably 200-600...
150 years divided by 20-1 would trigger a transition in 7-8 years...
He concludes that make research in LENr shoul be a priority like Manhattan project was.
It is a pity that cold fusion is not funded like few % of hot fusion.
He conclude we are at the edeg of a 2nd green energy revolution, and a 2nd living standard revolution, a double revolution with an effect 10x times the first industrial revolution..
Jacques Ruer
presented an analyse about the resource sustainability of a LENR workd in the next 2 centuries...
He consider that a LENr civilisation will use much LENR, and that electrictity will be the main vector.
He first assume that humanity will peak at 10 billion population as predicted today, and that the energy per capita will be the average of european countrie, 40MWh/human, thus with a total of 40MWh.
He starts by considering the surface need of decarboned energies, few % of the habitable land for solar or wind energy... for fission reactors 40000 big reactors (80x more than today)...LENr will push a decentralised energy system, no grid.
LENR Device will be small, allowing quick production.
LENr will not replace all, but much of it.
But is it sustaibable.
assuming 1000MJ per mole of H (1g) it is 1.4 Mn tons of H2 (clearly sustainable)
same for D2.
If Palladium is consumed like hydrogen, it is not sustainable (we only produce 210t/year, and about 50-100Mn ton would be consumed)
For Nickel, if consumed it is not sustainable as we only produce 3.3Mn tons/y
If Pd or Ni are just catalyst, it is ok.
If Iron is consumed, it is ok.
Titanum also is sustaibale as it is 0.6% of t earth crust
Lithium is 5000 more abundent in seawate as on the land, so it is sustainable.
LENR research need to search if we can used Ti, Mn, Fe instead of Pd or Ni...
One warning is that as usual, public will be reluctant, and education will be required, to develop social acceptance.
David Nagel presented quickly a website with AI results based on the LENR litterature
publication per year, collaboration between authors, analysis of LENr corpus by cluster of interests...
Maurizio Maggiore of EU comission, but there as private (not representing EU)
discussed about the LENR research in EU, the EU projects like CleanHME, the difficulties to make LENr accepted.
Political consideration are important, and the effect of LENr rejection is that research is done with shoestring, and thus is not of enough quality, justifying not to fund it. a self enforcing policy.
Cold Fusion name is really a problem, it holds a stigma.
Beside that the cmmunity is like blind scientitst trying to understand an elephan, just touching different parts. No general vision.
He remind us that Ohm's law (U=RI!) took 10 years to be accepted.
Choice of name is important
Cold fusion is stigmatized.
Nuclear raise fears.
Quantum is more neutral.
He discussed about a recent paper that sorted, filtered and classified 20 experiments. Charastetic of the results to be considered solid involve some minimum volume of energy, in time and space. Energy should be densified to be convincing.
His plan is :
* from the simplest experiment (dense, clar, reliable),to eliminate criticism
* characterise the results with best instruments (nb: expensive)
* bublish in major journal
* you win
he talk about the Nassisi-Mastromatteo (low power Laser excitation on Pd/D), replicated also by Biberian, and experienced by few people in the conference.
It seems to be the good candidate for a clear experiment.
He also talk of Wendt-Irion (???) tungsten explosion experiment
and of Mosier-Boss electroplating (co deposition)...
He talk about how EU projects may have triggered Arpa-E project (ah, competition)...
He considers that 10 labs trying to replicate few simple experiments, are, TODAY, more important that 10 labs developping more advanced experiments neared to real applications... Time will change, but today replication is key.
He talk also about on challenge for LENR, to manage competences, not only resources.
There is a great need to transmit experience of experience researshers to yound researshers, thus need to attract talents.
Pr Kassagi then discussed about his vision of the domaine and it's history, his personnal experience.
Pr Iwamoura announced a big collaboration project on LENR, with a network of universities, funded by TEET Foundatin, founded by Minoru Toyoda, launched in april 2023.
Anbd he announced next ICCF26 at Morioka in northern Japan, for april-june 2025 at Aiima Center.
Jacques Ruer announced the idea of an Europena event in Stasbourg (France, near German border) in september 2024
It seems unanimous that ICCF25 was well organised. The organisation by Szcsecin team around CleanHME, the service of the Hotel and the event organisation company "Nobel Congressing Ltd" have been appreciated (hybrid events are very hard to manage).
I agree deeply.
Nb: I clearly missed some points in the presentation, as I concede I'm tired.
Best is to contact the authors if you are interested, or else wait for the slide, then the video (I've heard at the end of 2023, but it is not so simple to publish for intellectual property and confidentiality reason) -
Alain became a friend since the time we went together in the same car up to an Lenr event in the south of France.
He is plenty the reverse of so many , don't speak about void things, he is discret and fully of self sacrifice not self centered as so many french examples....
Thanks for your effort to provide these very usefull summaries of each day AlainCo !!! Very, Very, Very! Appreciated!!!
He propose that the huge difference of cost between fossil fuel and LENR (20x according to Jed Rothwell analysis, 200-600 with time),
I suppose many people in the audience would think: "That is ridiculous. How could it be so cheap?" Let me summarize the main reasons:
A power company generator costs about $1400 per kilowatt. It is optimized for efficiency. An automobile engine costs $10 per kilowatt. It is optimized for low cost. Cold fusion engines will be optimized for low cost, because there is no point to making them efficient. So they will be roughly 140 times cheaper to manufacture. They will be cheaper to operate than an automobile engine because the fuel cost is zero.
Note that this estimate is based on using today's conventional heat engines and generators. Using existing technology, just by replacing fossil fuel heat with cold fusion heat, you reduce the cost by a factor of roughly 140. Heat engine and generator technology will improve with cold fusion, so the cost will eventually fall even more than that, but I do not take that into account for the initial estimates.
I make no complicated analyses. There is nothing difficult to understand in my papers. I try to keep every assumption and every futuristic projection so simple, obvious, and indisputable that 14-year-old could easily see what I mean. I may be wrong, but I hope I am understandable.
The conference organizers say the video presentations will be online 'before Christmas'.
This is bad news! Frankly, it is unacceptable. They should make the videos available to participants now.
I and other virtual participants paid a lot to see this conference. Unfortunately for me, the time difference is 6 hours, so I have difficulty seeing many of the presentations. It is hard to understand these things at 3 am in the morning. I was counting on watching them later in the day.
Below always the same blablabla years after years, failure's confession of the clean HME project.
Maurizio Maggiore of EU comission, but there as private (not representing EU)
discussed about the LENR research in EU, the EU projects like CleanHME, the difficulties to make LENr accepted.
Political consideration are important, and the effect of LENr rejection is that research is done with shoestring, and thus is not of enough quality, justifying not to fund it. a self enforcing policy.
Cold Fusion name is really a problem, it holds a stigma.
Beside that the cmmunity is like blind scientitst trying to understand an elephan, just touching different parts. No general vision.
He remind us that Ohm's law (U=RI!) took 10 years to be accepted.
Choice of name is important
Cold fusion is stigmatized.
Nuclear raise fears.
Quantum is more neutral.
He discussed about a recent paper that sorted, filtered and classified 20 experiments. Charastetic of the results to be considered solid involve some minimum volume of energy, in time and space. Energy should be densified to be convincing.
His plan is :
* from the simplest experiment (dense, clar, reliable),to eliminate criticism
* characterise the results with best instruments (nb: expensive)
* bublish in major journal
* you win
The nicest thing about this picture, is the we did this together. There's Diadon making his first major conference presentation in front of an audience of a 110 serious scientists (including some people very knowledgeable about AI) and 40 people watching the live-stream - and he rocked! You should all be proud, this is what can be achieved when people come together to make good things happen.
I have to lower what i postulated yesterday because i continue thinking that Czerski Polish team was the masterpiece of this project.
Now, in the same promising US Xprize way what was shared by the Hermes project ( the 2nd EU project) ?
Nothing have be seen in Poland from them ?
Only money suckers ?
I have to lower what i postulated yesterday because i continue thinking that Czerski Polish team was the masterpiece of this project.
Now, in the same promising US Xprize way what was shared by the Hermes project ( the 2nd EU project) ?
Nothing have be seen in Poland from them ?
Only money suckers ?
Konrad and the team in Poland, supported by Anthropocene staff worked hard to put the conference together. The organisers have a couple of constraints, University rules, and EU funding rules.
Alan Smith , AlainCo Diadon Acs , from your advantaged point if view, is the LEC still viewed as a LENR device, or at least LENR related, is this issue solved to some extent or it is still a questionmark? I ask because of the first of the agreed goals of the ISMNC after the meeting is to provide a reference experiment and the LEC, being highly reproducible, seems to me as a good candidate in the short term.
I think Diadon Acs is around 38,000 feet up at the moment, and Alain on the road. But to answer the question, there seems to be a general consensus that the LEC does use LENR to produce the electrical currents seen. Harper is concerned/excited to see that the ionisation levels are much higher at any given temperature than conventional physics says are possible.
is the LEC still viewed as a LENR device, or at least LENR related
I don't know if the LEC is LENR, and I don't care. As long as it brings interest and funding into the field, I like it. We should tell everyone it is LENR: for sure, yeah, oh that's LENR alright, uh huh, so give us a suitcase full of money. Make that two suitcases and a barrel full of money. Edison's method of R&D.
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