ENG8 - new plasma energy system

  • It's very fair when I say I have not seen the data set which is what I am waiting for. Hard to tell the difference between an energy producing reactor and a 500W hair-dryer using just my eyeballs.

    Umm... I was not arguing positively or negatively for the the integrity of the current experiment. Even more than you - I have no info on it!

    Let me just say the evidence so far looks like: "we've got a new hair drier and when I feel the output it seems hotter than I'd expect compared with my old one".

  • Disparaging IR themometry when it is is the operators’ fault is just plain wrong,

    Hundreds of millions of accurate and precise IR pyrometers and imagers exist and work perfectly every day, in almost every type of industry and science.

  • Disparaging IR themometry when it is is the operators’ fault is just plain wrong,

    Hundreds of millions of accurate and precise IR pyrometers and imagers exist and work perfectly every day, in almost every type of industry and science.

    They are good for many applications, no one denies it, but for exotic calorimetry they are not well suited.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • Disparaging IR themometry when it is is the operators’ fault is just plain wrong,

    Indeed they are useful and can be accurate. IR Thermography is a bit like sex. Carried out by competent personnel in an appropriate setting it is generally very satisfactory.

  • This is a COP calculation (translated from Hungarian) carried out by George Egely's team back in Budapest. Not yet proof-read,

    Egely Measurement report 3.pdf

    Also a couple of videos George made recently.

    - Part 1:

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  • Bob Greenyer sent me this link. the reactor in the still image at the start - the one with the tangential 'vortex' inlet is very similar to the ENG8 device. Sadly it's all in Russian.

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  • Sadly it's all in Russian.

    At least the youtube Russian-->English auto-translate subtitles seem to be working OK on this video.

    (Edit: Sadly, the subtitles are still rather garbled. There are clearly a few "howlers", where the auto-subtitling has guessed the wrong Russian word, or phrase, and then that has been translated, literally, into English. It also doesn't differentiate between speakers.)

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited once, last by Frogfall ().

  • This is one of two devices George Egely brought along. Sadly they are a little delicate and got somewhat out of condition on the trip. But he did get one working in the end.

    This is the little electrolyser that they use to make H2. A bit low on water here- but a neat design.

    And this is the circuit diagram.

  • Could the messages #80 and #83 copied(moved?) also to the Egely-specific thread? Thus further discussion about Egely-device could happen in the appropriate thread.

  • Excited to hear about progress!

    Video published today

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    Replication and validation needs to be done in a slow way, Rhe release of LK-99 (superconductor viral) was not planned in an optimal way and creates confusion.

    Video from Eng 8 for about one month ago.

    Maybe it's in the thread, I've missed it.

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    The team behind the LENR forum takes no position on whether it will be possible to develop this technology into a commercial unit. More data needed!

  • From https://eng8.energy/350-ppm-up…sion-energicells-updates/

    • Further independent testing occurred in July by www.iet.pt and www.UL.com. An air cooled EnergiCell proved a Q2.4 factor, 2.4 times more thermal energy out VS electricity in. A “solid state” EnergiCell proved a Q factor of 2; twice the electrical energy out VS electricity in. That was the system ENG8 took to the UK AEA. We are planning further independent tests in quarter 3 and quarter 4 looking for a stable Q5 over unity Electricity and Thermal energy out.
    • The electrodes were independently tested for the residues of transmutation by CICECO (https://www.ciceco.ua.pt/) and the Materials Science & Metallurgy Department at the University of Cambridge. Transmutation is the creation of new elements in the reaction chambers that weren’t there before. This proves fusion is occurring. No radioactivity was detected, at the levels that we run the Energicells at. At higher levels, like Q30, there is some radiation, thus our target is Q5-10.
  • Alan Smith do you know when/if the report from cambridge university will be public?

    Whether Cambridge gets involved or not depends to a certain extent on my report. And I am still waiting for some data - collected by a 3rd party. ETA- any report will of course be the property of ENG8- publication will to a certain extent be up to them.

  • This proves fusion is occurring.

    No it doesn't. Detection of new nuclides in the system does imply that transmutation is occurring. But the process is still undefined.

    And even if transmutation is occurring, it does not prove that the transmutation is the source of the additional energy.

    I know that these will be unpopular statements. Sorry.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • No it doesn't. Detection of new nuclides in the system does imply that transmutation is occurring. But the process is still undefined.

    And even if transmutation is occurring, it does not prove that the transmutation is the source of the additional energy.

    I know that these will be unpopular statements. Sorry.

    Not at all. I have mentioned the need for better controls. Just for starters.

  • I know that these will be unpopular statements. Sorry

    Not unpopular at all, we know this is not straight forward and we still are observing experiments we really seem to not understand as well as we believe we do.

    I certainly Hope to see LENR helping humans to blossom, and I'm here to help it happen.

  • In the video from today thay referring to a report from Cambridge University that come out last week. About 6.23 in the video.

    In the Whether Cambridge gets involved or not depends to a certain extent on my report. And I am still waiting for some data - collected by a 3rd party. ETA- any report will of course be the property of ENG8- publication will to a certain extent be up to them.

  • This comes close to allowing me to replicate.

    Thanks so much, Alan.

    If anyone reading this would like to collaborate, please do contact me.

    [email protected]

    +1 ‪(424) 235-7292‬

    I am located in Los Angeles near the University of California.

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