ENG8 - new plasma energy system

  • These are interesting developments.

    I assume the UL report is not published yet? If it had it would probably attract a lot more attention than those video’s on YT.

    Some additional questions, which Alan may be able to answer:

    1. Clearly, using the electrical output current to drive the reactor would undoubtedly show its unusual properties. Has no action been undertaken to do that?

    2. If one wants to make this a useful device, I would guess rectifying the output has been tried. I would think the reactor produces somehow electrons. Therefore it may be a current source. To stabilize this you must load it with a resistor. Has it been tried to rectify the output, lead it into a resistor and using a small snubber in parallel to smoothen the output voltage to enable electrical power measurement?

    3. How long can the reactor run before refueling (water?)/maintenance (cleaning? replacing electrodes)?

    4. How much time does ENG8 need to bring a working device on the market? Has been any output specification suggested?

    Alan, you seemed very positive and optimistic in this video. I guess you are under NDA, but how do you rate this device?

  • Hi Gerard McEk - your questions suggest that you might not have watched George's ICCF-24 presentation video.

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    There have been more discussions about this device in the "magic wand" thread

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • Hi Gerald. - I am happy to answer your questions as directly as I can. But first of all, I should say that as somebody who has spent altogether 5 days in the laboratories of George Egely and ENG8 I found the Electric Viking YT video to bear little relationship to what is going on. I don't think that this is deliberate, but I do think it unfortunate- to put it mildly- and have told them so. To answer your questions however.

    1. This 'Ouroboric' method of powering the Egely reactor from its own output has not been attempted or achieved, I am sure of that.

    2. Direct measurement of the output had not at the time of my last conversation with George been achieved. The output is dumped into a resistance in an oil-bath and the power output calculated from the rise in temperature.

    3. As far as system durability goes, the current limiting factor is electrode life, the anodised aluminium electrodes are eroded. Consumption of hydrogen is trivial at this scale, probably too small to be measurable and dwarfed by the smallest of leaks. The build quality of these machines os far from ideal

    4. I am sure ENG8 lack the technical ability and resources to develop any of the devices discussed by the Electric Viking' directly to market. The water reactor discussed for example is currently the subject of an IP dispute - currently in court AFAIK - with Biaco in the UK and is not in their possession. Their principal ambitions right now seem to be raising more funds since I am sure they have quite a high cash burn-rate.

    As for the video, rather sneakily cut in that my positive remarks were left in, but balancing criticisms were left out. I rate this all as somewhere between interesting and very interesting but not yet proven. And as of yet, I have not seen the UL-USA report, though I have asked for it. Its claimed content is - at the moment- based entirely on statements made in conversation by George Egely, Haslen Back and a representative from UL Milan.

  • Thanks for your honest comment above Alan :thumbup:

    You said:

    “And as of yet, I have not seen the UL-USA report, though I have asked for it. Its claimed content is - at the moment- based entirely on statements made in conversation by George Egely, Haslen Back and a representative from UL Milan.

    I hope you let us know when you receive it.

  • Some strong accusations in this. Most interesting to me is the work histories of some involved.

    Eng8 is bogus
    SD imagining the creation of the first EnegiCell. And only five fingers! The interwebs were all alight with yet another claim of fusion in a bottle, after a UK…

  • Most interesting to me is the work histories of some involved.

    Some of us, here, have already done a bit of digging. The Companies House website can be a treasure trove.

    As far as I can see, their modus operandi might be to find people already working on some technology, offer them them a bit of "development money", and then claim the technology is theirs.

    But at the same time they start making unsupportable claims, which are almost guaranteed to destroy any prospect of progress - by triggering exposés. I don't know if that is just stupidity, or some kind of deliberate ploy.

    Although I am reminded of Hanlon's Razor.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited 2 times, last by Frogfall ().

  • Eng8 is bogus
    SD imagining the creation of the first EnegiCell. And only five fingers! The interwebs were all alight with yet another claim of fusion in a bottle, after a UK…

    Very interesting. Shame they rather picked on Michael Peters though. I found him very competent and very open about things, wart-like or not.

  • Oh no, e-cat all over again.

    I checked the background of the Portugal test a week ago and informed LENR forum responsibles.

    The testers are not certified by the claimed tester (iep portugal)... But some testers of iep share the name but not the first names. So its a very well prepared scam.

    The test report is below Rossi standard and everybody that has read serious test reports immediately can see that this is a scam.

    Once more the scam report Certificados_SF6 iep.pdf

  • I see they have also taken their Culham video off-line

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    New video made during the course of my visit to see an ENG8 demo of George's device at Culham Innovation Center.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • I see they have also taken their Culham video off-line

    They have replaced it on their website. This is a re-edit, with some differences in the interviews shown. (e.g. The guy that actually mentioned George, in the previous video, is not shown in this one.)

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    BTW, this is the guy from UL (Italy) Did they give a reason why they got someone from UL Italy, and not someone from one of the several UL sites in the UK? (Edit: I'm guessing this was the same chap that came to the Portugal demonstration)

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

    Edited 3 times, last by Frogfall ().

  • Worth pointing out that Stefano Gordano from UL Labs didn't carry out ny testing of the Egely cell on the day I visited - when most of this video was shot, though that may have happened when I wasn't there. On that day he was an observer, and the lab being crowded was not in a position to verify the output -as indicated by the calorimeters- on the 3 10 minute runs that took place.

  • I just hope George and his friends haven't simply jumped out of the proverbial frying pan, and into the fire :(

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • That's why I asked about the relationship between George and ENG8 a few days back. My take after doing some digging and reading about Haslen Backs history was as well that ENG8 is a bit questionable. But that does not necessarily means the same applies to George.

    However, George has a research history on rather esoteric topics like UFOs, parapsychology, psychotronics and he invented the "Egely Wheel" which is a device to measure your ""life energy". There is a Wikipedia entry in German and in Hungarian which is readable in a translator and gives a bit of background.

    Edited once, last by Kursiv ().

  • What do you say now if the claim in 'Eng8 is bogus' blog post is correct and he used bogus 'Cambridge International Science Publishing' to publish it? I saw him using this book as proof that his 'quantum of this and that' theory is endorsed internationally. That was unusually followed by a video presentation if a moving dolly claimed to be gravitation-defying device and claims that no one in the audience have security clearance level high enough to see other implementation now working for strengthening Russian already oh so powerful military might.

  • Looks like we might have to put a "Caveat Emptor" warning label on this one. Going back and reading the early posts in this thread, I can see there were plenty of suspicions, mixed with cautious optimism. And really, while we waited for the story to unfold, that was a prudent stance to take IMO.

    But it took Maury Markowitz to put together a convincing argument that "ENG8 is bogus", as his article concludes. Good on Maury. While we wait to see how ENG8 responds, another question remains "what about BIACO"? Is their IP lawsuit with ENG8 another Rossi/Defkalion...both fighting over a made-up technology, or do they have something legitimate going on?

  • both fighting over a made-up technology, or do they have something legitimate going on?

    In many ways, it does not matter. The damage has been done - and there could easily be a, kind of, anti-Midas effect on any technologies that have been touched.

    I suspect it means that any testing and development will have to go back underground for a while.

    "The most misleading assumptions are the ones you don't even know you're making" - Douglas Adams

  • Bingeclock, how long does it take to watch every episode of Don't Ask Me?

    I will keep trying to find episodes.

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  • hanks for your honest comment above Alan :thumbup:

    You said:

    “And as of yet, I have not seen the UL-USA report, though I have asked for it. Its claimed content is - at the moment- based entirely on statements made in conversation by George Egely, Haslen Back and a representative from UL Milan.“

    I hope you let us know when you receive it.

    I always strive to be honest. I'm not smart enough to lie a lot. If I get to see this UL report, I will share it, because it's a show-stopper.

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