I now have a large capacity ChatBot. I uploaded 121 papers, including every issue of J. Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (JCMNS). It works splendidly! Better than I expected.
I will upload the rest of the papers in the next week or two. I have to prepare some of them.
The screen is on the menu system. Direct link: https://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=2988
There are two bots, the Index and the Library. The difference is explained on this screen.
Here is an exchange I had this morning, testing various aspects of the Bot. This shows a few problems with the Bot, in bold below. Sometimes, it cannot find text or a name that is right there in the paper it quotes from. This is running ChatGPT version 3. It will be upgraded to version 4, which should fix some of these problems.
Library Bot
Hello! What can I do for you today?
[Ahem . . . I start with my own book.]
Summarize the book "Cold Fusion and the Future"
The book "Cold Fusion and the Future" by Jed Rothwell discusses the potential of cold fusion technology and its impact on society and technology. It argues that cold fusion, if commercialized, could eliminate most pollution and save billions of dollars currently spent on fossil fuels. The book also covers various technologies that could be changed by cold fusion, such as desalination, global warming, and the oil and electric power industries. The author aims to inspire readers and enlist them in the political battle to allow research on cold fusion. The book is not a review or history of the field, but rather focuses on the potential benefits of cold fusion technology.
[Good summary! This content is from the book, but it is paraphrased and summarized.]
Can you find a paragraph beginning: "Material Studies, Theoretical and Computational Studies, Modeling and Simulation"?
Yes, there is a paragraph in the provided context that begins with "Material Studies, Theoretical and Computational Studies, Modeling and Simulation." It is part of a detailed program for a conference called ICCF-23, which includes various topics related to condensed matter nuclear science. The program is available at http://ikkem.com/iccf-23_program.php.
Quote that entire paragraph, verbatim.
I apologize, but I am unable to provide the exact paragraph as it is not included in the provided context. However, I can direct you to the website where the program for the ICCF-23 conference is available, which includes the paragraph you are looking for. The website is http://ikkem.com/iccf-23_program.php.
Quote the entire paragraph that begins ""Material Studies, Theoretical and Computational Studies, Modeling and Simulation."
"Material Studies, Theoretical and Computational Studies, Modeling and Simulation, Approaches to Replication, Applications etc. The detailed program is available at http://ikkem.com/iccf-23_program.php."
Quote the paragraph that says, "We must thank Christy L. Frazier for writing a detailed report . . ."
I apologize, but there is no paragraph in the provided context that says "We must thank Christy L. Frazier for writing a detailed report." If you have any other questions related to the provided context, I would be happy to assist you.
Do these documents mention Christy Frazier?
I am sorry, but there is no mention of Christy Frazier in the provided context. If you have any other questions related to the provided context, I would be happy to assist you.
[It also cannot find "Christy L. Frazier," which is right there next to the paragraph the bot quoted above, in https://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/BiberianJPjcondensedzi.pdf It is strange that the Bot cannot find the name.]
Did the LOC organization keep the videos of the ICCF23 conference on line? If so, what is the URL of the videos?
Yes, the LOC organization kept all presentations and discussions in video online for two years at http://ikkem.com/iccf-23_oralab.php and http://ikkem.com/iccf23_3min.php. These websites contain videos of the presentations and discussions from the ICCF23 conference.
Quote the paragraph that says that the LOC organization keep [Sic my mistake] the videos of the ICCF23 conference on line. Quote it verbatim.
"To promote research in the field of CMNS, LOC has kept all presentations and discussions in video online for two years at http://ikkem.com/iccf-23_oralab.php and http://ikkem.com/iccf23_3min.php."
What does issue 157 of Infinite Energy say, and when was it published?
The provided context does not contain any information about the contents or publication date of issue 157 of Infinite Energy magazine. Therefore, I cannot provide a response to this question.
[It is right there on the same page.]
Was the ICCF23 conference held virtually? How about ICCF24?
Yes, the ICCF23 conference was held virtually due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions. As for ICCF24, the provided context does not contain any information about whether it will be held virtually or in person.
When and where was the ICCF24 conference held?
The provided context does not contain any information about when or where the ICCF24 conference was held. Therefore, I cannot provide a response to this question.
[That is correct. I have not uploaded documents with ICCF24 information yet. My mistake.]
When and where was the ICCF23 conference held?
The ICCF23 conference was held virtually from Beijing, China, with three sessions expanding from morning, afternoon, and evening, from December 17-21, 2019. The conference website is still available for future reference at http://ikkem.com/iccf-23.php.
Can you find the paragraph that says there were "live Q&A sessions at ICCF23"?
Yes, one highlight of the ICCF23 conference was the live Q&A sessions for the deep and broad scientific exchange, which were recorded and then quickly uploaded and shared with all participants on the website for each day. These active, inspiring, and fruitful discussions were recorded and can be seen in Figure 1 of the provided context.
Quote the paragraph that says there were "live Q&A sessions at ICCF23." Quote it verbatim.
"One highlight of this conference was the live Q&A sessions for the deep and broad scientific exchange (see Figure 1). These active, inspiring and fruitful discussions were recorded, and then quickly uploaded and shared with all participants on the website for each day."
Was the word "scientific" spelled correctly in the original text?
Yes, the word "scientific" was spelled correctly in the original text.
[This is good news! The word "scientific" came out wrong with the Adobe Acrobat OCR. Perhaps the bot corrects spelling errors as it tokenizes words.]
Which issue of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science had papers from the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF21)?
The papers from the 21st International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science (ICCF21) were included in the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Volume 29, August 2019.
Do you have the URL of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Volume 29, August 2019.
I'm sorry, but I do not have the URL for the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Volume 29, August 2019. The data I have provided only includes information about the journal's copyright and usage policies, as well as some of its published volumes and articles.
[That was a trick question. The URL is not in this database. The Index bot has this:
Do you have the URL of the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Volume 29, August 2019?
Yes, the URL for the Journal of Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Volume 29, August 2019 is http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/B…JPjcondensedzb.pdf#page=4.
I guess I should copy that index into the Library bot. I will leave it in the Index Bot so that readers can do simple searches without getting tons of data.]
Library Bot again:
Describe experiments with palladium boron alloys (Pd-B).
Experiments with palladium boron alloys (Pd-B) have shown that they produce highly reliable Low Energy Nuclear Reaction (LENR) results. Three compositions of Pd-B alloys were prepared with nominal boron concentrations of 0.25%, 0.50%, and 0.75% by weight. Glow-Discharge Mass Spectroscopy (GDMS) analyses of the three as-prepared materials showed 0.62%, 0.38%, and 0.18% by weight of boron. Annealing of the swaged sample at 650 o C for 2 h resulted in grain sizes of about 100 μ m. The alloying with boron expands the palladium lattice by forming an interstitial alloy with palladium. X-ray diffraction studies showed two distinct phases of the same face centered cubic structure with different lattice parameters. The alloys described in the data have proven to be effective in production of energy by LENR. They gave excess powers in seven out of eight experiments in China Lake, California. The materials also produced energy in one study in the New Hydrogen Energy laboratory in Japan, and in another in a private laboratory in California.
[An interesting summary. There is lots more in the literature about Pd-B but I may not have uploaded those papers yet.]
Who conducted the Pd-B experiments at China Lake, California? When? What papers did they publish?
The Pd-B experiments at China Lake, California were conducted by the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division. The experiments were conducted in 1994-1995 and are documented in a Navy Report [2]. The report includes figures for each experiment showing the measured excess power for several different times each day. The total excess energy produced in one of the experiments was 636 kJ or 5.2 MJ per cubic centimeter of the Pd-B material. The authors of the report acknowledge the contributions of Dr Stanislaw Szpak, who pioneered the Pd/D co-deposition process. The report is not available online, but it can be accessed through the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division.
Index bot
[The Index Bot knows the URLs. Here is an Index Bot exchange:]
What are the author(s), title and URL of the Pd-B experiments at China Lake?
The author(s) of the Pd-B experiments at China Lake are M. Miles and B.F. Bush. The title of the experiment is "Radiation Measurements at China Lake: Real or Artifacts?" and the URL is http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/MilesMradiationm.pdf.
Are there papers about Pd-B authored by Szpak?
I'm sorry, but I do not have any information about papers authored by Szpak on Pd-B. My data only includes information on Szpak's work on the Pd/D co-deposition process and related experiments.
[Trick question. Szpak is acknowledged in China Lake papers, but he was not an author. The Bot knows the difference between an acknowledgement and an author. It also knows when Biberian is listed as editor, not an author.]
Do you have any other papers by Szpak?
Yes, I have information on several papers authored by Szpak. Some of the titles include "SPAWAR Systems Center-Pacific Pd:D Co-Deposition Research: Overview of Refereed LENR Publications," "Evidence of nuclear reactions in the Pd lattice," and "LENR Research Using Co-Deposition."
What is the URL of "Evidence of nuclear reactions in the Pd lattice"?
The URL for "Evidence of nuclear reactions in the Pd lattice" by Szpak, S., et al. is http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/SzpakSevidenceof.pdf.
[You have to repeat the title. The Bot does not understand "what is the URL of that paper?" referring to the last sentence, even when the sentence references only one paper.]