Proceedings of ICCF-13

  • I suggest you to write directly to JP Biberian who well managed all these releases for years.

    it should give you what you want.

    [email protected]

  • Jed says...

    ICCF-13 June 2007, The 13th International Conference on Condensed Matter Nuclear Science. Out of print. The papers are not in the database, so there is no index.

    This is the mystery. A physical published copy does seem to exist (the file linked above is an annotated paper scan). And yet, it doesn't seem to have ever been digitised in full or made available in born-digital form. If I'm able to find a copy, then it should be possible to digitise the whole thing and make it available.

  • I will ask in the CMNS google group. If anyone has a paper copy they could bring to Strasbourg I will get it scanned and added to the library - unless there's an important reason why it is not there already.

    Re above- all done. No answer yet f course.

  • I found someone with a paper copy- negotiations underway.

    ETA- all done- I have the promise of a paper copy in Strasbourg, I will organise the scan and Jed will add it to LENR-Canr.

  • In the same way, i have seen here recently last postulations from Ed Storms, so could you help me to find again his last paper ?

    Thank you.

    I found someone with a paper copy- negotiations underway.

    ETA- all done- I have the promise of a paper copy in Strasbourg, I will organise the scan and Jed will add it to LENR-Canr.

  • In the same way, i have seen here recently last postulations from Ed Storms, so could you help me to find again his last paper ?

    To find the most recent paper from any author, go here:

    Most recent papers

    And enter the author under First Author or All Authors.

    This will probably be the most recent paper. However, it is actually the paper that I received most recently (with the most recent date).

  • Thank you very well JedRothwell finally your work of classification is very relevant, thank you for the communauty.

    i started my Lenr involvemetn something around 15 years ago, by Ed Storms reading.

    It was a good introduction i think.

    However next i left his path as the Mizuno's one.but since very recently i'm back on some thoughts they talked about. So i have to apolozige to them also to the chemists generally, because today i think that this way could be really involved in some cases.

  • orsova

    You certainly started something. I have now been promised proceedings for ICCF 10, 11, 12, to scan as well. Could you confirm there's no complete digital version of any of these too?

    There seems to be incomplete coverage for all three at I think the issue with these three is that World Scientific owns the copyright? JedRothwell ?


    ICCF-10 Proceedings

    missing a few papers


    ICCF Conference Proceedings

    missing a number of papers


    ICCF Conference Proceedings

    missing a number of papers

    Scans of 11 and 12 are already available online, though not at I cannot find a scan of 10. AFAICT, of the three, 10 is the one that's missing a complete digital copy. The bulk of the papers are already available at LC, so perhaps only the missing papers need to be scanned?

    (I'll email 11 and 12 when time permits.)

    Edited: I originally said 10 and 11 were available, but I had it backwards. 11 and 12 are available. 10 is not.

    Edited 5 times, last by orsova ().

  • There seems to be incomplete coverage for all three at I think the issue with these three is that World Scientific owns the copyright?

    The issue is that some of the authors did not give me permission to upload their papers.

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