Dr Bill Collis Memorial Workshop, Strasbourg France

  • Now the very interesting proposal from George Egely. Very thank you to him :)

    As he expect to not stay again a long time on earth, he offers to share all his knowledges for those interested.

    Maybe Alan Smith could organize a meeting for those interested by a LENRFORUM support after this conference ?

    I leave George writing some words on my computer below:

    We intend to sell the study reactors to interested inventors,researchers, fo further developement.....

    Aperçu de l’image

    Aperçu de l’image

    Aperçu de l’image

    Aperçu de l’image

  • "OFF" so many investors , US privates but also EU privates.. Even one US/EU.. :love:

    At least one EU army company.. And again some guys with oversized ears 8|

    That was an interesting event 8)

    Now at 19H30 go to the dinner, a real institution to close all Lenr event :)

  • As he expect to not stay again a long time on earth, he offers to share all his knowledges for those interested.

    I think you are referring to his age? Like him saying: "I have only so many years left, so may as well give away, or try to sell, my secrets".

  • Tonight's ''Gala Diknner' was a real delight. Seldom have so many grey haired scientists been seen boogying to accordion music with large ladies in fancy dress;

    To get things underway, we awarded the ISCMNS silver Preparata medal to David Nagel, the same medal posthumously to Bill Collis, and the Best Poster' medal to our very own friend and member Cydonia

  • Yes that's right, what a nice surprise :)

    Agree with Alan Smith this gala dinner was very nice, seing all the japanese team from Clean Planet as on a dance floor, was so funny ;( ;(

    Congratulations to all staff members who made this possible.


    I'm sure that Bill appreciated from his new house :love: :love:

    Tonight's ''Gala Diknner' was a real delight. Seldom have so many grey haired scientists been seen boogying to accordion music with large ladies in fancy dress;

    To get things underway, we awarded the ISCMNS silver Preparata medal to David Nagel, the same medal posthumously to Bill Collis, and the Best Poster' medal to our very own friend and member Cydonia

  • Did you catch the presentations on US/Japan updates and CleanHME progress?

    I caught the back half of Czerski’s presentation, where he reviewed the Szczecin group’s work. The outline was similar to other recent presentations re: screening and resonances. Notably, their recent accelerator work has been submitted to Nature.

    rubycarat was also tuned in, I believe.

    Edited 2 times, last by orsova ().

  • My daily report about some "off" as like heard Shane D. .

    Apart the Workshop members noone more came watch presentation at the Parliament.

    It was a Ruer"s gamble and as all gamble we must try.

    However all the parliament's day was recorded.

    There were not so many but several compagny representative who came to evaluate some potential techno.

    i discussed with them , they aren't dreamers , not as most Lenr physisists who justified they very low results ( considering a market treshold) by lack of money.. ( investors words not mine)

    They well saw the ITER syndrom... That doesn't work yet even if we already spent 25 billions, so we must put more and more..

    A drilled bucket strategy in fact..

    Florian for the US side, explained the US involvement for last 10 years... Even if after the Google's time, things at this side became lower even if with other programs as the ARPA's things restarted seriously//

    However i heard that from non US citizens , people thought that US side tends to hide their real results ( in few words they could have more results than announced)

    Then Dr Iwamura more frankly presented all the involvement in his country, business etc.. to introduce to ourself they next ICCF event in Japan, May 2025..

    It makes me laugh because investors who have already taken part in previous conferences say that the current conference only talks about the magic that should happen... at the next conference...

    Again, they also well heard that the field is polluted by a few old-school leaders who implicitly dictate the right directions to take, what you should be moving towards.

    Even thirtysomethings for example in US programmes are happily following the divine thoughts of their mentor...

    That's it, I'm done, I don't think I've forgotten to tell you everything I've heard.

  • Very good summary Cydonia . The kind I like, with a blend of behind the scenes talk and a realistic assessment of what was presented. It is disappointing though to find out no one from parliament, or the press attended the news conference. As you said, it was a gamble, but it was worth the try. Whether that be reporters felt there would be nothing newsworthy (as you seem to indicate), or fear of reporting on LENR...I don't know. Probably part of the gambit was to help CleanHME attain more EU funding, and if so we will know soon if it worked.

    I know others tuned-in, or were present, at the conference. It would be nice to hear your take.

  • I think we can call this workshop a success. The most delegates ever (78) - several French journalists in attendance too , and delegates from 3 of the world's leading car companies, and several close to the military plus some activist VC talent scouts. 3 people told me that they have received offers of funding as a result.

    Next year, either Oxford (my choice) or Iceland.

  • No.. no fear of reporting LENR anyway that's implying more sensational results according to me..

    Even if we could find KW cop 5, to interest reporters and definitely highlights the field we need an event something as the Sputnik one.. Maybe before next 5 years we could..

    What you meant by " I know others tuned-in, or were present, at the conference. It would be nice to hear your take." ?

    Very good summary Cydonia . The kind I like, with a blend of behind the scenes talk and a realistic assessment of what was presented. It is disappointing though to find out no one from parliament, or the press attended the news conference. As you said, it was a gamble, but it was worth the try. Whether that be reporters felt there would be nothing newsworthy (as you seem to indicate), or fear of reporting on LENR...I don't know. Probably part of the gambit was to help CleanHME attain more EU funding, and if so we will know soon if it worked.

    I know others tuned-in, or were present, at the conference. It would be nice to hear your take.

  • Really but it wouln't not interfer with the Japanese ICCF ?

    Agree that could be nice anyway that's take place at Oxford which is for all a very great UK representative place <3 .

    I think we can call this workshop a success. The most delegates ever (78) - several French journalists in attendance too , and delegates from 3 of the world's leading car companies, and several close to the military plus some activist VC talent scouts. 3 people told me that they have received offers of funding as a result.

    Next year, either Oxford (my choice) or Iceland.

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