Halo nuclei like Lithium-11 are observed experimentally, but avoided by most of related persons as literally embarrassing (ask them to see reactions ) - (nearly hidden) proof for how little we know about nuclear forces.
Wanting to understand nuclei, we need to have this halo possibility in mind - so let us focus on them in this thread.
They bind single neutrons or even protons - stably (e.g. for miliseconds), in a few femtometer distance - larger than of nuclear force.
Also, experiments show they require 3-body forces, hence are also called borromean ...
Personally ( https://arxiv.org/pdf/2108.07896 ) I see them as a perfect argument that there are stable 1D objects connecting halo nucleons like beads on a necklace - color/quark strings being topological Abrikosov-like vortices: going out of the central nucleus, through e.g. halo nucleons and back forming loop, can be two nucleons as beads for effectively 3-body forces (also suggesting that nuclei are generally such knots of various sizes).
Does anybody know any other approach to explain their binding? How does it look like in your approach?
I have discussed e.g. with skyrmion people claiming to have models of nuclei - they tried to think about halos, and quickly gave up as hopeless in their approach.
Here are some materials: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halo_nucleus
also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borromean_nucleus , https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efimov_state
good slides: http://theor.jinr.ru/~ntaa/17/files/lectures/Ershov.pdf
Required 3-body forces: https://indico.cern.ch/event/9…123/1594061/JV_Nupecc.pdf
Maybe they could help with fusion - through better understanding ... or e.g. using halo as intermediate stage for fusion?