Tarun Member
  • Member since May 9th 2015
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Posts by Tarun

    I like the idea of a second reactor.
    You may want to keep it away or put an insulation between the two, so that the active reactor will not heat the control reactor and make the difference in temperatures less.
    Try also to make the seal perfect :)

    I recommend monitoring the ambient temperature also during the next run. A plot of ambient along with reactor temperature will show the dependency of reactor temperature on ambient, if any.
    The peaks in reactor temperature can be due to variation in ambient. A variation of few degrees in ambient can cause up to 10 degrees variation in reactor, which can be mistaken for signs of lenr. Measuring the ambient will rule out any such cause.

    Perhaps the current rig does not support any pressure measurements, but the next one should have a pressure sensor or meter. So you will not be totally blind to what is actually happening inside the reactor. You will know if there is a leak and if the H2 is absorbed sufficiently (indicated by a below 1 bar pressure inside). There is hardly any point in running it if the H2 leaks or the pressure does not drop sufficiently. A pressure sensor will be useful here.

    Good work and looking forward for the next run.