RobertBryant Member
  • Male
  • 68
  • from Sydney,Australia
  • Member since May 10th 2015

Posts by RobertBryant

    former nuclear scientists do try to be influential

    'edging' is an optimistic take

    "As political interest in the technology grows and private investments ramp up, fusion energy is seeing “remarkable progress”, said Elena Righi Steele, head of unit at the European Commission’s research and development department. Righi Steele, a former fusion scientist, told a Euractiv event on 18 March, that fusion is “edging towards [its] realisation.”"

    I understood Axiton do i right ?

    two different kinds of exciton...according to Wikipedia

    a little bit less exciting energy than the 22 Mevs or so of cold fusion

    maybe the Axiton has more...

    This Frenkel exciton, named after Yakov Frenkel,

    has a typical binding energy on the order of 0.1 to 1 eV.

    Frenkel excitons are typically found in alkali halide crystals and in organic molecular crystals composed of aromatic molecules, such as anthracene and tetracene. Another example of Frenkel exciton includes on-site d-d excitations in transition metal compounds with partially filled d-shells. While d-d transitions are in principle forbidden by symmetry, they become weakly-allowed in a crystal when the symmetry is broken by structural relaxations or other effects. Absorption of a photon resonant with a d-d transition leads to the creation of an electron-hole pair on a single atomic site, which can be treated as a Frenkel exciton.

    Wannier–Mott exciton

    In semiconductors, the dielectric constant is generally large. Consequently, electric field screening tends to reduce the Coulomb interaction between electrons and holes. The result is a Wannier–Mott exciton,[7] which has a radius larger than the lattice spacing. Small effective mass of electrons that is typical of semiconductors also favors large exciton radii. As a result, the effect of the lattice potential can be incorporated into the effective masses of the electron and hole. Likewise, because of the lower masses and the screened Coulomb interaction,

    the binding energy is usually much less than that of a hydrogen atom, typically on the order of 0.01eV. ..

    Imprecise writing, what is not useful, LENR theory?

    I think Axil has a problem with understanding text in the first place

    which may explain some of his anomalous extrapolations. from the text of others...

    It was clear to me that Alan precisely stated that

    few people found the Widom-Larsen. theory useful

    before Alan clarified about its predictive-descriptive usefulness

    of course Krivit did write


    Widom-Larsen Optical Model

    The Widom-Larsen optical model, depicted by the curve below, predicts a unique spectrum of elemental abundances as a function of the creation and capture of ultra-low-momentum neutrons. The dots represent transmutation product abundances from experimental work performed by George Miley from multiple experiments in the mid-1990s.

    Qualitative predictions of the Widom-Larsen optical model:

    - five-peak product-mass spectrum from A=1 to A=250
    - peaks approximately at atomic mass numbers 12, 31, 62, 117 and 206
    - position of each of the peaks in terms of mass number (A)
    - increased spacing between successive peaks as A increases
    - declining amplitude of peaks as A increases

    Quantitative characteristics of the predicted product-mass spectrum compared with different data sets may vary based on differences in experimental configuration, deuterium versus normal hydrogen, (all things being equal, deuterium produces higher neutron fluxes), duration of experiment, and starting materials.

    Widom and Larsen do not claim that the optical model would neccesarily have a quantitative high r*square coefficient of correlation between model output and any arbitrary collection of experimental data points. This is because significant amounts of statistical noise are randomly introduced in such limited amounts of data from complex LENR nucleosynthetic network processes operating in significantly different types experiments that are run over variable lengths of time.

    Of course 'qualitative'. is. a bit imprecise...

    on the other hand

    "a quantitative high r*square coefficient of correlation between model output and any arbitrary collection of experimental data points"

    is more precise...

    WL theory appears to be not experimentally. descriptive according to one of its few advocates

    destroys the base members...

    One response to Sabine's video

    Caltech professor here: Sabine is 100% spot on. The depth of the bullshit is absolutely maddening. Some truly great science is being achieved during our time, but the vast majority of the funded work is simply following fads and of little or no value. Your comments about the grant holders putting their name on papers of younger colleagues is so true and I know examples of incompetent principal investigators who mysteriously have stellar citation records and h-index.

    Explains why there are 2904 authors for one paper.. they all get a citation..

    A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions by the ATLAS experiment ten years after the discovery
    Author(s)ATLAS Collaboration Show all 2904 authors

    Kim. "at 300ºK with Ec= 0.00655 eV corresponding to

    F (Ec) = ~0.084 (8.4% !), ( ~10% for the atomic BEC case)

    Since mobile deuterons in metal are localized within several metal

    lattice sites,"

    1.Specificity to certain metals?

    No modelling for the. D(m) localisation. where m=Pd

    why does Pd work and. not others..

    2. Temperature...300K.... why are current LENR. exits. trending to 600-700Kand over?

    there is even less BEC formation at these high T's

    3. Pressure ? why is current LENR work trending to vacuum pressures rather than 1 bar or so pressure for Deflakion reactor

    These calculations also show the сhаrgе density of the ЕV to Ье about б.6 х 10^23 elecfrons/cm3, approximately that of а solid."

    Axil. .. you. need to read his calculations in context..don't just cherry pick

    the next lines read


    Not all of these numbers will hang together, and it is not mу intention to convince апуопе of anything with such пumbеr gаmеs. This exercise is just ап attempt to show the incredible difference between the ordinary world of elecfronics and the ЕV world.

    There are quite a few big assumptions in Shoulder's calculations based on one strike mark.

    BTW. Which document states that Aureon transmutes ALL radioactive. isotopes?

    These are from Heaviside and honored to Maxwell..

    Heaviside. quote..


    Photo of Oliver Heaviside - upper body. Colorization © todayinsci


    After the general experimental knowledge has been acquired, accompanied with just a sufficient amount of theory to connect it together…, it becomes possible to consider the theory by itself, as theory. The experimental facts then go out of sight, in a great measure, not because they are unimportant, but because … they are fundamental, and the foundations are always hidden from view in well-constructed buildings.

    IMHO we still don't have sufficient experimental knowledge of hydrogen reacting in LENR mode.

    the foundations are still shaky.. hopefully recent gamma radiation evidence leads to something more solid... any theories. are premature

    While I do not have a model of a photon wave... But I understand that this wave must have mass... So in the near future,

    Hopefully the near future is soon

    and the.Cherepanov 'photon wave' can become a testable model

    rather than a hand wave

    A. hand wave cannot save Physics dying from the fatal electron model

    Cherepanov’s photon wave does not transfer energy, but it transfers photon mass - the added photon mass - and this is the mass of the ether. you are quibbling... the mass energy of the proton =. 938.272 Mev

    You still haven't given any details of how the mass-energy of. 4 protons is transferred becomes

    the mass energy of 2808.391 607 43 MeV with. the deficit of ~22 Mev thought to appear as heat

    Or does it disappear into the ether?

    The photon wave ether energy" just seems to be big hand wave..

    accompanying the chant

    "Maxwell. was wrong"

    Why.. "The proton wave. and the ether"

    Definitely of no use to experimentalists

    BTW. Forsley. stated his. stuff isn't LENR..yet he appears at LENR conferences..

    definitely his explanations are elastic

    The chorus "Maxwell. was wrong". is. too. vague..

    Some more. lines to the chorus"Maxwell was wrong"

    Thompson. was fatally wrong

    Forsley was wrong.

    he wrote the fatal "electron" word

    so what..?

    I do not believe that the fatal electron. is important in the transfer of. 22Mevs or so of energy

    Does Cherepanov's photon wave transfer energy???

    How? How much..mevs Kevs Mevs

    .in the hydrogen nuclei... palladium. nuclei. nickel. nuclei???

    What specific. advice does Cherepanov have for LENR research/technology??

    It was Maxwell's followers who led physics into a dead end

    but where is the relevance to new technology..

    how should LENR. researchers. follow Cherepanov.

    Do you. suggest any materials or. techniques.

    Which do you prefer. ..deuterium. or hydrogen?

    Palladium or nickel or rare earths?

    How much vacuum... 50 Kpa. 5 Kpa. 0.5 Kpa?

    Oxygen...or Argon??

    What temperature? 500 C. -100 C. 1000C?

    The chorus "Maxwell. was wrong". is. too. vague...

    Does the Emperor have any visible. clothes?

    Robert Bryant obviously had a lot of problems in his country with the “Trotskyists”.


    Perhaps. you could show how your photon wave. etc theory


    to the present technology.or any technology ,especially LENR

    on YOUR Cherepanov thread???

    ..Avamenko is as relevant. as Trotskyites..