TheGomp Member
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  • from Vermont, USA
  • Member since Nov 9th 2015
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Posts by TheGomp

    How is it Mary Hugo that you can appoint yourself as the judge and jury for all those you chose to brand as fraud and incompetent? A one man firing squad? Shame on you. Just continue to give us the evidence you find and let each one decide. I think it is even OK to announce what you think they are. But you state it as fact, and NOT opinion, which it is. It simply sours the whole discussion when you do that. You should know better, and it is exactly that which you often call other people out for. This is a thread about "rules of engagement" and "politeness". Why can't you understand that it is your absolute and superior attitude that diminishes your effectiveness and creates defiant proxies who simply cannot stomach your arbitrary pronouncements?

    Mary Yugo: Always ready to use a loose definition of "fraud" which is a crime, and requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt, yet be very stringent in her scientific standards regarding LENR experiments. While I applaud the SECOND of those traits, the first, her willingness to bandy terms like fraud with no standard of proof, is hypocrisy of the first order. This has been a standard and ongoing technique he uses. Another example is the claims of incompetence on the part of various researchers. Not a shred of proof that any individual is in fact incompetent, just a relentless stream of slanderous accusations. This is why most sincere bloggers see you as a bully and troll.

    Please, Mary Yugo, continue your technical critiques, and if possible, suggestions for improvement, but lose the unjustified and hostile assaults. While there is no doubt that frauds and incompetents make up a significant portion of the "new energy" crowd, many sincere, hard working and competent researchers out there. You boil them all in the same pot, and the resulting soup is sour beyond any need.

    M.Y. Sounds like pure trolling! I do not care how many wires they use, that is not the point. Address me politely. You know my points are valid. It is not a mere opinion that you are pedantic and trapped in a box by the content of your posts. If you had anything interesting or important to do I don't think you'd spend years on a nearly daily basis endlessly debunking what you have failed to debunk. It is in fact you who insult me by trivializing my handle, fail to read and understand my posts and accuse others of fraud and incompetence. If you are so accomplished why are you wasting your time here? No one is convinced to suspend their research. At least they are trying to do something even if it is misguided. You have the simple goal of closing minds and intimidating people with your self professed scholarship. Good luck!

    I hope it is OK to re-post a comment I made on the Cellani wire thread:

    There are a few posters here whose opinions are quite consistent and predictable. Since this site supports various discussions about developments in the LANR research world, specific criticism of particular developments are very useful. Relentless criticism of those who "believe" to one extent or another is, in my opinion, "trolling." The relentless and strident conclusion that all LENR research efforts are either incompetent or fraudulent is not useful. We all know that many people have made that conclusion, and it is not only useful, it is necessary for the correct scientific outcome. It is simply boring and at times insulting to sincere researchers not here to defend themselves, and so some of us, as surrogates do so. I, for one remain skeptical (believe it or not M.Y. et. al.) I also believe that continued research in the area is vital, not because it will "pan out", but because if we stop looking for the next breakthrough discovery it will surely never occur. If this, or any other blog site was reduced to the "I believe in LENR because it just must be true" vs. "all LENR research is pointless and stupid" it would be a stupid as some of the political crap we all are exposed to. Please consider this: I see far more of the "all LENR research is pointless and stupid" posts than I see "I believe in LENR because it must be so" ones. If you, the moderators can restore a balance in this regard you will have gone a long way toward having a site that focuses un news and ideas regarding LENR research rather than an oh so lame rehash of the conclusions of the already decided.

    How about a thread where admin takes a troll comment and starts off XYZ posted the following - we invite responses to this. XYZ will be prohibited from posting on this string. If more than <pick a number> request, XYZ will be banned for 1 week (first) banishment: 1 month (second banishment): permanently (third banishment). Or some other community response being involved.

    <b>We are already internally discussing this problem and how to stop that excessive trolling and disturbers.

    Thank you for your feedback!</b>

    <a href="">[IMPORTANT] Trolling and insulting users / Forum rules</a>

    There are a few posters here whose opinions are quite consistent and predictable. Since this site supports various discussions about developments in the LANR research world, specific criticism of particular developments are very useful. Relentless criticism of those who "believe" to one extent or another is, in my opinion, "trolling." The relentless and strident conclusion that all LENR research efforts are either incompetent or fraudulent is not useful. We all know that many people have made that conclusion, and it is not only useful, it is necessary for the correct scientific outcome. It is simply boring and at times insulting to sincere researchers not here to defend themselves, and so some of us, as surrogates do so.

    I, for one remain skeptical (believe it or not M.Y. et. al.) I also believe that continued research in the area is vital, not because it will "pan out", but because if we stop looking for the next breakthrough discovery it will surely never occur.

    If this, or any other blog site was reduced to the "I believe in LENR because it just must be true" vs. "all LENR research is pointless and stupid" it would be a stupid as some of the political crap we all are exposed to. Please consider this: I see far more of the "all LENR research is pointless and stupid" posts than I see "I believe in LENR because it must be so" ones. If you, the moderators can restore a balance in this regard you will have gone a long way toward having a site that focuses un news and ideas regarding LENR research rather than an oh so lame rehash of the conclusions of the already decided.


    my initial suggestions to MFPM, early on in their work, made on their forums, were received with thanks.

    No doubt you have been a true fountain of good advice. And, as expected, you somehow think I am a true believer. What a nincompoop! For years you have shrilly tried to intimidate one and all who either did "believe" in LENR, or was truly on the fence, as I am, and have been. Your intimidation has failed, research continues, and expands, and I happily call you out. You have done ZERO to promote or forward research in this potentially revolutionary area. You have made, and continue to make, every effort to insult, demean and inhibit anyone from making progress or generating any support. You are an obfuscator, a pedantic debater and I would bet a great deal that your career was highlighted by an an endless stream of the banal and boring. Your greatest thrill has probably been on the various LENR blogs, representing "real" science, science with no curiosity, with no sense of adventure, and a dread of the forbidden. You will be as big a failure in your drive to inhibit LENR research as you surely were in any boring and static career you care to use as validation for your leaden dullness. And, truth be told, I could care less what you say henceforth to wet-blanket true scientific explorers because your critiques have no mare value than that of a third grade spelling checker. You lose no matter what becomes of LENR.

    Mary Yugo: Why don't you "do the experiment?" Thus far you and the usual suspects have heated exactly nothing considering that your hot air mostly falls into the noise category. I am quite confident that the people at MFMP will not rest on marginal results and will ultimately produce the experimental kit which you personally can use to your hearts content in your endless search for noise.

    I regret taking this tone, but your relentless sideline haggling and naysaying serves no purpose other than to gratify your ego. The world is marching on, and if anything, we are seeing a relentless increase in the number of experimenters and researchers trying their best to do something constructive. Your sideline nagging is a pure waste. No one is stopping their research, and in the end, it is nature who will dictate the final result.
    Perhaps, in the end, nothing will be found, but at least it will not be your reactionary deadness which preempts the voice of nature with the silence of those afraid to look.

    So, yes, Mary and Thomas et. al. why don't you spend your time "doing the experiment" instead of trying to cow others out of "doing the experiment"?

    Mr. Thomas Clark, you might just read my entire post, including the last sentence. Your perception of "LENRitis" is overshadowed by your own "Pathoskeptitis". Really, do you think you are the only intelligent person on this blog? Why don't you treat everyone with somewhat less of an intellectually superior bias. Thank you.

    Great news! Expect the pathoskeps to complain about such a "small" COP, and it's being useless etc., etc. Of course anyone not completely idiotic knows that any energy release coming from a phenomenon which is not known is immense news, and would signify the beginning of the collapse of denial. Obviously this result needs to be verified, reproduced and subject to peer review, so it is no more than a first step, but none the less exciting!

    Y'all skeptics look like your on a last stand. Think quick now, and let us know how your theoretical knowledge trumps everything else.
    S'long, and be sure to write, from the pits when your asses are being burnt by a LENR flame.

    Give me a break, and move along!

    Message for Brian Ahern,

    You said that you have Manelas's equipment in your possession. Does that include the disassembled working model you tested? How can I help you develop a plan to follow through?
    What other form would the help you seek take? Can we discuss this via email privately? Perhaps, if you do, the site manager here could arrange an exchange of email addresses .
    If it helps, I am a skeptical observer of the LENR world, but feel strongly that enough evidence has surfaced to warrant significant further empirical research, and an effort to develop a
    theoretical basis for any anomalous observations.

    As a long time observer of the LENR, clean energy bubble, I am quite amazed that you found no way to further pursue the Manelas device. I trust that you and the other testers are skilled and competent and honest reporters of the energy effects you observed in New Hampshire. It is clear, however, that it sometimes takes a skilled debunker to detect the amazing "magic tricks" sometimes used to fool just such observers as you and your team. Can you take a moment to reflect on that? How many times did you see the device in operation? What were the environments (his shop or yours?) Can you imagine any way the results could have been faked?

    On the other side of this is the question of what happened to the device itself? Can you take some time to create, as near as possible, it's characteristics? Obviously, you understand that the story, on the face of it, seems wildly unlikely, like the first chapter of a grade B Sci Fi story. An earth shaking discovery lost to an unexpected death with no trace left behind. Reminds me of the Morris Ward "starlite" super insulating material, demonstrated convincingly on television, but lost at his unexpected death. Look it up on youtube if you are not familiar with it. Clearly this invention might have had astounding impact in many ways had it been genuine, and not lost.

    I am sure you have searched your memory for any lead to follow, but can you please take a moment to describe what steps you took to rediscover this device?

    Thank you.

    It has amazed me for years that Thomas, MY, Popeye (elsewhere) and others spend a mind boggling amount of time on sites like this in endless and very repetitive debates on the merits of LENR. The tale of the true believer is much easier to grasp. But you perma-skeps are clearly intelligent, educated and skilled debaters. What keeps you coming back? Chances are your response to this will be rather feeble, and I will not bother to criticise or debate it. This post is much more for the rational skeptic who reads these blogs from time to time. If I had the time I would do a count of posts and a word count. The results might be quite shocking. They are either obsessional or professional in my opinion. Just saying.

    optimism does not go back to assurances based upon investigations done in connection with due diligence.

    Fair enough, but I too have had first hand experience with spec investors spending serious time and money sniffing out fraud, which would be a very early concern. As to a reason for optimism, it is perhaps better stated that after several years of LENR in the news I cannot remember very many investors claiming fraud, or giving publicity to wasted investments. Enough time has passed to expect to see at least some of that if there were many disappointments. Another cause for optimism is the (seeming) increase in patent activity. It would probably be useful for someone to do a plot of investments, conferences and patent activity over time. My sense is that there seems to be a surge. Granting, as I do that LENR has no solid basis for scientific acceptance at this point (no juried, vetted papers with unambiguous results, no replicable experiments to date), and also that LENR would violate very solid existing theory should we all just shrug our shoulders and say "too bad!" Hell no!!! So, as a social phenomenon can we find clues of what is really happening behind closed doors? I really do think so, and that is in the number of investors, the number of patents, the number of conferences etc. etc. and unless I am mistaken, those might well be starting to show exponential growth. Or at least a surge.

    This is good news. In an indirect way it contributes to the feeling that behind all of the partial results and incomplete scientific validation there is a basis for optimism. It would be hard to believe that Heliorite and many other companies are making investments without the due process that would quickly reveal all of the valid skeptical questions which have been raised. The only way most of us can judge the possibility of LENR being a real process is through secondary indicators like this. Scientists can, and should, firmly hold scientific papers and claims to the highest of standards, and in that regard LENR has still not been recognized as a real thing, and it will not be until the important scientific standards have been me for even the most skeptical. Having said that, however, it is impossible not to also consider the number of agencies and companies making investments in the field, and that number continues to grow, and not shrink as would be the case if such efforts were consistently failing. And that, dear skeptics, has not been the case!

    Anomalous excess of temperature and power input vs time (two reactors are currently in operation; the one shown in the figure is operational from 2 years and 4 months)
    Fig. A shows the calibration curves (Temperature vs. Power input) and displays subsequent activations
    Fig. B shows the step-by-step reduction of the input power following a series of activations until the total elimination of power. The reactor (sealed) has been remaining at a T above 280°C for over 6 months without adding H2 and without interior H accumulations. Finally it was deliberately turned off.

    Now, Thomas: You may find many ways to dispute these claims, but NO way to dispute that they are extraordinary! If you are this blind, perhaps all of your negative conclusions are, in like manner, not very perceptive. Come on, man, 6 months of 280 C. with essentially no input energy?

    Ogfusionist: I am sorry to say that there are perhaps millions who would "accept funding" to build their version of the "clean and plentiful" energy solution. As much as I sincerely admire your work and confidence, this discussion does not include you. If you ever have a device ready for stringent and foolproof testing, let me know, I will sponsor you. For now, however, I simply wish you best of luck in your endeavors.

    bobeson: I am sorry to say it, but that position is totally consistent with Mr. Rossi's past obfuscations. He is the target of this showdown, and if he could not take agree, in principal, I;m afraid it's the final nail in my mind.

    Thanks M.Y.
    Now, can anyone come up with ANY excuse (or additional protection) for the various LENR claimants? I believe they could either keep their secrets, or, receive global acclaim (and patent protection) by demonstrating a working LENR device. And as for the billionaires, wouldn't this completely meet your goals of finding abundant, cheap, green energy? and all for a very modest initial investment with a prize to beat all prizes for the big Lubowski! Sadly, I first doubt that the "billionaires" would ever do anything as ground shaking as this, and second, I reluctantly have to admit that my own skepticism tells me that non of the "pretenders" could actually meet these requirements. So, I guess this obvious procedure has as much chance as peace in the middle east. First step, however: Billionaires of the world -STEP UP AND GET MEMORIALIZED WITH THE BIGGEST INCENTIVE EVER OFFERED!