Cashme Morz Member
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  • Member since Nov 29th 2015
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Posts by Cashme Morz

    Repeatable experiments seem to be the current step on the way towards confirming LENR. At what point does a robust theory come. I am coming from the point of view that the theory is the main point to get customers, who will actually field test/use the device, to procure a LENR device with confidence, The theory, that is "the theory", that is the one that actually works under all conditions and leaves no questions unanswered or at least leaves only minor questions unanswered to the point where the device made under that theory is the one that is used for dependable devices in the long run. Without such a theory then the devices made under it cannot be depended on in case of breakdown. When a breakdown occurs the theory can be used towards efficient repairs. Without the theory, repairs are more ad hoc then efficient. If A customer has a multi-million dollar installation, just swaping it out for a new model is costly. With a proper theory in hand of how it works exactly, then the machine can analysed for what the actual problem is and instead of sawpping it out then it can be repaired or tweeked to work while in place at the customers site. This makes for a more effeicient and a less costly device in the long run. Until this point is reached customers will be wary in procuring a device that is based on less than a fully robust theory. It may be that the actual workings that make up the theory may be so obscure at this time that Widom Larsen and the like may only look like the best theory so far. For that reason the final theory or at least a good working theory, may be some time in the future.