eros Member
  • from EU - north
  • Member since Feb 15th 2016
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Posts by eros

    Hello I found that uranium glass plate near reactor had increased activity and started to inspect it more closely.

    I used SBM-20 geiger tube (tested also sbm-19 but counts up 26000/min, and not sure how well counter can handle so high readings), counter was DYI arduino (from ebay).

    test 1., taped SBM-20 to plate center, outside ~25M from reactor counts ~850c/min. (Plate was slight activated, plus uranium beta decay)

    Then I put it over reactor, from ~20cm distance core, it is ~19cm air + 1cm lead. Counts grow to 1860c/min.

    Then I put canister of water on reactor and top sbm20 plate, extra 20cm distance, water ~11cm. Counts drop to ~1090c/min

    Then I remove water canister and used wet towel layered ~1cm thick and sbm20 plate. Counts rise 1920c/min.

    --> near thermal neutrons or what?

    After I got idea to remove betas and used special (tin?) foil designed/used to remove SBM20 beta sensitivy.

    Foil wrapped SBM20 outside far from reactor 20c/min.

    Foil wrapped SBM20 taped to glass plate 58c/min. (plate have got some fission products. Normal clean readings should be ~20c/min BG).

    And on reactor with wet towel 10min average 127c/min.

    After test plate give ~60c/min.

    Glass plate have low uranium content maybe 0.5-1%.

    Is it posible to aproximate neutron flux from above data?

    Calculations, comments?

    Anyone have any opinions about the fuel compaction?

    From my tests, it need about 1/3 - 1/2 free space in tube if use lithium + Ni, depends Li amount. It expand heavilly when attack alumina. Fill tube like D-letter.

    Even with much of free space it may crack when cools down - keep it hot (300C or more) if run long tests.

    Iron / SS steel fuel capsule inside tube may help, H2 shields it from oxidation so it can be thin. I have not tested capsule. I think it is posible to do vacuum without metal Li and use lithium carbonate as lithium source (it is alumina compatible 1000C+) (Metal Li works as vacuum pump)

    The point of the test was to check if there is an excess heat or other interesting artefacts.

    During test last 30min GCA-geiger doubled counts. Power in/out graphs two places power out rise before power in. Not much. Maybe you can give better show soon? Keep going.

    This 0.85 grams contains about 0.72 g of the Hunter Chemical AH50 Ni powder that has been (as the previous experiment) etched in ultrasonic 15% HCl at 50°C for 10 minutes.

    Maybe you can test asetic acid and longer time at some run? HCl is quite hard acid.

    In preparing Urushibara nickel HCl etching reduce greatly catalytic activity (pores) and properly etching is done with asetic acid (or base).

    In some reports Raney nickel is found to produce XH. In some time ago I tested Urushibara iron, not find XH but it outgas lot of hydrogen when heated. Maybe with lithium it works better? I did it form PCB ferrochloride and Al foil..

    Correct. It is a GMC-320+ coupled to a LND7317 pancake tube. This combination is sensitive down to ~20 keV, with peak sensitivity at 80-150 keV. Typical background count has been around 40-50 CPM at a variety of locations. At the me356 site it was a bit higher, maybe 50-60 CPM. Some periods of 80+ CPM were seen during the test, as shown in the Dashboard screen capture above. A second GMC with a smaller cylindrical tube was also used, and its output count averaging 25-30 CPM is also available in the main (Labjack) data file.

    In data file header reads


    So I think there was one pancake modified geiger sensitive to down 20kev (it dosn't show count rise). And second geiger GCA-01C that show count rise.

    Spec says sensitive to down 7kev.

    Is that correct?

    Which Geiger they did use? GCA-01C? Such a Geiger doesn't detect neutrons at all (which is a bit risky when doing experiments with device, which reportedly released neutrons).

    Anyway, the signal 200% of radiation background is low and zero result in essence.

    They have two neutron detectors that show low values. graph was not easy to follow.

    GCA-geiger signal need some smoothing but it had more counts last 30min in test. Maybe some 5min average graph show something?

    data & header (Counters_test6_run2.txt):…7lTfqkED9WUHA5MC1GMFNtZkU

    I don't understand, what this mess is all about. One of claimed reason why Me356 withdrew from lenr-forum was, his reactor generates radioactivity (neutrons?). If so, it shouldn't be difficult to detect it and it would prove his point.

    In monday aura test GCA-geiger give ~double counts in last 30min. Artifact or some significant?

    Thank you. It was only 25C max, 11C diffrence, ~1.1kw max, so memory fault.

    From your plots, test run was ~260min and flow was ~1.4L/min so about 364L was used. Sensus report 128L so correction factor 2.844 -> 2kw average..

    Flow plot show some spikes down to 1.2L/s so fits bucket fill if it happened just in spike down.

    This is based only memory maybe errorenous, I remember ( data disappeared?? why???) that output temp rise up to 27C. Water input maybe 10C (?) makes 17C diffrence. Omega show 1.43L/min flow so 1.43/60s=0.02383kg/s -> *4.19kJ/kg*17C=1.70kw but mfmp plots showed only ~1kw.

    Where is monday data, data disappeared google drive have test6 (saturday) data only…7lTfqkED9WUHA5MC1GMFNtZkU


    saturday data show water input ~13C and omega based power seems correlate temp diffrence and flow. So maybe only memory error?

    There is also sensus readings at start 49,060Mwh 7390,975m³ and after test 49,063Mwh 7391,103m³ so 3kwh and 128L. Its is also know that sensus should install vertical, horizontal installation leave air in its turbine and it show too low flow. Test last some 3.5hrs 128L/210min=0.61L/min and aura.log tell sensus show 0.6L/min flow. Bucket fill 3min data give 1.197L/min so sensus have flow error 50% (0.51). If it is corrected then 3kwh go 6kwh. Right?


    But mfmp output data was less than 1kw that 3.5h period..

    (if sensus is corrected with omega 1.43L/min then it show 7.15kwh and mean 2.04kw)

    So flow corrected sensus show cop ~2.

    He measured the temperature with a glass thermometer and posted that there was about a 1°C difference in temperature. So, for the actual experiment, the efficiency of the heat exchanger was good.

    So heat exchanger is good. It's rated some 12kw+(?) operation. So 2.9kw (25% rated) power should do fine and with high COP. Or what I miss?

    Then how explain 2.9kw input at 45C give COP=0.4 graph? Somewhere is error. Things should check or atleast do 3kw dummy test again with primary output temp measurement. Currently there is no (measured) explanation where 1.8kw disappeared in dummy test.

    Dummy test should show that all readings are ok and calorimetry is working. Monday dummy test show that things are not ok.

    OK - from that I guess they are measuring heat given to secondary circuit via heat exchanger. Primary circuit water will be thrown away containing the excess heat.

    Measurement was in secondary circuit and primary circuit water thrown away (without??? temp reading. They have temp meter installed, but dosn't give readings)

    So if 12kw+ rated heatexchanger in 2.9kw load was in reality better than cop 0.4 then secondary circuit measurement/readings can have error.

    If you could link the data I'd comment.

    Data is in aura log page 29…it#heading=h.udzwnnt6lcg6

    Reactor is not connected in this dummy test only 3kw water heater. And it take 2.9kw in when calorymetry output show only 1.1kw.

    They dosn't give heatexchanger output temp (condensate) so lack of data to check how good heatexchanger was.

    But if dummy test show cop 0.4 then it leave many questions is all ok in measurement setup/calculations. (like inch/metric 1/2.5=0.4)

    Apparently that heat exchanger can only efficiently collect heat from steam, not just hot water.

    Yeah, but it ofcourse leave question how good it is with steam, if fails with water.. (ok. full condensation is mentioned)

    But 2.nd questions is that IF heat exchanger is better than cop 0.4 with 45C water then where energy loose? (measurement error?)

    Can someone explain why calorimetry dummy testing with 3kw water heater showed only 1.1kw output?

    (aura.log page 29)

    Bucket filling give 1,2L/s (omega 1.43L/s) (if omega show too much it give false energy)

    There were some points in data where output power rise before input power, later one bring output near 1kw so core high temp?

    GCA-geiger give ~double counts in last 30min.

    I hope me365 full process (ultrasound?) 14/14 (two weeks?) his fuel, put everything working and give new show