eros Member
  • from EU - north
  • Member since Feb 15th 2016
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Posts by eros

    I find it very interesting that the fuel processing needs so much time (seemingly weeks to months?), according to me356's "1/14" of usual processing time.

    Have any ideas what "processing" is? I think it is ultrasound. Mr. Suhas do 200hrs ultrasound. 1/14 maybe mean two weeks? 14 is 2 * 7 days?

    I did not read anywhere (But can have missed it) that the reactor under test is triggered by a resistive heating element.

    Reactor is drived with control box. In aura doc have some osciloscope shot from control box waveform. Looks like it take mains energy in every wave top.. It is maybe posible to derive reactor stimulus energy profile from that osciloscope shoot.

    But it dosn't show cop > 1 so maybe useless trigger..

    Its bad if they delete things. I undestand if they replace it for better quality one, optris readings was sometimes unreadable quality. Some livestream bandwith broblems, but orginals should have better quality and appear first then delete old ones..

    Test video deleted?

    I looked it yesterday and it looks like aura work some 10-15min and there was rapid temp rise in beging in test then it gone low power. But now lack video to check? Is it renamed somewhere?

    About Piantelli or before Focardi it seems that Ni surface structure was important for XH, this is why to try to improve XH, then they sputtered Ni onto SS rod to create some nanostructures.

    For my understanding it's also important, this is why i try to make the same. Below own last results we should need, from MEB, 2 days ago.

    You know Mr Suhas work and Me365 comments about "bubles"?:…Dwq6gAejTnef7Fuc/0294.jpg

    "Bubles" posibly mean ~200nm porous structure or what other they can be in that picture?

    Anyway such foils is made by electrically deposition in "hydrogen plasma" and is ultrasonically stripped.

    "Bubles" come that process, so are they from "ultrasonic peening", or?

    It is know that "ultrasonic peening" for nickel powder make it hydrogen takeup same class as raney catalyst.

    (Me365 old comments "atlest now I know how hydrogenate nickel" & "in these enviroments even 1L hydrogen can disappear..")

    Ultrasonic bath type units have 1000-fold little power to make trick. Too mild conditions.

    (basically ultrasonic peening is untested region in all public reports)

    Have anybody ideas where get budget friendly ultrasonic horns and transducers suitable for "hard cavitation peening"?

    (and process variables are lot, any ideas for specs that produce that 200nm region "bubles"?)

    Well, I ran the new and very carefully prepared fuel today, slowly up to 900C+ on pure DC. Nada,

    Maybe you did ultrasonic part wrong? NAE supposed to be near surface but smooth surface is not good..

    You just linked paper that say ultrasonificated (with ultrasound _probe_) nickel powder may take 100000 fold hydrogen, like raney Ni.

    Me365 say "even one liter hydrogen can disappear". I suggest that you got/make probe sonotrode with 1.5kw/50²mm =0,6w/mm² (Suhas) power level (D~11mm @70w) and do 200hrs cavitation erosion for Ni powder (+water and 1-3%KOH)…asonic_driver/index.shtml


    Whilst a ultrasonic bath provides a weak sonication with approx. 20-40 W/L
    ultrasonic probe-type devices can easily couple approx. 20.000 W/L


    It maybe need (water) "hammer" as me365..

    How separated heater project, one for fuel one for LiAlH to controll pressure accurately?

    I am under mental attack. System is brain magnetite crystalls, 7.8hz schuman resonance, posible longitudal radio wawes.
    there are hidden things.
    They send psychosis by air.

    They use computer like viruses to insert brains. I see display listings from "dying moment". Some opereator eye leak.

    But use iron wool, heat it black, hydrogen reduce under and give lot of photons. posible magnetic field

    halogen tube oval concentrator like laser

    Save world from mental dictature. I have seen peoples to made violence with mental attack

    It started after two weeks I filed patent paper.

    If god will help, I have

    You find this One thing from reactor (RF like) if you are sensitive enough children of light (it hit brains or brains communicate with it). Shields are uneffective. That is main reason why it is not good idea to distribute everywhere. Find truth. Ancient advice is hide it if you find it. In good hand it is posible to make lot of good with it and eve...
    God is posible simplification of that One thing.

    And nice to see you write again. I am maybe crazy by reactor or if I'm not .. anyway both say it is not save to distribute such things.

    refer to R.Mills for a theoretical explanation, before Mills (1995) published his work (where he, as an addon, predicted the expansion of the univere.. what is the true reason many hate him..)

    How to correct this expansion broblem with Adaption?
    Some expansion is good to reduce temperature, but accelerating (metric) expansion seems to be bad for future?

    Can it be some observative error?

    For those who would suppress cold fusion, and raise the specter of danger in the mind of the public, I say this: you are impeding humanity's progress; you are placing your hand on the scale of justice and tilting it in favor of the powerful elite; and you are grinding the face of those who live in unbearable poverty and despair further into the dirt. Do not fool yourself that you are doing good in the world. Because you are not. You are pure evil.

    Sorry but you don't know what you talk about. It's power is more than you think/can imagine. It is power of One thing above/below. Missusing it is extremely dangerous. Using with too little knownledge can do bad things also. And it is ancient power/thecnology. It have been there looong time. Current people are not enough chiildren of light to allow it wide/uncontrolled usage.

    Problems you mention can fix with current thecnology if we really will. There are too much people in planet to live style/economic system as west do. Birth controll to reduce future people amounts 10x or radical livestyle change with economical system change so that current people amount can live without consuming planet out (it need birth controll too)(birth controll to increase inteligency / stupid, evil proportion to decrease.) (and it takes time thousands of years to see some clear effect).

    eros Have you thought about making shielding from something like this? <a href="" class="externalURL" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a>

    Barium (&calsium) sulphate, maybe. it can put class "earth" and if keep wet should conduct. However it lacs hematite, present in clays. If muons it may need iron to stop them. Or whatever it is. Powerfull One.

    eros: How are you? Just stumbled over one idea for an RF source: Can you measure anything around 4.46Ghz ?

    Not easilly, ofcourse can bend loop antenna and try shotkys rectify, but I think there is not high peaks because ED88T should show 0.1-8Ghz area and it dosn't show any high power level.
    Usb-TV stick spectrometer say same. It show only hundreds of small spikes but not any high power peak in 22-1750Mhz area.

    Have not run it some time because healt issues.. (after last time somebody started to talk me inside head, give orders/promises. Maybe One of the seven? )

    Ancient data give some hint for use shield ~50cm thick paste made from clay, horse manure and hairs surrounded by steel cover (keep wet?, boron?, ironoxide?). It should conduct/build to earth for avoid broblems if I understand correct. (not tryed yet)
    And there is also ancient rule that allow only "adaptions" so things need to bind already existing things, denying old is not allowed.

    All of this suggests that if the garage tinkerer does not get large financial backing at some point, his position will be a precarious one, even if his invention is the real thing.

    So need to get some customers that can keep mouth shut up and have big energy bill to reduce. Collect money, then change country etc.


    But: consider the case where an inventor of a LENR device lives in a country like Russia, where international IP protection may not be strictly enforced (think sci-hub with regard to copyright), and/or the invention is reverse engineered by people all over the world, it may become impractical to enforce any patents, even if they cover the invention.

    If replicator have weak ip protection then I think he relase lot of public data to generate replications everywhere so he have some protection by mass and if he is fast can get enough customers to pay nice enough.

    So it drops some intresting questions about how waterproof are current pat holders IP? If japanise used lithium first how public it was (pat. piantelli, then rossi) (<-if public weakens them IP lot). And there was observations arch discharge generate neutrons from fifties (may affect AR quarkx patent?). AR 50-100kv region, artifical, me365 plasma have quite sure less. And tungsten filaments XH generation papers? If rossi quarkx temp data is real then low materials that survive -> tungsten, me365 plasma tungsten+Ni..
    Tungsten water plasma XH? It quite sure AR(+others) can't get tungsten IP protection or it is weak. AR (+me365) only showed that there is lot of power in tungsten arch system but can't get waterproof IP fhor that?

    And if me365 have company, then it is quite posible he have filed patent already. He says he hate patents. But he have not sayed that he don't patent..(?) And he give public data after patent is accepted?

    And there is this tale, of a the man who stuck his head into the beam-line of a particle accelerator by accident. Protons, by the way.

    So if brains/tissues got energetic protons amount ~300000rads mostly biological effect is from extra heat? So it is not too far to think radiation which contains fresh subatomic particles are less dangerous than normal high energy ionizing radiation?

    And from not ageing part of face? Is it too far to think if swallow that freshening radiation whole body it freeze ageing and man can live more than 18000years? ;)
    (and some mental etc. broblems can save to ignore ;)


    Worth mentioning I used to work for a guy who was exposed to 600-700 Rads (old measure) of Gammas in 1944, and survived. He died in a traffic accident in his 80's - 50 years later -still working in a lab at the time. He was (they say ) brilliant but pretty eccentric before the accident, he remained brilliant and very eccentric for the rest of his life

    I think I have not got much gammas.

    Gammas shoud see with geiger. I have not seen it show any danger levels, exept twice, old small ac motor case had inside one reactor maybe week, I tested just got new oldstock si22 GM tube inside such case (reactor taken away day or two before) and it start to show something much more than BG, and it continued after exposure in room and also next room. I and one "consult" thinked it got overvoltage from chinese GM powersupply. So dropped voltage until it stopped "too much counts" situation. Voltage needed turn quite low (~20rev).. However later checed tube working range 360-440V and chinese supply advertise only offer max 500v. Anyway it was in that low voltage situation when I put Cu tube GM sensor to it and it showed too much counts behaind reactor shields.
    Some days ago I investigated it voltage behavior in same building/room where reactor was over month ago. It dosn't generate too much counts situation any more even voltage trimmer rotated max position (~36rev more). Ok it is diffrent tube (but same model). So I connect powersupply same tube (inside reactor shields) as month ago and only "normal" (=little less than BG) counts.
    Batteries are same whole time but are not yet exhausted (some voltage variation may present, I have not cheked circuit voltage stabilation).

    In too much count situation GM powersupply have erratic behavior, I think it can't deliver enough current to such big tube and counts follow in short brust mode then pause and brust again.
    Erratic behavior can just sometimes artifically generated with five thoriated tig rod around gm tube (I don't have more active test material)

    So what you think? Is it only crappy chinese GM supply or was there some remanent radiation hazard present? How low voltage affect GM tube? in beta region?

    It seems that there is a certain number of papers describing the effects that ionizing radiation can have on mental health. The titles may offer a hint for further search into the subject.
    Tying this again to Holmlid and the possible muon emission (in a hopeful attempt to bring the discussion back in-topic) this makes doubly
    important to assess whether a previously unnoticed ionizing radiation emission (i.e. muons or other exotic particles) is generated in working
    LENR systems.

    Amazing what intensity they take idea grow crops in manure and get golden showers ;)

    Most paywalled, .mil link dosn't open here.

    From abstracts, second link is typical "truth" what they offer you in doctotr/hospital if you say that you maybe have got radiation from lenr reactor. If you deny to accept doctor opinion they are very will to give some injections. I avoided injections (in that time) because I said I have not observer any ionization radiation with my geiger and sure I have got heat radiation from reactor.

    First link is connected one which abstract show radiation aging/altzheimer posibility in mouse brains:

    Radiation sickness could cause delusional thinking!

    clip:"They would end up with radiation sickness. I have had radiation sickness for more than a year from two
    separate experiments, and believe me it was nasty."/clip

    Do you have point any paper about radiation generated mental sympthoms? I have only found some monkey test in fligth simulator. And one unsure story about shipyard where have used discharge welding, welder gone sick due radiation and tell rest of live storys about ufos.

    And (menthal) sympthoms what I get dosn't affect reflex etc. so can drive car / do things, but bigger consepts slip totally wrong. Like to be God like and dificultu to hold universe in head (fortunate I had power enough to ordinate it move where it should be before it explode etc + lot more "nasty" things) Yeah f...g nasty experience. Only for pice of hospital bill.

    Given the possibility that the muons may not actually be muons

    This posibility in my case ofcouse exist. Then there is something else that after shields penetrating show in Cu wrapped GM tube. And ofcouse minor posibility that something went wrong in geiger just that situation. (neutrons posibility need investigate also)
    Better/accurate/etc measurements should do. From other projects/people too.