Rionrlty Member
  • Member since Apr 9th 2016
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Posts by Rionrlty

    Research team warns of mineral supply constraints as demand increases for green technologies. Renewable energy needs copper, steel, aluminium and concrete, which simply have no cheaper replacement. According to this study, if the contribution from wind turbines and solar energy to global energy production is to rise from the current 400 TWh to 12,000 TWh in 2035 and 25,000 TWh in 2050 (as projected by the World Wide Fund for Nature), about 3,200 million tonnes of steel, 310 million tonnes of aluminium and 40 million tonnes of copper will be required to build the latest generations of wind and solar facilities. This corresponds to a 5 to 18% annual increase in the global production of these metals for the next 40 years. And 25,000 TWh is still just one sixth of the total world energy consumption.


    The fossil fuels have made up at least 83% of U.S. fuel mix since 1900. The 83% of electricity consumed by your electromobile still comes from fossil sources and the car is still twice-time as expensive as the gasoline car. The general criterion of savings is the cost. If you have electromobile twice moe expensive than the classical car during its life time, then you're still two-times more demanding your carbon footprint and life environment.

    The world numbers are even worse than that. Because the application of renewables increases the net demand for fossil energy on background, its share didn't actually decrease during last 25 years. But one half of tropical forests disappeared during this period just in the name of the biofuels: we actually burned these forests for fuel.

    No, the forests were cleared and burned so that uncontrolled population growth could have more arable land to grow food on.

    I have never heard such naivete.

    Technology is always political. Basically, technology can be used -- especially paradigm shifting technologies -- to reduce the power, influence, and control of government. For example, when high powered Ni-H technology starts to spread across the globe in a major way, there will be many very concerned politicians and members of the wealthy ruling class. Imagine how compact, portable, long lasting, and power dense LENR generators could give more options to everyone! Groups of like minded individuals could more easily start their own independent communities, travel would become far less expensive with the energy cost taken out of the equation, decentralized power would make it more difficult for corrupt governments to order cities blacked out, colonizing the solar system could finally become practical, and the list goes on! Moreover, such an energy technology would totally negate any currently existing false illusions about the need for carbon taxes or related environmental regulations -- making George Soros and hundreds more of his elite ilk very unhappy!

    Very insightful TDIU. Government control is the main force behind it all. First we had the "Cold War", from which the Government protected us, and by which they controlled us. Was it a coincidence that not long before it ended the (false?) narrative of thinning ozone layer and then catastrophic global warming began to be pushed on us, simply another huge threat that the government could pretend to protect us from, and of course control us by.

    What has happened to folks in the past, who buck this strategy (like Rossi) is also very revealing. Back in the late 1970's in LA, when the totally fake, and contrived, Arab oil shortage was doubling the price of gasoline, a scientist/inventor named Gerald Shafflander came up with a way to cheaply produce liquid hydrogen fuel, which could be directly substituted in ordinary Gasoline combustion engines. The liquid hydrogen fuel he invented was proprietary, but the biggest innovation was how to produce it cheaply using solar power and salt water. At the time it would have halved the price of $1 per gallon gasoline, and, just as importantly, eliminated virtually all emissions. He was on the verge of huge success, when a large Oil Company (Texaco I believe) made an offer to purchase the invention for millions. He was not in it for the money and rejected the offer. Within a few weeks, his contract to convert Post Office Jeeps was cancelled and, soon after, another big contract (Simplot Ag. Corporation) was also cancelled. Within another week or so the facility was raided by government agents and all proprietary information and technology were confiscated. Shafflander and his CFO were arrested after the raid and charged with SEC violations, which were almost certainly bogus. Shafflander brought civil action, but it was dropped after a plea negotiation, and I believe both were sentenced to 5 years in prison.

    This is contrary to what you will read on the internet, where he is mostly branded as a "scam artist" (sound familiar?). Why do I believe otherwise? For the year preceding and up to the arrest, my wife was a close personal assistant to Dr. Shafflander, with access to much information that never reached the public ear. With a good idea what was really happening we were afraid that she might be drawn into the net, but to our great relief she was not charged, or even called to testify. I've recently published a book (Science Fiction/Time Travel) in which my protagonist travels back in time to rectify the injustice…sr=1-1&keywords=Mike+Rion.

    Anyway, with the internet and difficulty of controlling information this probably couldn't happen today. Or maybe it could. LENR is a potentially much more disruptive technology than Dr. Shafflander's fuel.

    ele's fantasies are no less real than any other of the speculations going on here. None of us have enough hard evidence to be jumping the conclusions that most express here. Also I believe whole heartedly that forum posters are being paid, perhaps by both sides, to distribute fud and misdirection hoping to influence the public, and therefore possibly jurors, to there way of thinking. It's a new world with the proliferation of the internet and sentiments like that are nearly impossible to repress.

    They would not be investigating the case, but only the science of LENR.

    Nope. The lawyers will exclude people who know about the case. The judge will instruct the ones who are chosen not to read outside sources of information. If members of the jury disobey, and they reveal information not presented at trial during deliberations, they will be tossed out of the case.

    Maybe in your world, but in the real world curiosity will win out. This isn't a sequestered murder trial, but simply a civil case involving money.

    Don't you think that if you were in Jury pool regarding a case.t that involved "LENR/Cold fushion" that you might just google it to find out what all the roar was about? I would, and I think a lot of others would also and they would probably end up here. Whether that would disqualify them from jury service is another question. I also think you grossly under estimate the number of people here on the forum (Alan, could you comment on this?), not to mention all the other internet sources for Cold Fusion.

    Not that it ever had anything useful to work with but it is now clear that Planet Rossi has lost its collective mind. Only there can being defrauded of $20M+ be considered slime. Only there can trial influence be considered even possible - who do you think you are? Only there can settlement be mentioned after all the problems caused by Rossi. Only there can dependent actors be considered real and real independent people be classified as paid actors. Only there can the massive deceptions of Lugano and Doral be considered problem-free. Only there can alumina Pyro-Paint be used but not mentioned to "testing" professors. So many disconnects from reality. So many deceptions but guess what - time has run out and the gig us up.

    Bad news for Planet Rossi - the undeniable truth is upon you and justice is about to be served. No desperate misguided legal diving catch attempts are going to save you. Rossi and his cohorts are going to have to pay the price for what they have done.

    Wow! I think ele might have hit a nerve here.

    Bad news about the magistrate and IH's attorney. Turns out the Judge in Hawaii, who stayed Trump's latest travel ban is an old school mate and close friend. Seems our legal system is about as impartial as big corporations are highly principled.

    Yeah. So the playbook now is even if Rossi has it, he deserves none of the credit for his world-changing device. Talk about a whiny defeat.

    Music to IH ears I'd wager. This is what they've wanted all along, Rossi discredited so they can steal his technology. The problem with Scientists is that they understand little about the cut-throat nature of big business. Apparently Rossi does.

    Of course not. It doesn't fit his overall strategy, to diminish the results until he can be in a position to take over the technology. It's all about control, both technology wise and monetarily.

    That's one reason why there is a process of jury selection. It's not perfect, but this case is of such little significance that it will be easy to find people who know nothing about either AR's astroturfed puppet-farm blog comments or limited aspects of IH's position (as espoused by only Dewey as far as I can tell). AR is not a significant player on the world stage.

    Jack Cole, Of little significance??? One of the most important, disruptive and world changing technologies of the century and you say "of little significance. That has to go down in the annals of time as one the great understatements.

    No not on 5 but Rossi's lack of proof that Doral was to be the GPT and not as he previously claimed - a 2 year sell of heat to a real customer. If the work in FL was not the GPT it doesn't really matter about the pipe sizes and flow rates. First things first. Do you believe Rossi when he said the work in Doral was for a sell of heat for 2 years to JPM?

    I think it was intended to be. Whether it worked out or not is still up in the air, but I think if the customer backed out for some reason that Rossi was reasonable with continuing the test.

    No, they did not agree to initiate research. They agreed they would like to. But they did not get funded, and no research has been initiated. Perhaps it may be in the future, and perhaps this meeting helped, but so far there is no research.

    As I said, if there were any research, I would know about it, and I would tell you. I am not trying to keep people from finding out about research. Why would I do that?

    To prove your point. It's apparent that you can't stand being wrong about anything.

    It makes no difference what they do, or what they claim. They can "claim" this or that until the cows come home. It will not help them. If the technology works, it will become generally known that Rossi invented it. There is a paper trail proving this. At that point, Rossi will be able to sue I.H. for any amount of money, with 100% assurance he will win. In a patent lawsuit, nobody cares what you say or claim. They only look at the facts. These are not trials by jury. The judge decides, and the judge is an expert in patents.

    There is no strategy I.H. could employ, and nothing that I.H. could do to win, if Rossi's technology really does work.

    Poppycock, and that's the nice way to say it.

    That would do no good. That strategy would not work. After I.H. steals it and begins selling it, the whole world would know it is real, and Rossi could then easily win any lawsuit, for practically any amount. The fact that I.H. initially persuaded people on the internet that the technology does not work, or even initially persuaded a jury, would make no difference once the money starts coming in.

    He could have given it to one of the other researchers they claim to be supporting, had them present it as their own and completely circumvented Rossi. If you think there wouldn't be takers for that amount of money then you are much more naive than I thought. This is where the grown-ups spin their webs and nobody invests that much money and doesn't play the game for keeps.

    Jed, they simply do not want you stealing their technology, or trashing their results on the Internet.