Anubis Member
  • Member since Apr 13th 2016
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Posts by Anubis

    If you embrace neutrons as a part of the LENR reaction, you will be barking up the wrong tree

    Axil thanks for your answer

    I am not embracing any theory about how lenr works i will leave that trained physicists until concrete prediction and empirical validation .my question relate to the possibility of creating a chain reaction between a neutron source in this case alpha/beta-beryllium and a beta alpha source neutron/lithium (self amplifying ping pong) .
    i do not believe that the above patent is related to lenr but i don't want to discard a potential tool of investigation .

    Emissions (RF, electrons and UV) .

    "as well as neutrons " just want to investigate .

    LOL seem like i am being sanctioned for asking a question .
    Anyway for the physicist out there

    is it possible that me356 at this above point of his experiment produced tritium from a similar feedback bombardment NI/H lithium ?
    there are many patents and papers claiming nuclear events with low energy protons hitting an lithium target can this be a simple explanation of what happened in me356 case?
    can alpha-beryllium neutron source + lithium self amplify to something useful ?

    just asking questions

    i came across this patent it made me think of some comments by me356 and andrea calaon presentation.
    Anyway i will like to know your opinion on idea it seem to be easy to investigate .

    claims :
    an activation of the fuel mixture by an adjustable neutron gun;
    - a cycle of exothermic reactions involving Li-Be-H to promote secondary neutron emission,
    enhancing reaction rate under magnetic field control, to provide α and β rays emission;

    sinergy Americium-Beryllium is proposed, owing to the easy production of neutrons without energy supply, with a proprietary system for control the emission rate.
    The exothermic new Li-Be-H cycle is based on the reactions in the following, to promote the joint production of α and β particles from lithium, by neutron activation;
    the α particles activate beryllium (as a well-tried multiplier) to produce secondary neutrons,
    which in turn act on both lithium and hydrogen isotopes to furtherly develop α and β particles:

    The exact compostion of the mix D; He3; T; Be, B; Li6 and Li7 of the current weapons has just been classified lol

    "If Me356 can get the LENR reaction going with just nickel powder and hydrogen, his activation method is something special and powerful"

    Or perhaps he is just playing a self amplifying ping pong after an initial trigger.

    Using a bit of machine learning I have been able to identify and synthesize a cheap plasmonic Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Dissociation and loading on nickel with over the counter 1 watt lasers and it's way more efficient than the kilowatts of heat that are being dumped by replicators .I can even place it in a cloud chamber .trying now to figure out what is a NAE.

    One of the biggest problems we face is a lack of standardization in the description of relationships, concepts, etc. In my brief Federal career I pushed for the development and use of Ontologies for science and engineering but -"deaf ears". However, the standarization of semantic meanings would go a long way toward identifying patterns of relations among data across experiments

    It's no longer a problem take a look at the latest NLP tools available . been finding unpublished scientific gems for a while now by creating a Semantic Fingerprint (Sparse Distributed Representations) . The fingerprints allow direct semantic comparison of the meanings of any two words,
    showing thousands of semantic relations. It's language and domain independent.

    " For example, explaining quantum optics in terms that a six year old can understand takes a world class communicator" we have built world class interpreters beside google sadly only few are using most of them.

    @Wyttenbach @axil

    The naivety is not that off Me356 although I have difficulties understanding his emphasis on the potential of his work to be weaponized . The naivety is from many of the posted suggestions about how he should handle is disclosure .
    As for NSA believe me they are the least of your worries .this forum and all your backups even closely related to this can be easily be wiped in few lines of malicious code by any other threatened entities just by using the forum itself you don't need resources for that . but again that is the least of my concerns . On @axil point about unbelievability cloak I understand your point but again what I am talking about is not some academics threatened by lenr and their followers but an entire other breed who are not affect by these cloaks perhaps even attracted by it.
    Lenr gives strategic advantages. suppressing it at this point not necessarily advantageous but controlling through laws ,intimidation , violence or money etc is something people will do. the last person to benefit will be the lone inventor .

    I do not intend to go into any back and forth in this . This is Me356 thread i won't pollute it by endless debates i get your points.

    I am sometimes baffled by the naivete on this forum .
    If I was Me356 I would take an appointment with a Dr for a complete health check and store the results in a multiple safe places and watch my back. The difference between what you are saying and what rossi is talking about is that you freely talk about enormous neutrons in your comments about one litter of hydrogen disappearing with so little coverage have convinced me that you need urgently a PR adviser or publish what you have .either way I hope you never logged into this forum without using appropriate tools to protect your identity this is valid for electronic exchanges between you and other members of the community.
    At this point it doesn't really matter if you have something or not.
    I have served in a field that will be looking into your post by now and believe me they don't think like most people here.
    There is no way you will be allowed to disclose this using conventional ways . Even if you manage to do so you will be smeared and attacked to a point that you can't imagine.

    I apologize for the chronic dislexya.
    I don't intend to instill fear or paranoia
    These are genuine worries .


    You're making things way too complicated. This forum's content is already a publicly shared ledger in itself.

    this forum can be erased from the internet no trace the stakes are high . the block chain allows the inventor and contributors to get a reward from their work without being taken advantage of by attorneys ,advisers or special interest ..

    @me356 a blockchain contract is the only reliable way for you to store protect your invention and your self by now . if what you are describing is true it becomes a national security issue for multiple countries stolen Ip should be the least of your worries .alone you will not be able to handle whats coming . a the public ledger contract is decentralized can't be forged can't be hacked and you can build a decentralized for profit organisation on it while making the information open source (i hate to say that but think NRA with shares and influence) .
    the reward for you and contributing members will be in the trillions while minimizing the risk .
    i don't think its worth going to details here .

    "I'm not a huge fan of frivolous technologies such as bitcoin, virtual reality, augmented reality, etc." i heard the same thing 2 decades ago from my father about the internet i guess he was disappointed about the fact the he wouldn't see his flying car in 2000 . one of these technologies (ethereum ) might be the solution of your problem it can be used to incentivise someone like me356 to distribute his trigger safely and anonymously even build an ecosystem around his system for other engineers to innovate on .
    i understand that some of those concepts require a little stretch in imagination but let's face it, energy is the life force of our society a decentralised technologie (successful lenr tech) will never be controllable by any entity "government ,laws, patents ,wars or even traditional market etc.." the only solution for inventors out there is to find a new business model and not get trapped building cars that look like horse carriages .
    my advice to successful inventors fearful of being left out :
    find a way to automatise your trigger and distribute it through existing crypto platforms it will surely be reverse engineered by few geeks perhaps distributed on ebay or some chinese marketplace but you will benefit from your platform most users will prefer to buy your system because they will benefit from a community (eg android network effect) .you will not even need to build a single device or be liable to anything, others will be glad to do that .
    there are billions of dollars to be made out of an hypothetical lenr but rest assured it will not be from manufacturing devices because that's what most people will do until they saturate the market "a lenr device might run for decades" .
    I can understand the safety argument by me356 but i think that this argument is the trap in which lenr might fall and die if handled by few entities .there is a lot of brains out there capable of solving those engineering problems very fast .it will not stop others from misusing the technology but i believe that lenr itself might help mitigate the problem .