scuromio Member
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  • Member since May 4th 2016
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Posts by scuromio

    I'm on the NASA forum also with no intention of building an EM drive. I did contribute an idea for easy silver soldering of copper: use friction deposition by rubbing a chunk of silver on the copper before silver soldering. This works very well.

    I also contributed the concept of making a quartz form upon which would be deposited a silver or copper coating with the goal of making a very Q cavity with dielectric.

    There is plenty of smoke in the EM drive area. The aforementioned paper might be the fire.

    For a long time I have had the opinion that interstellar missions are premature at our present stage of technological development. With EM drive and LENR, I'm rapidly changing position.

    me356 is completely correct in keeping secret with details until the full consequences of his developments are understood. Terrorism is a reality and the potential social consequences of m356 discoveries are so far unforeseen.

    After listening to all the opinions far and wide, my best guess, it is only a guess, is that IH and Rossi have been gleefully and secretly collaborating to sell large numbers of ecats to customers who themselves want secrecy. Examples of such customers could be Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, USA gov. , UK, France and anyone else who wants to prepare a secret energy infrastructure before the Russians and others catch on. Clearly, Ukraine and USA would both be highly motivated but for different reasons.

    In other words, the lawsuit is a meaningless distraction.

    I take no interest in the non-technical issues of LENR such as legal wrangling. Instead, I will remind you of the IBM versus Sperry-Rand-Univac dispute that dragged out for many years regarding the invention of the electronic computer.

    What was really going on in that dispute is that both parties wanted to delay the entry of third party competitors. Therefore the lawyers made a pretense of battling each other so as to create an encumbered technical area.

    If this reminds you of anything, go for it.

    I'm convinced of the experimental reality of LENR, but, a theory for LENR is a long long way away. The putative new boson, that has also been interpreted as a fifth force, I think potentially could be involved with LENR. A simple alpha chain reaction is an alternative posibility. Peter Ekstroms point about contradicting a lot of experimental evidence obviously is correct when considering isolated reactions. But LENR certainly is not an isolated reaction. It is high density and almost any condensed matter thing could happen: e.g. Bardeen-Cooper style pairing, or quantum entanglement, or quantum entanglement, or even some interaction of the putative new particle. The complexities of condensed matter is so high that I despair of a theoretical explanation and that is why I've said little about it on this forum.

    In the past I've taken interest in Clifford Algebra and in Hestenes exposition of it. I want to reexamine all that with the putative new boson in mind. I'm just not smart enough to expect any solution will come of it from me. I just have a gut feeling that the universe is completely a manifestation of some hypercomplex number system. (i.e. we live inside a manifestation of mathematics made real).

    OK, ResearchGate had something about clay exfoliation, the term for separating the platelets. I quote:

    "Magdalena Zdanowicz · West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin
    The mostly used method for clay exfoliation is organophilization with cationic compouds, such as quaternary ammonium salts with long alkyl chains. During that process a sodium (or calcium, it isdepend on clay type) atom is exchange for cation from ammonium salt and alkyl chains widen the spacebetween platellets. (but in most cases, it cause intercalation). There are also other methods to clay exfoliation e.g. disspersion of clay in more hydrophilic matrices (mixing parameters are key issues) with e.g ultrasonic treatment. Organophilic clays are use mianly for more hydrophobic matrices. Clay exfoliation/disspersion degree are investigated with e.g. XRD and TEM. Quaternary salts can have semi-, hydrophilic or hydrophobic character, which is base for further application. (type of modifying salt shoul be compatibile to polymer matrix. "

    My comments: the monomer is mixed with the exfoliated clay then polymerized to make the nanocomposite tough plastic. For LENR experimentation, it is obvious that both regular clay and exfoliated clay should be part of the experimental matrix. Also, there are many types of clay each with different exfoliation requirements. Obviously for LENR, temperature and RF stimulation are likely part of the experiment.

    As I recall, some clothes washing detergents satisfy the chemical requirements for exfoliating clay.

    The role of clays in fixing lithium:

    I seem to recall that lithium rich clays are called spumone or some such name. Pottery specialists use it to particular purpose. You can obtain it from pottery supply companies.

    I suggest the following experiment to anyone: get a clay, particularly a lithium rich clay, dry it, put it in a hydrogen atmosphere and see what happens. A simple Geiger counter might indicate something. Then try adding nickel or other. Don't forget Storm's NAE.

    I can't remember how the platelets of clay are separated with some chemistry. Anyway, it is done and the result can be incorporated into plastics. I think the automotive industry uses the clay-plastic mixture for tough steps for vans etc. None of that seems relevant to LENR.