IH Fanboy Member
  • Member since May 23rd 2016
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Posts by IH Fanboy

    I believe this alleged event occurred before the lawsuit was filed, so the people were not "potential witnesses" to anything. You cannot tamper with a witness when there is no trial.

    It appears that the alleged scheme was initiated in February, 2016, prior to the filing of the lawsuit, but then continued to play out well into 2016, after the lawsuit was filed. See Levi's sworn declaration.


    I actually think it is odd as well. Both Rossi and IH are putting great emphasis on the tests leading up to Doral. Darden apparently even felt it was necessary to try and influence that narrative, in what appears like an attempt to tamper with a potential witness. I think Darden felt like he needed to discredit those earlier tests, and the professors involved, to place IH in a stronger position before a jury with respect to the Doral test. And so it looks like he went about using his means and influence to do that.

    @Shane D.

    I'm actually impressed by Darden's initial depth of understanding and perception of the situation, and it shows me he was sincere, at least initially. I think by February of 2016 he was panicking. He made an apparently miscalculated (and probably rushed) decision to bring in the Israelis in an attempt to underhandedly influence Levi, and possibly others. What I keep going to in my mind: why did Darden feel that it was necessary to go to such lengths if IH was as confident about their position as Dewey makes it seem. Why would Darden have to go to such lengths if there was nothing of interest here? There is something very fishy going on here, and we haven't seen the bottom of it yet.

    I think all in all it points to there be something very important at the heart of this story: i.e., that the e-Cat probably works to some degree. Maybe not at 50 COP. But the IH folks have not pulled out all of the stops--for nothing.


    From the recent release, I'd say both sides are quite good at misdirection. Darden will go to the ends of the earth, apparently, in attempts to influence the narrative. I think the Dewey/Darden worshipers here will now need to take a step back and reevaluate. I've suspected skullduggery for some time now (as you all are well aware).

    I've been asked to tone it down on the blogs for a little while so Rossi wins that skirmish but I'll leave you with this - find the Rossi SP posting from Feb 21 on JONP where, out of the blue, it gets posted that the Lugano reactor was made of "Durapox" and check the 1:59pm timestamp. The partial clip from my deposition (conveniently clipped in the exhibit) discussing Durapot 810 was at about the same time / date. R was sitting right there posting away, during my testimony, apparently desperate to influence the story. That has other implications as well regarding aliases and our attempts to figure out how we and others were tricked.

    I'm just not seeing the significance of this theory. I would much rather know whether the flow meter really was installed to a downward sloped gravity return pipe with the pipe only partially full.

    Unless someone can show me that 99% alumina and Durapot 810 will give significantly different results through the IR camera, then is this conversation not superfluous?

    Say, Dewey, your theory about the plug. Is it your position that all of the authors of the Lugano report lied when they wrote:

    (Thanks Para for pulling these cites.)

    "In order to determine the nature of the material covering the reactor, a sample from one of the ridges was analyzed."

    (underlining added)

    - first sentence, Appendix 2, Lugano report

    "From the analyses performed on the sample taken from the reactor, we determined that the material constituting the outer shell is 99% pure alumina (Appendix 2); better yet, that impurities, if present, are below the experimental limit of measurement."

    -page 8, Lugano report


    Let me guess. You think Levi tricked them all and instead of sending the sample that they took from the outer shell, he did a switcharoo and sent the plug to the University for analysis instead. At least that way you can narrow the number of people involved in your conspiracy theory.

    There was an old PC game released in 1984 entitled: The Ancient Art of War. It was a progressive textual game with some rudimentary graphical icons. The IH/Rossi story reminds me much of that game. And as the great Sun Tzu once said: "All war is deception...when strong, feign weakness, when weak, feign strength." I think both IH/Dewey and Rossi have this strategy down pat.

    Um, yeah. I'll be straight up: this is the first time that I've seen evidence that Darden was sincere in his motives, at least initially. It seems to have taken a dark turn, however, when it appears that Darden sicced some Israelis on Levi and possibly others... what the? Then our very own Dewey messing around with the Swedish profs with some veiled threats. Wow. Nasty, nasty, nasty.


    Any thoughts on this?

    It falls within the mantra: if you repeat it enough times, maybe they will believe you. For example, if you say "fake data" a hundred times, in a hundred different ways, maybe you will bring some on board. The only weird part that I see is the latter half of November, and that will need to be explained. And I can think of any number of ways in which it could. Otherwise, it looks like real data to me, with a real varying load. For anyone who has ever collected data knows, there will be some consistency from day to day. Once a system is dialed in and performing in a stable manner, you won't see huge variations. Jed and others would like you to believe otherwise, but I question whether they have had sufficient experience to recognize fake data from real.

    Yeah, it really sucks for Planet R that the Court refused to seal (make secret) information. Now all that information can be released to the public in trial.

    I think you tragically misunderstand what your supposed "Planet Rossi" is. We don't want things to be sealed. We don't care about the outcome of the trial. We are not doing Rossi's bidding. We want to know whether Rossi's devices produce excess heat. That's it. IH have all of the reason in the world to obfuscate our efforts to get to the bottom of that question. You and others seem to buy into everything that is fed to you by Dewey, even in some instances without any supporting evidence!

    I will apologize up front if others in the "Planet Rossi" do not agree with me. But that is my position.

    So is the judge going to slap Murray for asking reasonable and logical questions, in which he was hired to do?

    In Exhibit 5, there were questions and there were statements. The claim that the piping was DN40 was a statement. There are other statements made in the Exhibit. Exhibit 5 has been held up like a banner of truth for the IH camp. Unfortunately, for IH, I think it will eventually prove to be more of an embarrassment.