oldguy Member
  • Member since Oct 1st 2016
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Posts by oldguy

    is to rest and go to the emergency room if I am having difficulty breathing. I like having options to deal with the issue proactively

    I am not sure where you are. But #1 the O2 reading my be below 95% if you are at high altitudes.

    and #2 when my O2% drops I use an oxygen concentrator.

    Here in the US you can get them from Amazon and other places very easily:



    Do a search of oxygen concentrator. It is best to keep your O2 up because you can "burn out" some brain cells if it is too low too long.

    Take care and stay safe.

    My oldest son however weighs 138 pounds and cannot gain an ounce. (38 years old)

    That was about me until I hit 50 now its 170. But my BMI is 24 so I am OK.

    Obesity is the #1 (by some reports) the main "controllable" comorbidity here in the US. You can't do much about age or a lost lung.

    And at the same time an island of people being told not to eat the fish "churchexperts" from the sea as winter ran them out of crops and they all died.

    It is the same with the Corana virus.

    a group of islands..... some islands have "experts" who have never seen a problem like this before that say don't eat the fish and many on those island die. And there are some islands where there are "experts" that say eat the fish and 78% more of those people on those island live.

    it is the same with the Corana virus


    What experts should I be listening to. The ones that's say lockdowns work or the experts that say they don't.

    yes, there is variation between experts. And it could be that both are right but just that different cultures, nations, states, … have different conditions. Deep rural farm communities with low population densities , for example, are entirely different from big metropolitan cities with subways, elevators and handrails.... etc. People riding a tractor in the middle of 40 acres or fishing in the middle of a lake don't need a mask but people riding in a packed elevator for 10 minutes might want to use one.

    I don't expect that "one size will fit all" in any of these recommendations.

    but what about millions left with any range from severe to subclinical neurological


    55% of coronavirus patients still have neurological problems three months later: study

    Now a study of 60 COVID-19 patients published in Lancet this week finds that 55% of them were still displaying such neurological symptoms during follow-up visits three months later.



    "The researchers at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York City discovered children had lower levels of ACE2 gene expression than adults, according to the researchers."

    "researchers found that “there are low levels of ACE2 expression in the nasal passages of younger children, and this ACE2 level increases with age into adulthood. This might explain why children have been largely spared in the pandemic.”


    It makes me wonder if there could be a nasal spray that could bind the ACE 2 sites in the nose and reduce people's chances of getting it.

    So Fauci saying that it has been shown to be ineffective is true.

    I am confused. If it takes a large randomized study to say it is effective, doesn't it take a randomized study to say it is ineffective?

    I didn't think there was a full large randomized study at all.

    What am I missing?

    Experts quoted on CNN

    But the problem is they, like most news outlet, do not broadcast a full range of "experts" but instead select them based on some editor chief's desires. Getting news from only one outlet is not as good as getting an array of information form multiple sources.

    "hominem unius libri timeo" ("fear the man of one book") Thomas Aquinas

    Much of it tainted by political bias.

    yes, but the Lancet is usually a good "respectable" journal. But, yes, I think the virus will mutate and change and eventually get most people and everywhere. I was seeing (https://www.sciencemag.org/new…it-getting-more-dangerous)

    where it spreads more easily but is less lethal. If you were a virus, that is what you would want.

    (along with contagion before symptoms).

    I figure it is just a matter of time before this old guy gets it. - I might already have.

    A country level analysis measuring the impact of government actions, country preparedness and socioeconomic factors on COVID-19 mortality and related health outcomes


    "However, in our analysis, full lockdowns and wide-spread COVID-19 testing were not associated with reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality,” the researchers added."

    "However, full lockdowns ...... were significantly associated with increased patient recovery rates."


    The study found two factors that were significantly associated with increased coronavirus mortality rate: the prevalence of obesity among the population, and a higher per capita gross domestic product.


    I will leave it to others here to "evaluate" the study and the difference in mortality rates and recovery rates.

    published Tuesday in The Lancet medical journal

    I am still awaiting the production units pouring out of the robotic factors and the support from that one of the top 10 international companies that bought his system.

    I wonder if the pin ball machines are working. And why isn't there a market for the perfect heat exchangers that can be installed and removed without a trace or distrupting neighboring buildings and markets for invisible windows.

    OH yes, and a heat source of 1MW that has exactly no environmental impact and whose heat dump cannot be seen on satellite IR scans with 10cm resolution.