bartlea Member
  • Member since Oct 30th 2016
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Posts by bartlea

    SARS-Cov-2 or HCov-19 causes the illness covid-19 or kevin-19 as I like to call it. The main cause of death seems to be an inappropriate Inflammation response. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) form an important part of the inflammation response. There are many natural anti-oxidant / antivirals. Curcurmin is one. Others are

    - High dose Vitamine C (1g - 5g)

    - Pterostilbene (from blueberries)

    - Berberine

    Of interest in particular is Berberine. HCov-19 has guanine quadruplexes and a quintuplex in its genome. Berberine has been shown to bind G4 quadruplexes into a stacked form preventing RNA transcription processes and thus viral reproduction.