Roseland67 Member
  • Member since Dec 7th 2016
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Posts by Roseland67

    A ”tidal wave of concern” from who?

    The people that blindly believe what this guy says aren’t concerned at all, the people that see thru his charade aren’t concerned either.


    You’re a smart guy, instead of desperately searching the internet for some blurb that supports your preconceived politically ideology,

    I have a suggestion:

    Do the math, then, instead of being told what to believe, you will know.

    It’s quite liberating.

    Absence of evidence isn't evidence of absence. Because of the conspicuous silence of the scientific publications on the subject of nuclear fission by German, American, and British scientists, Russian physicist Georgy Flyorov suspected that the Allied powers had secretly been developing a "superweapon" since 1939. See also: The U.S. Government Has a Secret System for Stalling Patents

    But it appears that this absence is often cause enough to spawn conspiracy theories that align with whatever political outcome the conspirator agrees with?

    Real Customers testing the device

    and finally finding out if Rossi has

    the goods.

    Fake customers and no device to test.

    Either way close to the end.

    If you don’t know by now Sam, you will never know, sigh.

    Most of the heat generated by human activity comes from burning oil.

    Humans activity generated over

    200,000,000,000,000,000 btu of heat in 2019, do the math.

    Sea level to exosphere in ft

    Use a Ufactor of 4btu/hr ft^2 °f

    Calculate surface area at exosphere (where heat leaves earth),

    dt of 700 0° f.

    1/2 hour is beyond ludicrous no matter what you plug in. 1/2 your lifetime is closer


    Heat leaves earth in 1/2 hour?

    Where in gods name did you get that,

    I have built many models and it some cars it takes decades

    Electric cars were for rich people a few years ago. Not the 1%, but the top 10%. Now, however, they are falling in price and will soon be cheaper than gasoline cars, when you factor in the cost of fuel and maintenance. Many technologies begin as expensive machines only available to rich people. They are then developed, the price falls, and soon everyone can afford them. Automobiles before 1908 were rich men's toys. Ford began production of the Model T and soon, most middle class people could afford an automobile. Travel by airplane, personal computers, and many other technologies followed a similar course.

    Also, in the U.S. it is not possible for most people to make a daily commute on an electric bicycle. I love electric bicycles but they are dangerous on the main roads in Atlanta, and not allowed on the highways.

    Do you mean with a bicycle? Incorrect. Bicycles use less energy per mile than walking. They are the most energy efficient means of transportation.

    Equating ice vehicle to electric

    You jumped the gun, my wife believes , I don't argue with her, I always lose, whether I'm right or wrong. I like to think that her prescription for calcitriol play a big role in symptom and ivermectin maybe speedup viral reduction. Thanks for your post but the challenge was a face to face. She can't punch you after you tell her she is wrong or premature.


    Gut feeling? Intuition? Instinct?

    Spider Sense?

    These are typically not admissible as evidence, you got anything else!


    Usually, the credit card companies will protect their client, and are capable of

    “Clawing back” out of your account and funds they deem are due their client. Hope so everyday

    “Of the nearly 29,000 covid-linked fatalities in Texas during that period, more than 85 percent were of unvaccinated individuals. Nearly 7 percent of the deaths were among partially vaccinated people, while nearly 8 percent were fully vaccinated”.

    If this data is to believed, and it translates nationally, I would say it’s much better to be vaccinated than not,

    Even in the great state of Texas

    Thanks for the update and glad you are ok. Along the same lines, my recent experience involved my fully vaccinated son in law ( interesting how the word "Fully" precedes the word "Vaccinated" these days but that's a topic for another day ) who got it from his FV co-worker, it then spread it to my FV daughter, my NV wife, didn't touch my NV son, and not really sure about myself (FV). Generally was fever, chills , lack of energy and gastro-intestinal woes but everyone is fine now. I also hope that the omigod is highly contagious and not dangerous to anyone FV or NV

    O2 last night 93, this am: 97,

    Fever & headache gone, no chills or aches, slight congestion.

    Symptoms started on 12-26, they appear to be waning/gone.

    Not sure if this is typical but for locals all seem similar to mine.


    Tested positive Tuesday.

    Am fully vaccinated, boosted, retired (at 65 don’t really have anywhere to go), so hard to figure out where I got this from, always wear a mask, social distance etc.

    Girls all negative so far.

    Slight headache, few chills, but very congested, actually feels like a head cold.

    Very thirsty, juice, water and soup, sleeping good.

    Hopefully we find out that omicron is highly contagious but not deadly to anyone, (vaccinated or not).


    This Ecat crowd has always been civil, a few more passionate than others, but always civil.

    The Covid discussion got downright ugly, (political), but not Ecat.

    It is being discontinued because it is an obvious scam and is of absolutely zero scientific value.