Roger Member
  • Member since Dec 16th 2016
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Posts by Roger

    Alan - you're perpetuating Rossi fabrications and you should stop. You should also stop drinking the RoSSC kool-aid and do your best to keep yourself and your position as moderator as far away from libelous activity as possible.

    Why are you allowed to threaten moderators, and why would you hint at your capacity to remove them if they don't comply with your whims?

    Does this also hint at your capacity to put them in place?

    Moved from the playground thread. Eric

    Alan - you're perpetuating Rossi fabrications and you should stop. You should also stop drinking the RoSSC kool-aid and do your best to keep yourself and your position as moderator as far away from libelous activity as possible.

    And why does he imply that he has the means to remove someone from a moderator position?
    Would this mean he has those to place someone in a moderator position as well?
    Oh this dirty tinfoil hattery!

    Alan - you're perpetuating Rossi fabrications and you should stop. You should also stop drinking the RoSSC kool-aid and do your best to keep yourself and your position as moderator as far away from libelous activity as possible.

    For anyone who still wondered what's been happening on this forum

    I'm sure there's a rational explanation that would explain why some people spend a good part of their waking hours on a niche internet forum, repeating over and over that there's a conman who's been identified as a conman for decades, and whose invention is an unfunctional gadget, as it always has been. Surely if they were convinced it has been true for years, they would not spend so much time repeating it? ha, the mysteries of life.

    How lucky this forum is to have real verified lawyers with no interest in the affair, coming out of the woodwork (eh) to state that Rossi is a doomed liar and hack.

    Case closed I guess :) better tell the swedes, they might be unaware of whom they're dealing with!

    Omg you guys we've been telling you for nearly a decade now, Rossi has nothing, why don't you let it go? I'm not even sure we should be discussing LENR, this is best left to serious researchers with solid capital behind them. Boy, all this Rossi talk sure made me sleepy..

    countless hours parsing through endless data in order to furnish cites that reinforce incomplete technical conclusions, conclusions that in the end will have no real relevance in regards to this court case, or the viability of LENR, Rossi's or otherwise. It seems incredulous to me that members such as THH, sigmoidal, Bob, Jed and many others can spend so much time writing endless posts filled with meaningless minutia, and still have time to fulfill the responsibilities of professional careers in science.

    A very deranged and cynical individual might joke that those endless posts filled with meaningless hair-cutting and liberally sprinkled with insults and character assassination are in fact the fulfilling of their responsabilities, but that would be pure conspiracy theory, as we all know

    IHFB - you're a pure troll who spins tales with tidbits of truth conveniently leaving out 98% of the rest of the story just so you can direct your mindless invective.

    You don't really have any idea what you are saying which is evident to all now but a drawer full of socks. Take your teardown babble elsewhere.

    After FUD, we can now see a lot of DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender

    I am also critical towards Rossis attitude that only the proprietary approach will succeed when it comes to moving the scientific world and bring LENR to the market. My opinion is that we are living more and more in a transparent society and this should be reflected in science as well.

    Avoiding the proprietary approach is what Dumas is doing in France with the "cavitation ball" of Peter Davey's fame
    He's working with different industrials developing their own devices, and a french official structure tried to collaborate with him to put his findings under a NDA, but he refused. Yet we're no closer to seeing a commercial "overunity" boiler in our homes, though it seems that some dedicated and technologically-savvy individuals reap the benefits of cheap heat after having built their own.

    Rossi's invention does not belong to the same category, you can't just screw a few bolts over metallic spheres to make an E-Cat or a Quark-X, plus there are the safety certifications. Maybe it's better he collaborates with industrials from northern countries, where people are traditionally honest, and have a lot of trouble lying, playing double games, and being enemies of science and mankind. It's just not in their DNA (cold climates, scarce resources in the past -> implying collaboration, low population: you just couldn't be scum and expect to live through the winter)

    For example, I doubt many a swede, norse or finn would stoop so low as to use bot softwares to post about sensible subjects on niche, yet key, forums... ;)

    We do the best we can to allow debate and the presentation of different viewpoints without too much censorship. Not an easy job, and you may have noticed that Mods get it in the neck whatever they do - or don't do

    To be honest I'm amazed to see that you and Rends are still moderators on this forum. I guess it would get really too big and obvious if "they" had you removed.

    I do not doubt for a second that after burying Planet Rossi under 89 million HEAT rounds and witnessing, every other week, the final and eternal demise of the Rossiite sect, Mr. Weaver is going to entertain us in ways never seen before!

    It might even escalate at that point to full-throated pronouncement of some conspiracy theory

    Like the one explaining how master hypnotist Rossi successfully hypnotized a couple dozen scientists, engineers, investors, over the course of 10+ years, with the support of a few co-conspirators within his inner circle?

    Strangely it seems to be the most supported explanation here :/

    Did you understand what I wrote: there are no hard facts in the court docs supporting the lenr-forum daily FUD or Rossi=messiah

    Which makes one wonder why people would repeat for 240+ pages gadget no excess heat people cooked alive scammer extraordinaire hypnotist condo kingpin incompetent Lugano scientists half full half empty pipe DN20 photoshop emissivity etc etc

    And there's all kind of facts in written form on the Docket stating what each party is trying to establish the other party is guilty of (whether or not they have merit). And these non-contended facts lead to all sorts of various conjectures about who's right, which are likely to succeed, etc., and sometimes those discussions lend insight into reasonable interpretations of the information on the docket.

    Ha, I guess that's why we have one group of people saying white, while the other is saying black. Rossi has working LENR machines vs. Rossi is a hypnotist conman having had nothing for 10+ years. "Reasonable interpretations of the information on the docket" ? lol

    As to the Doral customer, we've known for a while that Rossi's lawyer was the legal representant of the facade company. That changes nothing about whether or not Rossi's machines work.

    And concerning the 1MW-cooking-alive-people-in-the-warehouse FUD, nobody ever pretended it wasn't ventilated out or endotherm'd in. Guess what, court docs provide no hard facts about whether 1MW was produced, and how it was dissipated, if it was produced.

    Finally, once again, court docs provide no facts supporting the character assassination and FUD that's been liberally spread for 200+ pages. Neither do they provide hard facts supporting Rossi's machines delivering what he says they deliver.

    On Forums all topics stay unresolved because any clear evidence one way or other is not disputed and then gets forgotten pages back.

    On this forum Rossi-related topics stay unresolved because they cannot be resolved, as definitive proofs cannot be found in the public court docs

    Makes one wonder why some enjoy filling 200+ pages with conjectures and assumptions, though. Once again, this is a nice demonstration of the scientific method turned upside down: trying to make facts fit an attractive (for whatever reason) theory. instead of sticking to known facts (known, not assumed or conjectured) and building theories upon them.