Roger Member
  • Member since Dec 16th 2016
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Posts by Roger

    187 - All parties (except that they can't seem to contact Fabiani) want more time to discuss what portions of discovery should be sealed, so they are jointly requesting an extra two weeks to sort that out.

    What discovery are we talking about? there is no E-Cat as there is no way Rossi has found an energy in < energy out perpetual motion machine. 1MW of generated heat can cook a warehouse. Where's the cooked warehouse?

    The only possible interpretation of this request to seal information, is that IH doesn't want people to discover how gullible they were, building free energy hoaxkum reactors that were never tested by outside scientists, and that Rossi wants to keep an aura of secret around his long scam, so he can find more gullible victims.

    I'm pretty sure "Roger" is one of Dewey's screen names.

    I wish I was an avatar of this great being, who wouldn't want to share Dewey's genius, capacity for hilarious metaphors, endless stream of unassisted inspiration, and burning desire for truth?

    Truly a figure to look up to in the quest for a better future on earth

    Please stop trying to character assassinate Dewey Weaver who has only been presenting proven facts, and has never spread unproven FUD. Nor did he ever try to smear Rossi or people with a mind to support the crooked "doctor", however kooky and hokum-loving the Planet Rossi denizens are. His posts are 100% human, anyone thinking otherwise is a Fake News wannabe propagandist.

    Also leave Jed Rothwell out of this. He didn't participate either in this imaginary FUD campaign.

    You need to stop implying that Dewey Weaver is a trollbot operating for IH/Cherokee under the umbrella of plausible deniability they set up at the start of the trial, when stating that the only communication from them will be official, which means that people should disregard hearsay or others seemingly speaking in IH/Cherokee's name

    Once again Dewey Weaver fends off vicious attacks from remote-controlled Rossi-ites, in the quest for truth and peaceful resolution.

    One will notice that Planet Rossi beings cannot be civilly identified, while Dewey Weaver has no issue stating who he is, which a simple internet search can verify. There can be no doubt that IH's disclaimer according to which no communication other than theirs, officially proven, should be considered as emanating from IH, there can be no doubt that this statement was never meant to be some kind of plausible deniability while an AI-handled bot would socially engineer this forum sowing the proven truths some mischievously interpret as misinforming lies : because Dewey Weaver is really Dewey Weaver, and he fears not putting forward his real identity.

    I'm sure Dewey Weaver has a bit of harmless fun throwing Rossi puppets attacking him left and right, but cultists of the Quac-kat and Quack-X Church should heed his words nevertheless. The sun is setting fast on the barren plains of Planet Rossi, and now is their chance to get a ticket out of a place which will soon turn out to be the desolate, frigid landscape it always was.

    IH statement was " do not believe anything unless we state it". Then IH said nothing while Rossi was giving daily GPT reports. This has always made me wonder, why was this not stopped. People do things for reasons.

    Are you insinuating that Dewey Weaver is a human-handled spambot whose task is decredibilizing Rossi, gaslighting him and his supporters, for the benefit of IH, while maintaining IH's plausible deniability as he's merely a moniker on a forum, of which the civil person Dewey Weaver can hardly be held accountable for? Careful Rigel, those are serious accusations, which an impartial judge might consider very disturbing.

    The ERV documents are another page of shame in Rossi's Great Book of Scams which will go down in the history of Science as the go-to operation manual to try and turn wholesome, greater good-oriented investors into empty pocket fools. Alas for Rossi and his sockpuppetted Rossi-ites, swift Justice will soon be delivered and IH will be able to keep on researching new pathways into modern and safe energy generation systems.

    The cows are coming home faster than you can write "negative COP". Message to Planet Rossi: It's not too late to forsake your guru.

    This is pretty much it. All the damning evidence is there, that the creatures known as Rossi-ites need to finally escape from their cavern of illusion. What seems at first glance like a chatbot stuck on repeat, is really the punched ticket for oblivion that IH will very soon help deliver to Planet Rossi, in a court of Law

    All the talk about the supposedly false information that some pretend has been fed on this forum, is astonishingly shameful. There is as much difference between 100.1 and 103+ as between the E-Quack and the Quack-X: both of those stillborn gadgets originate from the same scam, which is blatant for anyone having followed this affair. Not even considering how very impossible it would be for the glorified heater Rossi tricked IH into financing, to output 1MW in such an enclosed space. If the tape-and-glue boiler Rossi delusionally thinks efficient, would have worked as advertised, Florida would have been turned into a smoldering crater.

    please do try and accept that nothing ECat worked at IH or in Doral

    Words of wisdom and absolute proofs, unfortunately lost on the hypnotised minds of the Rossi sect