goax Member
  • Member since May 12th 2014

Posts by goax

    The me356's test will probably have a very positive outcome.

    But it's only the tip of the iceberg. If you dare to look behind the curtains ( be at the LENR conferences, visit the experimentalists, connect with the business guys, ... ) you would know that the question is not anymore if LENR works but who will win the race.

    Focusing on Rossi's saga is restrictive... to say the least.

    LENR is definitely a small world. All players are connected to each other in some ways.
    We also know about the link between "LENR Cities" and "Clean nuclear power, LLC" (another Swiss company) through Allan Widom and Yogi Srivastava which are both in both companies.

    Thus, I would say, even if there are no legal links between the different LENR companies, they may all suffer from the LENR Cities bankruptcy.

    Thank you @Clarke and @randombit0 for this discussion.

    Tom is very impressive by his continuous patience to answer questions again and again and always trying to go straight to the point.
    Randombit0 posts are refreshing in this debate and she seems fully convinced by her argumentations on the lugano reports.

    However, instead of having an infinite discussion, it would be nice to go straight to the core of the issue:

    Randombit0, do you agree that Alumina is a special case in the sense that its spectral emissivity is far from flat and this strongly affects calculation of the Lugano report (as described by Tom in his report)?
    If not, could you please point directly Tom (and us) to the exact error in his reasoning?

    Thank you again to both of you.


    I would personnally not jump to fast on the Fischer-Tropsch iron oxyde conclusion, but a document summarising your thoughts on the processes probably occuring in the LENR experiments (Lefi Homlid's interpretation, atomic hydrogen needed through desorption, Rydberg matter and so on) would be immensely useful for the replicators (even the currently silent ones) and for getting a clear basis hypothesis to work with.

    Thank you very much for your work.

    Excellent experiment and openness. Thank you Freethinker.

    Regarding the power oscillations, it would make much sense to have an averaging of input data to your PID controller in order to mitigate the RMS erratic measurement and/or Solid-State Relay weird behaviour.
    Or applying longer period of on/off of the SSR by preventing frequent switching.

    However, it depends of course on your setup and what is possible to do in your controller.

    Anyway, thank you again, very encouraging first results!

    Dear Mr Clarke,

    Your inputs are valuable, but you should refrain yourself from repeating them in all threads of this forum. The idea is to keep a structure in the different discussions.
    We have understand your points on the joule heating measurements.

    Thank you.

    A possible partial explanation could be in the E-Cat control system that itself consumes 360W, at nominal power (see p3), and this value is confirmed by the measurements of both PCE 830 (p5):


    Readings were consistent, showing the same current waveform; furthermore, they
    enabled us to measure the power consumption of the control system, which, at full capacity, was seen to be
    the same as the nominal value declared by the manufacturer.

    Thus, our problem could be reduced to
    486-360=126W -> 6.7W Joule heating
    815-360=455W -> 25W Joule heating, a good step towards the 36W Joule heating claimed.

    I took part in 2 of such replications.
    It was impressive, even frightening, but the electrodes rapidly suffered from erosion.
    And no results on COP, calorimetry is a nightmare in this case.

    Today, I would thus not advice trying such approach. If you have a true lab at your disposal, the most interesting would clearly be the replication of the e-cat with the Nickel and this LiAlH4.
    Depending on your interest, why not joining the MFMP project?

    Ok, very interesting report explaining the different anomalies in the video. Thank you for pointing to it.
    The trick, done on purpose or not by DGT, seems to have the flow meter (a gear counting each movement whatever the rotation direction is) cheated by water/steam getting back and forth in the tube, thus artificially increasing the measured flow.
    This may also explain why they were so often playing with the valves in the video.

    For me, DGT is out of this LENR story now. Hopefully the other most advanced LENR actors will not be revealed fooled (or fooling us) in the same kind of way.

    I tried to conenct with the credentials of the old forum but no luck. Was it on purpose that we had to register again, all of us?

    Thanks, and happy to see the forum being clearer than before.