Promethian Member
  • Member since Oct 4th 2017
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Posts by Promethian

    Possible use:

    -Very interesting effects of utilizing electron discharges through reverse polarity or defusal from orbital resonance between lithium-7 and other substrates with high conductivity with reactors such as Aureon Energy devices that extract electrons. Possible very high energy production.

    -Optimization of Brillouin Q-Pulse device with theoretical enhanced COP of Xxx values!

    -Very high performance of nuclear fusion through calculating orbital resonance between fusion of Lih-7 and Tritium and ideal values to create lower temperature environment to utilize fusion along with highly stable plasmodia.

    Interesting point:

    -Reinterpretation of standard LENR theory in regards to ideal models and values for resonance between Nickle and Hydrogen.


    Lithium-7 is very cheap for long lived nuclear thermal or LENR reactors between lih-7 and uranium/plutonium or deuterium and tritium with calculated Levelized Cost of Exploitation!

    Some interesting points:

    -After nuclear resonance occurs, much more quantumly stochastic events 'happen' (no apparent wavefunction collapse due to resonance theory, only evolution) to the material with which resonance between lih-7 and deuterium or tritium fuel. Intriguing thoughts about QM in high density mass occurrence such as centers of stars or the Earth where LENR might very well occur.

    -High efficiency of fuel and only nuclear resonance orbitals need be calculated.

    -Extreme longevity of the fuel in combination with nuclear fuel such as thorium or uranium or plutonium.

    -Very clean process for fusion reactors with low neutron emission and high thermal densities of the plasmoid under resonance effects leading to low expense cost of nuclear fusion reactor.

    -Novel devices for the process such as 'batteries' utilized for small electric recoupling of fuel and substrate utilized.

    -HIGHLY efficient solar panels in an active array diffusing the deuterium oxide from lithium fuel with recharging every x (seconds).

    Thoughts or comments welcome.

    Lithium has many properties that are exploited today for batteries and chemical processes as an electron donor. Yet, lithium-7 has the added nucleonic properties in thermonuclear bombs like Castle Bravo that increased the yield of the United States testing of the Castle Bravo bomb in the Bikini Islands by 3 times unexpectedly.

    I've been working on a hypothesis for many years about lithium being used in combination with nuclear isotopes of Thorium, or Uranium or Plutonium to potentially enhance the reactor efficiency and longevity by preserving radioactive decay from occurring and instead inducing a hot nuclear resonance state between the fuel and potentially doping agent, being Lithium.

    I have not yet stumbled on the wavelength or frequency of Lithium resonating between Thorium, or Uranium or Plutonium, and honestly am reaching out to other physicists and scientists for help on this matter Instead I have been working on some models with friends about utilizing nuclear resonance of Lithium with Deuterium/Tritium in a fusion process where the orbitals between the lithium-7 and deuterium or tritium are shared in an ideal manner to create fusion at low temperatures and pressures inside a potentially tokamak device.

    Due to recent work I have stumbled across a potentially LENR "battery" very much like the Q-Pulse used over at Brillouin Corporation, with lithium-7 and deuterium where the resonance effect is elicited through membranes between potentially palladium or other oxygen-reactive fuel and a membrane of lithium-7 on the other side attracting the hydrogen/deuterium through these very resonance effects. What would be utilized is the resonance frequency where the electron orbitals create a covalent bond towards the deuterium and then quickly induce reverse polarity to shear off the hydrogen from the lithium fuel on the membrane with diffraction from the base resonance state. This process is highly efficient in some discussions I have had. A colleague commented that 2 kW could be produced from a 1 L volume of deuterium with hydrogen alongside being created with a mesh of lithium-7 and possibly palladium. Another thought produced the idea of utilizing these resonance effects for solar panels for deuterium oxide and lithium-7.

    The main gist of the idea is to induce this S,P,D,F atomic resonance between the lithium-7 serving as a donor to the deuterium/tritium/thorium/uranium/plutonium S,P,D,K orbitals, and then rapidly induce a reverse polarity of high diffraction spike to collect or extract either hydrogen or even electric conductivity/discharge (after shearing/defusal/reverse polarity) in the membrane potentials of lih-7 and palladium.

    I am open to any ideas on how to find the ideal value for either a solar panel or deuterium/tritium with lithium-7 battery or even ideal values for Lithium-7 and Tritium fusion Reactors.


    Seemingly you can purchase depleted uranium Uranium metal 99.9% depleted U238 from 35 USD.

    Please let me know if anyone can conduct a test. I would be more than happy to fund it in part.

    I also think there are applications to agricultural lighting or street lighting of said material.

    Preferably to be utilized with lithium-6 in combination for best effects.

    Please tell us more.

    I believe that it also has to be due to the effects that depleted uranium have on the Coulomb barrierdue to its depleted nature.

    I was wondering if it would be possible if Alan Smith could comment or if you could possibly know how to do a test of said device.

    I also believe that there are resonance effects due to the deuterium light or what might be some kind of dancing around of elements in combination with one another.

    Thank you for any input David.

    I did some analysis and there are applications of passing gascious uranium through a hydrogen flux to generate so much heat and power...

    What becomes dangerous is if anyone decides to plasmoid this gascious mixture in a plasma reactor. Really scary stuff.

    He guys did you ever hear about nuclear waste ???

    Fission is dead until we know how to LENR treat the nuclear waste!

    MOX it in resonance reactors. The design applies almost perfectly to travelling wave reactors, which are perhaps the closest thing to a resonance reactor...

    On Some Fundamental Peculiarities of the Traveling Wave Reactor


    On the basis of the condition for nuclear burning wave existence in the neutron-multiplying media (U-Pu and Th-U cycles) we show the possibility of surmounting the so-called dpa-parameter problem and suggest an algorithm of the optimal nuclear burning wave mode adjustment, which is supposed to yield the wave parameters (fluence/neutron flux, width and speed of nuclear burning wave) that satisfy the dpa-condition associated with the tolerable level of the reactor materials radioactive stability, in particular that of the cladding materials. It is shown for the first time that the capture and fission cross sections of 238U and 239Pu increase with temperature within 1000–3000 K range, which under certain conditions may lead to a global loss of the nuclear burning wave stability. Some variants of the possible stability loss due to the so-called blow-up modes (anomalous nuclear fuel temperature and neutron flow evolution) are discussed and are found to possibly become a reason for a trivial violation of the traveling wave reactor internal safety.

    Military reactors are usually charged with an excess of reactivity.

    Efficiency doesn't pay off with nuclear reactors of energy production. People keep on getting this wrong. Instead efficiency should be defined by fuel maintenance.

    Thisreactivity is tamed with “burnable poisons”. (I don’t know the name in English)During the life of the ship, the poison disappear by neutron capture, and inthe same time the fissile isotopes are burned, and poison fission products arecreated, so the reactivity of the reactor could be maintained constant overdozen of years.

    To the best of my knowledge, this depends on the moderator. This is where MOX reactors have a superiority over existing reactors; but... they should be the target for designing these resonance reactors. I believe that a suitable moderator might be able to maintain a resonance rate equal to fuel degradement that would prevent the arisal of neutron toxicity. If you get what I'm saying an equilibrium has to be designed inherently in the reactor. In the case of Chernobyl, this inherent equilibrium was so far away from normal operational standards that led to some kind of runaway resonance effect. I don't want to go into details, as this is pretty secret stuff.

    This is convenient for themilitary, because profitability considerations are not taken into account.

    Again, military applications should adopt the resonance reactor mentioned in the above paper. Only that, graphite is such a poor moderator, that I believe (ehem) hydrogen itself would be an ideal moderator along with a mixture of other elements absorbing and reflecting the neutron influx. I believe the most dangerous reactor designs are graphite based and gasious moderators are ideal for this purpose, and can even be mixed with a MOX fuel composition. Don't go too far with this concept though... You don't want to kettle to boil over.

    A quite interesting proposal, this is possible as part of a molten salt fission reactor?

    The thing about molten salt reactors is that the fuel composition must remain steady and uniform throughout the reactor for it to experience resonance.

    I also was thinking, the Chernobyl incident as you said was hotter or had features that it shouldn't have had without resonant effects??

    This is true; based on the composition of isotopes detected in the fuel post meltdown (I surmise that fuel ejected and not subject to a meltdown occurrence also experienced this phenomenon).


    After a recent thread about what may have happened at Chernobyl in regards to excessive nuclear resonance, I figured I would start a thread about a hypothetical nuclear reactor based on the principles of control rod resonance.

    This hypothetical reactor would probably last for hundreds of years without changing the fuel composition or in other words, the control rods would be maintained at the same rate of resonance as to prevent the fuel from degrading. Can anyone surmise if this is possible?

    I further hypothesize that a resonance reactor would be utilized for direct energy production. Hypothetically, the reactors would create a monopole that would allow (from both sides) to produce direct energy production.

    I wonder if anyone else thinks this is possible or if any of this makes sense. I predict that such a reactor could utilize already spent fuel (although more complex to maintain) to enrich it to the appropriate state.

    Hoping on some interesting thoughts about the issue.

    As a side note, here is one such reactor already proposed some 30 years ago:…c/39/059/39059924.pdf?r=1


    I might be talking a little too loud, but A LOT can be figured out about reactor designs and seemingly, (anti-neutrino shielding, if not even neutrino shielding) seems very likely...

    In my mind, it wouldn't take much to make subs with neutrino signatures A LOT more undetectable. What worries me, is that Russia, Israel, and even India seem to be at the leading edge based on the above two pictures.

    I'm going to be a lot more quiet now.

    Sorry, I feel like something that shouldn't have been said, despite necessary, was said.


    Employing antineutrino detectors to safeguard future nuclear reactors from diversions

    The Non-Proliferation Treaty and other non-proliferation agreements are in place worldwide to ensure that nuclear material and facilities are used only for peaceful purposes. Antineutrino detectors, sensitive to reactor power and fuel changes, can complement the tools already at the disposal of international agencies to safeguard nuclear facilities and to verify the States’ compliance with the agreements. Recent advancement in these detectors has made it possible to leverage them to reduce the likelihood of an undetected diversion of irradiated nuclear material. Here we show the sensitivity of antineutrino monitors to fuel divergence from two reactor types: a traditional light-water reactor and an advanced sodium-cooled reactor design, a likely candidate for future deployment. The analysis demonstrates that a variety of potential diversion scenarios can be detected by such a system. We outline recent developments in monitoring capabilities and discuss their potential security implications to the international community.



    Now, I can have good dreams at night.