Cydonia Verified User
  • Member since Oct 17th 2017

Posts by Cydonia

    Rob Woudenberg  Drgenek

    Well to be the more understandable as possible, if you need doing a chemical reaction with A+B you will have next AB.

    Now, if you need 10x more AB you should need 10x A and 10x B.

    If you have only for example 10xA and only 5x A never you will product 10x AB.

    This is the same about increasing Lenr reactions by powders, if face to face each nickel atom (for example) you aren't able to put one hydrogen atom, no need in this case to use powders.

    Only using high hydrogen pressure isn't enough.

    Better should be using mono hydrogen liquid "if existed" at ambiant temperature and pressure.

    Now it will be easier to use any solid or liquid catalyst as this one proposed.

    Creating directly mono H "enough stable and excited" against the nickel, this is the way.

    Never ICCF grandfathers or MFMP, Parkhomov and so many others understood that !


    Sometimes i spoke about NAE which was only a quick way to talk about the place where the reaction occurs.

    Now, absolutely no link with Storms D2 ways.. also alsolutely no link with Oldlid at all.

    I thought I had popularized as much as possible, but it seems that this is not enough, I will try to give even more explanations soon.. However, it will not be a support to waste my time with all my detractors :thumbup:

    Hi Robert,

    i was already surprised that Cobalt works too.

    i concluded the strong possibility of so many different living ways for ET.

    For example the first one could be not using water for life but rather an hydrocarbon.

    This is already what happens about last Iwamura's release... Take this in account.

    A general observation, activity became very slow on LF.. very poor..

    When i said to LF staff earlier to stop all oriented ( because only in one way) bullshit ( as around Rossi's case for example) now you harvest your passivity even @ShaneD disappeared !

    Normally as farrr in the past great bloggers should comment deeply the last IH patent for example, but nothing happen only following new gods in which we must trust ( donuts reference).


    We already have had a discussion around the spillover effect.

    Ok, metal catalyst surfaces are able to dissociate H2 because metals have a lot of electrons available because "fluctuating".

    Next H2 will do 2H monoatomic, when they will leave the surface.. but quickly they will become H2.

    Rydberg atom is unstable only clusters from its will become stable.

    What could be tools to help this kind of process ?

    An H carrier which could be oxygen to move far away an H monoatomic being able to keep an excited state as OH- ?

    Now, if you prefer directly stabilizing all Rydberg atoms or H mono, you should do clusters directly onto the surface.

    That implies to control the electric surface potential or maybe using bigger atoms in size to create the most flat cluster ?

    Nice to be able to consider this kind of topic here.

    Ok, to me i have to say that each atoms owns a potential energy.

    Einstein postulated energy is linked with mass, i have to had also with distance that means "size".

    To summarize my thought below:

    Now, if we consider a tunnel effect , by which objects moving away seem smaller and smaller.

    Again, if in the same time these objects are able to modify their size, i repeat their size only their size not their shape, in this case the tunnel effect will be higher because in the same time as objects moved away they will shrink both in size !!

    A good explanation about so many strange things we know as ball lightning.

    How it could work ? Void space between electron layers can be compressed.

    As there is a "void" in the core of nucleus, this one changing its size too.

    So much to say..

    1. Efficiently dissociate molecular hydrogen to H atoms;

    Piantelli expected that is occuring onto transition metals.

    Another way, if you do that by HH bond broken, most of the time you will have only 2H monoatomic because covalent bond ( not ionized ) then if you use rather an alcali you will have in this case most probably a ionized ( ionic bond) ( excited ?) states because it will do for example LI+ and H-.

    2. Collect the dissociated H atoms in large densities in an adsorbed state;

    Here should be involved engineering tricks to do that because H- will tend to recombine so quickly i expect.

    3. Do not strongly bind with the dissociated H atoms.

    i do not well understand what you said here by this point however it seems to be contradictory with your point 2.

    Now, next point 4, holmlid don't said everything, how the nuclear reaction occurs according to his theories.

    Metal mixtures may be useful if they make for a more efficient catalyst improving points 1-2, but probably not so much if they form hydrides (e.g. Pd in bulk form), thus going against point 3.

    I think it should be nice to more deeply theorize this "post it " expectation, no ?

    i think the field became currently tired, as god or a kind of prophet, you decide for all what must be good or not good..

    Don't be so arrogant all people aren't necessarily idiots. They don't have to follow you especially.

    USPTO is part of the mafia system. Holmlids work interferes with military work and the energy sector. This is the reason why we decided only to do de-blocking incomplete patents.

    The product will win the market! But in Holmlid's case I see no reasonable product at all. Except he can make money with his catalyst in connection with LENR.

    Iron oxide-based, alkali promoted catalysts function well, but also platinum group metals and carbon surfaces are active in this process.

    Should we understand that nickel, palladium should work as well, or a mixture of both ?

    Alan Smith i understood that impurities inside hydroxides were especially from another metals unexpected.

    Why only few of these impurities could disturb the mix because aluminium or copper, what is the difference ?

    Is there a market for some hydroxides which aren't focused on these impurities ? At other side, what are customer who need a very pure product, for example ?