CWatters Member
  • Member since Dec 5th 2017
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Posts by CWatters


    I’m reading in the media that The UK has announced a series of strong measures including forcible quarantine as a new policy due to Coronavirus, have you heard anything?

    The UK declared an "Imminent threat" which allows the authorities to detain infected people. I heard they were forced to do this because one individual known to be infected threatened to leave quarantine.

    My background is in electronic product engineering and design. At best i think Rossi might have an experimental reactor of unknown reliability. I see no evidence he is close to making any kind of mass market product. When you start turning a prototype into something suitable for mass production you have to speak to people that are going to build it for you. In the process you learn a lot of new words (That's not quite what I mean but it will do). I haven't seen any clues that he's picked up the language yet.

    Allan posted a link to a ring on eBay somewhere on this forum. Looked like that would be easy to rub on the mesh.

    Article in today's Sunday Times (UK) paper says WG Partners are considering buying out Woodford's illiquid holdings. It also has this paragraph...

    "You have to understand that Neil did not have an investment process, said an investor who turned down the opportunity to join the WG Partners Fund. "They didn't do due diligence."

    Sorry for not providing a link but the online version is behind a pay wall.

    The set up that produced that graph must have some source resistance because the voltage isn't constant. The problem is if you try and maintain say 900V after point I using a more ideal voltage source the current would be much higher. I believe the graph is dotted between I and j because the curve depends as much on the characteristics of the power supply as the characteristics of the arc.

    But the cooling effect demonstrated here is interesting as it violates established physics by itself.

    Perhaps unwise to use a thermocouple and unscreened LCD display unit close to rapidly moving magnets?…agnetic-environments.html

    "Thermocouples measure temperature in microvolts per degrees Celsius. These signals need amplification to be useful, which makes them susceptible to measurement errors when used in electromagnetic environments."

    You should contact Russians and/or SegMagnetics then. Not all YouTubes are fake, they also present Fleischman, Szpak (SPAWAR), etc. LENR experiments... ;) So that one cannot judge facts only because they're also presented on YouTube. For example I'm perfectly sure, most of what you're posting here is complete BS - and I still don't judge it, asking for evidence the less.

    The SegMagnetics website is full of pure BS on how how its meant to work...

    Can you recommend a YouTube video that shows a SEG generating electricity?

    You can find more info about Searl generator for example here

    That compares a Searle Effect Generator with a Hydroelectric dam and says...

    "Whereas the dam harnesses kinetic energy with a liquid media, the SEG harnesses kinetic energy within the Neodymium metal reservoir with an electron media. However, both systems complete their energy cycles via the atmosphere and thus harness unlimited ambient energy as open systems."

    Well actually no, a dam cannot "harness unlimited ambient energy". It gets its energy indirectly from the sun and is limited by the weather. The energy source for hydro electric energy is very well understood. Not so the SEG.

    An oscillating system typically has two states that store energy in different ways. For example a pendulum stores energy as either gravitational potential energy or kinetic energy, an LC oscillator stores energy either as charge in the capacitor or flux in the inductor. Resonance occurs when the frequency of a driving source matches the natural frequency of the oscillating system.

    So in order to know how to build the resonating reactor Director proposes we need to know what two energy storing states the reactor or its contents would/could oscillate between? We would also need to calculate (or perhaps measure) the natural frequency in order to drive it at resonance.

    There is some merit in the idea because at resonance a) the amplitude of oscillation is a maximum and b) the oscillator draws the maximum power from the driver. Eg it becomes easier to inject energy into the system.

    Edit: I should add that the system should naturally "want" to trade energy between the two states. For example a pendulum naturally wants to accelerate when released with GPE. In a parallel connected LC oscillator a voltage on the capacitor causes an increase in current in the inductor.

    Rigid foil covered PIR house insulation is quite cheap and readily available. If you used 100mm thick sheets glued and with aluminium tape on internal and external seams you could get away without an aluminium frame to support it. A plug door from two sheets would allow access.

    PIR has a thermal conductivity of 0.022W/mK. If we estimate the surface area at 2sqm heat loss could be limited to less than 0.5W/K.

    Mizuno in here..

    ..seems to run his calorimeter with a delta T of perhaps 10-20C?

    So losses through the walls could be reduced to perhaps 5-10W.

    Perhaps less as I've probably overestimated the surface area.

    Think I would improve the insulation so that more energy is captured by the airflow calorimeter. I know that the results apparently show excess heat compared to the calibration but the coincidence referred to (power captured = input power) gives too much ammunition to the nay sayers. Just double up the insulation and get rid of it.