Ed Lewis Member
  • Member since Dec 26th 2017
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Posts by Ed Lewis

    As the years go by and people keep finding the microplasmoids as I predicted they would in the early 1990s and find they have the transmutation effects and ball lightning-like activity but call them "strange radiation" and other names, I want to try to help people understand what they are.

    It would be really helpful to understand that atoms can shift to a plasmoid state, transmute and give off radiation and radioactivity, and change position, and then convert back again to the normal dormant state. It would solve a lot of people's questions and problems.

    Those wanting to know about plasmoid theory, micro ball lighting, physics paradigm shifts and Kondtratiev waves should read my book that was written in thte early 1980s. If you have questions about micro ball lightning, what it has to do with transmutation, the plasmoid paradigm theory, the plasmoid state of matter and how Kondratiev waves arise due to the technological impulses due to paradigm shifts in physics at 80 year intervals, read my book ( http://sciencejunk.org/?page_id=227) that was written in the 1990s about these things. That does a good job explaining these ideas, and then if people have questions or comments or want me to teach you about it, ask me and I'll explain and try to teach the ideas to you as I can.

    To me, it is a simple to understand that physics develops through basic theory paradigm shifts and scientific revolutions. I understood this since I was a kid.

    If you don't believe this idea, read The Structure of Scienctific Revolutions. Many of the basic ideas are basically his ideas. Thomas Kuhn explained what a paradigm shift is in physics and how they necessarily arise through the work of successive generations (since a formulator has to be young or inexperienced to formulate a theory for a paradigm) and his ideas arise through the experimental discoveries of other more experienced and older people. His book, The Structure of Scienctific Revolutions, was widely read and accepted, so that is a good source of information.

    Kuhn defined which the paradigm shifts in physics were and when they occurred, but he didn't realize that they happen at a periodic rate.

    In my study of the history of science, I found the paradigm shifts he identified happened at about 73 to 87 years or 80 years on average. Then I started to describe the model of how the paradigm shifts tie to economic depressions. It is simple and intuitive.

    The physics paradigm shifts Kuhn describes, Copernican, Galilean, Newtonian, Franklin (with electrical theory and experiments, he did seem to know about Franklin's fundamental ideas about magnetism and his theory of heat (caloric)), Faraday (electromagnetism and the development of Field Theory), and Einstein (QM and Relativity theory), actually occurred in regular approximately 80-year intervals. See the charts I've posted on this blog.

    Some key evidence that the theory I'm proposing is accurate is that decades before I wrote that this decade would be a depressionary era similar to the 1930s with a crash about 2009. A valid theory has provable predictions. It is obvious this is a depressionary era; witness the substantial debt creation.

    I think that these original ideas from the early 1990s about micro ball lightning and plasmoids and their effects have been borne out. I first had the idea of micro ball lightning in 1992. As far as I am aware, no one ever wrote about micrometer-sized and smaller ball lightning before I did. I introduced the ideas that micro ball lightning exists and that they are plasmoids, that micro plasmoids are what caused the voids, pits, tunnels and traces (tracks) in Matsumoto's electrode and nuclear emulsion particle detection films, and tried to explain how these processes happened. I also first proposed that these same processes and effects occur in natural macro ball lightning.

    Another key conception I introduced is the idea of the plasmoid state of matter as another state of matter different from the regular dormant state or the plasma state of matter. No one published this idea before me either.

    I also better defined how ball lightning is able to do things such as pass through glass windows and other materials without making holes. They do this by state shifting between dark and white states. Shoulders explained this too.

    Since I first started writing about this model of plasmoids and matter in the early 1990s, two other states of matter were discovered: BE condensates and Fermi condensates. I think the idea of the plasmoid state of matter merges into these two other states.

    One criticism or question about micro plasmoids and their role in transmutation/energy effects discovered in our field is whether they are responsible for all energy creation and transmutation in various experiments. Even some scientists who acknowledge their existence and association with transmutation due to the fact that so many different people have discovered the characteristic micro plasmoid markings in their experimental setups don't believe that plasmoids are responsible for all the energy produced and transmuted species in many experiments.

    I think the plasmoid state of matter explains this. Atoms in material can convert to a plasmoid state without flying off the material or causing much noticeable morphological change and then revert back to the dormant state. So people won't find the pits, tunnels and plasmoid markings, but the atoms in a plasmoid state due transmute to other elemental species and isotopes.

    Dash's filaments from his research in the 1990s are a good example. The morphological change of the filaments growing on a used electrode as it sat for weeks happened very slowly. Only by using a microscope and performing chemical analysis did they notice the chemical and morphological changes over time as they took successive photographs. That material was in a plasmoid state, and the effects would have gone unnoticed except for their sharp perception. (see my article: http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LewisEtracksofba.pdf)

    Others have described similar "heat after death" effects. In the 1990s, Indian researchers were reporting that their electrodes continued to be radioactive and radiate energy long after their experiments were over. It was because the atoms were still in the plasmoid state. It would be interesting to know how long the materials continued in the state or when they became dormant. Could people tell me? It has been two decades since those experiments. Are the anomalous morphological changes and radiation continuing?

    If you are interested in studying transmutation but haven't read Matsumoto's transmutation articles from his research in 1990 and 1991, you're missing a lot of important information. He was one of the leaders in the transmutation field.

    The micro ball lightning-like plasmoids have been discovered in all kinds of experiments as I predicted people would discover them in my earliest papers. After Matsumoto and Shoulders, Urutskoev and other Russian groups detected their markings. A few years ago, Priem performed good analysis on plasmoid markings following up on Urutskoev's research. Among the latest reports are by Parkhomov who says he is studying Rossi type experiments and obtained good photographs of the plasmoid markings.

    To see what I mean, see Alan Smith's quote here. (For some reason, I can't just cut and paste the link itself.) I think btw that this recent powerpoint from Aleksandr Parkhomov is very relevant to the topic of 'strange radiation'.


    It is obvious to me that these microplasmoids are found everywhere. If they are not detected, people should be able to detect the atoms in a plasmoid state in various ways. These active plasmoid-state atoms can be produced from sparking and electrical discharge. It is telling that many of the purported energy creation/transmutation methods either involve discharge or electrical input directly or are composed of key parts that were manufactured by electrical discharge such as Miley's thin-film coated microspheres from the 1990s. As I've shown, both the microspheres and the lexan casings as well as the electrodes showed lots and lots of plasmoid marks (see the articles from the middle 1990s on my site: "Photographs of Some Components of an Electrolysis Cell" and "Additional Plasmoid Marks on Electrolysis Cells" to see the pictures and more information.) I suspect that plasmoid state atoms were loaded onto the microspheres during the thin film deposition by sputtering.

    A scientific revolution regarding plasmoids is happening (if the development continues), but most researchers and experimenters seem oblivious or ignorant about it. Lutz Jaitner is doing good research investigating and modeling the plasmoid state atoms from the standpoint of QM, and Henry-Couannier F. (The Dark side of Gravity and LENR, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 21, (2016), p 59 www.iscmns.org/CMNS/JCMNS-Vol21.pdf) is doing a good job investigating their relativistic effects and understanding them from a relativistic viewpoint.

    If you want to understand about plasmoids, get my book, and I can teach you about it and answer questions personally if you contact me. My email is on my site. Edward Lewis Plasmoid-revolution.com

    Ed Lewis

    I don't understand how you arrive at the 80 year periodicity for revolutions in physics. It appears contrived to me.

    Further back in this thread I outlined some challenges to your assertion but you never responded. Do you care to respond now?

    Bruce_H, have you read my articles or book on this topic?

    Everybody, please see my new post about the current depressionary or deep recessionary era under the Plasmoid Paradigm thread.

    Eric, the credit for these ideas go to the Creator because when I was in my 20s I asked the LORD for the knowledge about this Plasmoid paradigm and also how scientific revolutions in physics causes the Kondratiev wave. He answered my prayer I think. Thank God.

    I could relate how God led me to the right book to understand this whole cycle: Paul Waters' TECHNOLOGICAL ACCELERATION AND THE GREAT DEPRESSION and how one night while reading Matsumoto describe how he found circular marks on his acrylate sheets after his electrolysis transmutation experiments, I had a vision sort of or could imagine how microscopic ball lightning were inside his electrodes causing the transmutation and the voids in his electrode.

    Of course, I usually separate the two sciences, but sometimes I want to tell people I have a coherent model that explains the paradigm shifts in physics and that the timing of this plasmoid paradigm, if it develops, falls in the timing rightly.

    Why the Current Economic Slump Era?

    The stocks drop in stocks is the highest ever pointwise (1,175), and it perhaps marks the beginning of a second dip in this depressionary or deep recessionary era. The current economic deep recessionary era is due to the transition of the industries of the QM paradigm to process innovation. This transition to process innovation is something that happens about every 80 years on average. "Process innovation" is the application or introduction of new technology or methods that enables people to produce goods or services more efficiently and thus reduce the need for human labor.

    But the layoff of workers or the reduction of worker hours during an era of process innovation/productivity growth surge is a cause for economic slumps.

    As I tried to explain in articles such as "An Economic Depression Model Actually Predicted this 2010s Depression Era and Warning About a Second Dip" on the Most Important News website in the fall of 2015 and in an earlier article before this economic depressionary era started in "Economic Depression or Deep Recession Likely Soon" in Infinite Energy (the cold fusion magazine), the recent emphasis on automation of production using robotics, computerized machinery, and computers and the growth of monopolies and oligopolies in each major industry that started around 1998 in the US as evidenced by the late 1990s and 2000s productivity growth spurt in the US actually also was the cause for the destabilization of financial markets, the stock market crash of the late 2000s, and the subsequent great increase in unemployment (and drop in living standards) in the US.

    In the 2015 article, I was predicting that a second dip would happen soon. I thought maybe 2016 or 2017. It didn't happen. But maybe it is starting now. If you go back and read that article and also this one that was published in Infinite Energy (the CF magazine) in May of 2008, you can read about how I had the model for the Kondratiev wave back in 1989 and had thought since then that the decade of the 2010s would be a depressionary era (that is, deep recession or depression) similar to the 1930s in the US.

    Understanding the model is easy. The model for K-waves or long waves is very simple and intuitive based on how physics and industries develops generationally so that an 80 year rhythm occurs in the development of physics, technology and industry and an approximately 40 year pattern of economic depressionary eras ensues based on this regular impulse of science and technology.

    Depressionary or deep recessionary eras such as this one have historically lasted about 12 to 15 or more years. The regular recession cycle has a periodicity of about 7 years, so I am guessing based on this that the world economy is due for a second dip. The governments and big financial institutions introduced trillions of extra liquidity into the financial markets and the various economies of the world. This kept the crash of 9 years ago from turning into a depression like that of the 1930s. But the US economy went through a deep depression, and I think much of the apparent wealth of the last few years is due to the deficit spending and continuing introduction of liquidity. The government bailed out big companies, started stimulus programs, and etc.

    This depressionary era is what has happened at this stage in the development of the industrial paradigms for the last 200 years. The British economy and to an extend the American economy experienced a similar slump starting in the 1830s as the First Industrial Revolution transitioned to the process innovation phase of the industrial life cycle. The US and world economy experienced a similar transition and slump starting about 1920 with the depressionary era starting about 1929.

    To understand more about the model, I have a book available at: http://sciencejunk.org/?page_id=227 on my site.

    On this chart, you can see how the period of economic depression or deep recession in grey happens at the point of quickest productivity growth acceleration in the US economy that started in the last decade. The earlier two similar depressions in the 1930s and the 1830s happened at the same point in the labor productivity growth curve. You can see also that there are depressions that coincide with the industrial revolutions.

    Matsumoto was able to visually see plasmoids form and move. They moved slowly enough he could watch them through a his telescope. If people could attach a very fast camera, that would be good video.

    Ken Shoulders used his type of discharge apparatus to make his EVOs, but he understood that macroscopic ball lightning we can see and watch (sometimes they are stationary) are the same thing as his little EVOs (except bigger). Matsumoto used a difference kind of apparatus, and someone might want to try to replicate his experiments.

    I know that people seem to be thinking that these are necessarily very fast moving objects, but even various kinds of lightning move at different speeds, and lightning bolts are all led by big ball lightning. Plasmoids can change speed, change direction, accelerate, slow, stop. They have fascinating motions. I saw a ball lightning about 2 years ago. It moved slowly enough for me to see although it lasted only a second or less (from the time I saw it).


    I remember that in the 1990s, Matsumoto faxed me a report of slow moving plasmoids that left a hexagonal mark or plate on acrylite film he used to capture the tracts. In his fax, there was a blurry black hexagonal mark, blown up, and I was thinking it was the same picture that I posted on another thread last month and reposted above. That picture was published in the ICCF-5 proceedings, but maybe it wasn't the same picture.

    I think people focus too much on talking about models and plasmoid structure and not enough on experimental evidence that has already been published and not on actually doing experiments. More experiments are needed to gather the evidence that allows us to understand their structure and behavior. I think no model I've seen so far works, but I appreciate those such as Lutz Jaitner's that attempt to explain how atoms change state from regular matter to plasmoid matter.

    However, it is very important if anyone wants to make some kind of model or theory of plasmoids, to study all the available evidence. Parkomov's newly published research is very interesting. I would be interested in learning more about them.

    The key concept that people have to understand is that regular atoms that are dormant plasmoids can change state to be active plasmoids of the various range of states from black to white. I could say a lot about what I think about individual models and how they fail.

    Ed Lewis, plasmoid-revolution.com

    I keep offering my book on the site as a good place to get information about the development of the CF field and this micro ball lightning field I started in the context of 80-year paradigm changes. That book contains the information I thought was pertinent and interesting that was published up until about 1995. Most of the book was written before1995 actually. But it explains how I realized that little ball lightning objects were being produced in Matsumoto's experiments and how they were responsible for transmuted matter. The book has four or five parts. These parts cover my theory about physics paradigm change and how the 3 paradigm changes from Franklin to Einstein each produced the industrial revolutions that happened at the 80 to 100 year intervals. One part is a history of science from before 1506 up to about 1996. Two sections cover the theory about how the industrial revolutions each have caused two types of economic depressions. This model that dates from the late 1980s worked for accurately predicting the 2008 to 2009 crash. If you are interested in plasmoids or the history of the field of plasmoids, you can read my book. There is a paypal button that will allow for automatic download of the book in html format. People have posted comments or questions about my theory of paradigm change and economic depressions, but if people are interested in this, they should read my writings. There are a lot of published articles about both topics (economics and physics theory) you can read on the site too.


    Here is a marking Matsumoto published long ago that I think is beautiful. That marking seems to show behavior reminiscent of how whirlwinds and tornadoes scrape the ground and hop. I wrote an article about this in the 1990s. http://www.padrak.com/ine/ELEWIS3.html

    Instead of writing out all kinds of ideas about how to model these microbl plasmoids, and definitely instead of believing or accepting any particular model as valid based on your limited understanding of plasmoid behavior, I want to encourage people to focus on the physical evidence and think about whether a model fits all known plasmoid behavior including galactic and astrophysical plasmoid behavior. If the model doesn't fit, then it isn't a valid model. For example, consider whether a model can explain how a plasmoid behaved like the one did that made that marking.

    It would be great if people could get some new results past the point reached by Shoulders as evidenced from his published articles last decade. Technology has advanced since then. Perhaps experimental techniques utilizing video cameras and good telefocal lenses would help people capture plasmoid activity in real time.

    Of various methods people might use to research plasmoids, people seem to get the best results per time and effort spent via doing discharge experiments. It seems the easiest method to learn to do to make plasmoids.

    It would be so cool if someone could video the little plasmoids. Also cool if an experiment is preformed with target sheets showing how the little plasmoids make tracks. That means that someone has to learn how to image the plasmoid markings quickly and be able to show the tracks on a monitor or something for real-time results. Doing things like like would help people to get past the point of disbelief or agnosticism they seem to be in such as if they watch plasmoid marks being made real time.

    Finding the little markings with a microscope is time consuming and not suitable for a live demonstration unless someone practices the technique adequately.

    In 1989, i developed the model about how 80 year spacings between revolutions in physics causes economic depressions that occur at approximately 40 year intervals. That model shows that a depressionary period would start about the year 2009. It happened. Does anyone know of another model or theory for K-waves dating from the 1990s that was accurate? Or from the early 2000s?

    I checked Matsumoto's ICCF5 article where that hexagonal mark was published. Maybe that wasn't a hexagonal mark in an acrylite sheet but one that he found on this electrode along with the usual circular marks. People can look this up for themselves in the ICCF5 article. I do remember though that Matsumoto found a hexagonal mark (at least one) on acrylite sheets in one of his experiments and that he said he saw the objects that made the plasmoid marks leave the electrode and fly through the air to hit the sheet. This is very much like ball lightning behavior. Hexagonal marks are interesting. In 2014, I wrote an article about the big planetary plasmoid marks and compared them to micro plasmoid marks.


    About the year 1995, Matsumoto found these markings while looking for micro ball lightning plasmoids. He said that little micro ball lightnings that he could see would leave the electrode he used, go out of the water, and hit the acrylite film he was using to detect these objects as well as any particle tracks. He used a special micro telescope to see them move.

    One or more left his electrode, if I understand what this picture is correctly, and left this hexagonal plate. It was actually a plate, not a hole in the film. He gave me permission to post his pictures long ago, so I wanted to post this. He did excellent work back in the early and middle 1990s that I want remembered. I want to thank Lutz Jaitner for finding this picture. I sought for it for a long time. I think this is an extremely important micro ball lightning mark.


    A theory must make testable predictions. My theory is about why the process of scientific revolutions in physics is periodic and how scientific revolutions in physics cause economic depressionary eras in economies or Kondratieff waves. In the early 1990s, on the basis of the theory, it was clear to me that this decade of the 2010s would be a depressionary era. What I meant by the term "depressionary era" was that there would be a period of economic depression or deep recession in the leading technological countries.

    Back in the 1990s, it wasn't clear to me which countries would have the technological leadership now. The US is the technological leader now. I predicted in the 1990s that the deep recession or depression era would start about 2009 in the most technologically advanced economies. A predicted a 1929 style market crash, a jump in unemployment, and other economic effects similar to those of the 1920s Great Depression in the US.

    In the fall of 2007, I tried to publish an article warning people that the economic deep recession or depression era was about to start, but the only magazine or journal that published it was Infinite Energy. I'm posting a link to this Letter to the Editor here (http://tc38.metawerx.com.au/oldsite/LewisLetter79.pdf). It was published in the May 2008 issue before the crash and the deep recession started.

    At that time, most economists were saying prosperous times were ahead. Very few individuals at that time were predicting a depressionary era was at hand.

    This accurate prediction helps to verify this theory. I wrote a number of other articles in the decade of the 2000s that you can see under the Economics tab in plasmoid-revolution.com

    Information about the chart: This chart was made about 2002 or so. A few years ago, I added in the last grey area that represents this current deep recession/depression era. I wanted only to show the past Kondratiev trough eras by creating this chart then. The curvilinear line represents the secular labor productivity growth rates in the US. The eras of deep recession or depression happened when the labor productivitity growth was accelerating as in the late 1920s and when there were productivity growth dearths such as in the 1970s and early 1980s and in the 1880s and 1890s. The chart also shows the times of industrial revolutions in the leading economies: the 1780s to the 1810s, the 1890s to the 1910s, and the 1970s to the 1990s.

    Thanks for these comments. To help people understand what I am trying to describe here about an 80 year periodicity in physics paradigm shifts leading to the Kondratiev long wave (this is an original theory), please see my book at http://sciencejunk.org/?page_id=227

    and also watch this video on the smartscarecrow channel if you want. I apologize though that it goes slowly. It was partly connection trouble and partly that I had forgotten key names, dates, and events in the history of science. I didn't brush up well when I made this video.

    Video image

    But from watching that, people will gain an idea of what a physics paradigm shift is (according to Kuhn). It is a very fundamental change in physics theory, and it doesn't happen any more frequently than 80 year intervals on average.

    The development of physics isn't accelerating. In fact, I think this field of CF/ball lightning/plasmoids etc. is lagging and stagnating. Most people still don't believe any of this.

    I would like to help people understand this theory and how I define words, but please watch the video. It should answer a lot of questions. I want to see that people are seriously considering what I'm saying before I answer questions. This will require people to do some study since it is an entirely new idea.

    But the history of science and economics is quite beautifullly rhythmic, and you might enjoy studying it.

    Kuhn, in Structure of Scientific Revolutions, defined what he meant by the term scientific paradigm and also explained important shifts in physics theory paradigms. So when I write about revolutions in physics, this is what I mean.

    Every 80 years or so, an individual, surveying the start anomalies discovered by experimenters (usually of the generation prior to his, that is, people a generation (27 or so years) older) formulates entirely new conceptions of physics. Entirely new fundamental physical principles. Einstein did this with his concept of Quanta. Faraday did this with the concept of the "line of force" later called fields by others. For more information about what happens during paradigm shifts and the history of paradigm shifts, people can read my book online at plasmoid-revolution.com under the book tab.

    In the middle of the 1990s, I wrote a paper about HT superconductivity and plasmoids: "Considerations about Plasmoid Phenomena and Superconductivity Phenomena" http://padrak.com/ine/ELEWIS5.html

    I think the concept of plasmoids can explain two kinds of superconductivity. I also explained about this in this video if I remember correctly. 20140213 – Ed Lewis, The Plasmoid Paradigm and the Current Depression Period

    Ken Shoulders wrote or published a short paper about superconductivity by using plasmoids in the decade of the 2000s. I think atoms change state from dormant atoms to active plasmoid atoms but can remain in situ in a material. The atoms in a plasmoid state can superconduct electricity if conditions are right and they are the right state. I think there are various states of atomic plasmoids because bigger micro plasmoids state shift between black and white states and maybe grey states.

    This plasmoid state of matter concept also helps us to understand superfluidity.

    Ed Lewis, The Plasmoid Paradigm and the Current Depression Period...1:16:

    This comment interested me. How would one explain planetary hexagonal plasmoid markings such as on Mercury and Mars? Towards the two hour mark of that video, I showed about 15 such planetary or planetary lunar pictures. As I wrote in my prior post, how did a visible micro ball lightning as Matsumoto watched it leave his cell, hit an emulsion, and leave the hexagonal plate in Matsumoto's picture on Lutz Jaitner's history page?

    Chart Showing the Temporal Spacing of Paradigm Shifts in Physics at 80-Year Intervals

    As you can see in the above charts, the big changes of paradigms in physics happen along a regular pattern of 80 years of time. From Copernicus in 1505 to the formulation of the plasmoid paradigm in 1992, the time between each formulation of the basic principles of a major physics theory ranged from about 73 to 87 years. The average is 80 years.

    In 1992 as far as I know, I first formulated the current plasmoid theory. During the 1990s, the only people I knew who had ideas anywhere similar to mine were Matsumoto and Shouders. Matsumoto tried to introduce concepts about the microscopic ball lightnings and how they were involved in transmutation effects based on his understanding of quantum physics since he was trained in the theory and was familiar with it.

    Shoulders introduced some new hypotheses, some of which I think are valid, but he never developed or tried to introduce a theory himself. In 1992, I had a very basic theory about plasmoids. It is a general theory.

    Now in 2018, the field is sort of stagnant. There is a lack of good experimental evidence to enable me or anyone else to develop this paradigm's basic theory further. Good experiments have been done in this decade, but their results were mostly the same as those of Urutskoev, Savvatimova et al. in the prior decade and the results of Matsumoto and Shoulders in the 1980s and 1990s. The researchers who published in this decade seemed to lack time and better equipment.

    No model of a plasmoid (ball lightning) works unless it explains all ball lightning behavior. Many people over the last three or four decades have published models about their structure, and some people have sent me their ideas personally. But few did much study on real natural plasmoid behavior.

    For example, Matsumoto was able to see microplasmoids appear and move around in his experiments using a "micro telescope." Once he saw plasmoids leave the electrode, leave the water, and hit his nuclear emulsion film. He saw that one that did this left behind a hexagonal-shaped plate.

    You can see a picture by Matsumoto of a hexagonal-shaped plate on Lutz Jaitner's webpage under his history page: http://www.condensed-plasmoids.com/history.htm

    I don't know if the plate I just described is the same plate as in this picture by Matsumoto. But I have a vague memory that it looked about the same as this because he sent me a blurred copy if I remember correctly. Can any theory explain how this unusual behavior happened? Why did it move slowly enough so he could watch it? Why and how did it transform into a hexagonal-shaped plate?

    Very big hexagonal marks left by plasmoids seem common on planets as I showed near the end of Gary Hendershot's smartscarecrow video called The Plasmoid Paradigm and the Current Depression Period.

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    Any model or theory of plasmoids has to explain these behaviors. And this is just one of many tests for any model.

    Tests for a Plasmoid Model

    Boring and passing through: Some ball lightnings pass through glass and some bore a hole in them. Shoulders described a hypothesis about various shifting states of plasmoids from dark to light, and natural ball lightning phenomena (Egon Bach presented good evidence of this) exhibits the same behavior. I came to the same conclusion independently while reading about ball lightning behavior.

    Slow motion: Not all plasmoids move fast. Some remain stationary relative to the earth's surface or relative to material they are in or on. Others move slowly. This is why most people who saw natural macroscopic ball lightning saw them.

    Morphological and elemental change at stationary sites: Transmutation residues are left behind along with amazing morphological changes. For example, Dash showed how filaments grew over time and evidence of isotopic change. Others described similar seemingly impossible behavior after the end of experiments along with elemental transmutation.

    In the early 1990s, I hypothesized about atomic states. I think that what people are observing in this type of situation is the behavior of atoms in the active plasmoid state. See the end of this paper for Dash's experiment. http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LewisEtracksofba.pdf

    Changing speeds: Also, some natural macroscopic ball lightning change speed and direction transitioning from moving to being stationary and moving again. According to Matsumoto's reports, micro ball lightning also exhibits this behavior.

    Ball lightning lead lightning bolts: Big ball lightning lead lightning bolts. Modern very fast cameras have videoed how ball lightnings we can't see visually with our eyes moving in the air set up spaces that the lightning bolts we see visually fill in. But the BL are not moving at anywhere near the speed of light.

    Do any of the models or ideas presented on this thread about Shoulders and black holes present an explanation or prediction about these behaviors? How would a tachyon or monopole-based model explain these behaviors? I don't think it is possible. These are only several of dozens of questions a valid plasmoid theory needs to be able to answer. A good plasmoid theory must also be a general theory that explains the many anomolous astrophysical plasmoid phenomena.

    Understanding Plasmoids

    A person on this thread was asking, "What is it?" I suggest watch this video:

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    . I presented for about 2 hours. The first 1.5 hours is about plasmoids, ball lightning, and transmutation effects. There are many important pictures along with a very slow motion video of lightning. Moray King talks a little too and filled in when my connection was disrupted several times.

    The last half hour is mostly about my theory that paradigm shifts happen every 80 years and we are in the Plasmoid Paradigm. I explained how the paradigm shifts lead to economic depressions.

    By watching this, you can learn more about the states of plasmoids and the plasmoid state of matter. The video is choppy though, so be patient. The connection improved as we went along, and we had some good discussion about 45 minutes into the presentation.


    What is really needed is a lot more and better experimentation with better equipment. The quality of experimental equipment has improved since the 1990s, and good equipment costs less. For example, high-speed video cameras of the quality to video micro ball lightnings and the transmutation and transformation of a piece of material exhibiting plasmoid activity are much less expensive.

    It seems to me that some people are interested in forming models or speculating about what plasmoids are without much of an understanding of the research in this area and natural ball lightning activity. I think it is a waste of time. For this field to develop, good experiments must be performed. I hope this piece gets people interested in learning about these very important objects.

    The picture article (LION - Tracks... Does this confirm the Kieth Fredericks Tachyon structure?) doesn't have a lot of information. The marks remind me of pictures 4b, 11b, 12, and the top line of marks in Fig. 7 by Daviau et al. at http://aflb.ensmp.fr/AFLB-381/aflb381m778.pdf

    This paper by Daviau et al is important. It shows evidence of repetitive plasmoid markings accompanying something that seems to have been moving below the surface (in Figs. 11 and 12). It is important to study such traces indepthly to analyze the under the surface morphological/chemical/elemental transformation.

    Any model or hypothesis about these objects has to be applicable for all sizes of ball lightnings. I don't know whether the tachyon model or a monopole model can fit for macroscopic natural ball lightning that range upwards in size to tornado-sized objects in the atmosphere and even larger objects out in space.

    "Plasmoids" is a general term for this type of object. It was coined by Bostick in the 1950s or so.

    Ball lightning (BL) has strange energy effects such as the ability of some to melt a hole through a window, electrical discharges, and their ability to pass through a window without damaging it. The large natural ball lightning that people can see are called macroscopic ball lightning. There are similar unusual effects in smaller sizes of ball lightning (micro BL or microscopic BL).

    Most ball lightning researchers think they range in size from the size of a marble up, but actually, they can be smaller (the sparks people see shooting off them are usually smaller ball lightnings).

    In the field I developed, we call these microscopic ball lightning (if people need a microscope to see them) or micro ball lightning if you can see them.

    These too might act the same way and split and shoot off even smaller miniature ball lightnings.

    This is an important topic to understand in depth.

    I'm sending a link to a published article if people would like to read about the research in the first two decades.


    Ed Lewis