PhysicsForDummies Verified User
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  • from San Diego CA USA
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Posts by PhysicsForDummies

    In college I performed a version of the Rutherford scattering experiment, with alpha particles scattering off gold nuclei. I came up with the same results and was able to calculate the size of the gold nucleus. The Coulomb force calculations seemed accurate. Similarly I have seen no experimental data which invalidates Maxwell's equations. Until I see a clear experiment which suggests these are not valid for calculations I think this discussion on the nomenclature of "charge" vs. "mass" is esoteric.

    The Roland from ECW is literally the biggest a-whole on that site. If Roland is really Roland Pettersson, Uppsala should be notified. I even feel sorry for Axil sometimes when Roland is laying into him with his intimate understanding of everything Rossi.

    Pardon, clarify, Thanks 😁? Bob Greenyer, others and myself have quoted research showing that stripping an atom of it's outer electrons will increase the likelihood of beta decay. Rays at 4keV per atom should get that job done.

    The Bob Greenyer reference does not lend credibility, sorry to be blunt.

    The payment of $10m to Rossi in June 2013 may not be much, but I sure could make it last a while.

    Ten mil lasts quite a while, especially when you use that money to buy condos.

    Investment property rents allow you to pay for lots of things, except apparently your contractors that have to sue you for payment.


    Local Case Number:2017-012030-CA-01Filing Date:05/19/2017
    State Case Number:132017CA012030000001Judicial Section:CA24
    Consolidated Case No.:N/ACase Type:Contract & Indebtedness
    Case Status:OPEN

    Zephir_AWT, from your "negentropic" link above, a quote from you:

    "Even the conformal changes of protein molecules within our bodies often exhibit the hysteresis, which could drain the energy from vacuum for yogins and breatharians."

    Are you saying successful breatharians actually exist? My favorite is "Human Barbie". She doesn"t eat yet stays smoking hot. Do you believe all crackpot theories, or just the vast majority of them?…ght-air-article-1.1707932

    I think you discovered Rossi's team of experts.! (or a part) .. they build their own science around ECAT .. is a real source for AR tremendous advances in physics.

    Both Axil and Vibrator talk at length about their own physics theories to explain Rossi's miraculous results. However they argue amongst themselves that each others theories are wrong, and both agree Rossi is wrong. But they both believe in Rossi still. It makes perfect sense.

    There have been many scammers who have been enabled by protectors, and some brave people had the tenacity to expose them. This story is ancient. Do you remember the Emporers new clothes? Bernie Madoff? It is obvious Rossi has done serious damage to the respectability of real LENR researchers. If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. Squashing criticism of a scammer is not the high moral ground. I think it is more self serving, to save face after supporting him in the past, which I did briefly.

    I have an idea to solve this Rossi is a scammer or not discussion. Let's please focus on specific pieces of evidence and decide if they represent a truthful hero or scammer. Before accusing people of casual insults, please respond to the following.

    1. Rossi claimed to have hand soldered 10000 connections on a reactor of size 100 cm cubed. Is this claim heroic or a scam?

    2. Rossi claimed he was in Europe but not Italy, and not quarantined. At the same time his lawyers claimed he was quarantined in Italy. Is this claim heroic or a scam?

    3. Rossi claims his SKLed has 10x the ouput of current high efficiency LEDs. Yet it is unable to power itself closed loop using PV cells, since PVs are so efficient in UV, which the Skled doesn't emit. Is this claim heroic or a scam?

    4. Rossi claimed an indepedent customer who he admitted in court depositions was himself. Is this claim heroic or a scam?

    We can continue this discussion if casual insults are questioned.

    I would not be surprised if lawyers paid by AR would threaten this site

    What lawyer would take that case? Rossi would have to prove he is not a scammer and his critics have no merit. Good luck with that. Who would be his character witness? Mats Lewan? I guess he could shine the Skled into the jury's eyes and blind them to "prove" his earth shattering invention.

    Dr. Skam said that his magic lamp produces a white color light (5000 K) generating more of 10000 lumens in an angle of 60 degrees using only 4 W.

    The above means that putting this lamp at a distance of 1 meters it would be available about 11800 lux (1096 foot-candle) on an area of about 1.1 m2.

    Did you calculate how much electrical power can produce a PV cell under this kind of illumination?

    It is a "special" visible white light between 440nm and 700nm that current PV cells are not "tuned" to, you fool. Don't question MOM. (Magician of Miami).

    Maybe we can get Mats Lewan to explain it to you.

    To be clear : Are you predicting that there will be no working product that will be shown and tested at a Swedish customer premises on November 25 2021?

    Depends on the definition of "working". If working means a device which outputs 10x the photonic energy output of current high end LEDs at the same input energy, then hell no. If working means some cobled together Home Depot based farce like the last demo with switches in the box to trick out tests, or perhaps a new main wiring which supplies power through the ground, perhaps.

    I'll go even one further. There will be no demo at a "customer" site, if customer is defined as a real company, not a shell of Rossi, with say more than 50 employees and more than 500k yearly revenues.

    But what does this have to do with overunity energy generation? What you are talking about seems to be related to carrier frequencies like those used in AM, amplitude modulation. Nothing magical here, this doesn't increase energy in pulses.