Navid Member
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  • Member since May 11th 2018
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Posts by Navid

    The reason for this situation, is a mass psychosis. Most of this people are doing this because of --- a profound disillusionment -- an addiction to materialism.

    * Go with program = riches for some, surely billions and billions are being spent

    * Go with program = keep "my riches" for others, that nice paying Professorship with the ability to drink coffee without stress, and stay in respectability even though the streets could be on fire outside the Ivory Tower

    * Go with program = psychological survival for many, most don't know T-cell from the T-line on a subway, they are spouting data and stats because of a terror, a profound fear that has taken over them --- this is the operating platform for most people in society -- even though they would never say they are terrorized

    * Go with program = for the young, they are giving in to the delusion of being in a culture trying to save itself, when in fact, the elites have unleashed a parasite to consume the culture and draw it into the delusion

    As Towne Criers, why do you engage in this? You've been deceived. Maybe you've been deceived that if you deceive others you'll stay part of the club....why not exit the club? Maybe you've been cult programmed at a young age. Maybe your programmers don't care about you? Do you feel it would break you if you had to go with the Truth?

    I genuinely want to know why people on the periphery are continuing this op which is failing so badly. Maybe to be specific, the entire op is based on forcing a false reality onto others. YOU MUST TAKE THE VACCINE OR REALITY ITSELF WILL BE EXTINGUISHED. It is morally bankrupt to the core, because it PRETENDS TO CARE WHEN IT IS PARASITIC AND EVIL TO THE CORE. This entire thing cannot lead to anything stable.

    A man who lies to himself and listens to his own lie comes to a point where he does not discern any truth either in himself or anywhere around him, and thus falls into disrespect towards himself and others. Dostoyevsky

    If you have to be persuaded, reminded, bullied, pressured, incentivized, lied to, guilt tripped, coerced, socially shamed, censored, threatened, paid, punished, and criminalized, if all of this is necessary to gain your compliance, you can be absolutely certain what is being promoted is not in your best interest

    This is absolutely a global crime of a proportion so immense the people of the world are truly unable to comprehend the matrix they are in. The fact that this board is being used to promote this is despicable. The Towne Criers who are on constant post and respond are just a small bit of evidence.

    That's why the US health care system soon will be ranked 177th on this planet...

    Only the poorest Indian people can afford a CoV-19 treatment.

    When do the US people understand that the FM/R/J/B just now rips off their last meat from the bones ?!

    Nobody understands anything as evidenced by this site. People are willing to discount mass observational evidence from now hundreds of doctors using it - and consider that "anecdotal" but are looking for some statistical darling study iinstead (that could only be funded by pharma but wont be funded by pharma)

    I almost encourage these people to suck themselves into the matrix and consider the best use of their mind and body maybe to go get "quad vaxxed" with two moderna and two pfizer shots and then 2 updates! Volunteers?

    I didn't see any table with severe cases - Table 4 shows this?

    CT is about 31 across the board.

    No not at all. I think people who don't wear a mask right now are idiots if unvaccinated and taking a chance if vaccinated. As for schools, again I have no problem with kids wearing masks but one mask for 7 hours a day, day after day is insane!!! They need to change masks every hour or what's the point. Do you understand now Thomas, we aren't as far apart as you keep trying to make it

    LOL. There is no science for masks, full stop. I've read all of it. Send me your best article, and let's review it.

    Once more the official Pfizer report: Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an Unapproved ProductReview Memorandum Pfizer BNT162.pdf

    The problem is that Pfizer did kick out all early COV-19 cases from the vaccine groups. The study was the biggest cheat ever as Pfizer had the supervision what is 100% against the rules.

    In the attached image is the 311 people with "protocol deviations" -- how did you know what the deviations are? The study has obscured all data about what happened between dose 1 and 2 and the actual cases happening there.

    Wyttenbach I was looking for your old post on the Pfizer data - you linked it but I couldnt find it. I looked at the FDA and Pfizer study for the people who may have had ~200 symptoms that were been excluded. I couldnt tell where that was. I know both arms had 1000+ people who had suspected but not confirmed stuff going on which could sway the results right away.

    The FDA study said this:

    Among 3410 total cases of suspected but unconfirmed COVID-19 in the overall study
    population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group. Suspected
    COVID-19 cases that occurred within 7 days after any vaccination were 409 in the vaccine
    group vs. 287 in the placebo group. It is possible that the imbalance in suspected COVID-19
    cases occurring in the 7 days postvaccination represents vaccine reactogenicity with symptoms
    that overlap with those of COVID-19.

    I found this image on the protocol which doesnt talk about that.

    Maybe you can help me find out what happened...

    I wanted data of suspected infections in the first dose and after the 2nd but could not see it

    And yet the number of cases falls to zero when people are vaccinated. And it is the same spike you get with the common cold, which does not hospitalize or kill you. How strange!

    So are the statistics showing that the vaccine eliminates the disease, and that it has caused zero casualties. That's hard evidence from millions of actual pathologists, actual epidemiologists, public health agencies, doctors and hospitals. So, why do you believe what this one crackpot says and ignore what all the others say?

    I am not trained in trauma psychology - so I'm not qualified to respond to disassociation.

    The Towne Criers are like a bunch of flies swarming around. Is there collusion, of course, at scale, no? -- yes of course. Can't be. LOL. You don't know anything about how the world works. Look into Freemasonry and wakeup.

    For those who still aren't mind controlled go understand the spike protein is what causes the disease - not the corona virus it was attached to. From an actual pathologist, so this is hard evidence.

    Ryan Cole MD AFLDS PHYSICIAN A scientific clarification of what these injections do in the head and other organs of the vaccinated people

    No not available as a 3 months test is needed: (Exception Dr. Mengeles home state Israel...) They went all in for alpha and the RSA strain. Delta cheated them...

    Wyttenbach, you must have a lovely wife to have patience to tolerate the histrionics here. The Towne Criers haranguing and throwing emotional fits to convince us to push the needle in the arm is no longer even funny. It's like being in a mental institution where the inmates run the asylum.

    I agree that for the US situation (obese kids short from diabetes II) a vacciantion is a good option albeit it will kill/disable 100x more kids than PIMS if the RNA gen therapy is used. Best would be to take take a vector vaccine = Sinovac. But as said the ranked 34 health system with a clear agenda to kill patients for money...

    Why is it so hard to give a Kid ivermectin. Or monoclonal antibodies. I think you guys forget, the danger is not the corona it is the spike in the corona. You can read 10,20,30,40 pages of refutation by the Towne Criers but it won't change the simple fact. The toxin is the spike protein.

    Do as we say, not as we do. Masks for thee, but not for me. This is just one of many examples:…irthday-brunch-Oprah.html

    Shane, you are old enough now to understand how the world works. Obama and the political middle men are are right behind the police and military (strong man) - they know that the true elite (guy with the dark suit) - will let them get away with hypocracy and establish confusion so that the middle class cheers for them or gets angry at them in a constant psychodrama to take away your energy. You and me are the guys with the loaf of bread - we get by.

    The people on this board promoting vaccines? They are in minor cults created by the dark suited guy. They don't know they are in a cult, that's how programmed they can be.

    I didn't draw this, the dark suited guys drew this.

    I leave it to you to figure out who announces with revelry the coming of the dark suited guy (his plans for you are what is announced - "His arrival" not his presence at your dinner table haha -- like The Great Reset or Build Back Better

    Last night running/walking our dog along the shores of Lake Ontario, I came across someone in the near dark who was also walking his dog. As we approached I recognized him, and he cautioned that I should not get too close, as he suspected he had Covid. (His symptoms apparently checked all the right boxes.) He wasn't wearing a mask, but then he wasn't expecting to be bumping into an acquaintance like me in the middle of nowhere at night. He said that although he was double vaxxed he was really feeling the effects of covid. We got to talking and he shared that he was an academic, a professor at a university outside of Toronto. He was discouraged about the attitudes of many of his fellow academics, the elitism, the 'rules are made for the masses, not for us' type of attitude. Very humble and down to earth fellow, who is being crushed by a combination of elitism and wokeness at the university. Although we had briefly chatted before, this was all new to me, and I felt for the guy. Anyway, we walked about twenty minutes back to our homes together chatting, as he lives about two blocks away from me. I made sure I was a little ahead of him as we walked together, to lessen any virus dosage I might receive. So I probably got a little booster shot last night.

    Just a little something to brighten Jed and THH's day.

    Maybe you can expand on if he was in the sciences, and what he meant by "rules are for the masses"? Did he mean they didnt want to play ball with the One Gov dictates from WHO?

    100%. They are trying to carry us into totalitarianism. The blinding of all spiritual light. The individual is crushed. Everyone must "sacrifice" their arm for the other. Isn't that the plan?

    The state where the rules change all the time. Apparently everyone now can put out cookies for Santa Fauci to serve us an expensive drug that will do less than the almost free one. The search engines will open up and allow discussion on the M but not the I.

    And the deceiver gets credibility through his position.

    This is someone who loves to lie and deceive. He relishes in it.

    Natural antibodies are at least 40x better protecting than vaccines <--- Israel data= reality not a study or fake news!

    Vaccines are OK for people age > 65 with comorbities. Anybody healthy and younger than 65, going to vaccinate, is on a Russian roulette trip that will continue roller coaster like. Further he is a jumping Jack in the biggest big pharma fraud ever!

    are you sure this is about antibodies? Or the broad spectrum of immune response from natural infection.

    Not 110%?

    Do you remember that flu is more dangerous than CoV-19 for people age < 55? Poor immune suppressed live in a flu non vaxxed world..

    This board has become a vaccine promotion vehicle for a couple of the usual suspects. Just a reminder to the board admins, that when things really go south these promoters will be long gone to their little cave no longer defending the indefensible -- and you'll have to admit you were played!

    Keep holding down Fort Reality Wyttenbach. But you are being too nice, I suspect we are T-minus a few days from second and third confirmations of graphene oxide in the shot.

    And then this board will diverge even more into Fairytale land with the promoters telling us how it was ok and justified and not to make anything of it. Mmmm myyy precious vaccine! Laugh a little, you have "schoolchildren" acting like they know science!